- ~The Galactic Free Press~ The Truth about The Innocence of Humanity~Humanity is not ignorant Part 2~
- Ellion~ Comments on MESSAGE FROM AA MICHAEL: HUMANITY'S VOYAGE TO THE STARS I am Jumping at this Opportunity Beam Me Up~
- ~Space Weather Update, Entering a Solar WInd Stream Wind Speed 421~
- "The Sensitive Child"
- Team Beloved ~ Welcome To The Greatest Game In The Universe!
- Greg Giles ~ Message From The Ashtar Command ~ 2 February 2012 All is Proceeding Well~
- PleiadianMessages 2/1/12
- Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Caring For Another ~ 2 February 2012
- Fran Zepeda ~ Message From Archangel Michael ~ Take My Words To Heart ~ 2 February 2012
- SaLuSa 3~February~2012 We are Ready to Stand By Our Earth Allies~
- ~The Monumental Act That You Have Done~
- The Manuscript of survival ~ part 82 ~ CONNECT WITH YOUR FELLOW SINGERS ~ 3. 02. 2012 ~ aisha north
- Sananda & Saint Germain Guidance on February 4th Space trip offered to Light workers
- The Honeymoon is Over! ~ Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas
- ~ The Great Human Potential Movement ~
- Dream come true
- 2/2/2012 -- Global Earthquake Overview -- USA, Europe, Asia, South Pacific, S. America
- Greg Giles ~ Saturday’s Joyride ~ 3 February 2012
- LAURA TYCO ~ Salusa to me ~ A Few Questions
- Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ A Whole World Full Of Light ~ 3 February 2012
- ~Staying Alive Sunspot 1402~
- Nancy Tate ~ Horus ~ Wake Up Call ~ 2 February 2012 A New Earth is Emerging~
- The second Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ Transmission from the Elders
- Acceleration of Ascension ~ Inelia Benz
- To Tots ~ Allendale Weighs in On Steve Beckow and His Joy-Ride on The Ship Neptune
- Lucas ~ About Steve Beckow ~ My Stand In This Matter ~ Get On With It! ~ 2 February 2012
- HEAVEN #4087 ~ THE ANSWER ~ 2.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff
- ~ My Stand in This Matter ~ Steve Beckow~
- 13:20, (02.02.12): Yes, indeed, WE ARE SURVIVING, & THERE’S A BUNCH OF US TOO! Wheeee! ¸.•*´✶´,•*´¨★
- ~Bill Ballard (Feb 2 2012) ~ Super Solar Flares And The Incoming Big Buzz~
- ~My View or Better, My Heart's Feeling on The Joy Ride to Neptune~
- Take your eye off the mountain and focus on the shovel.
- "...the sensitive, indigo, starseed, child of the world!"
- Suzanne Ward~ Message's and Update From Matthew~
- February Energy Update: Ascension Draws Near
- 2/2/2012 ~ 6.9 magnitude earthquake north of New Zealand ~ Vanutau
- The Dolphins Are Speaking to Us ♥
- Power Path ~ February Forecast 2012: Keep It Moving
- Sky Anomalies in Western Canada 2011-2012
- ~The year of the Dragon~
- ~Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Patience~ 2 February 2012 ~Easy does it~
- Changing Your Relationship with Life! by Lisa Gawlas
- SAUL ~ Your shift towards awakening is a joy to behold Brilliant Repost
Its Very Important Now to Stay Present and Focused on Within. We are WIth you there. Disclosure is pressing forward, and Love is the Focus. We Love You, Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff
~The Galactic Free Press~ The Truth about The Innocence of Humanity~Humanity is not ignorant Part 2~
~The Galactic Freee Press~ Truth Transmissions~
~The Truth about The Innocence of Humanity~Humanity is not ignorant~ Part 2
~Where Can You find Peace, Unconditional Love, Joy, Balance and Harmony? Its definitely not outside, for the outside is illusion, thats just ignorance. You can Only find Peace, Unconditional Love, Joy, Balance and Harmony from Within. Most of Humanity at this Point, is running around on The Planet unaware that they are Love. So Instead they are working as slaves, keeping appointments, trying to keep things "under control", stressed out, busy, distracted, caught in looking to the outside and for what? What is the purpose? Some of Humanity think that all this pain and suffering is life. When the Real Truth is all happening from within.
Ellion~ Comments on MESSAGE FROM AA MICHAEL: HUMANITY'S VOYAGE TO THE STARS I am Jumping at this Opportunity Beam Me Up~
~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Ellion~ Comments on
I'm jumping at this opportunity! Not that I would be dissapointed if nothing happened, because I've become a little use to that lol... Several times in my life I found myself "waiting" for things that never happened and dealt with it, with ever increasing efficientcy. I've resigned myself to living in the moment of always hoping that something will. From what little I know about this, the possibility is exciting for those fortunate ones off to a 10 day trip in the Universe. Such a short notice too! I just read of this in the last 48 hours or so and the event is scheduled in the next 48 or so.
~Space Weather Update, Entering a Solar WInd Stream Wind Speed 421~
QUIET SUN: Solar activity is very low. None of the sunspots on the Earthside of the sun is actively erupting, and NOAA forecasters estimate no more than a 1% chance of M-class flares during the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.
COMET-CLUSTER CLOSE ENCOUNTER: This morning, February 3rd, Comet Garradd (C/2009 P1) sailed just 0.5 degrees from globular cluster M92 in Hercules. Amateur astronomer Philippe Roucheux photographed the pair from his backyard observatory in Joigny, France:
"The Sensitive Child"
(...dedicated to you, my dear Ashvatha and to your never-ending cause for children, and never-tiring devotion and dedication to MotherFatherGod, of whom I love with every breath I take! I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH!!)
Team Beloved ~ Welcome To The Greatest Game In The Universe!
Team Beloved ~ Welcome To The Greatest Game In The Universe!
Team Beloved | Kenton David Bell | February 1 2012
You are one of the very luckiest beings to ever play!
Rule #1 The one with the most fun, love, adventure wins.
Rule #2 You cannot get it wrong.
Rule #3 Play big or go home.
Rule #4 Struggle is not required
Rule # 5 Loving others as if they were you brings bonus points.
~ Team Beloved
Greg Giles ~ Message From The Ashtar Command ~ 2 February 2012 All is Proceeding Well~
Greg Giles ~ Message From The Ashtar Command ~ 2 February 2012 All is Proceeding Well~
PleiadianMessages 2/1/12
The Ashtar Command speaks of a reunion with our galactic familes of light and humanity's ascension into a higher dimensional existence through channel Greg Giles
Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Caring For Another ~ 2 February 2012
Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Caring For Another ~ 2 February 2012
Fran Zepeda ~ Message From Archangel Michael ~ Take My Words To Heart ~ 2 February 2012
Fran Zepeda ~ Message From Archangel Michael ~ Take My Words To Heart ~ 2 February 2012
~Galactic Love Reporter Fran Zepeda
(Hello, Archangel Michael. Will you please expand on your message to me of 1.31.12, “The Time To Unite Is Now”)?
Yes, dear one. My message through you the other day in which I urged you all to Unite was transmitted with the intent to rally you all to focus on coming together in this very critical time of transformation, of opening, and of movement.
My dear friends, you are all so powerful and this can work for you or against you, depending on your thoughts and the intent in your hearts. Take a moment to re-center yourselves and take my earlier message to heart, All of it, dear ones.
SaLuSa 3~February~2012 We are Ready to Stand By Our Earth Allies~
SaLuSa 3~February~2012 Near Completion and a Safe Passage through ascension~
~The Monumental Act That You Have Done~
The Monumental Act That You Have Done
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We are Very Happy that Steve is pulling in People from around the Planet to his website and we with unconditional Love offer our Support with Full Disclosure of our Presence here with You. We are at this point observing all of these events, and We offer our Love, Compassion, Understanding and Support. Remember, we have shared that its impossible for you to enter our ships in physical form. You float there. Just FYI, All our Love and Joy, Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff
Steve and the 2012 Scenerio~We had 80,000 hits on the 2012 Scenario website yesterday. We expect over 100,000 today.
The Manuscript of survival ~ part 82 ~ CONNECT WITH YOUR FELLOW SINGERS ~ 3. 02. 2012 ~ aisha north
We are aware that these days might be a bit hard to swallow for many, as there are indeed some very, very intense bombardments of energy currently being beamed into your little planet. Please rest assured that nothing is wrong even if you do not feel the effects of these, as you are all treated individually, and you are given your own doses as it were, and these will differ from person to person.
Sananda & Saint Germain Guidance on February 4th Space trip offered to Light workers
Sananda and Saint~Germain, February 1st, 2012
Galactic Love Reporter Angelica
Dear Per, Dear Angelica, and children of the Light, we are so glad that you turn within and to us for guidance in this for your somewhat difficult and delicate question. When it comes to discernment it is always delicate and somewhat difficult to navigate since it is up to each and everyone in these times to find their Truth within, thus it is so difficult to enter in somebody else’s sphere and point with the whole hand to that one thinks one sees and discern. This can be very frustrating to experience.
The Honeymoon is Over! ~ Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas
The Honeymoon is Over!
Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas
We are only a couple of days into February, but man oh man has the atmosphere of life changed tremendously. The only way I know how to describe it very much like a marriage.
January was the honeymoon period. We laughed, played, made passionate love thru the days of January with the new energy of life and our fully activated light body to Be with this energy. We got to know it playfully, exhaustedly.
There is no playful feel to February. It is very much a feeling of “ok we had our romp, now let’s get down to the business of Being together.”
Dream come true
Hi everyone,
I am writing this declaration to all as I think it is very important that we have a greater understanding what is taking place regrauding this Trip to the Stars. This venture is becoming a torch of hopes and dreams for many of us. This torch was lit by Steve and AA Micheal. I am one of the ivitees and awaiting the full fillment of this venture. I have made all the arrangments for this to happen from my end as I know Steve and his company have also.
I am asking everyone to join in this adventure with us as there will be far more of us staying grounded to planet earth while this maiden vogage takes place.
I am asking you all to get behind this with the core of your thoughts and intent, as that is what is going to make this happen. Grenr and AA Micheal have made the way for this to happen.
But we are the One's that will drive this dream to fruitation. After we get this first trip off the ground there will be a constant flow of new trips so no one will "be left behind". Steve has put it all out as many others also. I am asking you each to get behind this movement friends as this is our turn to step up as it were. The Big Boys won't so we will. It is that simple.
We have read many many times the promies to us for change. Well, now let's make things CHANGE. We all have a choice to do what we want. If we choose not this event to support then which one are you going to wait for? Remember what the flat earth thinkers said and did to the ones that knew better?
Let's make this happen
Love to every ONE
Dave S
Greg Giles ~ Saturday’s Joyride ~ 3 February 2012
Greg Giles ~ Saturday’s Joyride ~ 3 February 2012
By now you may have heard about the possibility of a Saturday rendezvous that may see over one hundred Earth citizens board the Starship Neptune for a ten day field trip through this galaxy and even beyond, leaving behind the confines of our 3rd dimension and rocketing into the 5th, 6th, and even 7th dimensions. You may have even taken sides in the online chat room debates as to whether this channeled message was authentic and whether this trip, which possesses undeniable disclose power, will actually manifest.
Popular channel Fran Zepeda, who I have great professional respect for, has received communications from Archangel Michael further discussing Saturday’s possibility. Through Miss Zepeda, Archangel Michael advises us that Saturday’s ‘Joy Ride’, as it has become known, does have the potential to manifest dependant on our collective, as well as individual consciousness. So of what are the variables in regards to our individual, as well as collective, consciousness, and how can we better manifest the new reality so many wish to experience?
Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ A Whole World Full Of Light ~ 3 February 2012
Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ A Whole World Full Of Light ~ 3 February 2012
The world, as you know it, is changing, for you are growing. And so, the world as you know it, changes before your very eyes. The world is a reflection of you. As you change and grow, so goes the world. The world is of your making, and the world is of your perception of it.
As you see a beautiful world, the world becomes more beautiful. And so do you. You become more beautiful to yourself and to others. You have always been beautiful to Me. My perception doesn’t change. My perception has ever been true. I see. I have never not seen. Wherever I look, I see beauty. I have heard that beauty is in the Beholder. That saying holds Great Truth.
It is also true that how the Beholder sees rubs off on the Beheld. The more beauty you see in others, the more beautiful they will actually become.
You have seen this. When people feel loved or are in love, they light up, and they are beautiful. It is beautiful to see, and you have seen it. Be beautiful, and you will have a glow. See beauty, and what you see will have a glow about it. This is how you light up the world!
Nancy Tate ~ Horus ~ Wake Up Call ~ 2 February 2012 A New Earth is Emerging~
Nancy Tate ~ Horus ~ Wake Up Call ~ 2 February 2012 A New Earth is Emerging~
We will soon be seeing the many changes that we have been alluding to in the recent past. It will come on the heels of the coming arrests that are taking place and will continue until all who have been at the feet of the goings on in this world for so long are taken care of, and brought to the awareness of the public.
When that happens then there will be an ongoing parade of changes that will skyrocket and bring so many people to a new realization of what they have been being told as lies and deceit. When this takes place then there will be a mass reorganization not only of the political, and financial systems, but also of all systems on earth. Not only that, we will see a vast restructuring of the way people look at their lives and how it has evolved to the point in which they see how they have been in bondage for so long.
It is a matter of all those who have known what has been taking place to be there in power and love for those who are in disarray within themselves. When they begin to take their journey to the truth that lives within, they will benefit from those of you who are near them to reach out in a loving and understanding way. They will feel a positive energy around them in which they can set their new way of being and looking at what their future can be like.
The second Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ Transmission from the Elders
Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm
Welcome, my sweet friends, this is Anrita Melchizedek, and I am going to connect shortly to The Elders, Ancient Celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek, to bring through more information on the Second Initiatory Gateway of Light which starts on the 2nd of February 2012.
Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you accelerate the essence of your Beingness into these higher dimensional frequencies of Light. And indeed, what a Now moment, sweet ones! You entered into the “Twelfth Wave of Ascension Gateway of Light” on January the 23rd, and from are now moving into a deeper level of shifting and creating change within yourselves. Know that this change is upon you in this Now, sweet ones, and the focus through these initiatory Gateways of Light assist in a deeper level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness and taking you into the Christed Timelines.
Acceleration of Ascension ~ Inelia Benz
Acceleration of Ascension ~ 2012
The past two years have seen quantum jumps in the collective expansion of awareness (ascension), and the awakening of the masses.
Words such as Karma, chakras, manifestation, and all sorts of other words that are normally the vocabulary of those who are in a path of self discovery, are now used in society at large.
This year it accelerates a thousand fold.
A few days ago, I was chatting with three women I am collaborating with in a journey beyond mysticism, and after the call, I had the "instructions" from Source that it was time to stop walking on the planet with cotton gloves at an energy level, and to "let it all out", become unlimited. I looked at the instructions and decided to go ahead and apply them. Of course, the instructions are not just for me, but for everyone who is reading this article too.
To Tots ~ Allendale Weighs in On Steve Beckow and His Joy-Ride on The Ship Neptune
To Tots ~ Allendale Weighs in On Steve Beckow and His Joy-Ride on The Ship Neptune ~ 2/2/12
February 2, 2012
[Good Morning Allendale!] Good Day Tots. May I address the topic du jour? [Absolutely, was hoping you would!] From my perspective I find the position Steve Beckow has put himself in, very important indeed.
This man is so ahead of his time, a true way-shower! He has taken his platform that he has so lovingly built and has stood firm in declaration. This is no minor feat, lassie. We, of all galactic beings, bow our heads and knees in deep appreciation.
Lucas ~ About Steve Beckow ~ My Stand In This Matter ~ Get On With It! ~ 2 February 2012
Lucas ~ About Steve Beckow ~ My Stand In This Matter ~ Get On With It! ~ 2 February 2012
After The An Hour With An Angel blogtalk radio show with Linda Dillon channeling Grener (President of the Intergalactic Council) interviewed by Steve Beckow hosted by Graham Dewyea hell broke loose.
The issue was a trip to the command ship Neptune and travel with a selected group of people by Steve Beckow and some additions by Grener and the Intergalactic Council. The intent was to visit and report from the ship and travels in earths media to bring disclosure forward and hopefully other things also with it.
Let me say this: almost all lightworkers have still ego and duality issues. Therefore Steve had better not put out this interview before but after the visits with Grener and reporting on it. The questions now are about why not me? Why selection of people by Steve. What is the reason behind this selection? Etc. All these are for me just part of ego and duality issues .
HEAVEN #4087 ~ THE ANSWER ~ 2.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff
Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff
The Answer
Heavenletter #4087 Published on: February 2, 2012
You are an expert on the seeking of love. Indeed, you may have been a beggar of love. You have paid a lot of attention to your need of love, yet love is not something to be begged for. You don't want to be good at begging for love.
The thing to do with love is to give it. There is no other recourse but for you to give love.
~ My Stand in This Matter ~ Steve Beckow~
~My Stand in This Matter~
Our initial request to Grener to allow twenty people to come on board the ships has grown to at least 120 people, all of whom are willing to embark on an adventure with us.
It has also resulted in a tremendous discussion behind the scenes among lightworkers.
That discussion has almost entirely been amicable, but very serious.
I won’t be naming any of the people with whom I’ve had discussions and I’ve told them so. I will not be publishing anything more than the most general of summaries of what has been discussed.
At the same time, any lightworker with whom I’ve had a discussion is welcome to publish anything I’ve said to them.
13:20, (02.02.12): Yes, indeed, WE ARE SURVIVING, & THERE’S A BUNCH OF US TOO! Wheeee! ¸.•*´✶´,•*´¨★
Earthstar Peace Calendar:
♥ 11:11 (Word of Love): TAHCA SAN CIKALA Little White Deer, The Power to Be with TUNKASINA The Grandfathers. Moon in TUNKASINA The Grandfathers, Protects Personal Freedom in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF FREE WILL, “Test is in Mystery of things: discover the Cell, the Waters, Prophecy’s Well.” 2nd Dimension, Violet. Stargate of HEALING, North Door of the Heart in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF CHANGE. Season of TATANKA Buffalo, North, Door of the Heart, with HUPAHU LUTA OMAKA Ladybug, Rays Healing Energy, Opens Healing portals, Invokes Spirit of Healing in the SPIRITUAL LAW OF HEALING
Code for Day: http://bit.ly/yM1y68
Code for Moon: http://bit.ly/zcdUyR
Code for Season: http://bit.ly/zoBNWF
Code for Stargate: http://bit.ly/z243BG
★ 12:12 (Word of Alignment): CEREMONY OF REBIRTHING, SPIRITUAL ATTUNEMENT AND STAR ACTIVATION, Manifest Realm: ANI TSU TSA Pleiades with ZITKANA SAN Redwing Cardinal, WINYAN SAKOWIN The Seven Sisters and IKTOMI WAKAN Sacred Spider
~Bill Ballard (Feb 2 2012) ~ Super Solar Flares And The Incoming Big Buzz~
~Bill Ballard (Feb 2 2012) ~ Super Solar Flares And The Incoming Big Buzz~
Bill Ballard | February 1 2012
via email
One of the largest solar flares in history was unleashed January 28 2012. It marked entry into full consciousness for those choosing ascension. This is the single greatest event in history activated to raise the frequency of both Earth and humanity. This frequency increase marks the beginning of humanity’s return to an awakened state.
We have been asleep since the Fall of Atlantis. This is the time we have been waiting for! Be thankful you are alive on Earth.
Steve Rother (at ~minute 8 of this video) discusses what’s going on. The actual CME is shown towards the end of the video. It represents the first of many CMEs to pulse this year.
~My View or Better, My Heart's Feeling on The Joy Ride to Neptune~
Or better, the way my Heart sees all this is what follows: either way we're ALL going to learn some new lesson about WHO WE ARE and about WHAT we DO Believe in.
For, I believe all that matters IS LOVE, and if we let down LOVE because someone from outerspace did not come to the meeting we agreed, that means we still have to find where REAL LOVE IS.
And I Believe it IS IN ME AND IT IS ME. Which means US. And if something in the world around US shakes our beliefs, well, it IS a GOOD point to Start from.
Take your eye off the mountain and focus on the shovel.
Take your eye off the mountain and focus on the shovel.
[Hi. Spike here. Allendale, can we talk?]
Yes, my dear. We can talk. I’m on the line for you any time, any day. You’re the apple of my eye, dear one.
[Thank you! Why?]
Because we’ve been through so much together, you and I. And now we’re on the brink of reunion in the flesh. You’ll see.
[Okay. Good! How about weighing in on the Beckow/Dillon controversy?]
"...the sensitive, indigo, starseed, child of the world!"
...you know, sometimes you never really know "why" something or someone "inspires" you, or "why" their words "resonate" with such intense bliss, but recently I have had Ashvatha's "Children of The World" sending ME waves and waves of the most brilliant Love & Light, it is just incredible, and I can only say how much I truly LOVE her for this gift/blessing! ....ain't LIFE grand?! Lol
(...dedicated to you, my dear Ashvatha and to your never-ending cause for children, and never-tiring devotion and dedication to MotherFatherGod, of whom I love with every breath I take! I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH!!)
With all my Light & Love, Namaste!
Timothy a.k.a. Lightworker Betrue21self
"The Sensitive Child"
My eyes are the windows to my many souls,
Suzanne Ward~ Message's and Update From Matthew~
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. While many lightworkers are confidently awaiting the transitional steps toward Earth’s Golden Age to reach fruition, others are marking time, so to say, until irrefutable evidence justifies full trust in light beings’ reports. And because the vast majority of your populace has no idea whatsoever that this year will end at the doorstep of a glorious new era of peace, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature, there is apprehension anew with every instance of saber rattling, austere economic analysis, new law or policy that erodes freedoms.
February Energy Update: Ascension Draws Near
~ Galactic Love Reporter Meredith Murphy ~
February Energy Update: Ascension Draws Near
Message from Archangel Michael
Telepathic Transmission - 1 February 2012
The Energy this Month will Flow in Waves
The energy this month may fool you. It will let you believe you are opening to Oneness and then it will lead you into a new configuration in which you will feel a bit like you can't feel your connection to things. Don't be concerned about these waves of experience; you are being substantially upgraded this month and with each alteration to your structure, your energetic interfaces to Gaia, your higher-self, the crystalline Earth grid, to your soul family and other versions of you, are being enlarged and elevated.
The Dolphins Are Speaking to Us ♥
Are they actually saying that they DON'T KNOW what's causing Dolphins to beach themselves?!?
"Mysterious Cape Cod dolphin beachings continue":http://bit.ly/xg2Bg0
Well, here--let Me help You!
Power Path ~ February Forecast 2012: Keep It Moving
The words that came to describe February were so numerous that I finally came to rest on the one theme that will be the most helpful. The other aspects and themes will be addressed in the discussion of the month and will emerge also in the full and new moon updates.
The main theme for February is Keep it Moving.
This month requires a certain circulation of energy so that things don't get stuck. There could be a tendency for you to become mired in the quicksand of the instinctive center, afraid to move forward, sideways or backwards. You could be like a deer in headlights, frozen in fear and not knowing where to turn so you just dig in, close your eyes, and hope it will go away. It won't. Not this month.
Sky Anomalies in Western Canada 2011-2012
A year in the skies of western Canada 2011-2012 ... cloud anomalies, chem trails, ships, extra terrestrial visitors, animal, human, fantasy shapes and more. All photos are unedited and appear as we saw them in the skies. L O V E & L I G H T Dawn Ford.
~The year of the Dragon~
~The year of the Dragon~
We are in the great year of the Dragon. There has been a lot of publicity about the year of the Dragon although there is much more to it than people realize. The Chinese calendar goes back for centuries and so do the Mayan calendars. There is a very symbolic meaning to the Dragon.
The Dragon glyph is ruled by Neptune and represents unity, water, blood, primal mother, and is the source of life. Dragon is the Mother Goddess. Moving from the formless void into the waters of life, she is red like blood and magnetic. She is the psychic factor of bonding universes, the supraconscious of primal existence. She bonds in unity.
~Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Patience~ 2 February 2012 ~Easy does it~
~Easy does it~
There is no need to hurry or force things to happen . Everything is occurring in perfect timing. Honour and follow your inner wisdom. Trust the guidance of your heart. As you let and follow this guidance, prosperity in the area of your choosing will come your way.
Use the power of affirmations. Make little cards of the affirmations you desire and carry them with you. Place them on little notes around your home as reminders of states of being you desire to achieve. Believe that they are already here and with you, and open the gates of manifestation.
Changing Your Relationship with Life! by Lisa Gawlas
Changing Your Relationship with Life!
by Lisa Gawlas
I really wasn't going to write a blog today. I wanted to focus on making my own website clearer, especially the readings page. Everything has changed and continues to change, as does my relationship in the world of Light Communication.
As I was adding details to the 30 minute reading, I felt the energy message so clearly I have to write about it. It is too important not to. This information is the first and greatest key for living in the New Energy fluidly.
SAUL ~ Your shift towards awakening is a joy to behold Brilliant Repost
SAUL ~ Your shift towards awakening is a joy to behold Brilliant Repost
As you become increasingly aware of the fact that you are spiritual beings undergoing an illusory physical experience, it becomes easier for you to accept that you chose to undergo the experience for the lessons you wanted to learn. Nevertheless, that does not necessarily mean that you can recognize and understand your spiritual lessons as they occur, even though you learn them. However, as time passes, things that disturb you or unsettle you are experienced less intensely, indicating that you have been learning the lessons presented to you. It becomes even more apparent to you that you are indeed making progress when you observe others who seem not to learn and who, as you perceive them, keep repeating the same mistakes and suffering the same pains. Of course it is not as you perceive it! They too are most definitely learning very valuable lessons; it is just that your ability to perceive, let alone understand what they are learning is sorely limited, although your perception that you are making progress is totally valid.