Increase In Starship Sightings and Sun Flares

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, WOW Yesterday we had 3 X Class Solar Flares. Although these are not Earth Directed they will be effecting all Energy Feilds. We could See alot more activity in the next couple of days as this sunspot arrives to face US. What is also Fascinating is that We are having an Increase in Sightings as we prepare for Full Disclsoure of Not Only the coverup of our Presence but so Much more! You can Join us On the higher grid Today for Chat Sessions about the 5th Dimension beginning at 11am Pacific at this Link:  Love The Earth Allies

Marches Against Monsanto


Hi there! I wanted to share this with everybody, in case you were interested.

As the article stated, Europe has already woken up to this issue, and banned this company from selling their products. People in the United States have yet to wake up fully to the side effects of these manipulated foods. Here's your chance to voice your displeasure.


Lots of love, Ra-Raela


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Waiting In The Wings…


The Creator Writings May 13, 2013




The ones truly meant to stand beside you are often waiting in the wings, watching silently. They’ve been there all along; smiling at your successes, cheering when you accomplish your goals, loving you when you feel unlovable and sending healing when you feel you have crashed. Turn around, look behind you and you’ll see them gazing at you with all the love in the world. ~ Creator



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The Road to Q’eros messages from the Andes ~ May 13, 2013


Angel Wings and Unicorns May 13, 2013



“It has become apparent over the last twenty years or so that the world’s indigenous shamans have tapped into the dreaming at large of the planet and humanity as a whole.  In response, cultures such as the Q’ero peoples of the Altiplano region of the Andes have sent representatives to the lowlands to inform us westerners that we are dreaming the wrong dream. To change our distorted dreams, and by association the world we live in, the shamans say we must learn to use the power of our thoughts and our creative imagination”  - Awakening to the spirit world – Sandra Ingerman and Hank Wesselman


This is what is meant by ‘it is up to us’.  We must begin now, to dream this new dream … through our hearts and our minds and our great creativity we are able now to dream into being the world of light.


The opportunity is upon us … the time is now … and it is up to us.  This is saying ‘YES’ to life.


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Nestle Folds to Consumer Pressure over GMOs in South Africa


Sustainable Food, By: Admin, 05/12/2013


Nestle has gone on record in South Africa as saying that “it took consumer preferences into consideration and therefore all its infant cereals in South Africa used non-GM maize”, the African Centre for Biosafety (ACB) announced Friday. “This can only be a result of the action that so many…took last year after we released the results showing that Nestle’s Cerelac Honey contained 77.65% GM Maize. This is a victory indeed!” ACB continued.


ACB recently released results of tests conducted on 7 baby formulas and cereals, by an independent and accredited GM testing laboratory. The results reveal that Purity baby cereals contain extremely high levels of GM content whereas Nestlé’s infant formulas and cereal indicate that Nestle appears to be going GM free. Aspen’s infant formulas also indicate GM avoidance. Shockingly, comparisons also reveal that Purity’s GM baby cereals cost 250% more than non-GM cereals, exploding the myth that GM free food is an expensive and impractical luxury.


For more on this story visit


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Last days of 3D confirmed...


Now I AM quite certain that we are in the last days of 3D life. A personal situation has developed for me (re-emergence of meth-head brother-in-law) that is testing my own focus.
Initially, I was indignant and my psyche was "at attention" with all kinds of negative vibes and imagined negative scenarios! But, after about one hour, I started FEELING glimmers of positivity and now have received assurance from my higher self that, no matter what happens as this situation plays out, I AM ok and will be OK! in my future. Is this a last scenario of negativity that is being released from me? I think that it is!
What a wonderful release for me! Now...I will focus  imagining my stressed-out husband being and feeling better as well as this situation will all work out in a positive way.
Galactic Free Press is such in important site for lightworkers to hold near and dear to their heart = LOVE = Earth!


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~How Solar Flares Are Affecting Our Bodies~ by By Dena Ventrudo




 Dena Ventrudo is the Assistant Editor & Photographer of Merlian News. She is a published poet and creative writer, most recently published in "Trails Through The Greenbelt" by Jack M. Freedman. Dena has a BA in Liberal Studies from SUNY Purchase College but also spent time there as a Dramatic Writing, Literature and Women's Studies major.  


What Is A Solar Flare?


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Christine Day’s Pleiadian Broadcast – April 2013


Mon, May 13, 2013

cday lilac smile2 med Christine Days Pleiadian Broadcast   April 2013


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Al Gore admits Chemtrails are for blocking the SUN


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9 Secrets to Harnessing the Power of Gratitude in Your Life



May 13, 2013


HJ: If I had to pick the top 3 practices that have changed my life beyond measure, the consistent application of Gratitude would be one of them.  Quite simply, harnessing the power of gratitude in your life is one of the most transformational and remarkable things you can do for yourself and hence the world around you as well.  When you experience gratitude, you immediately shift your vibration to one of joy and abundance, as these qualities embody its essence.  Gratitude is one of the major keys to higher consciousness — its practice both expands your reality and keeps you aligned with a higher consciousness — both in practice and experience.  The effects are immediate, but also cumulative, meaning that as you practice gratitude regularly, it becomes easier and its effects in your life become more noticeable and begin to take on their own incredible momentum as the law of attraction begins to work.  After all, gratitude is an expression of abundance — regular, genuine practice will only draw more to you.  So, if you are not already practicing gratitude in your life, when will you begin?

- Truth


How to Start a Gratitude Practice to Change Your Life


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Dolores Cannon, Presents Moving Into the New Earth

From 2007 UFO conference. Even so, it explains what is going on right Now so well. Lots of good stuff here to check out.

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Jelaila’s Weekly Message May 13, 2013 ~ Recognizing When Enough is Enough




Recognizing When Enough is Enough


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A cold front to end Hobart's warm spell


Weatherzone, By: Kim Westcott, 05/13/2013


In the three days until Sunday, Hobart experienced its warmest weather this late in autumn in 74 years, averaging a maximum temperature of 21.5 degrees. Nights have also been warm during the past few days with minimum temperatures coming in more than four degrees above the May average.


A strong cool change with a front and a low pressure system will see both the days and nights become cooler with widespread showers from Tuesday.


For more on this story visit


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Carnarvon avocado production halved


Weatherzone, By: Stephen Stockwell, 05/13/2013


Carnarvon avocado growers have seen a production drop this year, with one grower reporting yields from his crop have been halved. A slower year was expected after a heatwave burnt ripening crops in February but strong prices have helped growers, up around 40 per cent on last year.


Wes Bassett, a biodynamic avocado grower in Carnarvon, says it's too early to tell if high prices will make up for the drop in production.


For more on this story visit


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Weekend rain isolated across SA farm areas


Weatherzone, By: ABC, 05/13/2013


Primary Producers SA said weekend rain would give little relief for many farmers across South Australia. It said most falls were fairly isolated across pockets of the south-east, Riverland and in Adelaide.


Warm and dry weather for early May saw some growers halt their seeding. Chairman of Primary Producers SA Rob Kerin said soil was dry and still needed a soaking.


For more on this story visit


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Maranoa graziers running out of water


Weatherzone, By: Sam Burgess, 05/13/2013


Maranoa Mayor Robert Loughnan says some graziers in Queensland's southern inland are struggling to water their stock, despite relatively green conditions.


The region has experienced several floods in recent years but a lack of rain has put the western side of the shire in the grip of an undeclared drought. Councillor Loughnan says most farmers have feed but are running out of water.


For more on this story visit


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Valerie Donner ~ The Ground Crew ~ The Answers Will Come ~


ValerieDonnerNewDear Ground Crew,

Do any of you feel like you are in the twilight zone? By this I mean do you feel a bit of a void, as if you are in a state of uncertainty about your next steps in your life? Some of these feelings are attributable to the astrological influences currently affecting us from the eclipses, etc.  All of these are a part of assisting us with our ascension process, whether we like it or not.

As the third dimension continues to implode upon itself we feel the impact of uncertainty. Somehow we are co-creating our higher dimensional lives on the Earth so the unfamiliar is the norm. Some of us are also feeling the energies we felt when we lived in Atlantis before it fell. That can create some uncomfortable feelings.

We are also feeling the fear from the dark forces as they continue to try to maintain their stronghold. Many are expecting things to be the way they have always been and they are not. We also get to deal with our inner issues which many of us thought we resolved from previous work. We get to keep clearing until we are finished and have mastered these key lessons.

Little by little we are realizing what we may have believed was untrue. We ask ourselves why did we ever let these old thoughts and feelings influence our lives. Can you relate?


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The Moon Hippie Mystic~Where I Come From




Where I come from and where I’m going are ONE and the same.  I don’t know if I will feel my Home again here on Earth where my feet touch the ground or when I leave this Wondrous place and join the company of Heaven.  There are many things I don’t know but there are also many things that I REmember…

We have to begin challenging ourselves and our belief systems at this point in our Human history.  If we begin to challenge ourselves and our belief systems we will begin to see the patterns of behavior set in place as defense mechanisms in how we deal with ourselves and others.  We can begin to see how much of our mind is in the machine and how much the machine is affecting Humanity and Mother Earth.  When we get our mind out of the machine we can begin to challenge the machine and the powers that were and Create something Divine.

Where I come from and where I’m going are ONE and the same.


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ALERT! 3rd X-Class Solar Flare today! 13\05\2013


Published on May 13, 2013

This is the 3rd X-Flare in only a few hours, and it may be the best! It looks absolutely HUGE!



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Just now we need you the most! Your Light Is Needed



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Universal Responsibility & the Inner Environment


Published on May 9, 2013

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will speak on "Universal Responsibility & the Inner Environment" at the University of Portland in Portland, Oregon, USA on May 9, 2013


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Latest Earthquake Activity - May 14, 2013


Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

Map of the 6.8 quake Northern Mariana Islands

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

May 14


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Temperature Clash: Record Cold and Warmth - 5/13/13, John Erdman


You may have heard the cliche "clash of seasons" to describe spring. From a temperature perspective, Monday and Tuesday of this week offer an impressive contrast between morning frost and freezes and searing 90s and triple digits across the nation.

On Monday morning, new record low temperatures for May 13 were tied or broken in Nashville, Tenn., Toledo, Ohio, Detroit, Mich., Tupelo, Miss. and Marquette, Mich., to name a few locations. Light snow was even reported in Bradford, Pa. and in the Adirondacks of Upstate New York.

Video and more:



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4MIN News May 14, 2013: Major Solar Flares






By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on May 14, 2013


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Richard French, Ex-Air Force Lt. Colonel, 'It Was A UFO And . . . There Were Aliens Aboard It'


Huffington Post - Lee Speigel, 5/13/13


When Air Force Lt. Col. Richard French was a lead investigator of Project Blue Book in the 1950s, his job was to shoot down false reports of UFOs.

Given his job, French never dreamed he'd end up in Newfoundland one day watching what appeared to him to be two extraterrestrials performing repairs on a submerged, unknown circular craft.

More: Huffington Post



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The Oracle Report Tuesday, May 14, 2013


The Oracle Report

Crescent Moon Phase - Moon in Cancer

Ruling Mahavidya - Tara


This lunar month is about opening up and venturing into new areas of consciousness.  Today, amidst a long period where we were not at in control, we come to energy to produce order in our lives.  We can put things in their places, freeing up even more space.  Our minds will organize factors and situations that have developed since April 10 - the beginning of the astrological new year. 


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Nora Yelles~Young: Healing Ancient Wounds. 20 Steps to Clearing and Healing


Heavenletter #4554 - The Children of God’s DNA


Heaven Letters Published on: May 14, 2013

God said:

Of course, yes, you can think too much, and, yes, sometimes, you don’t think at all! What a combination of many patterns are the Children of My DNA.

Over-thinking is like kneading bread dough too much. There is a point of no return or a point of kneading that is not only non-productive but also counter-productive. Too much can be a minus.


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~ Cobra Update~Opening of the Portal ~ 5-25-2013


Tuesday, May 14, 2013



Opening of the Portal


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of full moon this May. Many of us will gather and visualize the liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the negative energy grid so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth and thus fully empowered surrender ourselves to our Ascension process.

Our visualization will support the plan for planetary liberation, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We can do it! It needs to go viral! We need to reach many people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.


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Incurable Disease Threatens U.S. Citrus Crop - Marc Lallanilla, LiveScience, 5/13/13

Trees infected by citrus greening have yellowing leaves and bitter, discolored fruit. University of California


Florida's $9 billion orange crop, the largest in the world after Brazil's, may not survive an incurable disease that threatens to wipe out citrus groves throughout the United States.

The disease, known as "citrus greening" or huanglongbing, is caused by a bacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. The bacteria are spread from tree to tree by a tiny insect called the Asian citrus psyllid, The New York Times reports.


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Volcanic activity worldwide 13 May 2013: Popocatépetl, Kizimen, Paluweh, Nevado del Ruiz, Tolbachik


Volcano Discovery Monday May 13, 2013 17:53 PM |

MODIS hot spot data (past 2 days) for Tolbachik volcano (ModVolc, Univ. Hawaii)

MODIS hot spot data (past 2 days) for Tolbachik volcano (ModVolc, Univ. Hawaii)


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Strongest Solar Flare of 2013 Erupts from Sun - Tariq Malik, 5/13/13

This image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a colossal X1.7-class solar flare erupting from the sun at 10:17 p.m. EDT on May 12, 2013 (Mother's Day). It is the strongest solar flare of 2013 so far. NASA/SDO


The sun unleashed a colossal Mother's Day solar flare on Sunday (May 12) in what has become the most powerful solar eruption of the year.

The giant solar flare, which registered as one of the largest eruptions the sun can unleash, peaked Sunday night at 10:17 p.m. EDT (and was captured on camera by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. It sparked an hour-long high-frequency radio blackout, according to the Space Weather Prediction Center overseen by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.




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Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Please Join Us.


Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.




heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain


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Puerto Rico Fireball Meteor


Lunarmeteoritehunters, By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter, 05/14/2013


Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-

14MAY2013 Gabriel Miranda San Juan, Puerto Rico 1:00:00 1.5 - 2 125ºSE from Left to Right Green Very bright I think as bright as the moon No I was with a friend that also saw it.


14MAY2013 Keyla Lajas, Puerto Rico 1 am / EST 5 seconds Stopped in the horizon level.  left to right. I was facing South green/blue no tail high brightness.


For more on this story visit



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Former Guatemala Leader Guilty of Genocide


Former military leader Efrain Rios Montt sentenced to 80 years in jail over massacres of indigenous people in the 1980s.

Former military leader Efrain Rios Montt sentenced to 80 years in jail over massacres of indigenous people in the 1980s.

From Al-Jazeera – May 11, 2013

A Guatemalan court has convicted former military leader Efrain Rios Montt on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity, sentencing him to 80 years in prison.

A three-judge tribunal on Friday issued the verdict after the nearly two-month trial in which dozens of victims testified about horrific atrocities.

Prosecutors said Rios Montt must have had knowledge of the massacres of Ixil, indigenous people of Mayan descent living in Guatemala, when he ruled the country from March 1982 to August 1983 at the height of its 36-year civil war.


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Mayan Pyramid Bulldozed in Belize


From Associated Press – May 14, 2013

Belize City: A construction company has essentially destroyed one of Belize’s largest Mayan pyramids with backhoes and bulldozers to extract crushed rock for a road-building project.

The head of the Belize Institute of Archaeology, Jaime Awe, said the destruction at the Nohmul complex in northern Belize was detected late last week. The ceremonial centre dates back at least 2300 years and is the most important site in northern Belize, near the border with Mexico.

“It’s a feeling of incredible disbelief because of the ignorance and the insensitivity … they were using this for road fill,” Mr Awe said. “It’s like being punched in the stomach, it’s just so horrendous.”

An obscene example of disrespect for the environment and history

Nohmul sat in the middle of a privately owned sugar cane field, and lacked the even stone sides frequently seen in reconstructed or better-preserved pyramids. But Mr Awe said the builders could not possibly have mistaken the pyramid mound, which is about 30 metres tall, for a natural hill because the ruins were well-known and the landscape there is naturally flat.


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Qld government to approve grazing in national parks


Weatherzone, By: Melinda Howells, 05/14/2013


The Queensland Government has confirmed it will allow grazing in some national parks during droughts or other emergency situations. Legislation will be rushed through State Parliament next week to allow grazing in five national parks and eight reserves.


Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney says graziers are struggling to cope with drought, and the flow-on effects of the 2011 ban on live exports to Indonesia. He says grazing would only be allowed for six months to a year.  Mr Seeney says the land was previously used for grazing and any environmentally sensitive areas will be fenced off.


For more on this story visit


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UFODI News: Huge Armada Of White Orb UFO's Pass Overhead New York


Recorded May 12th A woman from a New York state records a cluster of white UFO's that travel East on 64, She and other residence in the street are clueless at what they are, flying in a steady formation with some hovering in stable possitions while others pass scrubbing out floating objects, the footage is in superb quality, So what are they? Have you witnessed any events on the same day? Contact UFODI


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Visionkeeper ~Dare To Be Different ~ 14 May 2013 by

Music to read by below:

Daring to be different from the norm is what is going to save us in the end. If you’re marching with the brainwashed masses, you’re not going to make the most of your life. Now more than ever it seems we must stand up and be ourselves, our real authentic selves, not shuffle our way along amongst the crowd of sleepwalkers. It takes courage to stand up and say this is me no matter what, especially if it doesn’t conform to those around you. But we must, our souls are crying out to be free to be able to express themselves at any given moment however they so chose. It is time to release the chains that have held us captive and break free to be exactly who we choose to be. In order to do this we must be willing to allow the fear that has had its grip on us to fall away. Think about the absurdity of being afraid to be who you really are!


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Brenda Hoffman ~ Are You At Your Transition ‘Whatever’ Point? ~


Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Summary of Brenda’s May 12, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Due to technical difficulties, there is a long pause near the beginning of this channel.  Many energies will be pummeling your beings in the next few days. Don’t be surprised if you short-circuit electrical/computer systems or ‘space out’ for a few seconds. You’re collecting energies for a major shift at the end of May.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “This Week’s Energy Theme – You are Healed and Healing”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,


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DutchSinse~ -- THREE X-class solar flares in 24 hours Amazing


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Valerie Donner ~ A Message From Master Hilarion ~ 14 May 2013


hilarion2On May 1 in my Monthly Meeting with the Masters Class, we worked with the Master Hilarion. He said: “Don’t be discouraged dear ones. The best is yet to come. You have climbed over many hurdles and there are still more along the way. You have high expectations for there is a lot of good coming your way. End your heartaches and disappointments from the past. Release the illusion and hold onto the great expectations. Much will be demanded and much will be given. This is your moment of truth. Step up and be heard. You are the ones. You are ready. The Earth is ready. You can alter the path. Do it. Heal your hearts and you will be free. . . There’s no place like Home. You are letting go of the old Atlantean energies and bringing in the Lemurian energies. The Golden Age is upon you. Circumstances and conditions will constantly change with layer after layer of good falling upon you.  It will be like the Promised Land and something to behold. . . .You will be hit with a thunderbolt like lightening. It will instantly alter the course. It’s not my way but thy way. Each will be free to decide. You are heralding in a new age. Quick responses are needed. Yes or no.” / link to original article


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~most detailed images of Star Ships yet!...this footage came from an evening in which i looked out at the Stargate i regularly film from and hardly needed to zoom in the portal was so wide open and just beamiN' incredible amount of activity, so many types of ships coming in...and surprising amounts of clear information seen in the images.~ iN~JOY!


video by~FAYRE AN NA
music by~DUB FX

No copyright infringement intended for use of music in this video or for any background images that may have been used to add some sweet atmosphere to the footage.


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