Enormous Hole In Sun's Corona, Probe Finds | Video

Desert Gypsy's picture

VideofromSpace- 7/22/13

Published on Jul 19, 2013

The Solar And Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has had its eye on the developing 'rupture' for the past few days (July 13-18, 2013). The magnetic field lines expand into the solar wind as compared to other parts of the Sun. -- Amazing Sun photos from Space here: http://goo.gl/h6nw4




This is a WoW & Holy Smoke

tcatt57's picture

This is a WoW & Holy Smoke any way you look at it. These guys are pure SOB's and this is real proof we are not even given a shot at looking out for the coastal recognition. These are bastards and heartless........ This is pure BS by something that seems to hope for the worst case scenario.