GFP Newsletter - 4/8/2014

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Today's writing is, "Nothing Written Is Ever Completely True":

I'm going to share something that's helped me immensely with understanding spiritual writings: don't believe everything that you read. I highly recommend approaching it from the understanding that the person who wrote it is very much a human being, and still growing in their personal understandings. They're still developing, and they likely have plenty of their own illusions that they're not yet aware of. What they tell you may even be 95% accurate, but there's still that 5% to watch out for.

I recommend approaching the messages this way no matter who they claim to be channeling. A 5D Being wants you to step into your Higher Self so you can be like They Are, that's what they're here for. What They're not here to do is make channelers and their followers completely dependent upon Them. That feeds into the illusion that people are weak stupid cattle, and not the amazing, blessed, and Divine Beings that Humans truly are. You all have this Connection to Truth, not just certain special people.

There's also the fact that our language is designed around communicating 2d and 3d thoughts. When I'm talking about Truth, I'm talking about God, I'm talking about the Transcendent Reality that exists beyond the limited mind. Do you have any idea how incredibly complex God Is? I can feel the wonder of this directly, but I couldn't possibly write it down. We have such a restricted vocabulary to communicate God, only a handful of words such as Oneness, Source, Spirit, Truth and Love.

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