~ Love Energy High On Planet Earth=Heart~

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A Message Of Hope – 19 August 2012


Thanks Lucas


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Not all of you will awaken in the same moment



Not all of you will awaken in the same moment

08/19/2012 by John Smallman

Humanity’s awakening is at hand.  Of course you keep hearing that, because it is a fact.  Within the illusion however, time often seems to drag slowly and relentlessly onwards without an identifiable destination or purpose, as pain and suffering continue to plague your lives.  Time is illusory, and in your perception it generally slows down when you want it to pass more quickly, and it passes more quickly when you want it to slow down.  That in itself should demonstrate very clearly to you that it can only be illusory.

Reality is constant, without inconsistency or imprecision of any kind.  It is perfect, clear, transparent, and authentic, just as God created It.  Reality has no need of time, and within It there is only the eternal now, the permanent moment in which God and His creation exist eternally.  While you remain apparently enslaved within your illusory time-determined reality, that is an idea that is totally inconceivable to you: everything must have a beginning and an end; any concept other than that seems utterly insane.


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The utter joy of returning to your natural divine state



The utter joy of returning to your natural divine state

August 19, 2012 by John Smallman

Your awakening is a done deal.  Nothing can prevent it from occurring exactly as divinely intended.  Many of you are anxious, wondering when you will see some positive indications in the physical environment of the inevitable arrival of this momentous event.  You are all accustomed to drama – earthquakes, floods, revolutions, wars, accidents – and may well be expecting your awakening to be equally dramatic, possibly preceded by shocking or amazing revelations trumpeted by the mainstream media.

This is not the divine way!  God is Love, Peace, Compassion, Joy, Bliss, and any other loving Reality that you sense or feel – and every one of Those is experienced withinyourselves.  The external world is illusory; Reality is within.  It is within yourselves that you will experience your awakening, and when you do, it will be amazing! Looking outside is a distraction because it is an imaginary environment made up by your collective human consciousness.  When you awaken, it will be gone!

To awaken is to know yourselves as one – with each other and with God.  In your present dream state, filled, it seems, with fascinating and enticing distractions and billions of individual beings, it is impossible for you to conceive of the wonder that awaits you on awakening.  You can, at present, only conceive of situations and events that you experience through your bodily senses, and the extensions to them that your science and technology have provided.


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Heavenletter #4286 The Years of the Soul , August 19, 2012


Heavenletter #4286 The Years of the Soul , August 19, 2012 

God said: 


Your body had its heyday, and now your body stars less in your life. Now you relax into the essence of yourself. Gone are the years that We could call the Years of the Body. From your point of view, the body is leaving you in the lurch, plying you with wrinkles and all that. The popularity of the physical you is less. Now your mind is less wrapped up in itself. With good fortune, you come to the Years of the Soul, the Years of the Ascendency of the Soul, the Years of Coming Closer to What Most Matters.

Youth of the body is interested in itself. Youth has perhaps become a cult, a cult of worship. Perhaps you had to be pulled out of that cult and given no choice but to entwine, interact, and engage with the growing of your soul. Displaced from youth, now you have your soul to gaze at.

You can't see your soul in the mirror. You can't add make-up to it. You don't try to have your soul lose weight. Your soul can only be as it is, a beautiful growing thing that you perhaps have not paid much attention to heretofore. Now it is your soul's turn for your attention.

Your soul has always been growing. Your soul grows with or without your attention. And now you are ready to focus on growth of your soul which is another way to say focus on Me, God.


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Open To Your Light Heart – 19 August 2012


Thanks Lucas!


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Jim Self – Getting Out of the Judgment Game – 19 August 2012



Jim Self – Getting Out of the Judgment Game – 19 August 2012

You’ve been on this path of knowledge for a very long time. You’ve studied the best self-help books, taken the workshops and followed all the inspirational teachers. You’ve learned that you are in complete management of how you design your life. Then why do you continue to find yourself judging others? (Yes, that teeny-tiny voice is still there whispering.) So why does that continue to come up in your life when you thought you had gotten beyond all that?

Because YOU have been judged.

There is a very interesting line right in the middle of the Lord’s Prayer. It says, “Forgive us for our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” It doesn’t say, “Go fix that guy over there and when he is perfect and kind and considerate then I’ll consider forgiving him.”


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British bank actions in Libor scandal called 'disgraceful'


By the CNN Wire Staff
August 19, 2012 -- Updated 0252 GMT (1052 HKT)

London (CNN) -- A British parliamentary report slammed Barclays bank on Saturday for its "disgraceful" actions that led to a rate-rigging scandal.

The Treasury Select Committee issued a report after recent hearings over the scandal. Barclays was fined $450 million by British and American regulators after some of its traders purposely manipulated its interest rates as part of Libor, or London Interbank Offered Rate. The scandal also led to the resignation of Bob Diamond, its chief executive.

To read the rest of this story, visit Edition.CNN.com.


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Diamond Censured Over Evidence in Barclays Libor Probe


Bloomberg Business Week
By Howard Mustoe on August 18, 2012

Bob Diamond

Robert Diamond, former chief executive officer of Barclays Plc, center, leaves Portcullis House in London, on July 4, 2012. Photographer: Paul Thomas/Bloomberg

Barclays Plc (BARC) ex-Chief Executive Officer Robert Diamond was criticized for giving “unforthcoming and highly selective” evidence by a U.K. parliamentary report that faulted the bank for letting traders rig interest rates.

The “candor and frankness” of Diamond’s testimony to lawmakers on July 4 “fell well short of the standard that Parliament expects,” the House of Commons Treasury Committee said in a 122-page report today following its inquiry into the bank’s attempts to manipulate the London interbank offered rate.


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The Drought Is Killing The Mississippi River



GFP Note: Extreme weather events are generally seen as physical signs of Mother Earth's ascension process.

The Atlantic Wire
Dashiell Bennett, Aug 16, 2012

The banks of the Mississippi River near Vicksburg, Miss., continue to erode as the 2012 drought deepens, Monday, Aug. 6.  Barges are moving down the largest waterway with decreased loads and at slower speeds because of the risk of hitting debris or sand.

AP Photo/Robert Ray

Ship traffic on the Mississippi River was briefly shut down yesterday and salt from the Gulf of Mexico is threatening the drinking water upriver as the severe drought has pushed water levels far below their usual depths.


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Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – 19 August 2012



Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – 19 August 2012

Twelve Insight Journal

August 19, 2012

Guest: Here’s my question. I seem to be manifesting some good things.

Twelve:  You mean, some good things are being manifested for you.

Guest: Well yeah. I guess. It’s the universe doing the work.

Twelve: Go on.

Guest: So I’ve been asking and expecting more money, and also enjoying making money at work, so this week I ended up getting to work every day. And now it seems out of balance. Like, I can’t complain when I get something I was asking for, but suddenly it seems like too much. I mean I need the money and all but then when do I get to enjoy it

Twelve: So what you are experiencing is an appearance of some things that you have asked for and the lack of others.

Guest: Yeah.


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Solar Flares 2012 - How they affect us by Kay Proudfoot



Pubblicato in data 14/giu/2012 da AccessingYourself


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Relationships of Destiny


The Sacred Rendezvous: as revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on January 29, 2009 in Boulder, Colorado, USA. "Beyond the needs of the body and the needs of the intellect, there is the need of the soul. The need of the soul can only be fulfilled by carrying out your greater purpose in life and by making your rendezvous with those individuals who share this purpose and who will play a part in its discovery and expression."


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~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ Peaceful Prayer for a Smooth Transition~




Today, We wish to state a moment of peaceful prayer to all corrupt systems and send them loving energies for they have played there roles and are no longer needed as we each begin to live our spiritual lives of Peace, Equality, Onness, True Family, Joy, Laughter, Magical Synchronostic Events and Un~conditional love, Heaven On Earth...


The current  system's are corrupt and do not support Life....{I} We require at this time that with Love they dissolve immediatly... 


We Now ask that these systems dissolve peacefully with grace and integrity...and make way for a peaceful and smooth transition into a New Earth=Heart, in Support of God's Love for all of US and according to this next level of our evolution. This will end all suffering and pain, and be replaced with what is Real. Love and Only Love, Love is the Only Law On this Planet..We ask and give permission that the illusion completely dissolves Now, So The Transitionary Government can Be Announced To Humanity to Bring In the Necessary Events and Change's for Humanity's Freedom.



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Harvard cracks DNA storage, crams 700 terabytes of data into a single gram




 DNA strand, over a page of TGAC base pairs


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David Wilcox: Disinfo campaign ramps up


 David Wilcox: Disinfo campaign ramps up

Posted on August 18, 2012
Thank You to Ann Kreilkamp
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We never posted here to the Press this fake email from David as someone was posing as him.We do know many saw the story around Facebook, so this should Clear it all UP! All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

I posted an article on what the NSA is up to a few days ago. There’s a lot more.

For example, this from David Wilcock today:


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from: http://lacetoleather.com/applecidervinegartestimony.html – a wonderful place to buy apple cider vinegar and books about apple cider vinegar.

Sarah-Kate Lynch of the New Zealand Herald wrote about Dr. Patricia Bragg:

“I’ve never had a coke, never had a beer or vodka, and these,” says American health crusader, Dr. Patricia Bragg, thrusting her fingers towards me, “are virgin nails, all 10 of them. I have never worn nail polish. I don’t need a girdle and I don’t need a bra.”


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ This Article is excellent although there are some belief systems in this. Take what serves you best and leave the rest. All our Love



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The Earth Allies~ Heaven Say's Lets Party!!! Join us at 1:30pm Pacific Internet Love Party



~Join The Earth Allies~ Heaven Say's Lets Party!!!



Join us at 1:30pm Pacific Internet Love Party




 With Love from The Galactic Federation of Light, From The Company of Heaven, and From Galactic Central~Center. We Are Your Family of Light from the Stars and Beyond. WE Are Also Your Earth Allies and Representatives for First Contact. WE are The Ground Crew Medical Team, from the Flag Ship ~Eye of Ra, Heart of Light~. Many of You Here are also From this Flag Ship 500,000 of You, and From this 500,000 there are 5,000 of Our Personal Staff for the Transitional Universal Government who at this Moment Have Been Called To Full Active Duty.




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Singing to awaken.


I am a musician. I have been making music for over fourty years and all the while working day jobs and playing bar's etc at nite and on weekends, like so many others. Since I started actively as a wayshower last Feburary, I have written songs with this in mind. As I learn more my songs have changed. My latest effort is a song I hope will excite people's curiosity enough that they try to find out more. I have a gmail account that makes it easy to send my music out to other gmail accounts. I'm asking that people with gmail accounts who think they might be able to use a song like this in their "way showing" efforts respond to this blog and I will send the song to you. This effort is not for me to make money, if you use it for way showing purposes, non-commercially. If a commercial enterprise wants to use it they will need a contract with us. I think you, whoever you are, and if you don't, just deleat it.     


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Earth is Emerging: The Preparation is Here



Earth and it people are emerging into a vast universe full of intelligent life. There is a preparation of a very unique kind being given to the people today. It is the path of redemption and resolution; power and potency. Let us reclaim our inherent knowing and strength as we face the greatest threshold ever....

"Humanity is preparing for the Greater Community. It does not know this yet, of course, but that is its stage of evolution, and everyone is involved. The fact that humanity is unprepared for the realities of contact with life in the universe is very apparent, but at a more unconscious level, people are anticipating this, and that is why it emerges in your movies, in your books, in human imagination. There is a seed of truth, an element of truth here.

There is a reason that people cannot speak of these things in public because it has been discouraged in the social discourse. That foreign craft are flying in your skies is an undeniable reality, and yet people do not want to think of it. And if they do think of it, they want to think of it in a positive way—that something wonderful is happening, that you have visitors, and they are here to help you, to guide you and to prepare you to meet the difficult challenges emerging in the world today.


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BREAKING: Would "our" government steel from you?


Let me think, ahaaaaa???


Yesterday, Friday, Augt, 17th "our" government or part of it, the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commision) shut down a company called "Zeek" or "Zeekrewards.com."


They have but one single goal in this closure, and that is to steel the over two hundred liquitable cash funds that it has availble. For the hundreds of thousands of you that were to make a good living with this wonderful humnaitarian company, sorry very much.


Just one company, no big deal, yes, NO, YES it is a BIG DEAL!!! 


But take this times every single company out there that gives them the slightest  opportunity to "pull" an investigation. They are steeling the money and doing it at alarming rates now. It would seem to me that they must be running low on funds somehow? Some of their accts must be having some extractions of their own?? 


Thank you for you support, St. Germain, Ashtar, Sananda, SaLuSa, Nada, Mother Mary and the gang. 


Do expect changes this up and coming week earthlings. 


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/18/12 ‘The First Ascenders of Humanity’


Turning another page in your history book we come to a very exciting and well worth waiting for chapter in your story. We have come to the point where it is now the time in your story to meet your friends, your family, your guides and your higher selves, those who have been sharing with you their wisdom, their light and their love for many long eons of time. It is time now for the curtain to rise for some of you, not for all of you, as it is not yet your time, but it will be in many cases your time very soon. You will not have too much longer to wait than the others who will get a ‘head start’, if you will, who will be the pioneers of this grand endeavor to bring together in reunion those from the higher dimensional worlds and you of your lower dimensional world.


The time is now upon us where these two worlds will merge, where these two worlds converge into one another. This is the crossroads. This is the next stop on your journey, and it is the stop where some of you will be getting off this ride and will begin a new journey donning a new suit of armor to ride forth into a new day with new challenges, adventures, excitement, fun and learning tools. This is where it has all been heading for many of you, and you have brothers and sisters who will now lead the way by testing the waters of what we have created to allow this merging of yourselves and of your world with those of the higher realms and the worlds that exist here beyond your limits of your site, your sound and your touch, but not beyond the limits of your imagination, and this is the key.



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Visionkeeper ~ In The Water With The Sharks… – 18 August 2012


(picture by www.favim.com


I think one way of describing these times we are trying to maneuver through, would be to say we are in the water with sharks. It feels in many ways to be a time of great or possible peril. There is a constant stream of information out there on the internet supposedly awakening us all to what is headed our way, but unfortunately it is almost impossible to tell who is telling the truth and who isn’t.


As wonderful as the internet is for waking up the sleepers, the dark ones are also finding it a marvelous way to push their fear propaganda down everyone’s throats. Seems no matter what we do or think or say these days, there is a shark there waiting to latch on and pull us under for dinner.  We really must get in tune with our guts again and begin to use our discernment about the information we are coming in contact with! The sharks are swimming all around us, we can see fins sticking up out of the water everywhere. It is up to us to figure out if those fins belong to sharks or dolphins. Big difference!



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Mine violence hits at South Africa political power nexus


Chicago Tribune
Jon Herskovitz /Reuters

4:12 p.m. CDT, August 18, 2012Striking miners hold weapons as they wait to be addressed by former African National Congress Youth League President Julius Malema outside a South African mine in Rustenburg

Striking miners hold weapons as they wait to be addressed by former African National Congress Youth League President Julius Malema outside a South African mine in Rustenburg (SIPHIWE SIBEKO, REUTERS / August 18, 2012)

MARIKANA, South Africa (Reuters) - The bloody protest by South African miners that ended in a hail of police gunfire and 34 deaths this week could also wound the ruling ANC and its main labor ally, laying bare workers' anger over enduring inequalities in Africa's biggest economy.

Thursday's shooting, bringing back memories of apartheid-era violence, underlined that after 18 years in power the African National Congress and its union partner have not been able to heal the fissures of income disparity, poverty and joblessness scarring the country.


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Democracy in Bahrain will threaten Saudi Arabia: Analyst


August 18, 2012

Saudi-backed Bahraini forces have beaten to death a 16-year-old boy as anti-regime demonstrations continue across the Persian Gulf country.

The teenager, identified as Husam al-Haddad, was killed when regime forces launched an attack on a peaceful demonstration on Friday night.
Bahrain’s Interior Ministry confirmed Haddad’s death.

Anti-regime demonstrations in Bahrain continue despite the heavy-handed crackdown by the security forces.

To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.ir.


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Launching a lawsuit against the very company that is responsible for a farmer suicide every 30 minutes, 5 million farmers are now suing Monsanto for as much as 6.2 billion euros (around 7.7 billion US dollars). The reason? As with many other cases, such as the ones that led certain farming regions to be known as the ‘suicide belt’, Monsanto has been reportedly taxing the farmers to financial shambles with ridiculous royalty charges. The farmers state that Monsanto has been unfairly gathering exorbitant profits each year on a global scale from “renewal” seed harvests, which are crops planted using seed from the previous year’s harvest.



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Alistair Darling Warns George Osborne Over The State Of The Economy





                     PA  |  Posted: 19/08/2012 08:56 Updated: 19/08/2012 08:56   PA 

Former chancellor Alistair Darling has urged his successor George Osborne to come up with "another plan" before "immeasurable" damage is done to the UK.


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If a pleasing or exceedingly balanced form is achieved in terms of elements of application or function, then we may look for a function of the Golden Number there … The Golden Number is a product not of mathematical imagination, but of a natural principle related to the laws of equilibrium.

What do the pyramids in Egypt, Leonardo do Vinci’s portrait of the Mona Lisa, sunflowers, the snail, the pine cone and your fingers all have in common?

The answer to this question lies hidden in a sequence of numbers discovered by the Italian mathematician Fibonacci. The characteristic of these numbers, known as the Fibonacci numbers, is that each one consists of the sum of the two numbers before it.

Fibonacci numbers


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Facebook court ruling: What you share on Facebook is admissible as evidence


By Tecca | Today in Tech – Thu, Aug 16, 2012 



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Finland prepares for break-up of eurozone


The Telegraph
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in Helsinki
9:00PM BST 16 Aug 2012

Finland is preparing for the break-up of the eurozone, the country’s foreign minister warned today.

Erkki Tuomioja, Finland's foreign minister: "We have to face openly the possibility of a euro-break up".

The Nordic state is battening down the hatches for a full-blown currency crisis as tensions in the eurozone mount and has said it will not tolerate further bail-out creep or fiscal union by stealth.

“We have to face openly the possibility of a euro-break up,” said Erkki Tuomioja, the country’s veteran foreign minister and a member of the Social Democratic Party, one of six that make up the country’s coalition government.


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A Golden Egg – Lady Ifegena from the Dragon Realm through EnnKa



A Golden Egg – Lady Ifegena from the Dragon Realm through EnnKa, August 18, 2012



My beloved people of Earth, today I want to speak to you again. After a long break, it is possible for me today to speak to you. I am very happy because I am bringing you good news.

Recently, I could lay an egg. A Golden Egg. It is the symbol of the coming Golden Age. Dragon eggs are rarely laid and a Golden Egg is very rare and even we can not remember when the last Golden Egg was laid.



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'New coup looms for Egypt as sacking of generals horrifies US'


Published on Aug 13, 2012 by RussiaToday

Egypt's president has taken his most decisive step yet to assert power over the influential military - sacking two top generals. The Defence Minister, who served as the country's interim leader after Hosni Mubarak was ousted, was dismissed along with the Chief of Staff. Morsi started to move more boldly against the army after an attack by militants in Sinai that killed 16 border guards. For more, RT talks to Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar.
Source: YouTube.com



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Nuclear Power Protests Find Wide Support in Japan


The Daily Beast
August 19, 2012

A broad coalition of protesters opposes the re-opening of nuclear power plants in Japan, a country unaccustomed to social protest, writes Jake Adelstein and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky.

Kazuhiro Nogi, AFP / Getty Images

It’s hard to ignore more than 20,000 anti-nuclear protesters at your front door. It’s even harder in a country like Japan, where more often than not repressive tradition and political apathy combine to stifle social protest. So after Yoshihiko Noda, Japan’s unpopular prime minister, found his home surrounded by thousands of protesters for weeks on end, he finally got the message.

Last week the prime minister agreed, albeit reluctantly, to meet with representatives of Japan’s increasingly vocal and influential citizens network “Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes” (MCAN).


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Anti-Japan Protests Flare in China


The Wall Street Journal
August 19, 2012


Protesters holding banners, placards and Chinese national flags, march down a street during an anti-Japan protest in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen on Sunday.

BEIJING—Anti-Japanese protests flared across China, including in front of Japan's diplomatic consulates, as Japanese activists successfully landed on the disputed Senkaku islands in the East China Sea.

More than 1,000 demonstrators in Chinas' southern city of Shenzhen, across the border from Hong Kong, paraded through the city's streets on Sunday, waving Chinese flags and calling for the government to defend the country's territorial claims. Japan controls the islands, also claimed by China and Taiwan, which call them Diaoyu.


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2MIN News August 19, 2012



Pubblicato in data 19/ago/2012 da Suspicious0bservers


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57 jailed in Gabon after violent protests: opposition


AFP, August 18, 2012

Supporters of the opposition's National Union party leader Andre Mba Obame take part in a demonstration in Libreville (AFP/File, Xavier Bourgois)

LIBREVILLE — Fifty-seven people arrested in Gabon last week during a violent opposition protest are being held in a barracks and denied food from their families, an opposition leader said Saturday.

Tensions in Gabon's capital Libreville have been simmering since police stopped an unauthorised protest Wednesday in support of opposition leader Andre Mba Obame, who claims he won a 2009 election against current President Ali Bongo Ondimba.

To read the rest of this story, visit Google.com.


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Lord Rothschild takes £130m bet against the euro




Lord Rothschild has taken a near-£130m bet against the euro as fears continue to grow that the single currency will break up. Chairman of RIT Capital Partners, Lord Jacob Rothschild arrives for a reception, hosted by Britain's Prince Charles, at Clarence House in London for the delegates of the Global Investment Conference, Thursday, July 26, 2012.


9:55PM BST 18 Aug 2012 


The member of the banking dynasty has taken the position through RIT Capital Partners, the £1.9bn investment trust of which he is executive chairman.


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Howard Crowhurst - Megalithic Secrets of Carnac, Brittany - Megalithomania 2011


Uploaded by MegalithomaniaUK on Jun 28, 2011


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The Dawn of the Golden Age


At 11:55 AM EST December 21st 2012 we leave a 26,000-year period known as the ‘Kali Yuga’ (Iron Age) and begin the 26,000-year period prophesized as the ‘Golden Age’. I have drawn a natal chart at the Trade Center site in New York City depicting the astrological aspects at this sacred point in time. All four meridian points, Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, and Nadir are ‘void of course’ as well as the Sun, Juno and Neptune. Void of course is the area at zero degrees when a planet holds the energy of universal intent. The Sun and Juno are conjunct the Midheaven at the point of the Winter Solstice. Neptune is in the first few minutes of Pisces, opening the ethic of spiritual evolution to all possibilities. The ascendant sits on the Spring Equinox point and the lower heaven or Nadir sits on the Summer Solstice; the Descendant sits on the Vernal Equinox.



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Aisha North~The manuscript of survival ~ part 182




For eons, mankind have been walking in the shadows, many of their own making, but now, finally, some of you have noticed that the light is shining just over the edge of the crater you have been wallowing in for so long. And you have therefore taken it upon yourselves to climb out of that dark crater and approach the light. By doing so, you have also made the light shine even stronger, and as such, your actions have brought the light to so many other people’s notice. In other words, what was once a dismal and dark abyss for many, has now started to stand out more clearly because of that light you took down into it whilst climbing out, so now, more and more of your fellow men are also starting to notice the difference between the two states.



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Find love in your hearts, because there it is at home



 Hederon of Venus through Isabel Henn August 19,2012


My beloved people of Earth. I am Hederon, the chief member of the High Council of Venus. In a former life I was Grandmaster of the Trading Federation on Sirius. I was married with a beautiful elf woman that lives in its present incarnation on earth and will serve me today and in the future as a channel.


Venus is also known as the love planet. She is the Divine Feminine embodied as a planet. The Divine Feminine is the Creator Goddess of this Universe, the Twin Flame of Prime Creator.


Venus as a planet and as your ancient goddess stands for love. Love is All-That-Is, but not the selfish love, but pure unconditional love. Every day we send enormous amounts of love in the universe, especially to our neighboring planet, your Earth. We want to contribute in anchoring the love and the light even more firmly on Earth.



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 Aug 19, 11:22 AM EDT 

 NEW YORK (AP) -- The definition of insider trading has gotten a workout at the Manhattan federal trial of a San Francisco hedge fund founder after he testified that information he elicits from public company executives about earnings or future prospects is legal as long as he is not told exact numbers.

Doug Whitman's testimony over several days last week even raised questions from U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff when Whitman described where he drew the line between illegal inside information and legitimate research at the West Coast hedge fund firm he founded in 1994.


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Aug 20 - 26, 2012, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Card Reading



Pubblicato in data 11/ago/2012 da 4AngelTherapy

The Romance Angels look at your relationships for the week, including your relationship with yourself.



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Enlightened Beings ~ How To Be Free From Right And Wrong



Enlightened Beings ~ How To Be Free From Right And Wrong




Posted by Gillian

Jafree Ozwald | August 19 2012


Have you ever had to make a challenging decision and thought, “Is this the right path to take?” or perhaps you had a bigger question such as “What am I supposed to do with my life?” Many of us are caught up in believing that if we can make the right decisions, stay on the “good” path and off the “bad” path, we will be rewarded in some way. This may be true to some degree, yet in the grand plan our soul is on an infinite journey and is interested in something much bigger. 



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Raphael Let the healing begin



Sunday, August 19, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Raphael


Let the healing begin


Come with me and dip into the healing pools of love and light. Allow this energy to wash over you and release everything that is not love from your being right now. It is always there if you want it back when we are done. For now we want you to be totally immersed in the energy of love. This is the most powerful energy there is. Let this energy of love bring you back into balance once again.
It is time, if you have not already done so, for you to be a living, walking example of your heart. Take some risks, follow some hunches and believe that all is possible. Healing your heart is the best path for any journey, for when your heart is full, you do not carry the weight the world on your shoulders, you realise the importance of each person finding their own path to unconditional love. It matters not who they are or what they have done, love them anyway and let them know that they are not alone and have support in their journey of healing.


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Hurricane Gordon to hit eastern Azores



Hurricane Gordon to hit eastern Azores

 – AUGUST 19, 2012

The Watchers Tweet Tweet Portugal’s Azores archipelago is bracing for Hurricane Gordon which had intensified to Category 2 and is forecast to hit the eastern-most islands early on Monday.  Additional weakening is forecast but Gordon is still expected to be a hurricane when it passes near or over the eastern Azores. It is expected to weaken to Category 1 before it passes close to Santa Maria and Sao Miguel islands. Category 1 hurricanes have enough strength to...

Portugal’s Azores archipelago is bracing for Hurricane Gordon which had intensified to Category 2 and is forecast to hit the eastern-most islands early on Monday.  Additional weakening is forecast but Gordon is still expected to be a hurricane when it passes near or over the eastern Azores. It is expected to weaken to Category 1 before it passes close to Santa Maria and Sao Miguel islands. Category 1 hurricanes have enough strength to uproot trees, blow off poorly attached roof tiles, cause coastal flooding and power outages.



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Trailer for free "5 Gateways" Documentary




Caricato da OpenhandFoundation in data 12/mag/2010

5GATEWAYS trailer detailing the five key expansions of consciousness on route to enlightenment and Ascension. Info: www.5Gateways.org


Full doc : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixJRwAeZqQU&feature=player_embedded



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Dreamflight: An Undersea Adventure. ~ By, Bella Capozzi



Dreamflight: An Undersea Adventure. ~ By, Bella Capozzi (AuroRa Le). August 19, 2012.


This post is about my dreamtime experience from last Saturday night, the 11th of August.  I’ve been participating in the Aurora Dreamflights for several weeks now.  Sometimes I remember things and sometimes I don’t.   Last weekend, however, turned out to be quite an interesting voyage!  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Dreamflight program, they’re a fun opportunity to join with others during dreamtime for comraderie, learning and healing.  It’s also a great way to practice directing and recalling what occurs while you’re asleep.  (Check out the link in the sidebar of The Angel Diaries blogsite for more info, if you’d like to check it out).  Here’s the part that I recall from my last journey…


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