I love to serve humans on their journeys to spiritual fulfillment, abundance, and balance. I am a farmer of the heart, and channel of partner earth. I am available to assist you in creating and maintaining your garden, love life, health and well-being :) visit farmeroftheheart.wordpress.com for all sessions- contact me via email (farmeroftheheart.gmail.com) to book a diet or land consultation. Skype diet; $111 per person per hour or $93 per hr for garden synthesis! Earth blessings, Farmer of the Heart
Wed, 01/15/2014 - 06:36
Health/diet consultant
I am William. I am transforming fast, and it is Very exciting. I have recently ...Just NOW...found myself in a debate with myself. Could I / Should I Cook the Chicken thighs, that are to be dinner, in with the vegetables.....(???)) I wonder if the four thighs came from Only 2 chickens.....? I wonder if the four thighs came from 4 different chickens?, and if so , were they at least related? I am asking myself these questions everyday now. Don't know why this is happening. I just know that it IS.
Yes indeed you are transforming rapidly! :-) Take a moment to meditate on it next time, and write down whatever comes to you. I suggest a 1-on-1 skype session with me- $111 for an hr, 65 for a 30 min. If you desire a session, you may share your writings to me and we can dive into the unknown together~! All is well. You are supported! <3
Thank you for your reply to my inquiries of "What is Going on around everywhere??" I have been taking notes.... Unfortunately I spent (Wasted ) A LOT of time concentrating ALL of my energy on the WHO is Doing This to Us? WHY? WHEN? HOW?... Illuminati this, Skull n Bones that, Rothschild's, Freemasons, Bilderbergers ...on and on.....( I did learn a Lot, But Most of it was BAD) until Finally the darn Light Bulb Went ON! ...I am Now living in a MUCH brighter Note Consciousness state of mind. As soon as my Finances come into line with what I want, then I can Schedule a session... until then... Rent and Food is it. ~Thank You again for your present attention.. Much LOVE ~ Sweet William of Gaia
Hi William. It appears to me you are becoming connected to what you eat. I even sometimes talk to my vegetables. All are life. I spent time as a vegetarian, even a vegan. Then I realized how elitist I was becoming. It was a point of pride. Now, I just bless and talk to my food. Vegetables have feelings too. Until we become airatarians, we're stuck with things that live here with us. And I have become ok with that. Don't worry about the sources of our nourishment. We're all in this together, and on some level, we -- all of us -- have agreed to be in this together in one way or another.Am I making sense?
YOU are Making Complete SENSE!!!!, as though I thought it myself! I am still wrapping my self around ALL of what is happening within me right now. The more I shed the "Things" (possessions, , clothes that I don't wear, Food that is poison and shouldn't be consumed anyways,everything) around me, as much as I can. THE more I am receiving THIS Unbelievable....(No strike that ...its believable!!) It is AWESOME, Understanding of Everything...that I Ponder or think about, NOW. I am trying to stay focused and stop shifting from being " Connected" to " Disconnected" to "Connected" . I will work to become ALWAYS Connected. ( I have also come to realizations about how, .the so called.. "Crazy" People get Taken out by those that dispense the CRAZY....and I wish I could do more to enable the rest of the people to understand the TRUTH.)
Thank you for your insight and Love, Rendering me Less blind every day~ Sweet William of Gaia
Your consciousness may render foods vital and high-frequncy as you are the one co-creating this reality. Where you put your attention and intention, your energy flows. For example, thinking and dwelling in the control system does not and will not balance oneself, as you may already know. Expressing your feelings, and releasing my emotions through breathing, gardening, hiking, swimming, stretching, etc. helps me greatly! *I release ALL that is not in alignment with my spiritual and emotional growth in the garden. Honestly, the mind has become the true control system here on earth, the master or imprisonment if you will, and this is why we see the destruction and desacralization that we've experienced, felt, seen, heard, expressed, and now released. What is asked of us is that we remember to feel and be present, here, now. The mind is to be a servant of our beating heart and being. An exercise for all of us is to observe how many times your heart accepts and your mind negates throughout the day. Ponder upon this. ;-) We can always discuss this further in a session if requested! Yes, we are asked to co-operate and co-harmonize with all that is-the darkness and lightness within and without, think and thin. You belong to totality. You are now remembering your place and purpose as a colorful fiber in this web of delicate existence! <3 Blessings on your Journey, Andrew
I am William... ANDREW Thank You!!! As you know, you have answered many questions for me without Hesitation.. That in itself brings a feeling of PRIDE within me.... I don't want to just keep asking questions without Due Diligence. ( and I don't
ask MANY QUESTIONS without research) I have been SEARCHING for my Truth .. I have been received the TRUTH. This is AWESOME!!! I want to be 5d!
Thank you again For your Many Moments of Present to Help With ME!.. LOVE and LIGHT ~ Sweet William of Gaia. <3
Airatarian.... Awesome!!