FAQ/Primer Updated!

Rain's picture

GFP Note: We have updated three sections of the FAQ! Please enjoy and add questions or comments below.




Ego - What do you mean by Ego? Why do I have to shed my ego?


Anything that is not your authentic self (LOVE) is ego - also called unconsciousness.

Examples of ego: vanity, arrogance, control issues, low self-esteem, aggression, dishonesty, humility, timidness, lack of self-confidence, jealousy, resentment, martyrdom, self-righteousness, playing the victim, blaming others, greed, selfishness, stubbornness, impatience, shame, guilt, and clinging to 3D attachments.

The list of ego traits is endless because everything that is not LOVE is ego. And everybody has different ego issues but most of us have some sense of not being good enough. That is what the program has done to most people – made them feel as if there is something wrong with them.

Ego comes from fear. For example, if you are vain or overly concerned about your looks, that is probably just a symptom of the fear that you are not good enough or that there is something wrong with you – that you are not worthy. If you tend to be aggressive or otherwise try to manipulate people, that may be a symptom of the fear that you will not be able to control things – that you are not in control. However, it could also be a symptom of the fear that you are not good enough or that there is something wrong with you.

Ego is lower thoughts that are illusionary - they are not real. Your ego is an illusion. Fear is an illusion.

Ego also reacts rather than responding. Ego will react to events with reactions like anger or running away.
Love responds. Love does not react to events.

Ego also likes to create drama and drag other people into it. Obviously, this is a big waste of energy for all involved and accomplishes nothing. You may also recognize this as something the cabal used to do – create drama and drag people into it. When an ego or the cabal creates drama and drags you into it, they have succeeded in manipulating and controlling you. You should never react to ego or the cabal.

Only you can examine your own ego issues and figure out what is causing them because ego issues are different for all of us and we have all had different experiences that contributed to creating our egos.

When we talk about your Ego, don’t take it personally. It’s not a bad thing. Nobody is trying to insult you by pointing out that you have an Ego. Everybody in The Program has developed an Ego and everybody who wants to move to a higher vibration has to start shedding their Ego. When you begin to understand this, you will laugh about it and embrace efforts to release Ego.

In order to free yourself from the program, you must shed your ego. You cannot reach Full Consciousness if you do not shed your ego. And, if you do not make efforts to shed your ego, then the 5D frequencies we are living with now will force issues to surface and make things very difficult for you. It’s better to take charge of this process rather than waiting for the Energies to cause multiple issues to come up and slap you in the face all at once.

Shedding the ego is not something that will happen all at once. It’s a process and it can be difficult for some. Ego is like an onion – it has many layers. Shedding the ego is like peeling an onion.


Shedding the Ego

Step One – Understand what ego is.

Do not be afraid to talk about or look at ego. Ego should be laughed at, not taken seriously! It’s not real!

Step Two – Learn to recognize when ego issues come up.

When an ego issue arises for you, it will create an uncomfortable feeling for you. This is because you are reacting to something that has happened and your body expresses that reaction physically. For example, you might get an uncomfortable feeling in your gut when you think somebody has insulted or challenged you.

Step Three – Look at the ego issue when you recognize it.

When you get the uncomfortable feeling described above, stop and look at it. Ask yourself, “Why do I feel this way? What am I afraid of? Why is my ego reacting?”

Step Four – Let go of what you see.

After looking at the issue and understanding it, let it go. With LOVE. This may be difficult. If an issue is difficult to let go of, ask for help from the Angels or your friends. You can ask St. Germain to help you with his violet flame. Or you can ask ArchAngel Michael to help you with his blue flame or AA Raphael to help you with his green flame. There are countless Beings around who can help you, Human and others!

You may find that the same issue comes back again, even after you thought you let it go. You must stick with the process until the issue is gone for good or you will continue to feel uncomfortable instead of Joyful. The process of shedding the ego is much like the process of being on the Path to Full Consciousness – both require you to keep jumping out of the boxes you have trapped yourself in until all the boxes are gone.

You will cry. You will weep. You will feel old, old issues being cleared from places deep in your body. You may not like this but once you are through those moments, you will forever be a different person - a more Joyful person with a higher vibration.

Stick with it and make conscious efforts to shed your ego. Every ego bit that you toss away makes you Light-er, raises your vibration and brings you closer to being in a constant state of Joy. We suggest you sit by a tree and have a funeral for your Ego. Yes, you may have to do this more than once.

Step Five – Celebrate!

You will start to see results early on in the process. You will be happier – Joyful! You will experience less fear and anxiety and have more confidence. As you continue, you will start to wonder how you ever survived while laboring under such a heavy weight as the ego. You will look back in amazement at the days when you lived with fear as your constant companion.

Remember, in every Moment, Humanity has two choices: Love or fear. LOVE is real. Fear is not.

Fear and lower thoughts are what continues and feeds the illusion on the Planet. Through choosing Love we are breaking this bond to the lower and we begin to serve for the Highest Good of ourselves and others. This is the Mission at hand. Mission Possible!




Ascension – December 21, 2012. What’s up with that?

Mother Earth ascended on 12/12/12. On this date, a portal opened in preparation for Humanity’s ascension on 12/21/12. Humanity passed through the portal and some people ascended but most of Humanity did not.

However, Humanity did move into 5D frequencies, which we are now all living with and trying to integrate. Some people are choosing, on a higher level, to not move into 5D and they will shift. That is their choice and we do not judge them or try to convince them of anything. Their body holograms will expire and their souls – their True Selves – will return to Source and then reside on the starships in our atmosphere until we complete our mission here. They will help us from the starships.


In December, we received a two-year extension to complete our mission because it was clear that Humanity was not ready to ascend. This means that Humanity must move into 5D before 12/21/14.

Ascension comes from within – it simply means to move to a higher level of consciousness. If you are still looking to outside sources to give you answers and make change, then you need to work on your own spiritual development more. Let go of everything that comes from fear (ego) and choose to give and receive Love. Yes, YOU ARE The One. You are the One that you have been waiting for. On 12/12/12 your Higher Self came in to be with you as much as was possible for you at that time. If you have not been feeling any differently, then you need to work on your spiritual development more.


Previously, we said that before 12/21/12, several events would occur. Some of these events have occurred, just not in the way most of us envisioned them. This is a good example of why it is helpful to have no expectations. Energy, which creates all the changes we are going through, does not work the way most things work in 3D. It does not follow rules and timetables or try to meet deadlines.


We know that the cabal is finished. Working together, Beings both off and on the planet, have ensured that they are on the way out. If you have been following The Press, you are familiar with some of the things our own staffers have accomplished, like severing the energetic cords of formerly powerful people at the Vatican, the Pentagon, and Buckingham Palace, so they can no longer feed off our energy.

What you are seeing now is the last desperate attempts of remaining cabal members to hang on. Again, this is an illusion. Because so many people are clinging to the illusion, it will not disappear in the blink of an eye.

Reliable reports indicate that the new economic system is in place and will be enacted soon. The same is true for the other things we have been waiting for – disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence (starships) and disclosure of our true history. These things will happen, but we don’t know when. It will be soon. We suggest you do not focus on these things but instead focus on your own spiritual development. The best way to help yourself and Humanity is to stay on the Path to Full Consciousness and keep raising your level of consciousness so that you are holding as much Light as possible. Focusing on other things, like the new financial system, is a distraction and will only delay them happening.


At some point, Earth will be evacuated. Major changes, like the moving of land masses and a pole shift will occur. Some people will go to Inner Earth and some will go aboard starships before major Earth changes happen. Then, some people will return to the surface of Mother Earth to continue co-creating a new 5th Dimensional Civilization while others will return home or embark on new missions elsewhere. This mission will culminate in Earth becoming a Blue Star Nation and Humanity becoming Galactic Citizens.




Channeled Messages – What’s the deal?

The subject of Channeled Messages is a complicated one. Some channeled messages are very reliable but others are not. Any channeled message is compromised to some degree because it is filtered through somebody’s mind/ego. That doesn’t mean it can’t be true, though, because we all know The Truth about all sorts of things on some level. However, if a channeler is having issues with ego, the message or parts of the message may not be True.

There are a few people on Earth who contracted to receive channeled messages from other Beings. Messages presented from anybody else are questionable. We do not post channeled messages on The Press unless they are True. When you read a channeled message, you should always use your own discernment to see whether it resonates with you or not.


To read the rest of the FAQ/Primer, look for it at the center top of the main page or click HERE.




FAQ/Primer Updated

Ra-Raela's picture

Mother/Father God, this was the best post yet, that you have posted. Thank you! Very concize and easy to understand. It answered a lot of my questions! I'm glad humanity was given an extension! The awakening process takes time to get used to, lol.