- Cobra~New Financial System ~Repost
- The Secret Government - The Constitution In Crisis (PBS 1987)
- James Gilliland ~ Jamesisms Inspirations And Gut Feelings
- Be The Peace -~September 21st 2012 meditation
- The Galactic Free Press Update- The old is falling, and The Higher Grid is Ready~
- The Galactic Free Press Update- The Next Step, Peace On Earth=Heart.
- Street~Wise Ascension From the Joy of Mt. Shasta Together Again!!
- 2012: Twin Flames - Who and What Are They?
- Harmonic Convergence 2 ~Global events on Sept. 22
- Sananda ~ Be Your New Selves ~ Through Fran Zepeda
- The Light Agenda Stephen Cook Interviews Wes Annac
- Home Coming
- Learning to change peacefully...
- The Galactic Free Press Update: The Energies are Building for Planetwide Peace
- Lemurian Letter 41: How to Became a Conscious ‘Rider’
- How to Stop World War III: A Preemptive Peace Strike
- Experiencing the Direct Link to Source Energy
- Shane B McNeil Communications, Healing, Awakening, Breakthrough Blessing Day!
- Unity5D - The True Meat & Dairy
- Kauilapele's Blog Pyramid Cloud Craft Seen over Kauai during the 9-9-12 Trip
- Uruguay Set to Legalize Marijuana: Government Will Sell to Citizens
- The Healing Temple Transmission Sue and Mary Carol
- Kucinich Calls Out Monsanto: Americans Demand GMO Labeling
- Message from Mary Magdalene & Mother Mary ~ Concerning The Return of the Feminine through Whitefeather
- Blue StarShip/UFO Report - September 20, 2012
- ~ Cobra Update~ Fixing the world[Planet]
- We Love You - Iran & Israel
- Bath time fun. Super cute!
- pleiadian Message 2012
- Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed
- Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ Contracting Into Expansion ~
- Who runs the world?
- 2012: What on Earth Is Happening to Us?
- ~ Light Being Cloud~ Validations
- Geoffrey West ~ Cosmic Vision News ~Inlight Blogtalkradio – 21 September 2012
- Long-Term Care Residents Become Healers to Each Other
- Five Reasons Why Conspiracy Theorists Are More Popular Than You Think
- Interest Rate Manipulation Extends Far Beyond Libor, Secret Survey Reveals
- Gaia Energy Conduit Clarification has Accelerated
- Activist Post – Migrating Noth Pole Contributing To Severe Weather?
- 32,000 year old underwater city found
- Northeast ocean temperatures reach record high
- Dramatic Rescue at Sea After 26 Hour Ordeal
- Image: Wildfires in Washington State
- Drought Halts Traffic on Mississippi
- VIsionkeeper: Let us manifest together
- Nationwide campaign to be launched against G4S
- The Children Of The Blue Ray: Bringing Hope To The Planet
- !!! MEGA MONSTER CME/FLARE @ THE SUN + SUN UFOs !!! 09-21-2012 -HD-
- Heavenletter #4319 The Being That You Are, September 21, 2012
- ~ 1st phase is completed and done for Gaia and humanity~
- China's Changbaishan volcano showing signs of increased activity
- 2 Min News Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress
- Drastic fluctuations in ice accumulations reported at both poles
- Indiegogo Campaign: Spiritual Philanthropy and The Holographic Economy
- Oneness is non-negotiable
- Jesus: Oneness is Non-Negotiable
- BeThePeace:How did you encourage world peace today?
- The Ascension Train is Just Three Months Away from Grand Central Sun Station. Arrival Time: December 21, 2012
- A new connection, a new task and the preface of The apprentice’s manual
- 2MIN News Sept 21, 2012
- Fall Equinox Saturday Ups Chances of Seeing Northern Lights
- Largest Globally-Synchronized Meditation on 21 September and Prayer for Peace
- ARCHANGEL RAGUEL. Breaking Old Vows and Opening To Abundance. By, Bella Capozzi.
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be Prepared It is a time to learn
- The Equinox, The Last Quarter of This Year, The Advancement Into 2013 and More!
The Secret Government - The Constitution In Crisis (PBS 1987)
Uploaded by keithypops on Feb 21, 2012
In the revealing PBS video documentary The Secret Government, host Bill Moyers exposes the inner workings of a secret government much more vast that most people would ever imagine. Though originally broadcast in 1987, it is even more relevant today. Interviews with respected top military, intelligence, and government insiders reveal both the history and secret objectives of powerful groups in the hidden shadows of our government.
"The National Security Act of '47 gave us the National Security Council. Never have we had a National Security Council so concerned about the nation's security that we're always looking for threats and looking how to orchestrate our society to oppose those threats. National Security was invented, almost, in 1947, and now it has become the prime mover of everything we do as measured against something we invented in 1947."
Source: YouTube.com
James Gilliland ~ Jamesisms Inspirations And Gut Feelings
ECETI | September 12 2012
We are getting bombarded with emails asking what is going on. There is so much information and disinformation flooding the internet people are becoming confused, disoriented, some even apathetic to any new information. That is the plan of the controllers. What it all boils down to is making your own God, Spirit, Creator connection and stop depending on others to lead you or save you. If you want the white hats to save you go out and buy a white hat. If you want to remain in denial of the obvious and listen to the feel good messages where people tell you there will be no changes; the status quo will continue business as usual you will be caught unaware and unprepared.
Be The Peace -~September 21st 2012 meditation
On September 21st, the International Day of Peace, 100's of organization around the world are collaborating to create the largest synchronized prayer and meditation for peace ever!
There will be live events in over 640 cities around the world, starting at 6pm in local timezones, creating a profound wave of peace moving across our planet.
There will also be three specific moments during the day that everyone around the world will connect at the same time: 12am, 12 noon, and 12 midnight EDT, creating three deep planetary Pulses of Peace.
Be the Peace! welcomes people from every culture, every spiritual tradition, and every political perspective to join Together as One.
Find and event in your city and organize your own event!
The Galactic Free Press will Be Hosting an Internet Love Party and Peace Meditation on Saturday September 22nd beginning at 1:30pm pacific. You Can Join us for this Event at this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart
The Galactic Free Press Update- The old is falling, and The Higher Grid is Ready~
Greetings Love Beings, The Energies are currently spiraling around the Planet. The Old is going out and change is inevitable! Yesterday, the consciousness dipped down on the Planet, and as this occurred a Huge Energy of Love came in. These Incoming Energies will Merge with this Weekends Equinox and Some Help from The Sun. As a Result, Many More Awakenings will Occur, which will Really Help Us Light Up this Planet. The Higher Grid is Ready!
to read the full update: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-update-old-falling-and-higher-grid-ready
The Galactic Free Press Update- The Next Step, Peace On Earth=Heart.
Greetings Love Beings, As the Energies continue swirling about due the cleansing occurring and the Energies incoming, alot is progressing behind the scenes and you can trust us on this! As Everyone begins connecting together and moving into Place, Lights are coming on. Higher Selves are Manifesting on the Planet and the Oneness Energy along with Godzillions of Angels Assisting is On the Move Creating Miracles and Manifesting Visions of Love, which will Serve Humanity for The Highest Good.
to read the full update: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-update-next-step-peace-earthheart
2012: Twin Flames - Who and What Are They?
The consciousness of the planet is lifting higher and higher each day with the incoming energies being beamed down to Earth in 2012. With this higher consciousness comes a greater awareness and one of the things we are becoming aware of is that we are missing a part of our Selves. Some people have gone through entire lifetimes feeling incomplete and not understanding why.
What is a Twin Flame?
A Twin Flame or Divine Complement as it is also known as in the higher dimensions or realms, is the other part of your Self. We are, in our true nature, androgynous beings, meaning we have both female and male aspects.
When we undertook to incarnate into a dense carbon body in this dimension and on this planet, we had to leave a part of our Selves behind. We did not choose to do this. It happened because these dense carbon bodies could not house both aspects of our Selves. So we could take only our female or male part with us into a body.
In this respect, the Veil of Forgetfulness we experience in this dimension truly serves us because if we were to remember the separation from our other half, the pain would be almost unbearable. Not physical pain, but emotional pain.
Your Twin Flame is the other half of you. They have the same energy as you, they are the closest part of you and it can be said, they are heart of your heart.
The Sacred bond
Harmonic Convergence 2 ~Global events on Sept. 22
Info at www.HarmonicPlanet.org
Dear Friends,
We are contacting you because we resonate with your FB site. On September 22, 2012, people from around the world will be gathering at simultaneous Harmonic Convergence 2 events, to set the intention for a world free from the control of the many dangerous corporate technologies now being foisted on the world. Our concerted vision is that we reclaim and purify our Earth’s land, air, water, and food and create a world where peace is the priority. Now, 25 years after the first Harmonic Convergence, it is all the more critical that we unify for the greatest good of all and stop the blatant poisoning of the people and wildlife of the Earth.
Sananda ~ Be Your New Selves ~ Through Fran Zepeda
September 20, 2012
Hello Dear Ones. I am Sananda, here to give you a message of Love and encouragement on your next leg of the journey toward enlightenment.
Much has transpired, much is in the ethers and a new day is dawning for Humanity.
You are all so precious and capable. You are bringing the energies forth with such power and creation. You are to be commended. New Earth is at your fingertips.
I don’t have to tell you that it has not been an easy road. But what road that leads to such treasures ever is?
You are magnificent creatures already. What awaits you just around the corner will reveal so much more of what you are that you will be astounded.
The Light Agenda Stephen Cook Interviews Wes Annac
My own “get” about Mr. Annac is that he is a very loving, experienced soul who has come here to be teacher and participant during the process of Ascension. He is ancient, a carrier of ancient knowledge, which is to be unveiled through his rather “not quite too old body-wise” presence. Do be aware that you will likely be drawn in to this interview quite deeply by his presence (and I’m only into Part 1 right now).
Home Coming
Not the one the schools are having this weekend.
What a “time” for such an event. This upcoming Saturday, September, 22nd, 2012 at 9:48AM is the “Fall Equinox.“
What else is special about this upcoming timeline?
Likely more than what you would believe until you see it with your own conscious-awareness. One thing of it that was said to us by Rai and Lona from Argartha, is that they will be making contact with some select ones of us this upcoming Saturday. I don’t know how much of our, behind the real scenes news this will make? But a “Home Coming” of sorts is what substantiates this contact.
Our return Home, the one that exist within us all, as soon as we Remember Who We Are, (awaken to full consciousness). But on the way to that state of exquisite bliss, we will find many experiences that we will cherish and some we will gladly release if we can let go.
As soon as you stop being a Christian, stop being an Islam, stop being a Muslim, stop being of the Jewish faith, stop being a Buddhist or Hindu. And start being who you really are, not led, taught, proscribed, persuaded by or shoved on you by “outside sources” then you may begin to see the Light that has always shinned “within.”
The Galactic Free Press Update: The Energies are Building for Planetwide Peace
Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~
Greetings Love Beings, The Equinox Energies are already Beginning to Build.This Coming Equinox represents The Peace Energies which will facilitate what needs to occur now On This Planet. In Our Last Update we shared the Next Step for Humanity is Peace. Once Peace On Earth is established we smoothly transition Humanity into the transitionary Government, our craft decloakings, and the release of the technologies and much more. We share this with You as these are Real Events in which will be taking Place.
Lemurian Letter 41: How to Became a Conscious ‘Rider’
Quantum Transportation
The Crystalline Grid and its Help with the Dimensional Switch
Greetings to the Masters,
It’s always a special occasion when I feel to talk to you directly. Yes indeed this is again one of those occasions. We just left behind my previous Summer Solstice communication about the magical realization of how the fluidity of time can alter your reality. If you observe time from a different point of view you can immediately find yourself in a more enlightened reality. In this reality everything happens in the right moment, and the time of this right moment is NOW. ‘Time measurement’ is a well-planned system that was adjusted perfectly to assist in your planetary preparation. Before we get deeper into this, let’s stop for a moment. Let’s stop and look at the other subject related to defining reality called ‘Space’.
Learning the new paradigm of Space and Time
When you start opening the gate of ‘perceiving Time from a different point of view’, one of the automatic consequences is to also start ‘perceiving Space from a very different angle’. Your reality is based on the matrix implemented into your mind structure. Deep meditation can take you closer to the ultimate truth: that this reality is up to your personal readiness. When your consciousness is ready to experience another way of perceiving, then that is the point where the dimensions can open up their secret gates to you.
And yes there are universal points in your planetary calendar when this realization can be much easier. I suggested playing with the gifts of the Summer Solstice because we were playing with time. Bringing up this topic several weeks after the Solstice, was part of the method of approaching time differently.
This is the first time I had to refer back to a previous communication with such intensity. But yet again the explanation is simple: Time & Space and understanding their old/new paradigm is about working in pairs.
Experiencing the Direct Link to Source Energy
Leano Rice
How's Sedona?
All my paperwork is done, lease signed, rent paid. I move in on the 7th. Peru is great. Already experienced ayuhuasca the right way and visited macchu picchu. Feeling brand new. Whole new and evolved perspective realized.
We are only here for so long. A tiny hair on a spec of illusory time. The big change is happening from our guiding higher realms.
We're here simply to express Gods infinite possibility and marvel in the wonder of love and experience. Source energy already knows and feels everything all at once, but where's the fun in that? That's why we are here. To express the love of infinite possibility of God in 3d, while bring our own vibrations, along with everyone else's, into the higher realms. Merging the past and present into one moment of infinite beauty that has never existed before. The shift of 3D consciousness into the 4th and 5th realms. This new place is based on our furthest dreams.
Shane B McNeil Communications, Healing, Awakening, Breakthrough Blessing Day!
[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][Sept 20th 2012][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
☼— https://www.facebook.com/groups/167589906652550/ —☼
SUN SEXTILES MOON this morning at 6:11 am, pdt, then goes into the VOID between Scorpio and Sagittarius. From the VOID, MOON moves into Sagittarius at 9:34 am, pdt. While in the VOID, MERCURY makes a 150 degree INCONJUNCT with Wounded Healer CHIRON, providing a deep unsettling call from within to take action to bring balance in the realm of communications and healing.
MOON SQUARES NEPTUNE at 11:18 am, pdt from Sagittarius (mutable fire) to Pisces (mutable water) giving us the potential for confusion, fluidity, overwhelm, and spiritual work cut out for us.
MERCURY OPPOSITE URANUS and SQUARE PLUTO at 3:23 pm and 4:21 pm, pdt puts our Communicator Planet, MERCURY, directly in touch with our AWAKENING CAULDRON of 2011-2016. We just had the second in seven PLUTO URANUS SQUARE’s on Tuesday, and today MERCURY will broadcast, to ourselves and the world, what this really means for us (now). The work we have today, may be communications work. It is our job to listen and respond to our personal Creator-made Awakening Cauldron.
Unity5D - The True Meat & Dairy
The true Meat & Dairy
There is no such thing as protein deficiency in America. The belief system which implies that you must eat animal protein to survive is a complete hoax created the criminal bankers and corporations of the world in order to make money off the sick and dying people in America and the rest of the planet. The money lies in pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, hospital visits, and various types of “treatments” that claim to be the only way to help treat or eliminate disease and sickness. If you are already fully aware and conscious, you know that the criminals of this planet, who control almost every aspect of your 3D lives, also control everything you believe to be proper nutrition. To put it simply, if you're someone who takes prescription drugs, someone who eats meat, dairy, GMO foods, non-organic and processed foods, or someone who completely relies on the “health system”, you are the #1 customer and the money maker for the criminal corporations. There is a drug, there is a pill, and there is some kind of treatment for almost every little thing that you can think of.
Kauilapele's Blog Pyramid Cloud Craft Seen over Kauai during the 9-9-12 Trip
In this previous post, I displayed this photo of a cloud ship I saw on 9-18-12. I mentioned it looked like one I’d seen at Waimea Canyon Overlook on the evening of 9-8-12.
Uruguay Set to Legalize Marijuana: Government Will Sell to Citizens
By The Christian Science Monitor
Thursday, September 20, 2012 5:16 EDT
Uruguay has long been at the vanguard of social reform in Latin America. Today, it is on the verge of passing into law one of its most radical ideas yet.
The Broad Front – the center-left coalition that holds power – is proposing a state monopoly over the production and distribution of marijuana, making Uruguay the first national government to sell cannabis directly to citizens. The government says the measure is necessary to combat rising drug-related crime, decrease health risks for users, and counter ineffective US policies on drugs. But within Uruguay, interest groups have labeled the legislation totalitarian, while some international bodies argue it breaches global conventions.
The Healing Temple Transmission Sue and Mary Carol
MARY CAROL: Aloha beloved ones, I am Adama and I greet you with love and light. We are here in the inner earth gathered to await your arrival. We would like to take you to visit our temple of healing and the valley of the crystalline vortex lake. It is an extensive landscape that accompanies many of our crystalline structures and so in the healing temple there is a pool in the middle of the temple that emanates all the colors of the rainbow. This is a healing pool with the frequencies of all the colors that assist with healing. There is a healing table upon which one may recline to receive healings of the utmost intensity for where needed or desired for the healing of the body, mind and soul. The body, mind and soul are all connected, and where there is a blockage or a dysfunction in one it most certainly will affect the other. This is most certainly very deep healing that we do here. We have appointed highly trained priests of healing who facilitate what is called for.
Message from Mary Magdalene & Mother Mary ~ Concerning The Return of the Feminine through Whitefeather
Message from Mary Magdalene & Mother Mary ~ Concerning The Return of the Feminine through Whitefeather
Blue StarShip/UFO Report - September 20, 2012
"The above is a painting on wood drawer from furniture kept at the Earls D’Oltremond, Belgium. Moses is receiving the tablets and several objects in the sky are seen near by. Date and artist unknown."
Source: Alien-UFO-Pictures.com
~ Cobra Update~ Fixing the world[Planet]
Bath time fun. Super cute!
Uploaded by sweetfacesjc on Jan 13, 2011
This is guaranteed to make you smile! Baby bath time fun!
Source: YouTube.com
Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed
Las Vegas City Life - 9/20/12
[LECTURE] Saturday, Sept. 22
Five senior military officers will discuss credible UFO sightings around the world.
To read more about this event, visit LasVegasCityLife.com.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ Contracting Into Expansion ~
20 September 2012
Everything in our existence was cooked in the same cosmic crock-pot. All came from the same cosmic soup with the same celestial ancestry. Every Being that exists between time and within time, is a part of the expressions of the Universe. You are a multi-dimensional universe within your self, your cell structure, and your biology all is stardust.
This entire year has escorted humankind into doorways of thinking beyond mortal perceptions of time and space. There is no denying we have all shifted. Our true essence is no longer limited and linear, our true essence belongs to all worlds, to all universes, and to all Time.
Who runs the world?
satsang in London july 2009. Here Mooji addresses the concern many share about the growing negativity and distructive conditioning human beings create and live in. He points to the source of all appearances - consciousness, and explains how mankind must become 'kind man' again. (As said by Papaji) He must realize or recognise himself as awareness - the source of all manifestation.
2012: What on Earth Is Happening to Us?
As we near the end of 2012 humanity is being bombarded with energy from the cosmos and the central sun. This energy is pure God consciousness, pure unconditional love and we are being bombarded with it so that we will wake up out of the illusion we are living.
You might ask "Why now?" The answer to that question is because it's 2012 and this year marks the end of an era. Now, at the end approaches, we are being given the chance to ascend into a higher level of consciousness. Currently the planet and her people are in the 3rd dimension of consciousness. The 3rd dimension can be likened to a school where humanity is given the opportunity to experience duality. In duality it is possible to experience separation from the One Consciousness or Source, and to also experience such things as need and lack, and various other illusions we have created here.
Finally after 26000 years we have the opportunity to lift ourselves out of the illusions we have created and lift our consciousness into the realm of the absolute, the 5th dimension, where Love is All There Is. 2012 marks the dawning of a new age of awareness, and age the Bible calls "Heaven on Earth". To achieve this, the Company of Heaven is sending down enormous amounts of energy to lift the vibration of all who live on this planet. With the increased energy comes increased awareness and thus what is known as an awakening.
~ Light Being Cloud~ Validations
light being cloud
After spending a week in Crop Circles around Avebury, England (in August). I protected myself, meditated, did gold & silver energy (Father God & Mother Earth. Healed Mother Earth every day. After having my eyes closed for hours, I felt they asked me to open them & this formed overhead. Plus a bright light shooting across the sky around 10.30pm. A validation that they had been healing me & giving me downloads all week.
A special week (will put Crop Circle & their Orbs next)
Geoffrey West ~ Cosmic Vision News ~Inlight Blogtalkradio – 21 September 2012
The Show Begins at 4pm Pacific and The Galactic Free Press Will Be on the Show with a Clip about current events
21 September central USA around 17 pm, mainland Europe 22 September 1 am.
Call in to speak with the host (323) 784-9697
CVN host, Geoffrey West offers news, talk and commentary about the latest events unfolding with regards to what is arguably the most guarded secret, and yet the most important event to improve the human and planetary condition.
Disclosure, as a global awareness event is now happening. CVN is among the first to formally declare disclosure as real and peaceful.CVN will be an evolving program, adapting to the events unfolding upon, within and beyond our planet.
CVN will also address current events that support a shift to a peaceful planet.
Long-Term Care Residents Become Healers to Each Other
Source: AxionNews.ca - Kristian Partington, 9/17/12
Program to battle the plague of loneliness and depression in LTC residents
Few will argue that moving from independent living into a long-term care setting is one of the most difficult transitions a person will make in the course of life.
Loneliness, depression and feelings of helplessness can be rampant for residents, and helping them combat these feelings to live lives of fulfillment and meaning is an important goal of providers — it’s a cornerstone of life quality.
But when a person goes from raising a family and contributing steadily to the growth of their community through a lifetime of careers and volunteering to the point when they no longer ask for their help or advice, one could imagine finding meaning in life might be difficult.
Five Reasons Why Conspiracy Theorists Are More Popular Than You Think
Source: WarIsCrime.com
Saman Mohammadi | The Excavator, September 18, 2012
From now on, conspiracy theorists should be described as public intelligence analysts. We are part of a public intelligence community whose headquarters is the entire world. Our loyalty is to truth, freedom, and peace. We investigate reality to serve humanity, and bring nations together under the banner of peace and co-existence.
1. Public opinion polls show that the majority of Americans and Westerners agree with the views of “conspiracy theorists” more than those of government officials and media personalities.
Interest Rate Manipulation Extends Far Beyond Libor, Secret Survey Reveals
Huff Post - Mark Gongloff, 9/19/12
Interest rates all over the world are mostly made up. That's the verdict of a new study by the International Organization of Securities Commissions, a copy of which was obtained by Bloomberg. It found that more than half of the benchmark lending rates in the U.S., Europe and Asia are "calculated by methodologies that were unclear, not transparent and only rarely subject to specific regulatory standards or obligations." Less than half of all benchmark lending rates, in contrast, were based on actual market transactions.
In other words, the interest rates that affect personal and business loans, and hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives contracts around the world, are based on either guesses or lies: Not particularly comforting.
To read the rest of this story, visit HuffingtonPost.com.
Gaia Energy Conduit Clarification has Accelerated
Gaia Energy Conduit Clarification has Accelerated…
The process of clarifying Gaia energy conduits has been accelerated to enable rapid dissolution of anharmonics introduced during recent portal activations. Acceleration will continue through the 10-10 gateway.
Those affected by this acceleration will sense a rapid withdrawal from standard activities. Such are not aligned with the Higher D energies currently processing throughout Gaia.
Alignments with Higher aspects of Source continue as planned.
Activist Post – Migrating Noth Pole Contributing To Severe Weather?
Activist Post – Migrating Noth Pole Contributing To Severe Weather? – 21 September 2012
Few can argue that severe weather is currently impacting the globe. Certainly the record droughts in America have become a huge concern for food prices, which has subsequently sparked an uptick in alarming climate change rhetoric.
As the Northern Hemisphere has experienced one of the warmest summers on record, Arctic ice has receded considerably, prompting the typical global warming “collapse” discussion. While northern ice has indeed reached new modern lows, ice in the southern hemisphere continent of Antarctica has reachedrecord highs. Charts for both hemispheres can be seen here.
32,000 year old underwater city found
Uploaded by LookIntoHistory on Jan 1, 2012
32,000 year old Ancient city Dwarka found. In Northern India the remains of a city claimed to be Dwarka the City of "Lord Krisha"
Source: YouTube.com
Northeast ocean temperatures reach record high
Boston.com - Clarke Canfield/AP, 9/18/12
Current northeast sea surface temperatures (Weather.com)
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Ocean temperatures off the northeast United States reached a record high for the first half of 2012, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Tuesday.
The average sea surface temperature for the waters over the Northeast continental shelf, from North Carolina to Canada, was a little over 50.5 degrees from January through June, breaking the previous record of 50.45 degrees for the same six months set in 1951. The average temperature for those months during the past three decades has been about 48 degrees.
To read the rest of this story, visit Boston.com.
Dramatic Rescue at Sea After 26 Hour Ordeal
Weather.com - Matt Sampson, 9/12/12, Associated Press
Harris was adrift at sea for more than 24 hours in this plastic container.
SITKA, Alaska — A fisherman who spent a night adrift in a 4-by-4 foot plastic fish bin after his boat sank off Alaska says he gave himself pep talks and sang “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” to keep his spirits up. His fellow crewmember managed to get into a survival suit and washed ashore on a beach after his own night afloat.
A Coast Guard helicopter hoisted Ryan Harris, 19, of Sitka, from his plastic “lifeboat” on Saturday, more than 24 hours after the boat sank on Friday, the Daily Sitka Sentinel (http://is.gd/bgoPcT) reported Monday.
Image: Wildfires in Washington State
Source: Phys.org - 9/21/12
NASA image courtesy Jeff Schmaltz LANCE/EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team, GSFC.
The summer of 2012 will unfortunately be known as the "Summer of Devastating Western Wildfires" and practically not one state out west was spared. Washington State has been hardest hit of late. This satellite image shows a rash of wildfires currently burning in the middle of the state.
Related Video: Residents Urged to Leave Again
Drought Halts Traffic on Mississippi
Weather.com - AP, Jim Suhr, 9/20/12
Barge Heading Southbound on the Mighty Mississippi
A barge eases southbound in a Mississippi River channel toward a lock that remained shut down Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Granite City, Ill., causing a traffic jam of dozens of tugboats and hundreds of barges.
GRANITE CITY, Ill. -- Crews scrambled to make repairs Wednesday near the busiest Mississippi River lock shut down because of damage blamed partly on the summer drought, snarling hundreds of barges and tugboats in a backlog that was growing worse by the hour.
Workers closed Lock 27 just north of St. Louis last Saturday after discovering that a protection cell -- a vertical, rock-filled steel cylinder against which barges rub to help align them for proper entry into the lock -- had split open, spilling into the channel tons of the rock that ultimately obstructed passage.
VIsionkeeper: Let us manifest together
Let us manifest together
People keep saying there is nothing they can do to change what is occurring in the world today. WRONG! There is much we can do. I think we should begin by coming together to manifest what we dream about. Keeping it trapped in dreams does nothing for us, releasing them into the present moment allows us to create that dream into our reality. So, let us begin to release our dream for free energy! Let us hold the thought of free energy in our consciousness and see it from every angle. How is life lived with free energy available? How does it change our life? In what ways? See the patents for free energy being released to the world! See a power greater than the dark ones pushing this information forth to release the world from slavery! Carry the thought of free energy patents being released with you everyday.
Nationwide campaign to be launched against G4S
PressTV - 9/18/12
Human rights activists are to start a broad campaign against the highly controversial security company G4S, as the firm is taking over more control of Britain’s public services despite various fiascoes surrounding it.
The Children Of The Blue Ray: Bringing Hope To The Planet
Amazing Powers of the New Blue Ray Children
5 May 2008 - 11:07pm | Rosalie
!!! MEGA MONSTER CME/FLARE @ THE SUN + SUN UFOs !!! 09-21-2012 -HD-
By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12
Watch on YouTube (recommended)
Dearest Brothers and Sisters!
Light is pouring down on us ever more strongly! It is pressing down now deeply into the crust of our planet and into the bodies of all living beings and things.
I have been asking Gaia about this light process and how She is experiencing it in her planetary body.
Gaia speaks:
Dear children, we are all intimately connected. The kingdom of humanity, all my other kingdoms and I Myself are sharing together the same blessing!
However – depending on the degree of energy-congestions - the process of the rising energy level and the actual lifting of 3dimensional density is experienced differently.
Heavenletter #4319 The Being That You Are, September 21, 2012
Heavenletter #4319 The Being That You Are, September 21, 2012
God said:
Sadness feels like it’s true, but sadness is not true. Love is true. Sadness is not love unless We call it love of sadness, bittersweetness. Sadness is a longing for what once seemed to be. Sadness is a longing for a time and place. You already know that time and space are illusions. Time and space simply cannot be marked. There is no ruler that truly marks time. There is a drum beat. It seems like time. It seems to mark time. Eternity is true. Measurement is not.
~ 1st phase is completed and done for Gaia and humanity~
China's Changbaishan volcano showing signs of increased activity
Source: Phys.org. - 9/20/12
Roughly 1,100 years ago, the Changbaishan volcano that lies along the border between northeastern China and North Korea erupted, sending pyroclastic flows dozens of kilometers and blasting a 5-kilometer (3-mile) wide chunk off of the tip of the stratovolcano.
The eruption, known as the Millennium eruption because of its proximity to the turn of the first millennium, was one of the largest volcanic events in the Common Era.
In the subsequent period, there have been three smaller eruptions, the most recent of which took place in 1903. Starting in 1999, spurred by signs of resumed activity, scientists established the Changbaishan Volcano Observatory, a network to track changing gas compositions, seismic activity, and ground deformation. Reporting on the data collected over the past 12 years, Xu et al. find that these volcanic indices each leapt during a period of heightened activity from 2002 to 2006.
2 Min News Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress
Pubblicato in data 14/set/2012 da Suspicious0bservers
There are two dangers presented in this video: 1) The Electromagnetic Event; and 2) The Mega Solar Flare & CME - Music: Instrumental "Soul Survivor" by Akon & Young Jeezy
Drastic fluctuations in ice accumulations reported at both poles
Source: The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond - 9/21/12
Indiegogo Campaign: Spiritual Philanthropy and The Holographic Economy
Creating A Sustainable Center of Connections
Facilitating Dreams with Spiritual Philanthropy
My friends and I are developing an Indigogo Campaign that we think many people will resonate with called:
This blog is a working version of our vision and we welcome everyone who is interested in co-creating and/or helping us on any level. The integral nature of the campaign provides many opportunities for creativity and contribution from all kinds of angles and we are happy to meet new friends who would like to see something like this succeed.
As anyone who reads it will see, we are especially seeking experts in different areas of sustainability, new energy, web development/coding and more so we can present potential funders a really strong and realistic vision that CAN BE completed as envisioned. Simultaneously, we would like to provide people the confidence that are consultants 'know what they are doing' and can be trusted.
Thanks for your support, it is greatly appreciated :)
Much Love,
A Song That Represents This Journey For Me :)
Oneness is non-negotiable
The essential changes that humanity needs to make in attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in order to restore the normal, necessary, loving, and peaceful conditions in which you can relate to one another on every level are occurring very rapidly now. Humanity’s region of the divine energy field — your field of consciousness — continues to strengthen and intensify as more and more of you become aware of how each one of you can and does effect it, and then very positively makes the intent to do so. A wonderful Light is now bathing your beautiful planet and is clearly visible to all who wish to see it. You are making astounding progress on your path to awakening, and even those who are the least aware of the spiritual dimension that is your identity will be unable to remain unaware for very much longer. Then they too will add to the ever-growing brilliance of the Light that envelops you all.
Jesus: Oneness is Non-Negotiable
by John Smallman ~ September 21, 2012
The essential changes that humanity needs to make in attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in order to restore the normal, necessary, loving, and peaceful conditions in which you can relate to one another on every level are occurring very rapidly now.
Humanity’s region of the divine energy field — your field of consciousness — continues to strengthen and intensify as more and more of you become aware of how each one of you can and does affect it, and then very positively makes the intent to do so.
A wonderful Light is now bathing your beautiful planet and is clearly visible to all who wish to see it. You are making astounding progress on your path to awakening, and even those who are the least aware of the spiritual dimension that is your identity will be unable to remain unaware for very much longer. Then they too will add to the ever-growing brilliance of the Light that envelops you all.
BeThePeace:How did you encourage world peace today?
August 21,2012
Social Media alerted the world to focus on World Peace for this day. I embraced this idea and have basically forced 165 teenagers in the USA to complete a drawing using texture, symbols, color and text to express their desire for world peace. We had to first discuss many things at first.
1) The lack of awareness of the basic plight of the world’s children in various war zones, most of my students cannot even imaging that kids cannot get their potatoes chips when they want let alone there are none to get.
2) We had to address Quantum thought and how our thoughts are just as real as our chair we are sitting on.
3) We talked about None-violent Communication and how the most important thing to be aware of is that people just want to feel like they have been heard. That simple action will defuse most conflicts; people just want to be heard.
4) We had to talk about the various conflicts happening all over the world and WHY. (WHY is the controversial branch I had to step out on.)
We created intentional art to bring awareness and we attacked the school with our finished art work. I will not be giving any grades not artwork that is not posted in the school.
I believe we have the power to change the world with our intentions and thoughts. I put that belief in practice. I saw the results of 3 very determined students having no other thought other than joining the US army when they get out of school now changing their thoughts about that plan. They are viewing Youtube videos created by US soldiers and seeing their view point on how we should not be a war right now.
I do not know how long this change of thought will last. I have 9 weeks of "Quantum Thought" assignments so hopefully I can continue to make some changes to basic thoughts with my 14-18 year olds in one class.
The Ascension Train is Just Three Months Away from Grand Central Sun Station. Arrival Time: December 21, 2012
By Galactic Love Reporter Stephan Cook
The most magical, blissful moment that each and every one of us has ever witnessed, partaken of, been privy to, chosen, enjoyed, reincarnated and waited for is just three, ever-so-short months away, as of today.
Yes the Ascension train is rolling on.
“Yippee!” is all I can say (well, I can also say “hooray”, “brilliant”, “at last” and “I can’t wait”‘!).
Yep, 92 days to go, inclusive (which for those of us into numbers – adds up to that wonderful number 11!)
And I can guarantee you that things won’t be the same in three months as they are today.
In fact, they won’t be the same in a week’s time as they are today!
Here’s what I ‘know’ will happen in three months’ time http://the2012scenario.com/2012/07/definitions-visions-and-meanings/
A new connection, a new task and the preface of The apprentice’s manual
Aisha North
As you all know by now, the messages I channel come from a group calling themselves “The constant companions”. I do not know how many members there are in this group, the only thing they have told me is that they are “more than five”. This collective of entities seems to be put together in order to convey different kinds of topics, and the energy, content and wording in the different messages changes according to whom it is that connects with me. Some have been with me a long time, some come in less frequent, and sometimes they introduce a new “member” to me in a private message. They did that two days ago, and I was told by this new member that “he” ( a very masculine energy) was going to start to work with me on a new project. The manuscript was going to continue as before with regular installments from the rest of The CCs, but in addition, I will be given new information meant for “professional ears and eyes”. I have to say that this seems to be a daunting task, because “he” told me that they would give me information I would not understand myself, but that they would put me into contact with someone who will. So, I guess I have to stick my neck out and just go for it!
Fall Equinox Saturday Ups Chances of Seeing Northern Lights
Space.com - Joe Rao, 9/21/12
AuroraMAX observatory took this image of an auroral display over Yellowknife, Canada, on September 12, 2012.
The arrival of the autumnal equinox this Saturday (Sept. 22) signals a transition from northern summer to fall in an astronomical sense. But it also signals the start of aurora-watching season.
From now through the end of October, the chances of sighting the glow of the mysterious northern lightswill be reaching a peak.
Largest Globally-Synchronized Meditation on 21 September and Prayer for Peace
Largest Globally-Synchronized Meditation on 21 September and Prayer for Peace
Organizations from around the world have come together
with the vision of co-creating the Largest Globally-Synchronized Meditation and Prayer for Peace in human history.
There will be live events in hundreds of cities around the world,
starting at 6pm in local timezones, creating a profound wave of peace moving across our planet.
There will also be three specific moments during the day when everyone around the world will connect at the same time: 12am, 12 noon, and 12 midnight EDT, creating three deep planetary
Pulses of Peace.
ARCHANGEL RAGUEL. Breaking Old Vows and Opening To Abundance. By, Bella Capozzi.
September 21, 2012.
✯ The other day, a client and I had a surprise visit from Archangel Raguel. I don’t recall having had a lot of personal interaction with Raguel-at least in this lifetime-nor had my client, who I will call “Katherine.” She and I were working on some issues which were blocking her ability to receive clear direction and to manifest abundance (common issues which I’m sure we all can relate to). Raguel presented himself to me as a tall male Angel, with short chestnut curls and a bright smile. He seemed very personable and talkative, with a lively sense of humor. After the session concluded, he identified himself to me as Katherine’s primary guide. We learned through Raguel that Katherine had many past lives on Earth as a healer and a priestess, but also a couple of lives lived within the confines of the Catholic Church. Her past life as a nun was the one which was sabotaging her manifestational ablities right now. He stuck around for awhile after the session, and presented me with a short message to share.
Archangel Raguel:
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be Prepared It is a time to learn
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be Prepared
A time to gather new information to assist you and help you evolve your light. Enjoy the process, for it will lead you where you want to go. As the seasons change, it signifies more changes in your lives. Taking the time to gather what you need for the next part of your journey lets you feel more prepared for what lies ahead and lets you have more trust in your own decisions. Change is always happening and as evolving beings, this is important. Take the time to let yourself feel comfortable and make those changes with clarity and wisdom.
The Equinox, The Last Quarter of This Year, The Advancement Into 2013 and More!
I read a sign on facebook not to long ago that said something like: There are people in this world that have no idea what is going on, and they have no idea that they have no idea. These last few weeks I had seen, even within myself, how true that statement is. My god, life can be busy. Very enjoyable, very heart filling, but very very busy. It is sooooo easy to lose yourself each and every day. Most people have no idea what that even means or feels like (to really, and I mean REALLY know yourself,) especially if that (busy life) is all you know. I so have forgotten how exhausting what we call ordinary life can be.
For as much as I enjoyed my time in Virginia and Pennsylvania, and god knows I enjoyed every moment, I was not sad about coming Home. Quite the opposite really. I was missing myself! I was missing my connection to spirit, to life, to all the things most people don’t have time to connect to or find out how deeply They exist. Work and family connections seem to dominate lives. Which, on the surface, one can say that is what life is all about, and for a very long time, I surely would have agreed too. In that degree, life is a very external event, happening outside of you, all around you… but what is really happening within and what happens if that external world suddenly ceased to be? Where does one get the food of life they have depended on?