What if you could nudge your thoughts over to accept that everything that happens is for good? What if you could? You think this can’t possibly be true, for you have seen and read about terrible things. Man’s inhumanity to man is not a new subject. There is no question that in the world, in terms of the world, for there to be good, there also has to be bad. Bad is a reality to you. This is clear, and, in the world, this is logical thinking.
This is hard to believe that bad things are not bad or, even, very bad. You run on this premise. No explaining can make you see differently. Nothing else makes sense to you. Certainly, what could be the good of something that you see as dire when the goodness of it is not even perceivable in your eyes.
Oh, once in a while, you get a glimpse. Most often, not. We have to let that sit. Perhaps, even if you could see all the threads that connect from a thousand years ago, you could not justify the wrongs you see. Even so, in this life time, you have seen yourself heartbroken, and later a recognition of the good in it has come to you. From a distance sometimes you see.
Even in thinking the concept of good and bad, how can there be conciliation or reconciliation? If something is bad, it’s bad. If something is good, it’s good. In Earth terms, opposites can only make sense as opposites. The two cannot co-exist in any one example. Oh, yes, you understand that there is some merit in feeling pain in that it alerts you, yet, in your eyes, that does not make up for the pain.
There is so much in the world that doesn’t make sense, so much that makes no sense at all.
It’s too hard for you to even carry the awareness that there is something good in what seems terrible and ruthless to you. Yet, unseen, there is something good.
You realize that in Heaven, the meaning of tragic does not exist, any more than up and down exist, yet you are not distraught to think that up and down do not truly exist or big or little or far and wide, yet, you perceive the judgment of good and bad as different. You can’t seem to let go of good or bad as you can see how relative hot and cold are. Some opposites you can release, and others you can’t, and yet you would love to never have anger or hate. You would love this.
Beloveds, were there no judgment, there would be no anger and hate. Were there no judgment, there would be no good or bad. Life would simply be what it is, and your suffering would be shortened if not gone.
In a way, the concept of judgment imprisons you. When you judge, you self-imprison your free spirit. Were you free, you would not judge. You would not interpret as you may mainly do. Free from judgment, you would be free. Yes, there might be matters that you can’t understand, yet you would not be self-righteous about them. You would not feel betrayed, let down, abandoned. You would not be so tied. Ah, yes, presently, life on Earth seems to be a matter of judgment, spoken or tacit.
You would love not to scorn certain happenings on Earth, and yet you do scorn right and left.
Whatever day you have, whatever occurs in your life, I am telling you that it is a gift. It may not be wrapped as a gift. It may not be a gift you wanted, and, yet, there is another side to what you see, and you simply don’t know the whole story.
In any case, the outcome of your life will be great, and it won’t even matter why or how this or that occurred. You will be beyond judgment, and, therefore, beyond its thorns.
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