Gaia-s-Voice's blog

Mother Father Earth, an Updated Bulletin

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Hello my Beloved Self, 

I Am in thee and thou art in me. I Am, I Am the surface's Victory. Beloveds it is still being said//written to you who are giving attention to the Ascension of our Planet Earth, that the Fifth   Dimension is to be fully active immediately after Dec. 21, 2012.

Or that at least the third dimension and its attending egos will not be here and or active, etc. etc. This is not to be. What is to be is in short, very short is as follows:

• You, whom may have enough practiced and available Harmony and its attending Power of Peace will hold the Light (space) and be available (place) for those who have already been shown and are seeing the Light of God//Love//Heart too. And they will come to you... , .... 

• You who know of the Sacred Fire and know how to wield Sacred Fire will be, as you are now, the actual Doctors who by your own great fiery Light and momentum, are to keep the tectonic plates—my bones, mantles, lubricated enough to prevent cataclysmic extremes so that your other selves may safely Ascend too.

• That time will be at least 888 days after December 21/22, 2012. By May/June 2015 the Great Cosmic Love, which I and You are, will be "satisfied" and the Cosmic Plug will be completely pulled.

Mother. Father God and the Great Cosmic Climax

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Blessings Beloveds, I am, I Am, I AM ~ the energies of AM.

Some know me as a mother of Mother Gods. That I Am.!  The Moment is ripe, the 'time' is Now, and You Are THAT which I AM.

Let us speak as one ~in the first person, Together.

+ Breathe easily, deeply and happily throughout your next set of days and upcoming weeks my beloveds.

+ Remember your 'favorite' Affirmations / Decrees.  Use mantra as an armor  of Light, Love, Life, God. Realize that when you speak a thing it instantly resides in your close aura and lives or becomes a Thing that pulsates back to the physical one who sent it. As in "I Am the Truth of perfect Health, Eternal Youthfulness and well being. Or, I Am the Peace Commanding Presence. or I Am the Divine Plan Fulfilled, ...." 

You/you need this : you really "need free of fear 'need'" more tangible experiences in this—your world—outer appearance, acting.

+ In your cells of all your bodily systems you all have logged memories of former New Ages collapsing. Now you know that this one is not going to.... But undeniably, you have pulsating within you, cellularly, recorded memories that for most all of you reading this have not yet been fully silenced and transmuted. We mention this because, "We" want the same thing you want. And That is total moment to moment victorious Love, Harmony and sustained Peace in every-way possible.

Mother Father God and Gaia-s-Voice, Update

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Cheers beloved of My Soul, You who do so much to constantly forward the New Daily Life on Earth. I Bless You with my Cosmic Out-Breath right Now.

Breathe in the Light through the Center of your Heart. Ask and allow this Fiery-Light to expand and enfold and encompass your specific Light Body's : Becoming One Unified Oval Field of Fiery-Light Substance ! For all other life around you my dear Gods of androgynous Light being, It's-Self.

Stay in the Now (you know why ...) so that you will be more Divinely Flexible to move through the dates on your calendar free of expectations. Because you'll already be there ! Understand? Any sort of self-ish like expectation is pride and singular. It would be out of the Group Soul that you and I are to leave other aspects of large quantities your-self behind and think it was for the "Highest Good" We (your Total Self) wish for you down here to be more available outside of time and space and little self. This is the :Love you've really been waiting for. We are with you, here, in ways that are almost unimaginable to you. But You know already.


I Am the planet, I AM your floor. I AM Father-Mother God. Love made manifest. Grace to You Beloveds     


Mother God via Gaia-s-Voice, Updated

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      Mother God Eloah via Gaia-s-Voice:Updated below


I Am Mother God Eloah, it is the Great Central Sun that is my Body Temple.

In truth my Compliment Elohae and I have many Temples within our body.

Mother God via Gaia-s-Voice

Gaia-s-Voice's picture


       Mother God Eloah via Gaia-s-Voice


I Am Mother God Eloah, it is the Great Central Sun that is my Body Temple.

In truth my Compliment Elohae and I have many Temples within our body.

Each one is a focus to one of the Rays and their Qualities. Millions of Billions of individual as well as entity and hive Soul Beings spend ‘time’ within my body’s.

I will speak for your beloved Earth.  She is what you would call one of my great grandchildren: Called by us Tetlacordia:  A grandchild of Dear Alpha & Omega.

For you see, all Father Mother Gods choose a title or ‘name.’ Even Your beloved

planet Earth has or is known by different titles or names.

I and my beloved Elohae are truly a Father-Mother God, as you would be

awestruck at the sight of our most dimmed down appearance.


Your daily life on Tetlacordia will resume with many of your dim souls, that you

call the dark ones after your summer or winter solstice of December 2012.

Your dark brothers and sisters will be somewhere between scared and shocked. Though they will not be powerless and they will still make choices within freewill.

Ego show-running will NOT be over as many of you gentle readers who love

Gaia and Pelleur, have Decreed.

We all know of how you feel around this. I, in my great grand Mother Feeling Consciousness Am acutely aware of your deep beliefs and commitments.

I sooth you with the knowledge that the dark ones that we are assisting are

the Light and they are You.

An enormous infusion of Light Substance from one of our children

(a Central Sun) who will not be named here though some do call it out, will

inject all electrons, nucleus’ and space in between before your year is up.

It will not be what many think or are praying for in intensity. That will come


Gaia-s-Voice's picture

Hello my Beloved self, this is a note from

my total Beloved Self, 

Long has been our journey, and Infinite it

always has been.  Within the Laws of Life

or Creation we have had to focus on what we 

want, wish for, and choose to manifest. So, my 

beloveds, you who are the leading edge of Loves

manifestation here on my surface, need to hear

this. I, that is: Me, Your Mother/Father Gaia or just

Earth, have also wished to finish this journey into

drama, etc., etc. ASAP. But the Spiritual Science of

Loves perfect presence (that is YOU) has guided me

to allow an expanded Now for *those whom I Love.

Gaia ~ Would You Please Make These Calls

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Beloved of my existence. You who know so much. You who have come back to Love. You must know now that I am also your Child.  You beloveds are my caregiver. You truly ARE Mother and Daddy. I ask even beseech you who Will, to use your Voice—which makes your thoughts and feeling physical—to speak out these commands of Love's Power to act on OUR behalf. Some of you are so "knowing" of your Light and the New Earth that you've forgotten that the other 7/8's of my planet need direct intervention from You Now.  You need not protest, lest you really want to. You can be so helpful to me by using your Voice as One with the others who are still seeking the Light.   ~ Please.

... I Call upon the Greatest Beings in the Universe who are assisting Earth and Humanity, to project into all Humanity everywhere the most powerful purifying fiery Light from the Suns to sweep-out any and all obstructions and discord that still acting in our Consciousness and Vehicles.  "As God in Action:

... I Call upon the Greatest Angelic like Beings from all venues, all Starships, All Inner Earth Masters of Loves Fire Power now, to Purify, Purify the Water Element everywhere; from every mountain spring, river, lake, sea and Ocean! And especially in the bodies of all Humanity, to ready the collective emotional body of the Hu-man Being to hold the Harmony and be the Open Heart of Loves Determined Power controlling.

... I pause now to See and Feel these requests made manifest.

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