
FAQ/Primer Updated!

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GFP Note: We have updated three sections of the FAQ! Please enjoy and add questions or comments below.


Ego - What do you mean by Ego? Why do I have to shed my ego?


Anything that is not your authentic self (LOVE) is ego - also called unconsciousness.

Examples of ego: vanity, arrogance, control issues, low self-esteem, aggression, dishonesty, humility, timidness, lack of self-confidence, jealousy, resentment, martyrdom, self-righteousness, playing the victim, blaming others, greed, selfishness, stubbornness, impatience, shame, guilt, and clinging to 3D attachments.

The list of ego traits is endless because everything that is not LOVE is ego. And everybody has different ego issues but most of us have some sense of not being good enough. That is what the program has done to most people – made them feel as if there is something wrong with them.

Ego comes from fear. For example, if you are vain or overly concerned about your looks, that is probably just a symptom of the fear that you are not good enough or that there is something wrong with you – that you are not worthy. If you tend to be aggressive or otherwise try to manipulate people, that may be a symptom of the fear that you will not be able to control things – that you are not in control. However, it could also be a symptom of the fear that you are not good enough or that there is something wrong with you.

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