Gaia-s-Voice's picture

Hello my Beloved self, this is a note from

my total Beloved Self, 

Long has been our journey, and Infinite it

always has been.  Within the Laws of Life

or Creation we have had to focus on what we 

want, wish for, and choose to manifest. So, my 

beloveds, you who are the leading edge of Loves

manifestation here on my surface, need to hear

this. I, that is: Me, Your Mother/Father Gaia or just

Earth, have also wished to finish this journey into

drama, etc., etc. ASAP. But the Spiritual Science of

Loves perfect presence (that is YOU) has guided me

to allow an expanded Now for *those whom I Love.

Taking into account, *they are not whom you may

"Love." Now because we wish you to focus and

animate what you really want/wish/choose' We,

Me and My Guides' choice of how much 5th Dimensional

Light will flood my atmosphere is not what most of the 

leaders and messengers are clinging too. I Bless Them.

Be ready to serve the Light of Loves Perfect Presence

with gusto and Patience.... It's not about little you or little

me. It's not about you or me suffering. It's about Big Love. 

And please re-read or look into the few if not many

recent messages that my Clear Guides heave just 

gave You. In them, if you ask, You will see and hear

this message, as it is only lightly coded for your ease 

to receive. Open your Hearts to this Truth of our Choice

for within IT is your Truer Freedom. As AA Michael just 


"Your Faith is more important Now, than ever before."

It is You who bring you this unveiled Revelation.