“When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.”
― Jiddu Krishnamurti
Table of Contents
- Biologist Explains How THC Kills Cancer Cells
- BORED NO MORE: The wonder of life is ever present and of infinite variety
- Daily Message ~ Sunday March 9, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
- Universal Music
- 100% Renewable Energy Is Feasible and Affordable, According to Stanford Proposal
- SEEK THE GRAIL OF YOU! - Brian Schulz
- If control is an illusion, how does the Universe work?
- The Demonstration of Love by Paul Selig & The Guides p 171-172
- S0 News March 8, 2014: Planetary Eruptions, Storms, Spaceweather
- 5 Fascinating Health Benefits of Mindful Meditation
- Scientists Scanned A Woman's Brain During An Out-Of-Body Experience — And What They Found Was Amazing
- The Effect of Negative Emotions on Our Health
- RSA Shorts - The Power of Empathy
- CIA hacks computers of the very group that's supposed to oversee them
Biologist Explains How THC Kills Cancer Cells
Dr. Christina Sanchez is a molecular biologist at Compultense University in Madrid Spain, her research led to the findings that THC does indeed kill cancer cells! She sat down with us to explain her work...
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BORED NO MORE: The wonder of life is ever present and of infinite variety
It’s funny that boredom even exists. We have instant access to the Internet, games, chatting, emailing, and that’s only with a computer. Sports, TV, theatre, yoga classes… the options to act on are endless. The effect of our endless stream of frenetic action is that we’re becoming desensitized to action. We do stuff just for the sake of doing stuff because we’re caught in the swing of the pendulum. The momentum keeps us going, so go we do. The net result of all this doing is that doing stuff no longer holds the same meaning, and we get bored.
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Daily Message ~ Sunday March 9, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
Dear Ones, the faster you start making your own decisions based on living according to your own innate truth and your own sense of what is right or wrong for you, the faster you will start living the deeply satisfying life expression that is available to you. Your own divine spark is always there, deep within, to guide you for your highest good, which can only be for the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel
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Universal Music
You were designed to resonate musically with The Universe. It was with you before you came and is there to remind you of your origins. Take your quiet time, find it within yourself and sing with Me! ~ Creator
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100% Renewable Energy Is Feasible and Affordable, According to Stanford Proposal
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The Open-Hearted Love of Jesus, the Compassion and Awareness of Buddha, the Strength and Wisdom of Krishna and every spiritual prophet that has ever lived... belong to YOU....
The eternal day of happiness, the abiding peace and joy you dream of and deserve..... is written in your Original Self......
These magnificent qualities of heart and mind, body and soul are the substance and matter of your Living Core.... and they surely dwell in your Perfect Body and Radiant Spirit, in the unique and completely authentic human masterpiece you were born to BE!
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If control is an illusion, how does the Universe work?
Previously I mentioned that Everyone Is God, and that the belief that God is in control of everything is an illusion spread by religion. I'm sure for some this is a frightening thought, as many find comfort in the belief that God has some master plan for their life. The idea that you create your own destiny carries with it a kind of personal responsibility that many don't want to accept yet.
God is not in control of the Universe, God Is The Universe. This is not some minor difference, if God is in control, then God must be separate from the Universe. Since you're part of the Universe, believing God is in control also separates God from yourself, which is something we don't recommend doing.
The next thing to understand is that everything is made up of Consciousness. A rock's consciousness is different than yours, and it can't express consciousness in the same way you do, but that doesn't mean it lacks consciousness. Don't just believe me when I say this either, this is not something to be believed, it's something that needs to be experienced directly to really be understood. There's a state of Being called samadhi where the true nature of the Universe is revealed, and there is no longer any separation between the observer and that which is observed. It's in this state that the Consciousness of Everything can truly be felt.
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The Demonstration of Love by Paul Selig & The Guides p 171-172
The Demonstration of Love by Paul Selig & The Guides p 171-172
Now understand this, please. When you love another, you hold them in their worth. That is what you do, and you hold them in their worth unconditionally. There is nothing possible for any man to do, for any woman to do, to make them unlovable by God, but they do not know this. They shut themselves away, and you heal that by seeing them in their worth. If you condemn them, if you roll the stone in front of your own cave to block out the light, you harm yourself.
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S0 News March 8, 2014: Planetary Eruptions, Storms, Spaceweather
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5 Fascinating Health Benefits of Mindful Meditation
“Meditation is not a means to an end. It is both the means and the end.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti
Mindfulness meditation has been around for literally thousands of years, and there’s a reason for that: it works. Through science we’re starting to get a better understanding of why it is so beneficial. Everyday more research is drawing a clearer link between meditation and human health. Its effect on our mind body and soul is undeniable. People as diverse as David Lynch and the Dalai Lama have praised the benefits of mindful meditation, asserting that it can increase attention, combat stress, boost overall health, and even foster compassion. With that in mind, here are five interesting health benefits of mindful meditation.
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Scientists Scanned A Woman's Brain During An Out-Of-Body Experience — And What They Found Was Amazing
It may sound like a plot from "The Twilight Zone," but a psychology graduate student at the University of Ottawa says she can voluntarily enter an out-of-body experience. This was a lucky break for scientists, who were able to scan her brain during the episode.
Usually out-of-body experiences are a part of, say, a near-death experience. A patient may float above their own body as surgeons work on them. These experiences are usually attributed to the drugs in a patient's system, or the hormones released into their system by trauma.
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The Effect of Negative Emotions on Our Health
“If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.” ~ Hippocrates
Your mind and body are linked, which can’t be seen, but only felt. Your body reflects your emotional and psychological states. A positive mental attitude and powerful immune system will be the result of a healthy spiritual, physical and emotional state. It is only when we ignore our bodies that illness is able to take control of our own bodies natural defenses.
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RSA Shorts - The Power of Empathy
What is the best way to ease someone's pain and suffering? In this beautifully animated RSA Short, Dr Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to really get in touch with our own fragilities.
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CIA hacks computers of the very group that's supposed to oversee them
Just in case you need any more evidence that the very highest levels of the federal government have a complete disregard for actual law and order:
What the C.I.A. did next opened a new and even more rancorous chapter in the struggle over how the history of the interrogation program will be written. Agency officials began scouring the digital logs of the computer network used by the Senate staff members to try to learn how and where they got the report. Their search not only raised constitutional questions about the propriety of an intelligence agency investigating its congressional overseers, but has also resulted in two parallel inquiries by the Justice Department — one into the C.I.A. and one into the committee.