So here we are again on the cusp of the astrological new year (when the sun enters the first degrees of Aries), the spring equinox in the north (the autumn equinox in the southern hemisphere), the ascension of christ (consciousness) celebration...aka Easter.. but more poignantly, we are on the astrological cusp of Uranus' re-entry into Aries. For those of you wondering why that matters, the unseens are sharing that this transition is THE fiery (shift of the ages) energy we have been waiting for to provide us with the new celestial backdrop (playground) to transform our lives and this planet into our inspired visions of new earth. This energy has the potential to set any remains of our old lives ablaze, and to release our new lives from our internal combustion chambers that have been churning the flames of creativity and building the pressure within us since the first Uranian visit in Aries back in June/July of 2010.
"There has been a magnificent shift in the earth's balance extending from the western hemisphere to the east….an impact which will have global ramifications." -Pleiadian High Council
It has recently come to my attention that we are beginning to mentally align with (become aware of) the great shift in perception that the unseens have been talking a lot about lately and this shift is apparently the result of some massive global (energetic) re-balancing that took place over the last 3-4 weeks in the form of a magnetic pole shift.
These re-balancing energies started to aggressively bubble up on the winter solstice/lunar eclipse and are currently completing a round of physical aftereffects in the form of solar and geological activity…geomagnetic storms, solar flares/winds, coronal mass ejections, auroras, quakes and fissures, etc.
So much of what is currently happening around the world is related to this shift and the unseens would like to clarify some things to settle any fears that may be festering from the uncertainty of such dramatic forward movement.