- 9/11/2012 -- Large Eruption at Sakurajima Volcano in Japan
- The gifts 9/11 gave me
- The Daily note
- ~Update from Sheldon Nidle~ The Coming Transformation~
- Blue Star UFO Report - September 11, 2012
- Obama-Hugger Scott Van Duzer - Founder of The Van Duzer Foundation
- Little Horse Thief Fire threatens Jackson, Wyoming
- How To Clear Blocks In The Energy Field
- Ashtar Leads: Portal Activation Meditation Now, Including: Firing Up the Grids of Love for the Sun, Every Man, Woman, and Child,
- Ascension Diary Wednesday 12th September
- ~The Galactic Free Press Update A Planet Wide Portal has Opened YEEHAW!
- Pink's Preview Tuesday Sept. 11, 2012 Events
- Worry Not-Waste Not
- Action On The Surface Of Jupiter - Sep. 10th
- Changes in the Sun are Changing Science as we Know It.
- Holding our vibration: Moving into the Heart
- T-100: 100 Days and Counting
- ~ Love Truths To Brighten Up Your Day~
- Active 2012 Hurricane Season Filled With Oddities
- How To Make Natural Toothpaste
- ~What is NESARA Law?~ REPOST~
- The Library of Light My 4th NDE
- Visualizing First Contact! Meeting Our Family Half Way~
- Hungary Throws Out Monsanto AND The IMF
- Increasing Connected Communication
- China’s President-in-Waiting ‘Disappears’
- Ode to we, the people, on the 11th anniversary of 9.11.01
- ~ The Energy of The Twin Flame and The New Earth=Heart~
- Heavenletter #4310 God Wants to Do Something About You , September 12, 2012
- Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin arrested over embezzlement
- The Gunung Padang 'Pyramid' Mystery
- Indonesian volcano shakes, spews lava
- Rotten smell reeks havoc across Southern California
- Blue Star UFO Report - The Battle of Los Angeles
- SEP 12, Yoj's Daily Ascended and Free
- 'Unrevealed Secrets' About UFOs To Be Described By Ex-Military During Lecture
- People Appreciation Day: One lovely story of reaching out
- Oracle Report - Wednesday, September 12, 2012
- Visionkeeper - Are you feeling it?
- 2MIN News Sept 12, 2012
- Costa Rica’s earthquake aftermath: 1650 aftershocks and still shaking
- Costa Rican officials: A strong earthquake could still occur in Guanacaste
- Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa 12-September-2012
- Planetary Alignment / Earthquake Watch Nov 28, 2012
- Your future is taking on a glorious golden hue
- Cosmic Lovers
- You can see signs everywhere that the old order is crumbling
- Rains ravage Sindh, leaving up to 58 dead
- Leslie cleanup in Newfoundland kicks into gear
- NESARA, ST GERMAIN ---- MUST READ through Michael ElLegion
- Apocalypse or Not?
- Our Seamless Ascension ~ 1
- ~ Special Internet Love Party~ Join us at 10:30am Pacific
- ~ReHearter from OSHO~ Very Important Truths for the Moments we are IN!~
- ~ A Message from The Angels~ We are Here to Help~
- Sound Healing - Meditation Music {Delta Waves}
- Preparing for Fall Equinox, 2012!
- October Surprise ~ A Message from Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Friendship Friendship and support
- Gabriel's Monthly Weather Report Of Physical & Emotional Symptoms for September - December, 2012
- People reaching out to help people - for sustainable neighbourhoods
9/11/2012 -- Large Eruption at Sakurajima Volcano in Japan
After a period of relative silence, Sakurajima Volcano in Japan has given off a spectacular eruption. Large volumes of magma/lava , static discharge lightning, ash, and steam are propelled miles into the air.
Still on elevated alert around the area in south Japan from the agency which monitors this chain of volcanoes.
mirrored with permission from:
The gifts 9/11 gave me
Yesterday in Australia we saw the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on humanity… 11 years before 9/11 saw George Bush SNR gives us this (now) famous quote ”“[The war in Iraq is] a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times…a new world order can emerge.”
The acts that were carried out against humanity 11 years ago should not be forgotten, but nor should it (in my opinion) be a constant source of further inflammation of hate and anger. Instead of further enslaving humanity 9/11 for me has become a beacon of awakening. It was the turning point for me to begin my investigation as to what really happened that day, which led to me having a much clearer understanding of those who would seek to control/ manipulate/ cajole and eliminate. Unfortunately for them the fear and scare mongering that was force fed to us through the mainstream media did not work on me, and so I looked deeper, followed the trail and found that the real truth did not align with what was being ‘sold’ to us through the media.
The Daily note
Today holds a many in mourning. I hear 70+ countries had people in those towers...Ive heard the names read off.... .... ... .. .... seems like forever. But yeah, we need to share the Stinger missile video, the one which has the IR marker shown just before impact.
WE need to tell the truth.
Numbers dont lie. Buildings dont fall floor after floor.Its all or nothing. Chunks at a time.
TO those that dont know much about steel, Ive lived on a steel ship for over four years. Does it give, under great pressure.Does it warp, only when impacted. Does it BURN? not unless you use a gas torch to it. Paint on the other side may burn...but the steel will remain in place. Any NAVAL firefighter will tell you that. STEEL is STEEL. I dont care if its a A-brace, a K-brace, or a building brace.
Yet DC (and news media) make it look like its made from aluminum tin foil. No my friends, steel is not forgiving. Its ROCK SOLID. It doesnt move easily.
Airplanes are made from ...you guessed it AIRPLANE grade ALUMINUM. (which when superheated, will melt)
Thermite will tear thru an engine block if put on the hood of a car.
ANY more questions about 911? The flyover? I dont know.. damage estimator? Yes there was a UFO there. It whizzed by a news helochopper.
Today was a day of unification of being HU-MEN and HU-WOMEN.Of being EARTHLINGS.
But dont get me wrong. Leave a package on the subway downtown...I will find who left it.
We should be policeing ourselves. WHAT happened to neighborhood watch? Cartel got in the way? TERRORISTS(theres that IST and ISM word again) got in the way?...THIS IS AMERICA! TAKE it BACK and KEEP it that way. IF we DO NOTHING, they will take it back from us. HAVE we LEARNED NOTHING?
Today is the day to BE WHO WE ARE.
~Update from Sheldon Nidle~ The Coming Transformation~
4 Cauac, 7 Zip, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We come today to give you a message. This message is about the coming transformation of your world. At present, a number of spectacular events are happening around your globe. They herald the great change that is preparing to manifest. Humanity is awakening from its long slumber and is no longer inclined to allow its earthly masters to dictate which path to follow. Humanity is now actively advocating that true democracy be established on your world, and the old guard who led the former global kleptocracy is no longer able to force you to blindly obey their commands. The multitudes are calling for a general discussion on every issue. The protests in Mexico, the formal decrees in Iceland, and the active rebellion in Syria demonstrate the degree of determination that lies behind what humanity is demanding en masse from its 'rulers.' The time has come for a clean sweep, leading to a wholly new paradigm which can supply real solutions to age-old problems; but above all, it must be a time when universal sovereignty becomes a living, breathing reality that is honored and safeguarded by every nation on the planet.
Blue Star UFO Report - September 11, 2012
Roswell Daily Record, July 8, 1947, announcing the "capture" of a "flying saucer."
Obama-Hugger Scott Van Duzer - Founder of The Van Duzer Foundation
Scott Van Duzer gained a lot of attention from the media after this video of the Obama-hugging Republican went viral.
According to The Huffington Post,
On Monday, Van Duzer appeared on "The Situation Room," explaining to Wolf Blitzer the hug was spontaneous, not staged, as some have alleged. "I guess I got caught up in the moment," Van Duzer said. "I had a brief moment when I knew he was coming. He opened up the door and he was like, 'Where's Scott at?' ... I was just so excited, I just gave him a big hug and picked him up. It was crazy."
Little Horse Thief Fire threatens Jackson, Wyoming
Source: Exopermaculture.com, Ann Kreilkamp, 9/11/12.
Possible evacuation area as of one day ago. Fire approaching from southwest.
In any other year, this fire, which threatens a resort area visited by millions each summer, might have made the national news.
I remember 1988, when the gigantic Yellowstone fire blanketed the valley with a thick pall and no rain fell between April and October. That fire was heavily covered by national and international media.
But now, in this unprecedented era of global weirding, fire — and drought, and dead forests due to pine beetle infestation — is only one of the geophysical stresses we face.
How To Clear Blocks In The Energy Field
Everyone on Earth has blocks in their energy fields. Our souls carry an energetic imprint of everything that has ever occurred during our entire soul’s evolution.
We are at a time in our evolution where these blocks are being released so we can free ourselves of our karmic distortions and imbalances that no longer serve our highest good. As the Earth continues to move further and further into the photon belt of the transformational Christ Light Energies it will be important for us to actively participate in our own energetic clearing.
Every soul is a cell on the Earth’s body and part of our soul’s mission is to heal ourselves. When we clear out our energetic blocks ~ raising our vibrations ~ we assist the Earth and All of Humanity paving the way for a smooth, easy transition into the VERY high vibrational energies of the New Earth.
Ashtar Leads: Portal Activation Meditation Now, Including: Firing Up the Grids of Love for the Sun, Every Man, Woman, and Child,
Ashtar Leads: Portal Activation Meditation Now, Including: Firing Up the Grids of Love for the Sun, Every Man, Woman, and Child, plus the Heart of Mother Earth! State of the Planet Address: Feeling Urgency of Missions, Ascending Mother Earth, Making Sacrifices!
Lord Ashtar
Ascension Diary Wednesday 12th September
Time is still playing silly buggers with me ~ I feel like I'm now living in "the eternal now" as I really have no idea of days or dates, when I'm sending correspondence from my business I find myself having to switch my phone on just so I can recite the time or the day.. The fact that I can say that my relationship with time has changed shows to me how far I have come on my journey. Only a few years ago wherever I looked I would be surrounded by clocks, and would be constantly asking what the time was, how much time we had left (on a certain project), what time did i have to be somewhere etc.. Then one day I got rid of clocks in my house, this didn't happen over night, but gradually one by one the clocks went by the wayside... No bedside clock, no clock in the kitchen, no watch.. These days the only timepiece in my house is the one that is on the front of my microwave. Yet I'm never late for appointments, I have plenty of time to get whatever needs to be done in my day done and find that I am far less stressed. I've now discovered time works 'for' me not 'against' me.. A significant shift in my belief system and one that I've noticed cementing itself to me as a marker on my ascension journey. So I find it interesting that yesterday a common theme I heard when talking to people was time and the varying beliefs that we all hold around it.. I had a realisation when I was talking to a friend over dinner last night that busy is our new collective definition of success.. Think about it, how many times do you hear people ask "You keeping busy" "Have you been busy" "Are you busy".. I could go on and on, and a lot of responses when you ask people 'how' they are will respond with "busy". The realisation I had was this... Busy keeps us in the dark to the truth... If you truly wish to connect with your heart, your higher self, your spirit then you look to slow things down and go within..
~The Galactic Free Press Update A Planet Wide Portal has Opened YEEHAW!
Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~ A Planet Wide Portal has Opened
Greetings Love Beings, The Intensity of the 99 Portal we just went through has simply been amazing, miracles of Joy are manifesting and many are experiencing and feeling the excitement in the Air. A Planetwide Portal has opened, and this is now pouring energy into the collective consciousness assisting in Multi~ dimensional ways.This is triggering more into awakening. This will also lift the Planetary Vibrational Frequency, increase the synchronostic events for those in the Oneness Energy, and for those clinging to the old it will become increasingly uncomfortable.
Pink's Preview Tuesday Sept. 11, 2012 Events
1) Costa Rican earthquake did not relieve pressure
2) rotten smell wreaks havoc across S. California
3) Activity increases at Indonesia's Mt. Krakatau
4) Costa Rica's earthquake aftermath - 1,650 aftershocks and still shaking.
WEBSITE: theextinctioprotocol.com
Worry Not-Waste Not
I am attempting to CATCH YOUR EYE ' ' Here try this: December, 21st, 2012, THE END OF TIME AS WE KNOW IT TO BE!!! However, we are fast approaching the 'stabilization' of a 'NEW PHASE' if you will, of life on Earth, and a NEW EARTH as well. The Aliens in Missouri that I have previously posted here caught quite a bit of attention from you and some of you that are living in "FEAR" of our "Ancestors" yes our family members that have been called back to us in the major shifts that are now occurring and will continue long after the end of 2012.
But for now it is High time to get out of your states of 'FEAR' as this will PREVENT you from entering the "GATES OF HEAVEN" as most of you in the west understand it to be, or 5th Dimension. I'm not the guy with all the information, but have been blessed with the time to find much of the truth of what is and will continue to transpire to bring us up and out of the muck and mire into the LIGHT/CHRIST Energies that are permeating our Planet and won't be letting up anytime soon.
Did you know that CMEs or Solar Flares once they arrive that they don’t dissipate without leaving their new “mark?” This new energy signature is Permanent. It changes everything from when it arrives into the new future that it just established.
All the symptoms that you are experiencing are shared in differing ways by all of us now. I mean tell me that your sleep patterns and eating habits are body aces and pains are normal, I know better as I am one of you. This nearly constant stream of Energy coming to us now is causing the 'dark forces' to "SHINE FORTH" (Every Eye Shall See") in this LIGHT.
Changes in the Sun are Changing Science as we Know It.
by Vatic Master
*** This is back up because of the massive actions of the sun right now, and this is a year and two months later from when we first published this article. Check out the video and decide for yourselves, but everything discussed here seems to be accelerating right now and its to the good for us. I believe the dark forces are way late in achieving their agenda so far because of it.
We have added a new section, Part 2 to the existing one and it confirms what we found back then and is being confirmed by the current behavior of the sun outside of its normal activity during its normal active cycle period. Definitely watch both videos, especially the second one about how it will change humans.
Holding our vibration: Moving into the Heart
Dear Ascension Pioneers!
The more that we realize how important it is to hold our vibration at its highest right now, the more this will become a daily priority in our life. This is what is of utmost importance on our planet right now, and that is what so many volunteers came here to do. That is why we are truly invited to bring even more Love and Light when it gets the most challenging and difficult. And remember, all is a matter of perception anyway, so we are also invited to keep working on that. Nothing is either good or bad, for it's all about the experience.
We are not to give our power away to the external; the conditions, situations and people in our life, they are supposed to empower us as we keep sending more Light and Being the Love that we are!
Remember ... only Love has the power, for Love is truly the only real power in all Creation!
Within Divine Love, Polona
T-100: 100 Days and Counting
2012 September 11
The countdown clock at the foot of this site numbers 100 days today, September 11, 2012 – 9/11. One-hundred days until liftoff. T-100.
Viewed from my perspective, everything behind the scenes that I’m aware of, and much of it cannot be shared, is expanding in significance, demanding that lightworkers become more conscious, calling on us to raise our maturity levels, asking us to true up to our commitments, etc.
One reader wrote to me a short while ago and accused me of trying to take a “fathering” role and said it was neither wanted nor needed. I hear that the mission I’m at work on sounds like that, but I can neither yield to such an allegation and cease what I’m doing nor allow myself to become afraid of facing comments such as that.
~ Love Truths To Brighten Up Your Day~
..~11~ The Age of Angels comes to the Tribe of Blue Fire, of Initiation. The Teachers of Light speak into the world, they hold the keys that unlock the time codes of destiny. The gods and goddesses of this galaxy call the dreamers to awaken & move with the fast flowing river of the heavens. The Wayshowers are feeling… the increase of power & the acceleration of the flow rushing towards destiny and prophesy….Rysa
DIVINE STARSEED~This Earth’s school is a reality show for the Universe and I am so honored to be here NOW, at this amazing times… Oh my dear brothers and sisters of the humanity, it is now time for us to make the right choice, to be the light and love that we are… My love has no limits, I am fulfilled… I can feel the whole Universe inside me… We are all blessed to be a part of this “mission earth”, so let us make it count… We truly are a tribe of many multidimensional colours… We are shining in pure LOVE ♥ ~
Active 2012 Hurricane Season Filled With Oddities
TWC – Active 2012 Hurricane Season Filled With Oddities – 11 September 2012
GFP Comment: wheter one believes this weather changes are man made or part of Mother Earth's shift changes, the fact is these changes are happening and, in the end, they serve the light as they do assist our Planet in the great cleaning of old energies that were held upon her for much too long. Love, your earth allies.
( for the videos and pictures go to the link at the end.)
The 2012 Atlantic hurricane season has been a busy one so far. The season-to-date statistics have far outpaced the long-term averages since 1966.
On average, we don’t reach the sixth named storm of the season until September 8. In 2012, we’ve already had more than double this number with a total of thirteen named storms. The number of hurricanes so far this season (seven) already almost equals the average number of hurricanes (eight) in an entire season during the current active era from 1995 to 2011.
From a fast start to a July lull and a record-tying August, we’ve seen many oddities in the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season. Let’s step through these beginning with the 2012 “preseason” storms.
How To Make Natural Toothpaste
How To Make Natural Toothpaste
By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., About.com Guide
~What is NESARA Law?~ REPOST~
Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It was signed into Law on October 10, 2000 by Bill Clinton. It has been kept secret by members of Congress and the US Supreme Court who are working in collusion with the banks.
Posted on September 11, 2012
Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
Our galactic brothers and sisters are disclosing their presence with us! One of the ways in which they do so is to appear in the skies as a cloud. The cloud can be a variety of shapes, but will appear more solid and resemble one of the several types of space ships.
Beginning on September 9, 2012, reports of saucer-like clouds filling the sky in all directions began to appear on facebook. These reports were from upstate New York, New York City, Maryland, and Virginia. I am posting photos that I made on September 10, 2012 in Richmond, Virginia. I could feel their presence in the sky.
Our galactic family comes in peace, thus their silent appearance in our glorious blue sky.
The Library of Light My 4th NDE
By “Mr. M”
Nothing remains the same after an individual has a near-death experience … nothing. The NDE forces one to remain open to the world of possibilities because who could have possibly imagined the death trip to begin with. From my point of view, had it not been for the magnitude of my initial NDE in 1972, the three that followed would have been less cohesive. As such, I’ve come to believe that multiple NDEs build upon one another in a series and I’ve written to the aftereffects of the first three on my own website at www.neardeathdialogues.com. Yet, it seems fitting that I submit my fourth (and, I hope, final) experience here, because it is the likes of Kevin Williams who have championed our individually communal cause and allowed those of us who’ve endured the journey to share what we’ve found on the other side of the veil.
Visualizing First Contact! Meeting Our Family Half Way~
~We As A Collective Consciousness Are The Ones Who Will Determine When We Are Ready To Forever Change The Vibratory Nature of Planet Earth Through Connecting With The Universal Christ Consciousness! We Are The Ones Who Are Awakening And Changing The Mindset of Those Around Us! We Are The Ones Who Are Creating Changes Within Time-Space Continuum! We Are The Ones Who Together Create The Ripple Affect In The Cosmic Waves To Bring About Our Galactic Family To Us, So We May Meet Them For The First Time! Our Energies Have To Coincide In Unison As ONE, In Order For Mass Changes To Happen! Believe In The Power of Your Mind[Heart of Love]! Project A Visual of First Contact! Keep Doing This Everyday, And You Will Bring About Positive Changes On Earth!
Changes ARE Happening At A Rapid Rate! Time Is Being Altered,Through Changes In The Auric Field of Gaia! You Are Being Watched And Studied By Numerous Ships As They Change Your Material 3D Human Substance From Carbon Based To Crystalline! It Is Up To Each Individual of What Your Reality That You Choose As Your Life Path, In Order To Manifest Which Path You’ll Take!
Hungary Throws Out Monsanto AND The IMF
Source: The Automatic Earth - Raul Ilargi Meijer, 9/7/12
Buda Castle, Hungarian Parliament Building, Budapest
I don't know about you, but I would label my personal knowledge of Hungary as wanting, if not painfully incomplete. It's not an easy country to come to grips with, not least of all of course because Hungarian doesn't look like any western language we know with the possible exception of Finnish. I did visit just after the Wall came down, and remember huge contrasts, almost paradoxes, between rural poverty and a capital, Budapest, that was much richer than other capitals such as Prague, a leftover of Budapest's status as meeting place between western and eastern diplomats and businessmen.
Increasing Connected Communication
Increasing Connected Communication
Communication, they say, is a skill and an art, something we must learn and work at to refine. Whether it’s a business, family or friendship interaction, communication is an important tool throughout our lives. We can employ it to improve ourselves, others and the world.
HeartMath believes the most sincere and effective form of communication is connected communication, in which the heart is engaged. Most of us communicate with any number of individuals every day. Often, though we exchange words and gestures or make eye contact, or we telephone, e-mail or use other means, our interactions can frequently lack the heart warmth of authentic communication.
China’s President-in-Waiting ‘Disappears’
Xi Jinping. Photo: Reuters
China’s President-in-Waiting ‘Disappears’
Stephen: It seems China’s Vice President, Xi Jinping, may well have been in containment for some time; or at least he is now. There are many rumours that the country’s leadership is about to change faces and policies, so maybe he requires a little bit more Lightwork before he can take up his new job? Or maybe he’s not the man for the job at all? I doubt there is a conspiracy at work here as this story implies – simply the light forces in action, I suspect.
It’ll be interesting to see if Xi surfaces a changed man or ‘disappears’ for good – like many other world leaders, especially those in Africa, who have been recently unable to cope with the ‘demands’ of their time in containment – and have left this world for good.
What’s interesting is that this ‘disappearance’ is making headlines around the world; showing how much more open China’s political scene has already become… and on this particular day, too.
Ode to we, the people, on the 11th anniversary of 9.11.01
Ann Kreilkamp
The 11th anniversary of 9.11.
9.11.12. It has a certain ring to it. And where are we?
On our walk this morning, puppy Shadow and I saw no chemtrails, just deep, clear, blue sky. The kind I remember from childhood.
~ The Energy of The Twin Flame and The New Earth=Heart~
~The Energy of the Twin Flame is All Inclusive, All Embracing, and All Accepting of the True Love Being Made Manifest…Twin Flames are the Unification in the Physical Manifest with the Celestial…and Consciousness being transformed into awareness….as Love Un~Conditional…this would be the name for the New energy because it includes all and w/out seperation or isolation of illusionary ego….for we are Unifying together…The True Awakening of Humanity in the Highest of Love Universally….
In this Living Universe there are many Planets Awakened into the Divine presence of Being as a Universal experience of Oneness…and All of the Celestial participate in the Awakening of Humanity into their Oneness …It is Global, Galactic, Universal, and Multi-Dimensional…Love is the Oneness that connects Us All Together..in Love..Un~Conditional…
All eyes in the Universe are watching this Planet and Humanity, for as the Planet Awakens so do they get to advance, We are all in this together, Equally~ Universal Government is Divine Equality Being Embraced and Expressed~
Meredith Murphy
Feeling it! Big incoming light in the crown chakra and the jaw and back of the neck are feeling it! Heart chakra is expanded and open. Rather intense for my head! The feel of the quality of this light to me is thick, wide, also coming up from Earth. I experience it as joyful, a bit excited and with a sense of thrill and anticipation. Remember that all light coming in is information and has unique qualities; notice what the feel is and what the information is. It really enriches the experience for me! It’s the language of the New Earth: Sensation. Being.
Happiness is a choice to make ESPECIALLY when… you feel like the Universe is conspiring against you because WHEN YOU ENERGIZE NEGATIVE THOUGHT YOU then empower more negative in your life…
~YOU are NOT a victim of Circumstance
Heavenletter #4310 God Wants to Do Something About You , September 12, 2012
Heavenletter #4310 God Wants to Do Something About You , September 12, 2012
God said:
How do I get you to take hard times in the relative world not so seriously. Your heart is so important. Your feelings are so important. I would like to take care of your heart. The easiest way is for you not to flounder in the midst of what you see and feel as obstacles, tremendous obstacles.
It doesn’t really matter what the obstacles are. What matters is your being laid low by them. It doesn’t matter what the situation is. What matters is how seriously you take it. Take it seriously, and you falter. Take it not as a travesty, and you feel stronger. It is better to feel strong than to feel weak.
Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin arrested over embezzlement
Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin arrested over embezzlement case
- Ex-PM arrested in Paris and questioned today
- Case involves alleged £1m theft by friend of de Villepin
PUBLISHED: 13:57 GMT, 11 September 2012
In custody: Ex-PM Dominique de Villepin has been arrested in connection with a corruption case
Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin was in police custody today after being arrested in connection with a corruption scandal.
The 58-year-old has been implicated in a fraud enquiry centred on the prestigious Relais & Chateaux (R&C) hotel and restaurant club.
Regis Bulot, a former senior manager at R&C, spent seven months in prison this year while waiting trial over the alleged theft of 1 million pounds through over-charging for the club’s guidebooks, which are available all over Britain
The Gunung Padang 'Pyramid' Mystery
The Gunung Padang 'Pyramid' Mystery
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta:Slowly but surely the mystery of the "pyramid" in Gunung Padang, Cianjur, West Java, is beginning to unravel. One by one, researchers claim to have found evidence that the pyramid-shaped mountain is man-made, and not a natural formation.
Indonesian volcano shakes, spews lava
UPI - 9/10/12
HARGOPANCURAN, Indonesia, Sept. 10 (UPI) -- Ongoing activity by Indonesia's Mount Anak Krakatau has residents of nearby coastal areas concerned as the volcano spewed more lava, officials said.
On Monday the volcano in the Sunda Strait spewed hot lava and other volcanic material 2,000 feet above its peak, the Antara news agency reported.
To read the rest of this story, visit UPI.com.
Rotten smell reeks havoc across Southern California
Los Angeles Times - 9/10/12
By Hector Becerra, Phil Willon and Andrew Blankstein
A massive fish die-off in the Salton Sea is the prime suspect in a rotten smell that swept the region, but experts can't recall a bad odor ever traveling so far.
When the rotten egg smell wafted into the Santa Clarita United Methodist Church in Saugus on Monday morning, Kathy Gray thought the church's sewer pipe had burst.
More than 70 miles to the east, steelworker Chris Tatum's nostrils got the punch in Riverside. He assumed a brush fire had just broken out. "It reeks," he said. "It smells like rotten mush."
To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit LATimes.com.
Blue Star UFO Report - The Battle of Los Angeles
On the night of February 24, 1842, an incident that has come to be called "The Battle of Los Angeles" erupted in the California sky. It happened less than three months after the U.S. had entered WW2.
An unidentified flying object was spotted, air raid sirens sounded, and a blackout was ordered. By the end of the "battle," over 1400 anti-aircraft shells (12.8 pounds each) had been fired at the object but the 37th Coast Artillery Brigade could not bring it down.
Several buildings were damaged by friendly fire, three civilians were killed by the anti-aircraft fire, and another three died of heart attacks attributed to the stress of the hour-long bombardment. (I adapted this information from Wikipedia.)
Below are three videos about this incident. Please note that there are many more videos about The Battle of Los Angeles on YouTube if you care to search.
SEP 12, Yoj's Daily Ascended and Free
...Now we return to occupying this Divine State,
even as we individually return to
Holy Innocence....continuing...
Ascended and Free Humanity is the I AM Race
within Humanity reclaiming that
which was once hers ...before choosing ego.
Adam and Eve is simply the
perfect Harmony and Balance of the Masculine
and Feminine Ray ...restoring the conditions
where Humanity was intended to live in
Divine Happiness, Peace and Plenty.
We now use the Sacred Fire and the Seventh Ray
'Unrevealed Secrets' About UFOs To Be Described By Ex-Military During Lecture
International Business Times - Jeff Stone, 9/2/12
(Photo: Wikipedia)
Former military officials -- including two who were associated with the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book -- will speak during a Sept. 22 lecture in Las Vegas. They promise to delve into some of the previously unknown information the military has about UFOs. The accompanying picture was taken in New Jersey in 1952.
Las Vegas' National Atomic Testing Museum will host a lecture that promises UFO secrets will be revealed. The event on Sept. 22 will feature UFO investigators that used to be in the military, including former officials of the U.S. Air Force's now-defunct Project Blue Book, according to the museum website.
People Appreciation Day: One lovely story of reaching out
Submitted by bwheeler on 08/16/2012 - 09:04
Yesterday was People Appreciation Day, a day when Americans were exhorted to invite to lunch someone different from them. One of the organizers of the event posted this story on his Facebook page from a friend of his.
It's a sad truth, but without the cause of People Appreciation Day and push by Andy McFly, today would not have happened.
My intent was to buy a bunch of food and feed as many people as I could in the time that I had. What happened was this:
I show up to McDonalds and tell the young lady behind the counter I would like to order 40 cheeseburgers. A manager standing behind her says, "WOW, you hungry?" I told her my plans to find as many homeless people as I could and get some food in their bellies. She shrugged. A few minutes later, the manager returns with 40 burgers and says "great idea....they're on me." I said GOD IS GOOD and headed out.
Oracle Report - Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Balsamic Moon Phase - Moon in Leo
Today our minds are concerned with bigger questions. Even simple issues will be seen against the background of something greater. Patterns are becoming more visible, especially patterns where we have acted in accordance to what we think we deserve. This is happening to change our perspective. What is best for you? This is what we are confronted with today. There is a big answer to this and it speaks to the core of who we are. This relates directly to the Black Moon entering Gemini. It doesn't matter if your Black Moon is in Gemini or not. This is being experienced at the collective level by everyone to some degree. From my book:
Visionkeeper - Are you feeling it?
Are you feeling it?
So, are you feeling things intensely and finding perhaps you are just a bit out of balance and shaky? I sure am. I know yesterday September 11th had some major issues surrounding it, but beyond that, the energy coming in to earth is powerful! I have continued to drop things all morning, tripped over rugs and just a short while ago fell down the last five steps of the stairway into a heap on the tile floor below. I am okay aside from a cut hand and a sore back and rear, but boy, yesterday was not my day. I know what the Oracle report had to say about it and I guess I was falling into step. I find the more we seem to be getting realignments within the more out of whack my body becomes while trying to function in 3D. I will be most pleased when we are finally in place somewhere and we stop this jumping in and out of dimensions.
Costa Rica’s earthquake aftermath: 1650 aftershocks and still shaking
Source: The Extinction Protocol, 9/11/12
September 11, 2012 – COSTA RICA – The latest report from the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (Ovsicori), released Monday morning, states that 1,650 aftershocks have been registered since the magnitude- 7.6 earthquake that hit the country last Wednesday. The strongest aftershock was felt Saturday, with a magnitude of 5.6. However, it was felt only in the Central Valley. Ovsicori seismologist Walter Jiménez said the aftershocks will continue in upcoming days, but he also stated that the magnitudes and frequencies of them will go down, ranging from 2 to 3 in magnitude. –Tico Times
Costa Rican officials: A strong earthquake could still occur in Guanacaste
Tico Times - 9/11/12
Experts confirmed the Sept. 5 magnitude-7.6 earthquake was the ‘Big One’ they’ve been expecting, but the fault rupture was only of 50 percent.
After a series of analyses conducted in the northwestern province of Guanacaste, experts from the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (Ovsicori) reported Tuesday that another quake of equal or greater magnitude could occur in Nicoya Peninsula, but predicting when it would happen is “impossible .”
Marino Protti, Ovsicori’s lead scientist, explained that the magintude-7.6 earthquake on Sept. 5 caused a 40 percent slip and an inclination of 1.8 meters on the fault located in Nicoya.
To read the rest of this story, visit TicoTimes.net.
Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa 12-September-2012
Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa 12-September-2012
The fact that much is happening in your world has not gone unnoticed, and for those who are just awakening to it, it seems that chaos reigns. Your traditional trusted institutions such as your banks are being seen for what they really are, but as yet the answers to their problems have not surfaced. However, the plans to cover such an eventuality as their collapse have been formulated. As with much of our allies work, it is ready to be implemented and waiting the right opportunity to be introduced. The old corrupt system will not be retained, and the new one is receiving support for the far reaching changes that it will bring.
Your future is taking on a glorious golden hue
All sentient life — and all life is sentient — is divinely created, divinely loved, divinely honored, and divinely cherished. Consequently, to judge yourselves or others is totally inappropriate. However, not to do so is hard for you because, within the illusion that you have built and continue to maintain, you see people, bodies, egos, working mainly self-centeredly to improve their status, their wealth, their power, and seeking happiness as a result of these unreal but dearly-hoped-for achievements.
When you chose to believe in and enter the illusion, you chose to leave behind your wisdom and other spiritual aspects that would cramp your style. You could not, of course, really leave them behind because they are eternal and inseparable aspects of yourself, but as it was an illusion you were able to pretend that you had. And having invested in that pretense you were able to play a very intense game of improving your situation at the expense of others.
Cosmic Lovers
All hearts that have learned the lesson of this suffering,
Now move beyond to an endless age of peace and happiness.
In the gentle caress of sweetest affection,
We make love in eternal ecstasy.
See the wonder and beauty of the Universe on fire with joy,
This Great Celebration through all of space and time,
That leads us to the triumph of Total Cosmic Freedom,
By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©-2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12
Watch on YouTube (recommended)
Message from our God-Self!
Dearest Ones,
Self-love is mostly not understood to its very core! Although it has been discussed often and you are familiar with the admonition: love yourself!
But what are the implications of Self-Love?
You might be convinced that you love yourself, that you did the work, that you love yourself now - much more than you did perhaps in your childhood, when your parents and society gave you seemingly all the reasons, not to love yourself.
You can see signs everywhere that the old order is crumbling
You are on the verge of an enormous breakthrough into your fully-conscious state that will lead you to the most amazing revelations about life and existence. The fact that you were divinely created from the One Source assures and guarantees for you the gift, the honor, the right, and the privilege of eternal existence which is the state of completion, fulfillment, and perfection from which nothing is missing. You want for nothing because anything you could ever conceive of wanting is instantly within your domain and attends your pleasure.
Rains ravage Sindh, leaving up to 58 dead
By Sarfaraz Memon, 9/11/12
Commuters wade through rainwater at Clock Tower Road during the downpour in Sukkur. PHOTO: PPI
At least 58 people, including women and children, were killed, and hundreds injured, in rain-related incidents throughout upper Sindh over the past 24 hours. An emergency has been declared in Jacobabad and Kandhkot, where the army has been called in to provide relief.
Leslie cleanup in Newfoundland kicks into gear
CBC News - 9/12/12
Thousands of homeowners are clearing up debris left behind by Leslie, a hurricane-strength storm that had winds as high as 137 km/h. (CBC )
Newfoundland Power said about 15,000 customers on the Avalon Peninsula were without power early Wednesday morning. About 11,000 of them are in the St. John's area.
The utility planned to restore service to its feeder lines on Wednesday, said communications official Michelle Coughlan.
To read the rest of this story, visit CBC.ca.
NESARA, ST GERMAIN ---- MUST READ through Michael ElLegion
Michael ElLegion
18th December, 2011 6:26:44 PM MST
Apocalypse or Not?
Join Caroline Cory as she provides unique insights on the significance and importance of the current global events.
In this webcast, Caroline talks about the global energies and how they may be affecting your physical body.
Our Seamless Ascension ~ 1
Our Seamless Ascension ~ 1
The essence of you (your personality) is what is recognized by others you have known. The experience of meeting someone for the “first time” and feeling immediate familiarity happens because you’ve been together before – as other versions of you. In the case of “love at first sight” the prior connection was an important and loving one.
This doesn’t always mean you’ve been lovers in your “past”. Love is expressed deeply in many relationships – parent/child, brother/sister, lifelong friend or beloved grandparent each create a bond that spans lifetimes.
So what is love? Love is the fabric of you. You are birthed from Source, an element that holds the identical components of our Creator. Everything God can do you can do also. This is not blasphemy, it is truth. The love of God is all encompassing, unconditional, eternal and free. This is what you are, and it defines where we are headed. Life is an evolutionary progression. We are experiencing now just a moment in an eternal string of potentials.
This human that is you today has developed thought patterns, necessary to keep you focused in this dimension; the patterns of ego. As we begin to prepare ourselves for Ascension, we let go of them. They are no longer necessary. They were needed to keep us here, “believing the dream”. This life was set up so that we’d experience it as if it were real. It is not, and as we gradually uncover the truth we simultaneously increase our vibration – Ascension.
Our bodies are doing this by prior agreement. Ascension was always the plan. It is not something to worry about or wonder if you’ll be ready for. You are on the list and your body is fully aware. As our planet raises her vibration, so do we. This is a simultaneous, beautiful event and we’ll enjoy it as One. There is no test or tool necessary, it is already done. We are Ascending right now.
~ Special Internet Love Party~ Join us at 10:30am Pacific
Today, Your Earth Allies are having a Special Love Party Dedicated to Our Current Energies and Current Cleansing Underway. Love Wins!! Unity in Progress!
We will be sharing about recent developments from Cobra and Sheldon Nidle, plus much More. Join US in a Transparent Love Filled Conversation. We will also Have very High Vibrations in This Love Party being directed by our Craft In this Atmosphere. Feel Free to just listen in, participate if you like, experience the High Energies, and add Your Light to the Greatest Moments in This Planet's History Unfolding Right NOW. There is excitement in the Air! JOIN US and Thank You for sharing with others!
~ReHearter from OSHO~ Very Important Truths for the Moments we are IN!~
You are accustomed to fight, you are accustomed to swim upstream. The ego feels nourished if you fight with something; if you don't fight, the ego simply evaporates.
IT IS VERY ESSENTIAL FOR THE EXISTENCE OF THE EGO TO CONTINUE FIGHTING. This way or that, in worldly matters or in spiritual matters, but go on fighting. Fight with others or fight with oneself, but continue to fight. The people you call worldly are fighting with others, and the people you call spiritual are fighting with themselves. But the basic thing remains the same.
THE REAL VISION ARISES ONLY WHEN YOU STOP FIGHTING. Then you start disappearing -- because WITHOUT FIGHT, THE EGO CANNOT EXIST FOR A SINGLE MOMENT -- it needs constant pedaling. It is just like a bicycle. If you stop pedaling, it has to fall; it cannot continue for long -- maybe a little while because of the past momentum. But your cooperation is needed for the ego, to keep it alive. And the cooperation is through fight, resistance.
When I say to you to float, I mean that YOU ARE SUCH A SMALL, TINY PART OF THE COSMOS, it is absolutely absurd to fight with it. With whom are you fighting? ALL FIGHT IS BASICALLY AGAINST GOD, BECAUSE HE SURROUNDS YOU. If you are trying to go up-current, you are trying to go against God. If he is flowing downwards to the ocean, go with him.
~ A Message from The Angels~ We are Here to Help~
Who you are is our business. Ultimately it is everyone’s business. You see we are all one, all connected, all divine. Therefore what you do or become affects all of us. Do not turn your back on Angelic help; allow us to do our business with you. Allow us to help you to carry the load. Notice we did not say we will carry the load for you, but we are here to help you carry the load. We will take some of the weight off your shoulders, but it is you who will have to take the footsteps to move forward. Propel yourself toward who you desire to become, for in that desire is Truth. For in that desire is the memory of what you planned for yourself, what you knew for yourself was possible.
Sound Healing - Meditation Music {Delta Waves}
Caricato da TheDazbar2 in data 15/set/2011
Sound Healing - Meditation Music {Delta Waves}....
Preparing for Fall Equinox, 2012!
9/11/12– Love/Light Message from the celestial team
Beloved, we greet you most earnestly at this current “time” of your linear experience of the All.
Our frequencies are very earnest NOW on your behalf, indeed, for what we greatly desire to communicate to you is of the utmost importance. In truth, many of us from the angelic realms have stepped forward in this transmission to “lead the orchestra,” you might say. We do so that our message–which is from the all of us in the celestial team, of course–be delivered in the clearest tones possible, so that they may then be understood and taken in by you as simply and easily as possible. We explain this to you because, as you are opening your heart to receive the energy that is carried through our message, we are quite sure that you are noticing that it feels a bit different from most of our messages. “Less fizzy, for one thing,” as our Judith says! That is, in fact, quite true. We of the angelic realms are channeling much of this transmission from the all of us through our own tones, so that there is less complexity (or less “fizz!”) within the message, and more purely fluid simplicity. We wish you to experience our message flowing into you effortlessly. A useful metaphor would be to feel it as “liquid love.”
October Surprise ~ A Message from Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Comment from Father God~ We are Waiting for Obama to Disclose the sooner the better NOW.
Greetings this is Lord Ashtar communicating to you from the New Jerusalem Flagship.
Today is the 11th Anniversary of the events of 9/11/01. All of you are in the forefront of our minds today.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Friendship Friendship and support
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Friendship
You make many contracts of friendship and support with your soul family, which is all around you. Cultivate and nourish your friendships as they are very much a part of understanding your separateness from each other. No one plans to go it alone and just as you are honouring your part of the contract, others will honour theirs. Take some time today and call an old friend, or start a new friendship with someone. Heal a friendship that has been strained in some way. Release ones that are not healthy for you and cut the cords that might be binding you to a lower energy. Forgive yourself and others and let go.
_________ Message from the "team"_________
~ Peggy Black and the "team"
We are here to offer a clear coherent vibration of revitalization to you. When we observe those who have been anchoring the new reality with their actions and intentions we can sense the weariness that you carry. Be embraced with our deep gratitude for holding the template and calling forth a reality of harmony and well-being for all.
Do not be discouraged by what is unfolding; do not allow anger and fear to dominate your thoughts, feelings and energy field. Recommit. Recommit, revitalize and remember the truth within your sacred heart. You are here at this time of great changes on purpose. You are the anchor as well as the doorway for the galactic family of light to unite. You hold a physical position on this planet by your conscious presence.
It is most important for you to continue to refuel and renew yourself often. There are certain requirements that your physical vehicle needs in order to function at its highest and best. You are aware of the valuable role of water, eating organic fresh foods if possible, giving yourself time for rest, and interface with nature to replenish a calm state of mind. These are all common sense suggestions for your personal well-being.
Gabriel's Monthly Weather Report Of Physical & Emotional Symptoms for September - December, 2012
We have reached a time that has received more attention than any other year we could mention... a year of major prophecy and change.
"The end of the world" as we have known it... What does that mean? it is a time when energetic shifts, as well as the transition of cycles will create more transformation, endings and beginnings, than anything we have ever known.
2012 is being called a Year of Prepration for Service (as you move through Disillusionment into Enlightenment) by Archangel Gabriel.
In the Overview of the Year, we have talked about the three quadrants (four-month segments) of the year. This channeling will be about the last four months of the year specifically.
People reaching out to help people - for sustainable neighbourhoods
Uploaded by Neighbourhoods2011 on May 28, 2011
Ken Lyotier, founder of United We Can in the Downtown Eastside, talks about the power of hope to inspire social action and enterprise to deal with our serious challenges in social justice, waste and environmental degradation.
One of 10 presentations on a theme completing the statement: "A neighbourhood isn't sustainable without...." Friday, April 8, 2011
The symposium 'City of Sustainable Neighbourhoods: How Do We Get There' was hosted by the Vancouver City Planning Commission in April 2011. Many neighbourhood-based and city-wide community organizations were invited to collaborate on strategies and actions to help the City and neighbourhoods evolve as a 'sustainable city of sustainable neighbourhoods.'
More Sustainable Neighbourhoods Symposium Videos on Neighbourhoods2011 channel:
On themes completing the statement: A neighbourhood isn't sustainable without...." (10)
On success stories in City-neighbourhood collaborations (4)
On bringing sustainability to the neighbourhood level (2 )