Listening to me THROUGH the mind is bound to create more problems for you rather than solving them, because whatsoever I say will be heard with so many prejudices that by the time it reaches to you it is no more the thing that was said.
A little boy and his father are in front of the lion’s cage at the zoo. Suddenly the little boy comes too close to the cage and the lion is almost on the boy.
A man standing by with a swift movement grabs the boy and saves him.
A journalist happens to be among the crowd, so he decides to write an article about it. Among other questions he asks the man, ”What party do you belong to?”
”I am a Nazi,” replies the man.
The next day the newspaper carries the following headline: ”A dirty Nazi snatches the lunch of a hungry African immigrant.”
That’s the way how prejudices function. Prejudices create immediate interpretations in you, and they are so quick, they don’t give you any time to ponder over. You understand only that which you CAN understand, but that is not understanding at all; you are moving in circles.