GFP Newsletter - 4/3/2014

will's picture

Empty your mind of all thoughts.
Let your heart be at peace.
Watch the turmoil of beings,
but contemplate their return.

Each separate being in the universe
returns to the common source.
Returning to the source is serenity.

If you don't realize the source,
you stumble in confusion and sorrow.
When you realize where you come from,
you naturally become tolerant,
disinterested, amused,
kindhearted as a grandmother,
dignified as a king.
Immersed in the wonder of the Tao,
you can deal with whatever life brings you,
and when death comes, you are ready.

Tao te Ching #16

April Energy Forecast - Emmanuel Dagher



Universal Purification 

April 2014


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Your Stuff & Your Story: Letting It All Go - Aligned Holistics


#TBT- How I handled moving when I was 18.

Anyone who has ever moved to a new home knows this simple, universal truth: Packing sucks. 

In an effort to remove clutter from my life and not bring any bad energy into my new home, I’m taking the “Spring Cleanse” to a whole new level, removing food that doesn’t energize me from my pantry, things that don’t serve me from my home, and people who don’t bring me joy from my life. 

Right now, my home feels like a junk drawer. As I sort through pop rocks, hair clips, and old love notes, I started to wonder how I’ve amassed so much “stuff.”

How did I once think these things were worth my money, energy, and space when I now can’t wait to let it go?


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Today is a grand day, one of great celebration, for you have chosen to be alive on planet Earth! The time has come for each of you to look closely at every belief you hold to be true.

Most beliefs were inhaled on blind faith, never once questioning the authority of those who proclaimed these truths. The Truth is ever-present in the world around you. There is much you can learn by observing Nature in action, for Nature is a reflection of the Creator. All is perfectly balanced and in harmony when there is no human intervention. Have you studied the symbiosis between plants, animals and landscape? Every birth, every new sprout unto itself is a miracle.


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Beyond Judgment - Heavenletters


God said:

What if you could nudge your thoughts over to accept that everything that happens is for good? What if you could? You think this can’t possibly be true, for you have seen and read about terrible things. Man’s inhumanity to man is not a new subject. There is no question that in the world, in terms of the world, for there to be good, there also has to be bad. Bad is a reality to you. This is clear, and, in the world, this is logical thinking.


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Daily Message ~ Thursday April 3, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


So many human beings live with a “no pain, no gain” mindset. Such a limiting belief system, filled with so much strife! Why not try, “Align and Shine”? It will still get you where you wish to go, but when you arrive you will be much less battered and worn, we assure you. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Relax Into It - The Creator Writings


ImageAt first, it may be overwhelming to find that you are a part of something so much bigger than you ever imagined. Once you relax into the thought and know you have the ability to create whatever you choose, it becomes less daunting………fun, even. ~ Creator


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EU Passes Strong Net Neutrality Laws


It's an encouraging victory for all of us working to keep the internet beyond corporate control! From

European fans of the open internet can breathe a sigh of relief: the European parliament has passed a major package of telecoms law reform, complete with amendments that properly define and protect net neutrality.

The amendments (PDF) were introduced by the Socialist, Liberal, Green and Left blocs in the European Parliament after the final committee to tweak the package – the industry committee – left in a bunch of loopholes that would have allowed telcos to start classifying web services of their choice as “specialized services” that they can treat differently.


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The Reality of God - Knowing Whispers


The idea of God is not the reality of God.
The mind uses an idea, society’s idea, about God to create an image in the imagination, something tangible that we can easily relate to.  It is an image that people believe to be the real God. No such God can exist, nor can we become one with it.  Ideas are outside the true reality and cannot be felt, only held within the mind and imagination and worshiped.
God is the totality of existence, the totality of everything we are a part of.
Awareness reveals our position within the reality of God as it is felt and experienced within us. Only through awareness, our feelings, and the revelation of us as the knower can we truly know and understand the true God of existence.
The duality of the mind will forever keep us from experiencing the reality of God, as long as we believe in the fake God created by the mind and imagination.
Awareness is the door through which we will know ourselves and God as all being one with existence. Through our feelings, the truth reveals itself and that which was believed for years becomes known in the moment of now. 

In our search for God, we realize and know, we are that which we seek.


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The Fear Of Finding Truth For Yourself


At first this may not seem like it's really an issue, it seems like something people would naturally choose. Who wouldn't want to know the truth? But when you really look at society, people who search for truth themselves is actually a rarity.


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Moving From Darkness Into Light



**It is always recommended to use discernment when reading any online articles**

There are many changes happening upon the planet that is affecting each of you. Many of you feel the need to get things done. Many feel the impulse to move to a new location or are having difficulties finding your place in the work field. These are natural occurrences; let these things flow through you and not get caught in the angst of the moment. Many of you are leaving the planet, dying in quick and sometimes unusual ways. A host of you are having emotional and mental issues arising as a result of repressed feelings of childhood memories. Hospitals are filling with those who have contracted diseases such as cancer and heart disorders. This is all part of the ascension process.


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Mother reverses autism symptoms in daughter by eliminating MSG from diet



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We Are Spiritual Beings Dressed In Bio-Body Suits - Our Thoughts Are Powerful Enough To Change Physical Reality - Professor Says


There are scientists who think we have unlimited powers of which we are unaware of.

It is possible to expand traditional science to include human consciousness and human intention to such a degree that we can change what we define as "physical reality"?

Professor William A. Tiller is someone many people would describe as a scientist ahead of his time.

His ideas and theories are intriguing, though-provoking and challenging to the orthodox scientific community. He invites people on a journey beyond traditional science.


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15 Natural Remedies To Treat Acid Reflux and Ulcers


Both acid reflux and ulcer pain are very common and the typical symptom related drugs your doctor will prescribe are proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) whose main action is a to reduce gastric acid production. Besides the many the side effects of these drugs, they teach your body to stop producing acid, further complicating the underlying cause of the disorder. Misdiagnoses for acid reflux, ulcers and many types of gastrointestinal (GI) distress which are caused by too little acid rather than too much make problems far worse for patients once medical intervention of this kind is followed. Natural remedies have the power to relieve and even heal many of these conditions with no side effects and virtually no recurrence of symptoms.


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Are we literally ONE BEING?


Many of us have adapted to the idea that we are essentially “ONE” with everything and everyone around us, yet most of us still carry out individual lives, create individual identities and serve individual purposes.  Perhaps ONENESS just pertains to Humanity, working together towards specific goals, learning to live in harmony, experiencing life as individuals for our own individual growth and individual spiritual evolution…or could it be more than this?

The popular greeting, “NAMASTE” has multiple variations for definition purposes, but all basically translate to “The God/Divine in me, recognizes the God/Divine in You”.  This term has been used as a humble greeting to show respect and honor towards others culturally throughout India and Nepal for centuries. Could it just simply suggest that we are all “individual” Divine Beings that are equal to each other, or could this mean actual recognition of ourselves AS each other?


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