The practice drills are over. It’s now time to become sincere about your Light work. The end of the “Eleventh Hour” is tonight at one nanosecond after mid-night.
In the study of Numerology you will find that “9” is the number of Completion for it’s most basic of meanings. If you multiply it times any other number it will return back unto its self, try it.
9X1=9, 9X2=18 (1+8)=9 In numerology you add until you have one digit remaining. So you can multiply 9 times 987 Quadrillion of any other set of numbers and you will end up with 9 at the end.
Today you are in the eleventh month of the end of many coalesced or integrated cycles. Tonight you will go into a 9 cycle. Just after midnight tonight, or tomorrow morning, is 12/01/2012, 1+2+0+1+2+0+1+2=9. The month in the year of completion.
Tomorrow is also the beginning of the twelfth month, called the "twelfth hour." Linear time as you have know it to be shortens by the hour until its closing date of 12/21, "Zero Point."
On 12/12/2012 we go into the beginning of the ending of the most important and potent of the Transmuting Supply House of Higher Energies than you have yet to ever know. This day is the first of the “Mater Numbers,” 11. 1+2+1+2+2+0+1+2=11. 11 is in its most basic meaning is Unity. This is also symbolic of where God returns to Self, Complete Unity.