Where does your divinity show up in times of crisis?
This is particularly important as we are the middle of such turmoil. We can act like savages or take the time to go within and connect with our higher nature. Although it's not easy at first, it only gets better the more we try.
It is difficult to focus on the Divine Spark in each human when we are witnessing what is happening in all our societies on this planet. Politicians have failed at being stewards of quality of life and every fabric of our society is feeling the tension. Much like the cosmic cobweb, we are part of, we feel tensions. I've noticed in myself and many around me mood swings, sadness out of nowhere, and more disturbing feelings. I take the time to stop, pause, and connect with myself. This is you have a moment where you are feeling this emotion. It helps me connect with this basic human act of feeling. I don't need to know why or what do to do with it but simply to feel the human experience of emotions. "This is you experience that emotion." has been one of my greatest tools maneuvering these uncertain times.
It helps to try to see the divinity in others and not judge it, accepting it as such. We've all been a pill at times and angles at other moments. Everyone suffers, everyone is feeling a great shift and there is much discomfort. The trick is to try to see the Divine Spark in each human without judgment, just seeing and anchoring that Love, Light, and peaceful feeling that ensues.
It's important to bring that spiritual balance in our lives at this moment. It will come in handy when the time comes for forward movement again.