will's picture
DEAR FRIENDS- This is my loving and heartfelt psalm to you......... an ecstatic shout of "yes" for a New Life!

The Open-Hearted Love of Jesus, the Compassion and Awareness of Buddha, the Strength and Wisdom of Krishna and every spiritual prophet that has ever lived... belong to YOU....

The eternal day of happiness, the abiding peace and joy you dream of and deserve..... is written in your Original Self......

These magnificent qualities of heart and mind, body and soul are the substance and matter of your Living Core.... and they surely dwell in your Perfect Body and Radiant Spirit, in the unique and completely authentic human masterpiece you were born to BE!

I sing to you from the freedom I have found in my open heart and arisen spirit, my reborn body and the good earth of my happy soul.....

Turn within yourself and seek the Grail of YOU.....

Wake up beyond all self-doubt to your miraculous and holy beauty. Face your pain with sacred courage and utter tenderness- and release every last healing and precious tear! Burn away every chain of fear with your passionate fire to be free!

And never ever stop your holy quest to Unconditionally Love and Believe in yourself. To trust and feel and express everything inside you and come alive as everything you ARE! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN
Read more of Brian's writings here: