~ The Galactic Free Press~ Latest News~ In the Present Moment~

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2012: Think With Your Heart! Love takes the LEAD~


2012: Think With Your Heart!


“We would first like to offer you a sincere welcome and congratulations! We are your friends from home, but closer than ever in thought vibration and we welcome you to the arrival of your destination point, 2012. There are so many profound & delightful changes before you.” -Pleiadian High Council




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Message from the Galactic Federation 1/10/12



The operation is not yet a success. We still have a few more tasks at hand before matters can be considered accomplished. There is the matter of a few more space fighters that must be rounded up, and rounded up they will be very quickly and efficiently in the coming days. The cabal is now down to the bottom of their once filled bag of tricks, and they finally see there is no other choice but surrender. Already, last-minute deals are being bargained for the sale price of leniency and access to a few of their ill-gotten gains. We have them where we want them, and very soon we will be able to go ahead with the long anticipated public announcements of our existence and our purpose here in your world.


The time to celebrate is almost at hand, though this celebration shall be but brief, as there is much work to do and we all must get started on the many varied projects immediately. Returning your governments to constitutional governments of the people, by the people, and for the people is a top priority, and this will also be done quickly and smoothly as we have souls dedicated to the light waiting just off in the wings. It will not take long for one former politician to pack up his or her desk and go home, and many of these corrupt members of your governments are already away from their designated posts, as they have been preparing themselves for their inevitable demise.



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~ Occupy the Income tax ~





A New Global Economy

January 1, 2012





Please spread far and wide. Feel free to embed, Digg, Tweet and Facebook.

(Update available to this original announcement here)

A New Global Economic Restructuring


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TWO MOON CONUNDRUM ~ by Georgi Stankov ~ 10.01.12





by Love Reporter Georgi Stankov




Dear Rob,

I do confirm that this full moon on January 9 was very powerful as an energy portal and it was announced to be so my many sources.


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1/10/2012 -- 7.3 magnitude earthquake in Sumatra -- northwest of Australia


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~Ben Fulford Acknowledges Genuineness of Martinez Video~


~Ben Fulford Acknowledges Genuineness of Martinez Video~

2012 January 9
~Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

Ben Fulford acknowledges today that the James Martinez video is indeed not a hoax. He doesn’t use the word “NESARA” in a sentence and I personally don’t know what “the 130-national group” refers to.


The Company of Light has been reluctant to give too many details about the Earth allies who are bringing in NESARA.  Ben says:

“The 130-nation group that announced a new financial system through the Conscious Media Network on January 1st also contacted the White Dragon Society and said they will prove with action, and not words, that they represent extremely powerful interests. This writer initially, and apparently incorrectly, denounced the announcement as a psy-ops because this group was not identical to the 117 nation Monaco group previously reported about in this newsletter.



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An Insight into the Lion People Part Three ~ (Mother Sekhmet Speaks to All of us from the Council on the Mothership: "Nibiru") ~ by Beth Trutwin



An Insight into the Lion People Part Three (Mother Sekhmet Speaks to All of us from the Council on the Mothership: "Nibiru")

6 February 2011
In this final part of the article, one wishes to include a superbly confirmatory channelling which derives from Mother Sekhmet, the Egyptian lion Goddess. Such an article provides excellent confirmation of the information conveyed by Jelaila Starr and Murry Hope:

Beth Trutwin


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High~status Disclosures of Previously Suppressed Information Are Likely to Bring the Following Changes in 2012


High~status Disclosures of Previously Suppressed Information Are Likely to Bring the Following Changes in 2012


Transcript of An Hour with an Angel, with Jesus, Jan. 9, 2012


Transcript of An Hour with an Angel, with Jesus, Jan. 9, 2012

2012 January 10
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

Ellen has again rushed us a transcript of last night’s Hour with an Angel, in which Jesus shared about his lost years. I’m going to rush this version up now and then return to it in about an hour’s time and smooth out any minor editing problems.


To listen to this show and past shows, click on the link below:


An Hour with an Angel, January 9, 2012


Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, a weekly radio program with channeler Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love, along with Steve Beckow, editor of the 2012 Scenario.


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~ Activating the Light Body~


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~Update from SHeldan Nidle~The events that promise to transform your world are close to manifesting!


7 Men, 8 Chen, 8 Manik





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January~This month, the Great Wheel turns.~



I've been trying to make it home

Got to make it before too long

I can't take this very much longer, no

I'm stranded in the sleet and rain

Don't think I'm ever gonna make it home again

The mornin' sun is risin'

It's kissing the day

Oh, the wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'

I don't know where I'll be tomorrow...

This month, the Great Wheel turns. Slowly. Momentum is on the upswing. Slowly. Do you hear it? Do you hear the creaking of the Wheel as ancient bones begin to turn?



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~The End Times~


~The End Times~



Oneness ~ the Teachings
~ Received and transcribed by Rasha.


"The key to riding out the turbulence that may well manifest at the height of the vibrational shifts to come, will be your willingness to totally surrender to the process, fully aware that you may not yet understand what is, in fact, happening. The changes will be so profound and so far reaching that you will be challenged to maintain your mental and emotional equilibrium."


"... this unprecedented level of change will continue throughout what remains of this physical lifetime and well into next. For it will take quite some time for the dimensional shift to stabilize and for the reality in which you find yourself to once again be in a world where life could be considered quite predictable."


"The hallmark of these extraordinary times, in terms of your physical awareness, is the extremes of uncertainty that characterize virtually everything."



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January-07-2012 was an Extraordinary Day...Multiple Sightings of high altitude Glowing ORBs..Were caught on videotape over San Antonio,Texas...

Jan-07-2012 was a perfect day for Skywatching in San Antonio,Tx...This day began As i was sitting under my porch facing west..I notice a high altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..I crabbed my camera for a closer observation..Three Glowing Orbs could be observed..This first sighting lasted for several mins..The next few Hours was followed by these High altitude flying UFO ORBs..This video is a part of these Events As they Happend..

First Sighting took place at 12:13 am: Three Glowing Ufo Orbs filmed traveling East..
Second Sighting took place 1:34 pm: High altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..
Third Sighting took place at 2:08 pm: High altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..
Fourth Sighting took place at 4:54pm: High altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..
Fifth Sighting took place at 5:08pm: High altitude Glowing Orb traveling East..
These ORBs are clearly not aircrafts/ or weather ballons.


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Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ January 10 ~ 17, 2012 ~Gifts from God~



Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ January 10 ~ 17, 2012
~Gifts from God~

Through Galactic Love Reporter Julie Miller
January 10, 2012


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7.5 & 7.3 Quakes/Sumatra Trench


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~Wes Annac ~ Trip to Earth, Part II ~The Meeting (A Short Story) ~ 10 January 2012


 Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member~Wes Annac ~

Trip to Earth, Part II ~The Meeting (A Short Story) – 10 January 2012


This situation I found myself in required innate mental and emotional training and discipline. If I did not wish to give my position away, I had to maintain pure clarity of mind. I could not even let myself think or feel in any way that I was where I was, lest I wish for those who were also where I was to notice me. I could not be spotted, I could not be known about. With all of my training, with all of my mental discipline, with every fiber of my being I focused on being in my quarters, in my room, meditating or painting. I had to completely convince myself, therefore convincing others, that I was in my quarters, doing anything other than spying on the meeting my parents were having with the rest of the Sirian High Council about various situations unfolding on the planet Earth.



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HuRay! Here we are at the precipice of the greatest event to happen EVER!


~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member World Bridger~



Greetings all,


HuRay! Here we are at the precipice of the greatest event to happen EVER! Something that as I have been shown has never happened before! Brave comment I know, but I have to be true to myself. No one know exactly whats going to happen except Source. Ascension will happen true, but we have a suprise in store. Why do you think everyone one who can be here or around to watch is here!?! This is BIG!!! Everyone wants to be a part of it in some way!


Why did I say such a thing? Only because I am being compelled to. 



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Paul Richard Atkinson ~ The ‘Lion People’ Make Their Presence Felt On Earth ~ 10 January 2012


Paul Richard Atkinson ~ The ‘Lion People’ Make Their Presence Felt On Earth ~ 10 January 2012


Hello dear family

We, the Lion People (Lyran Feline origin) wish to introduce ourselves. We have waited patiently watching and observing the Ascension Process here on your beautiful planet Earth, as you call it. Now at this critical junctor of the evolution process, currently being experienced globally, the Lion People have been delegated the role by the various stellar nations and councils to assist humanity by further empowering you, offering love, solice, compassion, strength and courage with regards to the coming days. First let us offer a bit of information and personal insight into exactly who we are, as channeled via Paul Richard Atkinson:-


My most notable feline incarnations took place in the constellations of Lyra, Sirius, and the Pleiades. Indeed, my first life in this universe was as a lion woman. I have vivid recollections of the Lyran home world. It was a planet of pink grass, purple skies and a vast blue sun. The buildings were mostly domed shaped and there were many crystal cities. Also, there were butterflies as big as vultures, and they were rainbow coloured. Such a planet was, however, destroyed in a brutal galactic war



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MELCHIZEDEK 2012 ~ January 10, 2012 Intense Energies~


Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the coming attractions, so to speak. At this time, many of you are experiencing the intense energies in the manifesting of the extremes of energy flux, with feeling uplifted in higher energies and all the positiveness and joyfulness that this can bring, and then at other times, often during the same day, you feel depleted of your energy and just need to rest and often cannot keep your eyes open in the early evening. These are the energetic downloads that you are receiving and if you are experiencing these symptoms, it means that you are One who is able to take in more Light of the higher vibration and assimilate it. Your physical body is adapting to these at a slower rate and this is why you feel the need to spend long hours sleeping.



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1~10~11~ Space Weather Update~ C Class Flare


THE DECAY OF PHOBOS-GRUNT: Russia's malfunctioning Mars probe, Phobos-Grunt, is sinking back into Earth's atmosphere. Taking into account the current space weather forecast and the area-to-mass ratio of the spacecraft, Ted Molczan estimates the time of re-entry: Jan 16 @ 07:00 UTC +/- 1.3 days. The window of uncertainty is still too large to pinpoint exactly where the fireball will occur. Check Spaceweather's Satellite Tracker for last-chance sighting opportunities.


WEEKEND SUNSPOT: Sunspots store energy in the high-tension twists and turns of their magnetic fields. During the late hours of Jan. 9th, the magnetic field of sunspot 1395 untwisted. The result was a C2.6-class solar flare and this movie from the Solar Dynamics Observatory:



The eruption did not produce a significant CME. Nor did the flash of UV radiation make big waves of ionization in Earth's atmosphere. It was not a geoeffective event.



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The manuscript of survival ~ part 71 Letting Go