~ Live Global Revolution has Begun In Spain~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, The Love Energy is on the move and Humanity is waking up! We will have More about this recent Unfoldment! All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Being Rich Is Not So Easy Anymore


I found this in my e-mail today, and found it interesting enough to share:



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~How do You Know a Starship is from The GFL?~



~ Truth Quotes and Transmissions from The Earth Allies~











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Charles Halt, Former Air Force Colonel, Accuses U.S. Of UFO Cover-Up


Huff Post - Lee Speigel, 9/24/12


Panel members at the "Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed" lecture held at the Smithsonian-affiliated National Atomic Testing Museum on Sept. 22, 2012.

LAS VEGAS -- Former Air Force Col. Charles Halt accused the federal government of a UFO cover-up that involves a secret agency to deal with what might be extraterrestrial visitations.

"I'm firmly convinced there's an agency, and there is an effort to suppress," Halt told an audience of 200 people Saturday night at the Smithsonian-affiliated National Atomic Testing Museum.

To read the rest of this story, visit HuffingtonPost.com.


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Dark Secret in Romney's Missing Tax Files: "Amnesty" from Prison for Top-1% Tax Cheats?


The US federal government let over 5,000 of the richest Americans off the hook when they were caught cheating on their taxes for $5.75 billion dollars. Was Mitt Romney invovled with this and is that why he's hiding his tax returns?


The question on minds of many hard-working American tax-payers is: "What dark secret is candidate Romney hiding in his (pre-2010) tax records that's worth all the bad press & suspicions caused by his secretiveness?"


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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: Point of No Return






The numerical doorways that come forth as we side step the ending of 2012 bring us to a Point Of No Return, an immediate turning point.

Exceeding the speed limits of the three dimensional turn stile, one will be catapulted forward into the echo of every past thought.

A perpetual place of transformation held captive by all energies that are and have been aligned with the host human.


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I Know... I'm going to bother some ego right now...



...but Really, I like it!


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Kp Message… My “Get” on the “Transformations of Government” (in the U.S., at least)


Posted on 2012/09/24

Kauilapele at Kalalau, 9-10-12
(click for better view of Kp beard hair)


This is my “get”. And only my “get”. Maybe some of you have “got” the same thing that I “get” here, but what I describe below is from my own “Get Central”.


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one guy's point of view


   Anyone else as sick and bored of all this never ending BS. This planet is a joke. Just sit back and look at it. Petty BS. People on the left,on the right,in the middle, all the same BLAH,BLAH,BLAH. And it s just not in the US. Its the whole world. 99% of the planet's population only care about themselves. ME..ME..ME.

   When it comes right down to it everyone's the same and the worse r the ones 


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Miriam Remains a Hurricane, Could Impact Baja


Accuweather.com - 9/25/12

This satellite image of Miriam taken early Monday morning shows an eye. (NOAA)

Yet another hurricane, Miriam, has formed in the eastern Pacific. Miriam became the basin's ninth hurricane of the season, upgraded from tropical storm status late on Sunday.

Midday Monday, Sept. 24, 2012, Miriam's maximum sustained winds reached 120 mph, making the storm a major Category 3 hurricane. Winds have since weakened with Miriam, which is no longer considered a major hurricane.
To read the rest of this story, visit accuweather.com.


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33 dead, 1.5 million displaced by flooding in India


 Source: The Extinction Protocol, 9/25/12


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Between Worlds


I think I passed a tipping point and don't know what to do. I am asking my angels and guides(YOU) for help today to understand and what to do. The last several weeks I have been as though in a trance, preferring to be in the NOW but struggling to deal with 3D reality. I FEEL like I have become an observer to the point of disconnection and am not sure if that is good or bad. Yesterday, I woke up and had an out of body experience or guess that is what it was. I was ONE with a Hue man angel who I could see through. I FEEL as though I am not part of the world anymore yet went to work. Around noon I had to tell him I was not well as I couldn't concentrate on anything and am home today. I want to go forward but still have to support myself yet am having problems concentrating on earthly stuff-things that are put on us forcing us to do useless tasks when there is so much that needs to be done for humanity. I FEEL the need to move on but it is not the right time-yet. I FEEL big things coming and I am supposed to wait yet how do you still function? Thank goodness I have sick leave but I am lettting others down which is not like me. I have had some days or smaller times like this in the past months but this one FEELS bigger by far. Hope to get some perspective on what to do from others. WE ARE ONE!



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Republic to curb UK royals’ authority


PressTV - 9/23/12

Britain’s anti-monarchy campaign group Republic will convene an event to consider the abolishment of the Duchy of Cornwell in a bid to hold the royal family more accountable to public scrutiny.

The event will be held on Saturday, 29 September during which members of the Republic will hold meeting with residents in Cornwall to review ways to curtail the influence and political meddling of Prince Charles, the heir to the throne.

To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.ir.


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Demonstrate God in Action in ALL You Do



 Julie Miller


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Yes, we are here and you know it ~ SaLuSa through Isabel Henn



 September 24, 2012

Today I will start with a brief update. The Forces of Light are still successful. More and more light and energy are directed to the earth and anchored there through you. Unfortunately, the dark side is still active in its last effort to keep the reins of power. In recent weeks there have been strong disturbing attempts from the astral plane to a large number of light workers. They try to sabotage in last  despair  your important work. We have joined forces now to stop these attacks completely.

On the other side your light has again become stronger and the general vibrations on Earth are rising steadily. Stand firm against all attempts by disinformations or attacks to disrupt the light. They will NOT be successful.

Your video to Disclosure, which is distributed at this time through your networks does excellent work and prepares the people of your planet to the upcoming revelations. Yes, we are here and you know it. Soon it will be even more obvious to you. By the delays we have lost valuable time, but it will not prevent your Ascension. We stand in the wings, so to speak, and are only waiting for the signal that gives us the final approval of our plans for you and with you.


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You are much more integrated with your wholeness. ~ Through Ron Head





The progression continues.  The equinox has passed, and still you feel no let-up in the downloads and changes to your energy fields.  There will be almost no respite for you now other than brief troughs between the waves.  The ‘surf’ will continue to build.  There will be several more very large ‘big ones’ for you to catch between now and the end of the year.


The incoming energy/information has now reached truly what could be called flood stage.  Yet you really, if you honestly think about it, do not feel overwhelmed at all.  It feels to be just as it was six months ago.  This is a measure of your progress, my friends.  Your capacities have increased tremendously.



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Congress does nothing, goes on vacation



GFP Note - The House's Friday adjournment made this the earliest election-year recess since 1960.


The Baltimore Sun - 9/24/12

Our view: Do-nothing legislators hit the re-election trail, demonstrating how federal tax dollars are truly wasted on payouts to the indolent

The best news to come out of Capitol Hill last week was largely buried in the back pages. It was the statements made by senior Republicans that if President Barack Obama wins reelection in November, they will retreat in their position on raising taxes on high-earners.


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Infinite Horizon of Potential


Sep 24

 by Wes Annac

A coordinated yet Divine burst of freedom is making itself known within me. I am feeling at this moment, that nothing is impossible. We have come to this world on a specific and ordained mission and we can and will achieve this mission. While I am beginning to feel and realize this, around me and within much of the Lightworker community I see much external focus.

And I have fed this external focus through my own actions and continual habit patterns that I am now working to transmute within myself, with all of the higher dimensional might I have been gifted from the wonderful realms we are all returning to.

I am feeling so free, so uninhibited, so infinite.


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2012: The Doorway to Heaven is Open Now


What does this statement mean to you? Does it conjure up any image? Do you see the pearly white gates of heaven standing wide open for all to enter? Imagine that on the other side of the gates is a new world all shiny and sparkling in the sunlight, offering you gifts unimaginable, with peace, joy and bliss being the order of the day. What if you did not have to die before you could experience this. How does that make you feel? If it excites you, then read on.


What if I told you that in just over 90 days you could be experiencing this shiny sparkling new world? It sounds too good to be true right? Yes, I don't blame you for thinking that. Many are thinking that. Many have heard that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, but they have no idea what that means. Many think the world is ending, and that there will be Armageddon. Let me tell you what I know is happening right now. I say 'know' because it is an undisputed knowing that I have deep within my soul. Bear with me a while longer, please.


The End of the Mayan Calendar


The Mayan Calendar ends on 21st December 2012, this is true. But what does it mean? It means that we have reached the end of an era of evolution, or existence. This era belonged to the Piscean age. We are now standing on the cusp of the Aquarian age, an age known as Heaven on Earth.


What about Armageddon?



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Blue StarShip/UFO Report - September 24, 2012


1660. The illustration depicts a sighting by two Dutch ships in the North Sea of an object moving slowly in the sky. It appeared to be made by two disks of different size. The source for this account is one of the books entitled :"Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" by Admiral Blaeu. These books were compilations of articles by different authors and consisted of detailed accounts of long engagements at sea, cartography information etc.

Source: http://www.alien-ufo-pictures.com/ancient_aliens5.html

Story: Wes Annac Video: The Neutralization of Chemtrails is Real


Story: Whole Light Beings: Revel in Being the Black Sheep



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Producer of ‘pink slime’ textured beef suing ABC and ABC News


The Washington Post - Tim Carmen, 9/13/12

Jim Cole/AP - A hamburger made from ground beef containing what is derisively referred to as “pink slime,” or what the meat industry calls “lean, finely textured beef,” right, and one made from pure 85% lean ground beef are ready for tasting Thursday, March 15, 2012 in Concord, N.H.

Of all the media outlets that have taken shots at Beef Products and its “lean, finely textured beef,” the South Dakota-based company apparently feels slimed by only one: ABC and its ABC News division.

The largest U.S. producer of “pink slime” — once widely found in fast-food burgers, supermarkets and the federal school lunch program — filed a defamation lawsuit Thursday against the network, claiming it went on a campaign that cost Beef Products $400 million. Anchor Diane Sawyer and reporters Jim Avila and David Kerley are also named as defendants.

To read the rest of this story, visit WashingtonPost.com.


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The Awakening of the Indigos and Blue Rays~ Stefanie Miller


As 2012 unfolds there is a mass awakening occurring for the highly sensitive, creative, and empathic beings known as the Indigo and Blue Ray beings. I am addressing both as they are both experiencing many of the same issues at this time.

The Indigos and Blue Rays come from different lineages but one of the main differences between the Indigos and Blue Rays that I will mention here is that the Indigos are mainly either still children or young adults at this time, they can be very outspoken and tend to go against the grain of main society and have always felt like outcasts. They are unwilling to conform to societies standards if it isn’t congruent with the way they believe things should be done. While they may attempt to go with the flow, they cannot suppress how against the “system” they really are, and simply cannot and will not accept things that do not make sense to them. Indigo’s are very perceptive, intuitive, and outspoken. They have a keen awareness and don’t understand why others don’t see what is so obvious to them. It’s actually insulting and beyond frustrating to the Indigo’s to have those in a position of authority try to manipulate or control them!


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*FULL MOON* September 29, 2012 in Aries~






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BIG SUN-DIVING COMET DISCOVERED: Astronomy forums are buzzing with speculation about newly-discovered Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON). Currently located beyond the orbit of Jupiter, Comet ISON is heading for a very close encounter with the sun next year. In Nov. 2013, it will pass less than 0.012 AU (1.8 million km) from the solar surface. The fierce heating it experiences then could turn the comet into a bright naked-eye object. (continued below)

Comet ISON photographed by E. Guido, G. Sostero & N. Howes on Sept. 24. [more]

Much about this comet--and its ultimate fate--remains unknown. "At this stage we're just throwing darts at the board," says Karl Battams of the NASA-supported Sungrazer Comet Project, who lays out two possibilities:

"In the best case, the comet is big, bright, and skirts the sun next November. It would be extremely bright -- negative magnitudes maybe -- and naked-eye visible for observers in the Northern Hemisphere for at least a couple of months."


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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday September 25 2012



Oracle Report ~ Tuesday September 25 2012


by Gillian

Oracle Report | First Quarter Moon Phase – Moon in Aquarius

At the New Moon last week I discussed how the Mother energy of the planet was going to make communication with us this month. I also explained that in order to receive the communication we would have to maintain the highest level of integrity and maintain vigilence with nature. Today she will deliver a message to each of us. You may have an animal/bird/insect encounter, feel a movement in your heart, or receive a direct insight or message in meditation or while in a reverent state of mind. The very best way to receive the communication would be to be around a campfire or bonfire, but this won’t be possible for most of us. Sitting outside and making a conscious connection will do.


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CLN – Open Your Third Eye And Awaken Your Pineal Gland With These Simple Exercises


Conscious Life News – CLN – Editor’s Note: I tried these exercises last night back-to-back, honestly not expecting much. But wow do these work. About three minutes after completing the exercises, my forehead began to tingle, and suddenly I felt a rapid sense of expansion in the middle of my brain (where the pineal gland is located), along with an uplifted and expanded state of consciousness. I will be doing these exercises daily from now on, and encourage you to try them for yourself.

Awaken Your Third Eye ~ The Easy Way

By Lapis Links, CureZone Blogs


Please read all of the following;

if you wish to perform this exercise
You need to understand what you will be doing.
It is important to follow the instructions
as this is very advanced:

The 3rd Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra;
the psychic chakra, located on the middle of the forehead
above the brows. It is closely associated
with the “pineal” gland.
The pineal gland id dormant in most people,
as is the true 3rd eye.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Interconnectedness You are connected to each other



Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Interconnectedness

You are connected to each other
Each and every person is a part of the other, you are all connected through this vast world and each one of you affect the other, whether you realise it or not. Do what you can to strengthen and recognize this connection for as you do, you strengthen everyone and everything else as well. Honour each other and every living thing (and everything is living). 

Can you be alone with yourself?



Can you be alone with yourself?

Posted on September 25, 2012 


Be honest now, can you comfortably be alone with yourself? At these chaotic times especially, it is so important to be able to spend time alone with yourself, to go within and look around, see what needs changing, see what is right just as it is. How else will we ever get to know our self if we don’t spend time alone, connecting? I mean really alone. Turn off that radio, stereo, television, that is all white noise chattering in the background. I don’t know why we are so afraid to be alone with ourselves. We always race to turn the music on to sooth us, keep us company. Why? Why can we not be alone in the stillness of silence and feel comfortable? Why do we squirm and wriggle with discomfort?  If you are one of these people, chose a time when you can be alone and sit in the silence, be it inside or out, just be with the silence. Study your reactions to this, if you feel uncomfortable look deeper and find out why. Is it because you don’t know what to do with yourself, with your hands, do thoughts come up that cause discomfort? Stay with it until you find the answer.


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Tuesday 25th September’s vibration (25+9+2+0+1+2) = 39/12/3


 By Rosalind Pape


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20 Seconds of Insane Courage – Sometimes That’s What it Takes



20 Seconds of Insane Courage – Sometimes That’s What it Takes

26th September 2012

By Chris Bourne

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

When you look back on your life, the trials the tribulations, the challenges and opportunities, you’ll probably notice the really big occasions hung finely balanced on the feather edge of uncertainty. On one side is the abyss of some indescribable failure, and the other, some seemingly monumental achievement. These moments invite something deeper of ourselves, something more complete, something more authentic. If we can face them with total acceptance and commitment, then we’ll connect with the full flow of the soul and it will carry us through like an unstoppable wave. When I look back at these times in my life, I see that this level of surrender, this level of commitment, required something special: “20 seconds of insane courage”


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Volcanic activity world-wide 24-25 September 2012


Source: Volcano Discovery - By T, 9/25/12

Satellite image of Manam volcano (c) Google


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Lee~Anne Peters ~ It’s A Time Warp!


Lee~Anne Peters ~ It’s A Time Warp! ~ 25 September 2012


One day, then the next and the next… before you know it a week has passed, then a month and another month!! Yikes! With time speeding by at such rapid speed it’s no wonder many people are becoming fearful of aging, dying and separation!!

These past days I have been exploring this further. This isn’t the first time I have contemplated time. I wrote a chapter about it in my second book (Aligning with the Speed of Light). I have been time playing and aligning with the moment for several years now – so what is different now?

I feel that we can get so caught up in our day to day living, that before we know it we find ourselves trying to tread water to keep ourselves from going under. Pressures in our day increase, we constantly speak of time going so fast, we miss our family / friends, we may even want to be living somewhere else or be in a different job! Before we know it – our daily lives are full of these old habits again, and then time starts speeding!

At this point in time, I do feel we are experiencing a rapid ‘overlapping’ of time. It reminds me of one of those ‘Vienetta’ icecream desserts (see below). Time seems to be folding in on itself.


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Blossom Goodchild ~ September 25, 2012 The Key is Peace and Trust



Blossom: Good morning to you. I FEEL it would be lovely if you could offer some advice about how to deal with all the ‘discrepancies’ regarding what is to take place over the next few months. One FEELS very much in limbo, and quite confused about what may or may not take place. Some FEEL ‘Up we shall float’ on the 21st Dec, if not before … Some FEEL there shall be floods and earthquakes and all systems of communication will be gone and we shall be back to community spirit … Some FEEL ships will arrive and all will be panic for a while … some FEEL we shall have a Christed Light descend … Some have no idea whatsoever about any of this. So for those of us who ‘Have the choice’ as to what to ‘Think and FEEL’ … what would you to say to us … as in how to get through all this whilst we wait for any of the above to take place ?

Good morning to you also . We accept that these so called ‘discrepancies’ might allow for one’s thoughts to be in a veritable whirlwind. Yet we suggest that the mastery of PEACE within would allow all concerns to disappear immediately. When Peace resides within the soul self … for this is what the TRUE SOUL SELF IS … there would be no thoughts of ‘What if this … What if that’ because one’s Peace of mind simply lives in each moment of now … IN PEACE.


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SophiaLove: Breathe, We are One



Hello! Today marks the halfway moment on this Quest. You are “Just as far in as you’ll ever be out.” (Anna Nalick – Breathe)


What does that mean? It means we have a choice. Right now. We can still go either direction, and with equal effort get where we are headed. We know what going back to duality looks like. What will it take to get to Oneness?

To proceed from here on you must be willing to see through the illusion. We have a saying in our house, you have to “buy the rubber suit”; a reference to the old Godzilla movies, where you could actually pick out the zipper on the monster. If you wanted to get the most out of the show, you had to ignore the zipper, and believe the costume.

For us to reach a state of unity we’ll have to remember, with or without a zipper, that this is all a finely tuned performance. I am not my body. I chose her to express and experience a lifetime. She’s been here a few years, has a history and a future. Yet she is not me. I am a light, a force, a unique aspect of Divinity. I chose every moment she experienced. None of those moments define who I am. they were merely scenes in the play of my life. This is the truth for each of us.


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Asia faces double threat from Super-typhoon Jelawat and TS Ewiniar


Source: The Extinction Protocol, 9/25/12


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Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ Behind The Story Of The Prodigal Son ~ 25 September 2012


God said:

Ah, the Prodigal Son. It can be said that a son left and a son returned. The rest is judgment. That the son lived his life as he saw fit, and later saw the error of his ways, this can be said to have been observed. This can be said without judgment. The son did recant his life. He did return to ask his father’s pardon.

It can also be said that another son didn’t leave. It can be said that another son stayed and did not depart from what the world would call a good life.

This parable speaks of the son’s Father Who reigns in Heaven.

Of course, I know that no son of Mine is lost. Others may think My son is lost. My son himself may think he is lost and then found, yet I know of no loss and, therefore, no found.

To Me, all My sons are equal.

From the world’s view, it is quite another story.

When the solid son stayed home, was he serving Me or himself? Was he seeking reward? What was he owed?


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Lisa Gawlas ~ It’s Time To Make Radical Choices Outside Of Your Comfort Zone!!


~ 25 September 2012


I seem to be living (sleep wise) the wild swing of the pendulum!  I seem to be going on little or no sleep to the far extreme (like today) of tons of hours of sleep.  I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but man I like the extra sleep!!  Those (frequent) nights we are woken up at 2-3am like it is time to wake up and start the day.. is exhausting!!  I know that whatever is really happening to us (energetically) happens the fullest at night as we sleep, first of all there is so much less electrical activity/interference happening in our space on earth and our mind is at rest, keeping our own mental interference at bay.  So some days we sleep like there is no tomorrow, then we barely sleep to semi-consciously integrate the energies.  Ohhh the wild ride of Life!!

I woke up at 2:30 am yesterday, giving me about 4 hours of broken sleep.  I had woken up, for a split second or so thru the night, and once I had my sharing/blog completed, I could feel my brains crashing, very much like watching the battery die on your phone.  By the time I had my first reading appointment, all I got was an image… I do believe a very important image for her, and perhaps, all of us, but that was it.  I was done for the day… dammit!!


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Aisha North~The apprentice’s manual ~ lesson 1



This morning during meditation I was given the first lesson for The apprentices’s manual, and it started by meeting up with one of my guides again. He was introduced to me in the first reading I was given many years ago, and he was described as ”The magician” or the alchemist, someone who is capable of changing the present into something new. I just call him ”Teacher”, and he is a wise old man filled with love. He has been following me from a distance these last couple of years, and it was very special to be reconnected with him again. And now he has come back to help me do the new work that I have been given.


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Jennifer Hoffman ~ For or Against? ~ 25



The generations that carry Indigo energy are the game changers. They possess the talent, skills, discernment and ability to change the way the world works. By being willing to speak for the truth they point out where we are settling instead of creating, where we limit ourselves by thinking that we are powerless. They are the gender, race, religion and color neutral generation, who view discrimination and separation as ridiculous and unacceptable. The Indigos who are young adults today are the first generation to be raised in a digital world, connected to friends they may never meet in person, aware of a connected and integrated world.

But while they will take a stand against many things, it is hard for them to know what they are for. They can have a ‘do or die’ stance and will fight to the end for their beliefs, which can lead them to depression and suicide when the world is too much for them to take. It is their lack of self confidence that can be their biggest downfall as they can’t always express their views because they don’t handle judgment or criticism very well.


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'Zombie bee' invasion hits Washington state


The Detroit News - Sandi Doughton, 9/25/12

Insects infected by parasite fly at night before dropping dead

The “zombie bees” found at the Kent, Wash., home of Mark Hohn, a novice beekeeper, are the first in the state confirmed to be infected by a parasitic fly. The bees lurch around erratically before dying.
The “zombie bees” found at the Kent, Wash., home of Mark Hohn, a novice beekeeper, are the first in the state confirmed to be infected by a parasitic fly. The bees lurch around erratically before dying. (Ellen M. Banner / Seattle Times)

Kent, Wash. — The infection is as grim as it sounds: "Zombie bees" have a parasite that causes them to fly at night and lurch around erratically until they die. And experts say the condition has crept into Washington state.


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~ Live Global Revolution Happening In Spain Right Now~


Juan Luis Sánchez @juanlusanchez

FOTO aérea: el #25S llena Neptuno, a unos metros del Congreso de los Diputados pic.twitter.com/gOCIckJH

Here is what is Happening Live:





Spanish citizens rise up, surround congress, and demand the immediate resignation of the government.





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HEARTS’ TEMPLE The Elders via Anrita Melchizedek | Pleiadian Light


Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm

It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you enter in to this new Golden Age of Light. Sweet ones, as you understand, the way forward is through the pathway of Divine Love, of forgiveness, of compassion, peace, and the knowing of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, in service to Mother Earth and all her Life. And now, sweet ones, as you move deeper into these transformational energies, through the center of Divine Love, you experience a deeper integration of your shadow aspects, of all relationships, with all souls around you with whom you have karmic patternings being played out, with those within your reality mirroring back to you lower archetypal aspects, the negative ego aspects of yourselves, needing to be integrated, to be loved unconditionally, within the Temple of your heart. In this transmission we take you into the Temple of the Heart, in to a deeper level of the creation, of the sacred Divine Love that you are and that exists within you.



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The Galactic Free Press Update: Powerful Energies Continue Pouring in


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Posta de sol a Calafell - Ull_Viu - site

Greetings Love Beings, WOW in the past 3 days powerful energies of Light have been permeating the Planet and all on her. People are reporting the feeling of walking between the old and into the New as if shifting and morphing more and more into the 5d frequencies of Light. These Experiences will continue as we Move Into Balanced Harmonics together, which will Birth the New Earth. Love will not and cannot be stopped, no matter what.



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It’s A Girl! New Dolphin Baby Is First Second-Generation Calf Born At Dolphin Quest Hawaii


A baby dolphin was born Monday (September 17, 2012) at Dolphin Quest Hawaii, located at the Hilton Waikoloa Village. The incredible dolphin birth was recorded on underwater video and has been posted on YouTube, see video below.

It’s the first baby for proud dolphin mom, 12-year-old Keo. Dolphin Quest trainers were in the water during the dolphin birth to observe and comfort the new dolphin mom. Dolphins Pele (the new baby’s grandmother) and Noelani (the baby’s aunt) were also in the Dolphin Quest lagoon to keep Keo company.

For more information, visit DolphinQuest.com.


Source: YouTube.com


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~ Lisa Gawlas~ Shambhala, Divine Counterparts and Octobers Energy!! OMG!!!




Before I get into the full on sharing of the connections that kept me breathless yesterday, I feel I need to fully explain some of the words I use in reference to energy, I do no want anything to be missed or misconstrued in this important sharing.

Shambhala (also spelled: Shambala, Shangra La.)  I took this word years back, half from a book I read, half from the enlightened society that once excited in the Himalaya’s.    It means Living fully the Divine Presence that you are, out loud and with each other.  I think, because of the vast amount of stories out there, I had assumed this would become present only in a community setting.  Heaven is not singular at all and it really is living the energy, the love and magnetic field of vibration… on earth.

However, before the community could truly exist in its fullness on earth, each human must fully own and live that energy first.  A full conscious process where the ego and soul minds live and play together as one, not occasionally, but 24/7.



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~What if it has already Happened?~


Here are the Comments from KP's latest post about the Government changes
Submitted by Guest (unregistered) on Tue, 09/25/2012 - 07:23.

What if it has already happened and our job is to raise our vibration frequency to match that time line.  The outside world just reflects/mirrors what is happening on the inside.  What is "out there" was created in the past, you can not fix it out there.  Change the dream, the picture we are sending out, dream it as done. 

Sweet Dreams!


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Pleiadian Archangelic Realm. ~ The Beauty Of The ‘Now Moment.’



~ By, Bella Capozzi. September 25, 2012



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The Luxury of an Instant "Why"


Out walking home from a friend's this morning. I stopped at the edge of the sidewalk and left a note that said: 


"We are all children of God. You can never be alone when you are so loved. ~Namaste friend"  


and weighed it down with a coin. Looking back to take a picture of a purple flower growing there by the road, I noticed where I had left it -- In front of an alternative addiction treatment center. 


Lightbulb. Thanks for helping me not feel crazy this morning about all the things I do. In love and light - please let an affair with a friend be mended. 


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