~The Galactic Free Press~ We are Just starting to Heat Up~

Lia's picture


Thank You everyone for your Patience as We get used to putting these out daily~~~ With Also Added expansion~

~Vasanas vs. Fears and Beliefs~


~Vasanas vs. Fears and Beliefs~

2012 January 15
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow



Donn Smith stated in his video that he could relieve fears in an instant. Another reader writes that he can remove beliefs in an instant. I firmly believe that we can and will speed up the process of flattening vasanas, but I have to add that neither fears nor beliefs are equivalent to vasanas.


I’ve been getting mail on this subject and finally decided to actually write a note on it.


In 1977 I had an out-of-body experience that removed forever the fear of death – instantly.  I’ve written about it a few times and compared it to someone seeing the grass move outside their apartment at night. Whatever it is we fear is moving towards us and our fear grows. Then it leaves the grass and we see that it’s only Kitty and we’re instantly relieved.



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13:20, (01.15.12): A Royalty of Loyalty is Reigning/Raining = FREEDOM TIME! Let it RING!!!


Earthstar Peace Calendar: Sun/Manitou Day, Violet Crown Star, Essence of Freedom
♥ 11:11 (Word of Love): HOLY AMETHYST, Awakens One to Cosmic Community, Gifts Violet Presence, Teaches that Vibration is the Key to Dimensionality with EL MORYA, Shield of the Father’s Heart. Moon in TATANKA Buffalo in the SPIRITUAL LAW OF PROTECTION OF FAMILY, 1st Dimension, Blue. Stargate of Purification in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF INNOCENCE, TRUTH AND FAMILY. Season of HUPAHU LUTA Ladybug, Rays Healing Energy, Healing, in the SPIRITUAL LAW OF HEALING
Code for Day: http://bit.ly/yrIxXw 
Code for Moon: http://bit.ly/wQu24u 
Code for Season: http://bit.ly/zoBNWF 
Code for Stargate: http://bit.ly/yIraqk
★ 12:12 (Word of Alignment): CEREMONY OF REBIRTHING, SPIRITUAL ATTUNEMENT AND STAR ACTIVATION, Manifest Realm: ANI TSU TSA Pleiades with ZITKANA SAN Redwing Cardinal, WINYAN SAKOWIN The Seven Sisters and IKTOMI WAKAN Sacred Spider

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~The Quartz Crystals from Arkansas and the Fusion! ~


~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~


~The Quartz Crystals from Arkansas and the Fusion! ~




Well, today is the 15th of January. A day I had long seen in readings as a “big” day. Activating a lot of things within peoples paths that truly I didn’t and still don’t (at least clearly) understand.

I sat here this morning wondering what to write about… nothing came. For a change I actually have hours then to do a bath meditation. I laid down in the bath, looking for my own self guidance… nothing. Geez! But man oh man, those crystals had a lot to say!!


But before I get to that, I want to share an experience I had last evening while washing dishes.



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Allendale to Tots: Message to the Light Workers Awake and Asleep ~1/15/12



Allendale to Tots: Message to the Light Workers Awake and Asleep ~1/15/12


January 15th, 2011


[Hello Allendale.] Hi Tots, we would like to give a message out to the good folks who read The Tribe’s blog. [We?] Well, myself and the commanding officers of this ship. [Very good, I am ready.]


Hello to all the fine lads and lasses. This is Allendale, the High Self you know as Anonymous from David Wilcock’s and Kerry Cassiday’s interview. I am here today with the folks who command the GLF ship I am currently on. We would like to address the state of the community you call Earth.



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Message from the Galactic Federation 1/15/12



Code of Conduct.


Wherein no affiliate or member of the Galactic Federation shall engage in the slander or abuse, either physical or verbal, of another, and shall at all times refrain from altercations on any level with another. At all times shall a member of the Galactic Federation respect and honor all other’s views and opinions and refrain from disrespecting another in any way. Violation of these said rules shall remove the violator from any consideration of becoming a member in full standing or working with the Galactic Federation on any level, either personally or indirectly.


Further rule states that no person working either directly or indirectly with the Galactic Federation partake in the use of mind altering substances as this can, and does, interfere with the optimum function and performance of the individual and this cannot be tolerated at this level of commitment in service to our mission and to others. Please understand we do not wish to force our views on anyone. We must, however, strive to offer our best efforts and purest commitment to the mission we have agreed to undertake as per decree of our Creator. Only those prepared to give their sincerest efforts and full attention in this regard will be considered for posts within the Galactic Federation, and only those who adhere to these guidelines will continue their service with us.


Please be advised that other rules do apply, and at the time of our initial orientation with those deemed qualified for a position with us, these rules will be fully explained to each of you. There are many benefits to working with us, and although some release of habits or tendencies you may have become accustomed may be required of you, in the long run you will receive far more than you are asked to contribute.


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Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ January 15 ~ 22, 2012



Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ January 15 ~ 22, 2012
Galactic Love Reporter: Julie Miller
January 15, 2012

We meet once again and will continue to do so each Sunday for a very long time through this vessel. I am pleased to have this time with all of you and surround each of you with my Light Presence and unyielding love. 
Your spirituality and growth takes on a gradual progression that unifies your existence within Love Energy between you and God. As you grow so does this love and its energy, creating and Infinite Flow of energy that will always join you to God and to the Mother Earth. This flow is not a reward from overnight success; it comes from hard work that is combined of spirituality and personal effort. 




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~ War with Iran No Longer Possible ~


War with Iran No Longer Possible

2012 January 15
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

David Wilcock has written a comprehensive and well-thought out overview of what he aptly describes as “financial tyranny.” His analysis of the “super-entity” that owns most corporations, the fact that derivatives are still being floated after already dooming the international economy, and the size of Illuminati holdings and theft stagger the imagination.

I’m still reading through and digesting the article personally, as time allows. But I did want to comment on one statement, lest new readers particularly feel anxiety over it. David writes:


“Simultaneously, very aggressive and blatant moves are being made to start World War III in the Middle East — with imminent, ever-increasing threats from Israel and the United States to attack Iran.



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Sharon's Take ~ January 2012 Taking a Stand~


Sharon's Take ~ January 2012 Taking a Stand


Here we are at the beginning of a grand new year that many of us have been waiting for for a long time. I often get asked what is my take on what will happen in 2012 and so doing a reading of this year has been ongoing for many years. I do think we will see great changes and shifts this year. I don't believe there will be a magical event over a few days that will drastically change the earth and those of us left on it, however a part of me would still like that to happen. When I have asked my guides previously about this they always remind me that when we view events out of space and time they seem to happen very quickly, while we are in them they happen more slowly. Although I do think there has been a quickening where things are happening faster than say, 30 years ago, and sometimes feel too fast for those going through them, I do think things are happening and there is less lag time in our creations in the physical realm as more of us awaken to great possibilities and higher compassion.



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The manuscript of survival ~ part 73 ~ 15 January 2012 ~ aisha north


The manuscript of survival - part 73
15 January 2012 

by Love Reporter aisha north


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Message 84~ Claim Your Gifts


Message 84

Claim Your Gifts



We are here, streaming energy, offering suggestions and gentle reminders that you are a multidimensional being of great skill with a great desire to serve. These are miraculous, wondrous times. Humans are expanding into their full powerful potential as the multidimensional beings they truly are.


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Part 2 Forgiveness, Miracles..etc....


During your process of Ascension..., you will start to remember many, many things from your past lives.  This process is only natural, and is how I was even able to write my book called: Science Marries Spirit.


See link here:  http://bit.ly/qgreUr   After all, how could I..., being only a carpenter in this lifetime..., have written something so advanced in Science and Physics with the limited understanding of a person who pounds nails into wood.  The answer is of course having been an exceptional Master of Frequency, Healing, and Magnetics...in Atlantis..., that knowledge was opened up to me very vividly once I started to ascend.


The truth of the matter is however, that once you start to Ascend..., not just the memories of the great things you've done come back to you..., but also the tendancies and temptations of the worst things you've done come back to you as well.

You get the good, as well as the bad! In other words, you start to remember "ALL" of the things that you've done in your past lives.

As for me..., the good things come up as wisdom or knowledge, the bad things come up as lower frequency tendancies, desires, and so forth, as well as much anger.



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1/15/2012 -- EARTHQUAKE ALERT -- 6.6M, 6.6M, 6.7M, 6.7M, and a 6.2M FIVE IN A ROW !


The 6.6 magnitude :


The 6.2 magnitude:


Attempting to get the rest of the feeds… ironically.. USGS is dropping the others…

Simply put… this movement is insane.

Here are a series of links to monitor global seismic information:


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13 year old Jake...., a living prodigy and a genius in Math and Physics


Jake..., only 13 years old, and getting ready to graduate from a University was interviewed by 60 minutes.  He says the reason he can do this type of math is that he "sees" into the 4th Dimension.


Wow..., what a great inspiration for us!





Please enjoy this as much as I did.


Love Shannon


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My Daily Prayer to the Angels, Ascended Masters and loving Galactics


As a Soverign Being of Love and Light..., I call upon all of the Angels, Ascended Masters, and Galactics to surround the Earth in a perfect sphere, and as one unified being send an intense blast of pure Love deep into the heart of Mother Earth to help with her Ascension.


I am grateful that this LOVE now sent flows deeply into the minds, hearts and souls of each man, woman and child living upon or in the Earth to help with their personal ascensions.


I ask that this LOVE now given be magnified by 100 million times more powerful than all other love and light previously sent and that it be allowed to go exactly where it is needed the most!



Note:  I love saying this prayer and it gives me chills sometimes when I do.

Much love to all






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Jennifer Hoffman ~ Archangel Uriel ~ Celebrate Your Failures ~ 16 January 2012


~Galactic Love Reporter Jennifer Hoffman ~ Archangel Uriel ~ Celebrate Your Failures ~ 16 January 2012



Is it possible that the greatest reasons to celebrate are in the form of what you
would call a failure, those things that did not end as you expected or become the
fulfillment of a hope or desire? How can you be happy about something that causes
you sorrow and whose outcome means that you must re-create a part of your journey
or find another path for your life because the one you have been on is finished?

That which you call a failure is actually an expression of your soul’s healing
if you understand its true meaning and value.

The meaning of a failure can be found in alignment because what you cannot create
what you are not aligned with. In the past you may have been able to create a version
of it but as you increase your vibrations you will notice that your failures come
more quickly and with greater intensity. This is because you are being guided to
follow the path of alignment, that which is aligned with your energy, your soul’s
desire for your highest good and greatest energetic expression. When you intend
to be powerful, anything that is not an expression of that power is removed from
your field of potential.



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Ben Arion ~ Galactic Federation First Contact ~ Through Diversity We Find Unity ~ 16 January 2012


~Galactic Love Reporter Ben Arion ~ Galactic Federation First Contact ~ Through Diversity We Find Unity ~ 16 January 2012



(The links are mentioned in the picture leftside and at the end.)


Keywords in this first contact is Love and Truth. Nothing will be as before. A reunion together with thousands of Cosmic Civilizations, only in this galaxy. It´s a step by step process which will introduce us to the universal family.

The media shows only a fraction of the truth of what is happening on Earth.  One who seeks answers will have to find them on his own. The truth is that changes are bigger and stronger than anyone can imagine. Our planet is about to break out of its old shell and rise up to a higher frequency and that concerns everything that lives on her.

Now I want to speak about the implications of first contact.

People will see and feel this Cosmic Contact in different ways, depending on their beliefs.



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EARTH groans and travails ~ Last Days sounds? !


Romans 8:22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.


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~1~16~12 Poofness Report~ Ride Captain Ride~ YEEHAW~ All the Way HOME


Ride Captain Ride Lyrics


Seventy-three men sailed up from the San Francisco Bay
Rolled off of their ship, and here's what they had to say
"We're callin' everyone to ride along to another shore
We can laugh our lives away and be free once more"

But no one heard them callin', no one came at all
'Cause they were too busy watchin' those old raindrops fall
As a storm was blowin' out on the peaceful sea
Seventy-three men sailed off to history

Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship
Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip
Ride captain ride upon your mystery ship
On your way to a world that others might have missed

(Repeat first two verses)


Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship
Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ Poof speaks in code, but what she is Saying Basically is YEEHAW~ All the Way HOME~ Love Mother and  Father God and The Galactic Free Press~



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~ Re-minders from Home ~ Honor the other Gods and empower those around You


~ Re-minders from Home ~

From Steve:

Steve in channelSteve in channel

As we step into this special year the group give us a glimpse into the future and the open door before us. This next year will be about harmony for all of us in one way or another. The best way to achieve harmony is to honor the other gods and empower those around you.

As this year of 2011 ends and we begin a new year Barbara, Austin, Charmaine, Jon, Meg and I, along with the all the Lightworker family globally, wish you a very happy holidays and an empowered new year. We have all been waiting for this year for a long time.  Now let us walk into this special year with consciousness and create a new world with our every thought.

Big hugs,



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~“Would You Settle for Happiness?”~


~“Would You Settle for Happiness?”~



~Grandmothers Speak, January Message through Sharon McErlane~


I’d recently received emails predicting this and warning about that. So many that frankly, I was sick of them. I didn’t want more predictions, but decided I wouldn’t mind a little practical advice. So I went to the Grandmothers.


“Grandmothers,” I said, “we could use something useful and uplifting. The new year has started and people are wary of this year. 2012 and all that,” I said. “If you have a helpful message for us, would you please give it so I can send it out?”


The Grandmothers didn’t say anything at first, but instead showed me the bouquet I’d put together earlier that day. With yellow narcissus and other flowers from the garden, it had an autumnal glow and gracefully branched in all directions. I didn’t know why they were showing it to me and wondered if the bouquet had something to do with my question.



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Lucas ~ New Financial Developments~ A New Wind Is Blowing ~ 16 January 2012


Galactic Love Reporter Lucas ~ New Financial Developments~ A New Wind Is Blowing ~ 16 January 2012



As we have heard in the news the credit agencies are at it again and did downgrade 9 European countries. The criticism is heard widespread. I think it brings down the crooked system faster. So let them criticise. Let them downgrade.


Also the opportunistic Brits want to make London the world financial centre for trading the chinese Yuan. This is for me a sign that indeed progress is made with the different factions and countries to come to an agreement about a new financial system in which a gold and precious metal and precious stones backed money will be for all to have soon. This will free us from debt and poverty and give us abundance.


In all parts of the world are talks and meetings to  come to coöperation and agreements. Not dividing things but to uniting  is what you see now. Compromises to come to solutions all benefit from is on the increase .  This is the direction is has to go. The old system still is dominating the news but the new is coming true clearly day by day.



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~1~16~12~ Space Weather Update~ Significant CME~ C6~ then C5~ Wind Speed 440~


PHOBOS-GRUNT DESTROYED: According to the Russian space agency and the U.S. Space Command, the Phobos-Grunt spacecraft re-entered Earth's atmosphere on Jan. 15th shortly before 1 p.m. EST. So far, no photographs of the fireball or other debris have been submitted to spaceweather.com. Initial estimates of the final ground track suggest a re-entry in the south Pacific in the broad vicinity of Australia and New Zealand..


SIGNIFICANT CME: Sunspot complex 1401-1402 erupted this morning, Jan. 16th at approximately 0400 UT, producing a C6-class solar flare and a bright coronal mass ejection. SOHO recorded the expanding cloud:



The CME is not heading toward Earth, at least not directly. It might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 18th. Stay tuned for further analysis of the cloud's trajectory. Aurora alerts: text, voice.



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~SaLuSa~1~16~12 Many Have Special Work~ As We Push Ahead with Full Disclosure~


~Galactic Love Reporter Mike Quinsey~with Commentary from Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

SaLuSa tells us that the dark ones are no longer in a position to dictate what happens in the world and we are approaching the time when some firm indications of what lies ahead will be manifesting.  He says that those who are awakening to the growing Light may find the shift in beliefs and values all but overwhelming.


He disparages the cover-up of the galactic existence, by dark institutions that claim to be scouring space for the existence of other forms of life when their presence is made known each day in our skies.  He says that the cover-up hides the fact that many offers to assist us have been refused. He reveals that the galactics don’t want to be seen to force themselves upon us. He says that the galactics are allowed to respond when the majority of us are in favor of their initiatives. 


He counsels us to continue preparing for Ascension without let up. We must take the rising vibrations into ourselves. By year’s end a critical mass will have built up that will carry us through the stargate (this is the first time I’ve heard him use that particular description).


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~What Can We Expect?~ Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~


~What Can We Expect?~


2012 January 16
Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member~ Steve Beckow

I was surprised to receive a number of emails saying that people had not heard from me in three days and wondering if the dark had gotten me. The dark is not going to get me. And it isn’t going to get you either.


Yes, they are not gone completely. But it is safe enough to open our eyes at least and look around us.


In fact I took a weekend off, the first in memory, and just spent some quiet time with my wife.  I may do this every weekend. I’ve been going now for more years than I can remember and asking my wife to put up with it too. The time has arrived to take a few days off a week.


I didn’t know what to do with all that free time.  I’ve forgotten whatever it was I used to do. Relaxing was hard work.


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Spirit Food A La Carte Intro, Chapters 1 & 2



Something has brought us together. Call it coincidence or serendipity. Nevertheless, you have a curiosity about this subject of food for the Spirit, or we would not be communicating like this. I happen to believe there is some higher part of you that is saying, “It’s time for you to grow, to take on nourishment, so start here.”

I hope you will forgive us if we shock your sensibilities, whether they are religious or agnostic. Or, even if you tend toward atheism, let’s be clear about one thing; the message is the same for all, and that is--you have a choice. And you will be offered to choose your path in the months ahead.

You may not even realize you are on a path in this life. But you most certainly are, and where it leads is yours to determine. You have free-will, and no-one can choose for you. Soon you will find a fork in your path—there you must make a choice. You cannot avoid it, you must keep moving, either to the left, or to the right.

As you stand at the fork in the path you will notice that as the main path separates into two paths one of them leads to higher ground. The other path stays level ahead of you. There are no obstacles in sight for either path as far as the eye can see. At the juncture of these paths there is a signpost and on it a warning. It reads;

“Take either path, they both lead to God. The one on your left is very long and arduous, and takes a long, long time to arrive at the journey’s end. The one on the right is a shortcut. It is the most difficult path to trod, but it leads to joy, peace, unrivaled happiness and love of the highest order at journey’s end.”

If you choose the fork that leads to higher ground, because of the difficult terrain and the climb upward, you will become famished unless you take special nourishment. It will be provided along the way.

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Twelve Insight ~ How Am I To Stay Positive And Hope For Things To Get Better When All That Is Happening Is Disappointment? ~ January 15, 2012 ~ by Gillian


Twelve Insight ~ How Am I To Stay Positive And Hope For Things To Get Better When All That Is Happening Is Disappointment?
Posted on January 15, 2012 by Gillian




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~The Galactic Free Press ~ Truth Transmissions ~ 2012~The New Earth=Heart is in Manifestation=Balanced Harmonics~


~The Galactic Free Press~



~Truth Transmissions~


~ 2012~The New Earth=Heart is in Manifestation=Balanced Harmonics~



The New Earth is in Manifestation, with A Firm Foundation of Unconditional Love, the Only Law that Exists, can exist, Will exist, and has Ever Existed.


The Highest Vibrational Thought of Love Everywhere Present is the Perfect Balanced Harmonic Chord Within Creation. Each and Every Being on this Planet has within them, their own  Unique Note.  Currently, This Note is Being Sounded Within all of Humanity's Dna Structures as we work dilegently to raise the Entire Planet UP into Higher and Higher Frequencies.



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The Pleiadian High Council: “You are Undergoing a Master Ascension”


The Pleiadian High Council: “You are Undergoing a Master Ascension”




~Galactic Love Reporter  Wes Annac~


Wes: Hello to the Pleiadian High Council. How have you been, friends? It has been quite a minute since we have chatted.


Pleiadian High Council: Hello dear Wesley, we are feeling wonderful as always. It pains us to watch you go through what you do, but if you had our perspective you would know that the lessons which are turning you inside out, are serving to expose demons in yourself, that you grew comfortable with and acquainted yourself with whilst in the low vibrations of Earth. These demons originally came to you as incarnate people on Earth, who were and still are of a very dark nature. You befriended them and grew a relationship with them for survival purposes. You have been told that you spent incarnations in Illuminati families, yes?


Wes: Yes dear friends I have, though I do not remember much about it.



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HEAVEN #4069 ~ Love, Like Cream, Comes to the Top ~ 15.01.12


Heaven #4069

By Love Reporter  Gloria Wendroff


Love, Like Cream, Comes to the Top

Heavenletter #4069 Published on: January 15, 2012

God said:

In the Fullness of Love, We ARE. There is no getting away from it. We are One. We are One lovely Loving One.

In the world, there are many diversions, many by-paths, many digressions.


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Mike Quinsey: The Command Ships of the Ashtar Command


Mike Quinsey: The Command Ships of the Ashtar Command

2012 January 14
Commentary through Steve Beckow

Mike Quinsey published this article in 2004, taking the material not from his own channelings but from two books by Tuella and a source called Cloverleaf Connections, with which I’m not familiar. Tuella is a now-transitioned channel of Ashtar. Thanks to Kauila.
Below Mike’s article is one on Tuella.


The Command Ships of The Ashtar Command

Posted Nov. 10, 2004


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Visionkeeper ~ Hold The Light ~ 15 January 2012


Visionkeeper ~ Hold The Light ~ 15 January 2012



Okay, I am sure some people reading this post are saying “what does she mean hold the light?” Sounds a bit odd I know, but believe me it is imperative we do this, especially at this time.


To hold the light on the planet is to hold love in your heart and your life. To think loving thoughts, to perform loving actions towards others, to feel love in your heart for all, to be rid of your ego, to stop all judging of others, to stop the blame game and take full responsibility for your actions and to stay positive in your thoughts. This is how we should be living our lives all of the time. This is the new life we are being asked to live now so we can raise our consciousness out of 3D into 4 and 5D.


When the mass consciousness does finally shift out of 3rd dimension love and compassion will be what we feel in our hearts and minds at all times. It will be a very exciting and monumental shift and the outcome will be glorious. As with everything, it will take our hard work and deep committment to pull this off. It really isn’t work if you think of the outcome. What a wonderful world it will be to live in.



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~ You Are Frequently Feeling The Disquiet Of Others ~ 15 January 2012


~Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman ~ Saul


~ You Are Frequently Feeling The Disquiet Of Others ~ 15 January 2012



Many of you are finding this period in the divine plan stressful with your doubts and skepticism  intensifying as you wait expectantly for the moment of awakening.  This is very understandable because all the channels and all the guides have been encouraging your expectations, and yet most of you have very little, if any, sense of the enormous changes that are actually occurring worldwide.  However, I can assure you that your intent to awaken, coupled with your intent to embrace only loving energies, and release all others, is intensifying and strengthening your connection to and integration with the divine energy field that is enveloping the planet


Some of you, who are more conscious of holding these intents, are experiencing unusual tiredness, even exhaustion, as your old and ancient disabling and limiting attitudes and beliefs storm into your awareness to be released.  Others among you are releasing more general issues from many who are still deeply asleep, that you have, at a deeper level of your being, volunteered to help with, and which as a result are being channeled through you.  For this you are greatly honored.



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MESSAGE FROM MY GOD-SELF (3)~ Through Galactic Love Reporter Ute~


MESSAGE FROM MY GOD-SELF (3)~ Through Galactic Love Reporter Ute~


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012

I AM your God-Self,
Speaking to all humanity ~

Things occur not yet in your outer world because you still hold on to your old limited consciousness.
You cannot change your outer world experience while you still live and breathe as you have done for so many millenniums.

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Hilarion's Weekly Message, January 15~22, 2012



Hilarion's Weekly Message, January 15~22, 2012


Beloved Ones,
Many of you are discovering that as you each stand in your Light and in your truth without fear, without anger, that you are being supported by the new energies that are permeating the entire atmosphere of the Earth. Those who try to work in the old paradigms, in the old ways of doing business on
Earth are beginning to find that they are not being supported in their endeavors. All that has been done in secret and behind the scenes now comes to the Light and scrutiny of Humanity as a whole.

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~TWO Large EarthQuakes Shetland Islands 15th jan 2012 ~


A LATE AMENDMENT. A THIRD LARGE EARTH QUAKE of 6.2 magnitude has been reported by the usgs . Might be a mistake. They have up graded the 6.5 to 6.6 magnitude. less than an hour after the second Large earth quake..Two Large EarthQuakes Shetland Islands 15th and 16th jan 2012 ..No reports of damage at this stage.. Our hearts and thoughts go to the people of this region and all regions experiencing "events" LOVE AND KINDNESS.. Namaste....
the list of links are below and i am grateful for their service...http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes...
http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake and http://www.geonet.org.nz/earthquake/quakes/recent_quakes


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~The Message Bill Hicks Shared with Humanity~


The message bill hicks wanted the world to hear.... a message about peace, love, and comedy.


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Visionkeeper ~ Observing Life, Not Falling Prey To It



Visionkeeper ~ Observing Life, Not Falling Prey To It


One World Rising | January 15 2012

Times are definitely going to ratchet up in the coming weeks and months as the dark fights hard to hold onto what they have tried to create for themselves. It is important for us to be like the owl who sits and observes life from its perch. We must pay very close attention to what is going on. But like the owl with all his wisdom we must NOT become involved with what we are witnessing. Do not fall prey to the fear that will undoubtedly be served up on a silver platter.


Fear is a grand illusion of the dense and restrictive 3rd dimension. Do not go there. There is no fear if we are living in our heart and living love. All the turmoil and chaos we see taking place is occurring in the 3rd dimension. It is not taking place in 4th or 5th or anywhere else.



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~My dream of loving the darkness away to dissolve in Love~


~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Andrea~


~My dream of loving the darkness away to dissolve in Love~




I went to bed at about midnight, and as every night I put on my headphones with my Delta Wave meditation "Association with Wholeness", it lasts about 45 minutes and I put it in loop cause usually after a few minutes I'm already "gone". I woke up at at the end of a loop... took out my headphones, looked at time 2.00 am... wow, quite late... looked again 2.00am... yes, well, turned off my phone and went back to sleep.

Started dreaming very fast, was in a dark room with a corridor, it was almost completely dark... I knew I had to go down the corridor "Ok, nothing to fear of, dark is not real anymore. Even if my eyes believe it's dark, i KNOW it is not." So I went down, into the dark. Almost enjoyed it... no fear. Even when  something came out of the dark, looked at it and spead Love... just a dog... Got to the end of it, where light was completely cut off and laughed out my lungs!!! I did it! Got to the center of the dark with no fear and... wow... nothing happened.



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New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind ~ Serial 1 ~ by Georgi Stankov




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~Being The Highest Vision Of Yourself, By Galactic Love Reporter Ben~Arion~


~Being The Highest Vision Of Yourself, By Galactic Love Reporter Ben~Arion~


http://www.AshtarCommandCrew.net & http://www.BenArion.com


Nothing is Random. No Hostile or Negative "extraterrestrial"



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~Ascension ~ Your Missions & Agreements~


 Written and Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Mysticalflame



~Ascension ~ Your Missions & Agreements~



It amazes me how many souls~ can't want to ascend and get off the planet.


Do you not realize, that your very souls asked and volunteered to come here, to this planet during this time because of an incrediable love to serve  the divine will and the highest good of all. You volunteered to assist Humanity and Mother Earth in their awakening and the ascension, playing many roles and taking on many responsibilities.



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~All that we are is the result of what we have thought~ ~Buddha~





~All that we are is the result of what we have thought~ ~Buddha~



~ True beauty comes from within, Physical appearance only enhances the reflection of ones conscious perspective.. Because The most beautiful people have an inner light shining through their physical reflection,


~ The beauty of a dream exists in reality only when it is processed through a cause. The completion of task is felt as a gratifying joy within and this reflects to those around us as inspiration. Your beauty inspires many people in many ways, But the most powerful reflection you have to others is that of your happiness and your joy for life ..~~♥~



~ The heart is the conscious souls container, the vessel of the universal energy’s transformation.



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Gilian MacBeth-Louthan ~ I Am Eloheim –~14 January 2012


Love Reporter Gilian MacBeth-Louthan

I Am Eloheim

14 January 2012



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~Galactic Love Reporter Felix C Lopez~






~I honor the place where you are, when you’re there and I AM WITHIN myself. WE ARE ONE. ONE GOD. ONE LOVE. ONE UNIVERSE.


AND ONLY ONE LANGUAGE, the heart really matters.

We will become one, but only if your EGO dies, WHICH IS THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN GIVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and you allow your spirit to soar into the infinite.


In this place there is no pride or prejudice, no racial differences, no discrimination, no hatred, no misunderstandings, no disagreements, no envy, just PERFECT LOVE, COMPASSION AND HARMONY.



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~Occupy The Dream ~ #J15 Candlelight Vigil for Martin Luther King Jr.~



~Occupy The Dream ~ #J15 Candlelight Vigil for Martin Luther King Jr.~



"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.


In a few days the Occupy Movement will be engaging in global actions centered around the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The heart of Dr. King’s vision offers wonderful inspiration for the movement – one that is deeply rooted in love.  King’s approach to activism was all about “love in action.”



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'S*** New Age Girls Say'... or at least she thought so...


So, our lovely 'Patty the Universe' shares so much that I had to watch video more than once... 


Some of US, we need this kind of poking and triggering, as the regular Main Stream Media guys, do not believe anything they see on TV.... Or is it?...


In every word, in every joke there is seed of truth... and if you only change the angle that you hear and see these videos or writings... You can see truly amazing humor that penetrate in deepest pores of our humanity, and while you are laughing or judging her, you still getting the message...


And I got this one: 'So you beloved friend, I am so happy to put a show about how we standing tall and taking actions in our own hands... 


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Mark Borax. SPECIAL THREE~PART NEW YEAR REPORT~ 2012: Flight of the Dragon


Mark Borax. SPECIAL THREE~PART NEW YEAR REPORT~ 2012: Flight of the Dragon



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Martin L. King, Jr. - A Brilliant Light Worker


Martin Luther King, Jr. has been an inspirational human role model and despite his untimely physical death, his Soul shines ever so brilliantly.

His "I have a Dream" speech is not what has been taught in schools.  Most schools only teach the "dream" portion, and he said quite a lot leading up to the "dream" portion and afterwards.

I felt the need to read the speech, and listen to it, and it is quite an amazing oration.

Below are links to the video and transcription for sharing purposes.

Equality, Love, Light, Respect, Honor for ALL LIFE UPON GAIA INCLUDING GAIA.  




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~1~15~11~ Space Weather Update~ Active Sunspots Incoming~


PHOBOS-GRUNT RE-ENTRY TODAY: Russia's malfunctioning Mars probe, Phobos-Grunt, will re-enter the atmosphere today, creating a brilliant fireball over a still-unknown part of Earth. Best estimates of the re-entry time range from 1700 UT to 2200 UT on Jan. 15th. The Aerospace Corporation has published some possible ground tracks.


ACTIVE SUNSPOTS: Crackling with C-class solar flares, a pair of active sunspots is emerging over the sun's northeastern limb. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the pair during the early hours of Jan. 15th:



These sunspots have the potential for strong eruptions. Sunspot 1401 produced an M1-flare on Jan. 14th. Two days earlier, while it was still on the farside of the sun, sunspot 1402 produced a partially-eclipsed flare of uncertain magnitude that created waves of ionization in the atmosphere over Europe.



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~Jesus: How You Feel is a Choice You Make in Every Moment~


~Jesus: How You Feel is a Choice You Make in Every Moment~

Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman

January 15, 2012



Humanity’s long sojourn in the illusion is coming to an end, as is the illusion itself. It has served its purpose which was to enable you to play with the concept of being separated from God (only in your imaginations!) and to experience the pain, the sense of abandonment, and the insanity in which that state seemed to embroil you. Your Father knew that you would tire of it, and He put in place the apparatus necessary to assist you in freeing yourselves from the severely limiting place that you built.



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~The Final Battle of Light and Dark ~ 15 January 2012


~Galactic Love Reporter Bill Ballard ~


~The Final Battle of Light and Dark ~ 15 January 2012


What a marvelous time to be alive on Earth! We are in the final Battle of Light and Dark! This is a frequency war. All That Is (Creator Source) is frequency – various vibrational levels of consciousness. What is happening now is the final test for those choosing to ascend.


The whole battle of light and dark is nothing more than a test for each to show what we have mastered over our many previous lifetimes. As we come to the end of the Piscean Age and begin the Age of Aquarius all the old illusion MUST collapse. The soil must be tilled to plant the seeds of New Earth. This is precisely what is going on now. And watching the world collapse around you is not an easy thing, even if you are fully set on choosing ascension.



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