The God Mind

will's picture

At the core of every Human Being I see a brilliant point of Light. This is where to Divine shines through, and how we can see ourselves reflected in Everything. It is the “I”, the One, not the ego, but the I (Eye) of Consciousness. The body and mind depend upon this Consciousness, but Consciousness requires neither the body nor the mind.

Now obviously, something has happened. If this is the core of every Human Being, why is it so hard to see? People sure do an excellent job of hiding this Brilliant Light, both from themselves and others, why is that?

The physical realm is very dense, very heavy. For energy to create the illusion of solid matter, it had to be slowed down enormously. It's difficult for a Higher Vibrational Energy to exist within a lower vibrational field, and your Eternal Consciousness started getting lower vibrational energies “stuck” to it.

Now, so long as there lower energies keep getting cleared out, there's no problem. Your Divine Self can enjoy the fruits of the material realm without forgetting Who You Really Are. There used to be common methods of clearing out that stagnant energy that everyone engaged in, and people understood how incredibly important that was. If the lower vibrational energy wasn't cleared out, you would get lost in it, and unfortunately that's exactly what happened.

The very slow energy of the material realm, which you often call darkness because of how it contrasts to the much higher energy of Light, has built up in your energetic field. This makes it very difficult to see the Light, to connect with the Divine, to connect with Nature, and even to connect with your fellow Human Beings. It's hard to see anything other than the darkness in your field. This has created an illusion of separation between you and all that stuff that seems to be “outside”. It's also created an illusion of separation between you and the Core of Your Being, a place most people fear to tread.

Calling it darkness makes it seem more sinister than it really is. In fact, the things that really blind you to the Light may seem almost innocent to you, they seem like practical, “normal” things. The bills you have to pay in the future, something a friend said to you in the past, all these attachments to the material realm build up in our field, even if individually they don't seem like much. From shortly after we're born, we start collecting these things, and before long we have so much “stuff” that we feed all our energy into our stuff and have trouble seeing anything else.

The darkness in our field blinds us to the true beauty of the human experience. Upon each stone, in every tree, and within all Human Beings is written a testament to the Divine Magnificence of Creation. Very few people can see it though, because very few can see past the darkness within their own minds. It becomes “just another rock”, “just another tree” or “just another person”, not because the object itself is mundane, but because the mind perceiving the object is mundane. People live boring, repetitive lives, and not because that's the way their Life really is, but because they're always engaged in a boring, repetitive mind.

Of course, the question everyone's asking is, “How do I break free?” The answer is very simple, but at the same time it's also one of the most difficult things for people to do. Your whole life up to this point has revolved around you using all your energy reinforce you own cage. Not only that, but your thought patterns are built upon denial of this fact and the belief that your cage somehow protects you. It's very unlikely that you'll undo a lifetime of mental programming overnight.

Now the mind wants a quick and easy solution, and there's always people looking to take advantage of this. There's religious people who will tell you that all you have to do is accept Jesus as your savior and *poof* you're saved! It's spiritually irresponsible, and really all you've done is add another bar to your cage. Now there is a path to true Freedom that Jesus gave, but it's through his two commandments, something very few Christians even bother to follow.

In modern spiritual circles there's also those looking to take advantage of people looking for a quick and easy solution. There's many workshops, classes, retreats, and books selling “the secret” to spiritual awakening. While they may be well intentioned, mostly all you're doing is “upgrading” your attachments. You're exchanging older attachments, one's that have lost their appeal, for new attachments that have more novelty. They haven't lost their flavor yet, and your cage becomes more tolerable. It's not about truly ending your suffering, but helping you distract yourself from it. It's the same reason people watch so much television.

True Freedom is not for the faint of heart, it's not for those who want to follow and passively believe something. True Freedom is for the adventurous spirits, those willing to go through the depths of hell to reach the heights of Heaven. It's for people who will continue to push on even when the whole world tells them to turn back. It's for people willing to face their deepest fears, people who will let go of everything to find Truth. People who will risk death to know true Life.

People want a mental understanding to help them escape the cage they've built through all their mental understandings. This is why all the revolutions, the new political systems, and the new religions all fail to deliver on their promises. The “new” always looks suspiciously similar to the old, and that's because we don't really break out of our thought patterns. We modify them a little, but at the core they remain the same.

To really know God, you've got to be out of your mind. This is terrifying to someone who's whole world exists almost entirely in their minds, which is how most people live. Difficult to let go of something that you've spent your whole life creating, especially when it contains your whole sense of self, the ego. So I'm asking you to give up your whole world, and your whole sense of self, that's not too much to ask, is it?

Going out of your mind will make you crazy, at least in the eyes of society. Of course, this is a society that willingly poisons the land, air and water it requires to survive, that expects people to work soul-sucking slave jobs, that celebrates greed as a virtue, and that almost constantly wars against itself. Society itself has gone insane, and is blinded to this fact by its own arrogance.

The mind wasn't created to know God, the mind was created to navigate the lower dimensions. It doesn't even do that very well, because it's so full of “stuff” now. All the lower vibrational energy you've collected has blocked the guidance of your Soul and the mind has become robotic. It's like the Consciousness of the Soul doesn't even exist, and people just habitually follow unconscious patterns. Your whole life was largely planned out before you were even born.

Because we've been disconnected from the Higher Realms, this has allowed the mind to run wild. As far as the mind can tell, the whole world exists within the mind, so whatever the mind believes seems very powerful to the ego. In fact, to the ego, the mind is god. It's a poor imitation, but people are so disconnected that they wouldn't recognize God even if God Is Everywhere Present, which God Is. So this pretend god, the god mind, has become very popular.

Most major religions worship the god mind. God doesn't need religion, or worship for that matter, as God is alive within the Heart of every Human Being. The god mind however, does need worship. Like any mental entity, it needs to be fed energy to stay alive, and worship is a tasty meal. The god mind has a long list of rules that you're supposed to follow and it's no coincidence these rules usually reflect the desires of the person claiming to speak for god.

It's not God, but the god mind that threatens hell and punishment and damnation. It uses fear to control, like any petty tyrant. Sometimes it can be difficult to recognize, as it wears many different masks. In fact, you could say there's roughly 7 billion different versions of the god mind, one for each human being on earth.

Now this may seem similar to what atheists say, that people make up god in their minds, but even atheists follow the god mind. Of course, they don't call it that, their god mind is their “objective universe” that just so happens to work in exactly the way they believe in their mind. It's still the god mind running rampant and believing it dictates the way the whole Universe is, but it wears a clever disguise. Despite appearances, it's a relatively minor change to go from being religious to being an atheist. The doubt was already there in the mind and the underlying thought patterns still remain the same.

The mind is dualistic by nature, and because of this the god mind is both god and the devil. It's a perfect recipe for cognitive dissonance, a chaos in the mind that perpetuates the cycles of confusion and illusion. It's controlled opposition, the same player controlling all the chess pieces, with you as a pawn stuck in the middle. The battle of good versus evil rages on inside of your head and people can't help but project this outwards. In their madness, people commit unspeakable cruelty while believing they're doing it to fight “evil”.

Even in the new spiritual communities, who like to think of themselves as having evolved far past religion, there's very little understanding of the god mind. If anything, they've actually given it more power through the belief that you make your own “reality”. The god mind couldn't be any more obvious in this case, look at it carefully. People are spreading this belief that all of “reality”, and I use the term loosely, is going to follow whatever you believe in your mind. That's literally claiming that the mind is god, that the mind controls “reality”.

Because people can't see past their own illusions, the god mind seems very powerful. It controls your whole world, because your whole world is in your mind. Seeing beyond the veil is frightening at first, not because of what's behind the veil, but because of how strongly the mind resists. If the Being starts to see the Reality that's far bigger than the mind, the mind will lose control. It won't be able to play god anymore, and it loses its influence as the Being merges again with the Divine.

The most powerful mechanism of control that the god mind uses is to get the Being to believe they're really the mind-self, the ego. The ego is the conceptualized self, it's not you, it's who you believe you are, it's a pattern based upon the past. Without beliefs and fully present, you still exist, you even live more fully this way. The ego however, relies fully upon the mind for its very existence, and because of this the ego is under the control of the god mind.

The god mind likes to crucify the ego, and the self-hating ego likes to suffer. People carry around their crosses and preach the gospel of their personal misery. Their expectation of suffering, and it's inevitable manifestation, justifies their beliefs. They get to be “right”, even if it means creating hell for themselves. Of course, because of the nature of duality, if there's a self-hating ego, there's a self-loving ego too, though self-love in this case has little to do with actual Love. The self-love of the ego is narcissism, which isn't really self-love at all, but simple pride. The ego likes thinking it's worse than others, and it likes thinking it's better than others. Either way, it's a good distraction from really looking at yourself.

The god mind seems bigger than our own minds, because of the collective nature of illusion. You share your mind with everyone else, it's not separate. The structure of what you call your mind was there before you were born, and then it was imprinted upon you. Essentially, it spreads like a virus and in your innocence you couldn't help but catch it. Almost nothing within your mind is even original, it's just a copy of a copy of a copy.

The god mind has no power of its own, it only has the power you give it. It tricks you, primarily through fear, but also through desire as well. It knows how to create fear in the ego, and it's easy to steer an ego where you want it to go through its fear of fear. Then there's the carrot-on-a-stick of desire and the promise of getting what you want is enough to keep most people distracted for the rest of their lives.

The ways of disconnecting from the god mind, which also means reconnecting to the God God, have been mentioned to you a thousand times. Even the most ignorant religious fundamentalist has heard them over and over again. Choose Love, Be Present, let go of fear, let go of desire, let go of ego, these are all common themes, not only for religion, but of our cultures in general. You see these in music, in art, even TV commercials and everyday conversation. A part of you intuitively recognizes Truth, even if the mind doesn't understand it.

So if these truths are everywhere, why is nearly everyone still stuck in illusion? Well first is that it simply gets ignored. Love has become cliché, along with Being Present, and the mind simply filters it out when you hear it. Then there's turning things into a spiritual practice, which seems like such a great thing. Whereas before you only had brief moments of real Presence every once in a while, now you practice Being Present for 30 minutes each day. Compared to almost complete unconsciousness, that's a big improvement, but if you're practicing Presence only for 30 minutes each day, then what are you practicing the other 23.5 hours in the day?

Perhaps the most effective way of destroying the simple truths that lead us to Awareness is to turn them into belief systems. Religions did a great job of this, though there's also thousands of “spiritual” people who are busily working at this moment to create new belief system with more novelty than the old, stale, religious ones. You take a great Truth, then turn it into rhetoric that the mind can repeat over and over again. This way you have people with no real connection to Love, but who can talk about love and how loving they are all day long. A belief system is an imitation of truth, while real Truth can only be Lived in this Moment. If you turn it into a belief system, you put it firmly into the domain of the god mind, and it will be manipulated and rationalized into things that bear little resemblance any real Truth.


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