~ Love Party Today Lighting It UP!~

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MESSAGE FROM METATRON ~ through Amuna Ra The Coming of Our Craft


MESSAGE FROM METATRON ~ through Amuna Ra The Coming of Our Craft



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~ Photo Going Around FB~ Why I Support Obama~



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Dr. Who: Music of the Spheres




This fabulous Dr. Who short called Music of the Spheres has a wonderful beginning and an inspiring ending. Very enjoyable. Check it out!



Source: YouTube.com


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~Sheldan Nidle Update~ A Time of Great Activity Awaits You~


12 Manik, 5 Pop, 9 Ik


Dratzo! We return! Your transitioning world is moving from the old dark reality that is familiar to you, to a new one filled with Light, Love, and prosperity. In recent years the dark cabal has been doing all it can to stem the tide of this shift and maintain the control it has enjoyed for so long without opposition. However, this is no longer possible. The Ascended Masters have acted globally according to divine decrees to move your realm into Light, and these actions are exerting pressure upon the cabal, which is compelling it to reveal some of its fraudulent methods of doing business, thus demonstrating its habitual, arrogant modus operandi. These revelations are providing the grist for their eventual prosecution. Some nations, like Iceland, have already begun the legal process of disassembling the power structure built up decades ago by this cabal. Many other nations will soon follow suit. We are monitoring this, and our liaison officers are supplying reams of incriminating data to those who are in charge of investigating this large, unruly cabal.



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Woody Harrelson: Thoughts From Within TUESDAY, JULY 31, 2012






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Ufo sighting 07/19/2012 North Bay Ontario Canada


Published on Jul 22, 2012 by bradster36

We saw more than one of these within ten minutes all going diferent directions. Never seen those type of lights around here before...and we've been watching the sky for months now. There was no sound and they were low enough. We've also been seeing something else we're having a hard time to capture on film, but we're using a tripod so fingers crossed we get something soon. :) It starts out as a flash of light then what looks like a star appears....the size grows and it gets really bright almost like a shooting star, then it dims, and goes off in a different direction than it came in....the best one we've seen took around 30 seconds from start to finish, they are all an intense bright white, bluish light, but some last longer than others, and some look like they are closer. Still happens so fast it's hard to get on cam. I have a short clip of one getting bigger and dimming out if anyone is interested in seeing it, and helping me solve the mystery of what they might be. :)

Source: YouTube.com


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Solar storms and pineal gland – riding the power wave



 – JULY 14, 2012




According to study published in the New Scientist back in 1998, there is a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human biological effects.


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Astrology Report for August



By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on July 30th, 2012

Guest article by Dorene Carrel



August is highlighted by a Blue Moon, along with Mercury turning direct and later entering its own sign of Virgo.  August begins and ends with two full moons, which are important points of reassessment that indicate how far we have come and where we still need to go.  Creative and emotional energies are very strong this month. We are still under the July New Moon in Cancer, which brings issues connected with security, home and family.



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of the formation at PICKED HILL, Wilcot of 9 July 2012 Http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2012/pickedhill/pickedhill2012a.html




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Doctor Who: Music Of The Spheres


Uploaded by humphries2004 on Jul 27, 2008

By Russell T Davies


Source: YouTube.com


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Your awakening will allow you to interact fully with all of creation



Your awakening will allow you to interact fully with all of creation

08/01/2012 by John Smallman

We are all one – there is no separation.  Your human perception of individuality is caused by the severely limited state of consciousness that you experience, and this makes it extremely difficult for you to perceive very much at all.  As individuals, you engage in apparently separate disciplines, areas of interest, of study, of entertainment, of activity, etc. which further emphasize your sense of separation and hide from you the all-encompassing oneness that is your original and eternal state of existence.  Your awakening will remove those severe limitations, allowing you to interact fully with all of creation and to offer all your diverse skills and talents to enhance God’s ongoing creative enterprise, in which all participate gloriously and harmoniously.


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How to Transform Anger Into Love



How to Transform Anger Into Love


By Jafree Ozwald  

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will finally know peace." ~Jimi Hendrix


One of the most destructive and constructive forces in the Universe is found inside the fiery energy of anger. This amazing energy is so powerful that it can melt through your personal fears, blocks, and insecurities and transform you into a truly passionate alive loving being.  As you know, if this intense inner fire is not harnessed correctly, it can destroy the sacred love, joy and real power that is possible with your life.  The key to this alchemical process is understanding the power of anger is found in its greatest weakness. Throughout this article we will explore this weakness and how to enter the fiery passionate anger energy on a deeper spiritual level so that you can discover how to use it as a gateway to enter the Divine.


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Breaking: Extra-Terrestrial UFO Confirmed by Intelligence Agency





Breaking: Extra-Terrestrial UFO Confirmed by Intelligence Agency



Craft Over South Korea First Seen in 1950 (COSMIC Classified)


By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor and World News Tomorrow



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Something of enormous significance is shortly to come into view




Something of enormous significance is shortly to come into view

August 1, 2012 by John Smallman

Excitement mounts as the most pivotal moment in all of human history draws ever closer.  Examples of previous pivotal moments in your more recent history have been: the telephone; the establishment of an electricity grid; the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria leading to the first world war; radio broadcasting; the nuclear bomb; worldwide travel for all; computers; the Internet. And all of these are as nothing compared to what is about to occur.

Many of you are spending a lot of time attempting to imagine what will happen to humanity and the planet as you all awaken from the illusion.  If it excites and encourages your optimism about your future, then that is very appropriate because optimism is an essential frame of mind with which to embrace and move forwards towards awakening.  Your most creative imaginings of what is about to come into being are but the palest shadows of what is actually to occur.

Optimism is a very powerful energy that includes enthusiasm, cooperation, and harmony, and which brings with it happiness as an added benefit.  You all have every reason to be extremely optimistic as the changes and developments leading to awakening unfold all across the planet.  Make a point of focusing on the marvelous events that are bringing people together in friendship and love on a scale never before been seen on Earth.  It is most definitely going to be a defining moment in humanity’s ongoing evolution as you awaken into the boundless Reality that is your eternal Home.


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Heavenletter #4268 God-Blossoms, August 1, 2012


God said: 


You know why I love you? I love you because you are Mine to love. I love you because My reason for Being is love. I created you from My breath so that My love could sweep you up and take you to unheralded heights. I created you because you were Mine to create. I created many faces of God, and you are created to be one of them. In fact, you were created to be the Oneness of Me. Therefore, We are One. There is One. Despite appearances, there is One.

Faces are physical, and there are more faces than you can count. In one sense, there are more souls that you can count, for in Heaven there is no space so, of course, there is room for all! Yet Heaven is not about counting on its fingers.


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/31/12 ‘Choosing a Pickup Location’


Today we like to begin by discussing with you how to best prepare yourselves for your work with our organization that will begin shortly in the days to come, as the time to begin our many projects together has now arrived. We would like to begin by welcoming you to our teams, and we would like to do this by meeting with you on board our ships and introducing ourselves to you so we can get to know each other just a little better before we begin a working relationship together. We will do this by meeting with you at a pre-designated spot somewhere near or at your home residence. We will contact you in the days ahead beginning next week where we will ask you where it is you feel you would like to rendezvous with us.



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His Holiness the Dalai Lama Meets Russell Brand


Published on Jun 18, 2012 by meridiantrust

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with Russell Brand at Manchester Arena Saturday 16th June 2012. http://meridian-trust.org


Source: YouTube.com


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FCLA's Captains Log #2 "Is All This A Sick Joke?!"



"Father Panda" - I painted this Panda for a friends birthday present 2 years ago, whose father had to go away to Mexico and leave his son to be the man of the house, to protect and provide for his family. This painting represents his father nurturing his son as a baby, preparing him for what lies ahead.



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If You Do Not See Signs of The Great Shift, You Are Looking In the Wrong Place!



As I take note of my matrix this morning, there are signs of celebration. After a period of purging for myself and others, I woke up today feeling deeply held in the embrace of angels, and have knowing that soon the boundary will open, and the keys to paradise given. I have been asked to write for my dear brothers and sisters, who seem to be struggling with the same old issues, who look out at the world midway through linear earth year 2012 and say, “Nothing is happening.” This perspective, my friends, means only one thing: you are looking in the wrong place.


The ascension of consciousness is a cosmic event. Since we are currently residents of Earth, it is here we are looking for the manifestation of change, and if you can see this manifestation within yourself, you can see it in the world. If you are reading this, you are already aware that the physical manifestation of “reality” as you experience it is a result of your own personal matrix, created by you. It is through the distortions within the self that our world is manifested. We are each playing out a microcosmic manifestation of this within our own bodies, minds, and souls.



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Flashing boomerang UFO recorded in the darkness over Ontario


July 22, 2012

By: Tracey Parece

Multiple witnesses experienced a UFO sighting in Canada on July 19, 2012. The incident took place in North Bay, a city in Northeastern Ontario.

One of the witnesses shared a lengthy description of the UFO sighting on YouTube, which is refreshing since so many UFO videos lack even the most basic details about what happened and where it took place. According to bradster36's YouTube channel, which belongs to a 41-year-old man from Canada, the witnesses spotted multiple unidentified flying objects that were flying in different directions. The objects emitted no sound, and they were flying low in the sky.

To read the rest of this story, visit examiner.com.


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Aquarius Full Moon ~ Starring Messenger Mercury



 31 July 2012 GLR~ Kelley Rosano

The Aquarius Full Moon on August 1-2 opens the door to our abundant future. The Sun in creative Leo is opposing the Moon in innovative Aquarius. We can combine our personal aspirations with the collective goals. The Full Moon is an outpouring of positive energy, transmuting the lower negative energies into the light.


For instance, there is a harmonious energy flow between jovial Jupiter in Gemini to the Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon. This uplifting vibration provides a feast of ideas and new revelations inspiring our ambitions. Aquarius wants us to Dream Big and Think Big. We can be experiencing many “ah ha” moments and epiphanies taking us to our brilliant breakthroughs. Old problems can find new solutions.



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Hunterdon environmentalists join anti-fracking protest in Washington, D.C.


Published: Monday, July 30, 2012, 2:05 PM
Updated: Monday, July 30, 2012, 2:22 PM
By Hunterdon County Democrat

Anti-fracking march on Washington, DC 2012


WASHINGTON, D.C. — An estimated 5,000 people rallied at the Capitol and marched to the headquarters of the American Petroleum Institute on July 28 to protest hydraulic fracturing — a method of extracting natural gas from shale deposits that some people blame for polluting water and harming the health of people who live near the wells.

The process, dubbed “fracking,” involves drilling a thousand feet below the surface and an equal distance laterally to inject a soup of chemicals and water into the ground. The pressure fractures the shale and releases natural gas trapped inside.

To read the rest of this story, visit NJ.com.



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A Spirit journey led to a circle of dolphins.

A ceremony to ascend in JOY manifested in form.


The new moon is a time I often create despachos. Traditionally the prayers of a despacho are blown into cocoa leaves, placed with offerings in wrapping paper then tied up like a gift and burned in a ceremonial fire. During the new moon in July I had plans to be on a wild dolphin retreat in Bimini so it was there a despacho would be created.


Spirit had even bigger plans. During our first meeting over lunch I learned that sacred lodge sister Carla Goddard was going to be on the west coast at the same time I would be at the Atlantic. The Ascension to Joy ceremony was born.


Rather than create a traditional despacho in wrapping paper I was inspired to use the natural elements of Bimini to create a despacho in sand. Instead of fire water would be the element to which our despacho would return, washed clean by the tides.



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Mysterious footage on YouTube claims 'UFO sighting over Malaysia'



GFP Note: I came across this article after uploading the video shown here earlier today. This information answers a lot of questions about that video and also raises some new ones!

By ANI | ANI – Mon 30 Jul, 2012


Kuala Lumpur, July 30 (ANI): A locally shot video posted on YouTube has got people talking about a possible UFO sighting over Malaysia.

But experts have shot down the possibility saying that there had to be an explanation for the phenomenon.


To read the rest of this story, visit Yahoo! India.





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Here in the Real World: The Olympic UFO


By James Moore

Posted: 07/30/2012 11:50 am

What is destined to become the most popular video on HuffPost over the next few days is of a purported UFO approaching the Olympic Stadium in London as fireworks are going off during opening ceremonies. Outside of porn, UFOs are probably the most clicked upon subject matter on the web. They are also increasingly recorded with the proliferation of camera phones. But no explanation is generally acceptable to all observers. Each event is considered separately and often dismissed as a camera artifact or light flare or aircraft lights or blimps. But all of them?

Mainstream media has been mostly uncomfortable with the subject. Even The Huffington Post, which is more or less now a part of traditional media, publishes UFO stories under its "Weird News" category and when, invariably, a local news station gets video of something unexplainable from a viewer, the recording ends up at the back of a newscast and prompts Bob and Suzy Goodhair to make comments about "little green men." The subject makes a lot of people uncomfortable and, consequently, they have to be dismissive. Hell, I'm going to get grief for even bringing up the topic.


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Olympics UFO Was Definitely Our Blimp: Goodyear (PHOTOS)



GFP Note: I encourage you to look at the photos that accompany this article and draw your own conclusions!


By Lee Speigel
Posted: 07/31/2012 12:19 pm
Updated: 07/31/2012 1:37 pm

This is the "UFO" that appeared over the Olympics opening ceremony: It's the Goodyear blimp "Spirit of Safety" -- case closed.


When a strange, milky-white object glided over the Olympics opening ceremony and was caught on video, there was chatter that this was the extraterrestrial visitation for which UFO researchers are constantly searching.

Now we know the truth behind the strange object spotted amid the pyrotechnics spectacle. It was Goodyear's "Spirit of Safety" blimp. And a spokesman for the company tells HuffPost why the aircraft appeared so mysterious.


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Ruth Ryden ~ Ruth And The Masters Of Light ~ 31 July 2012





Good Morning dear readers!  What a roller coaster we have been riding as the weather either fries us or drowns us in some way!   Not that it hasn’t been expected.  Humanity certainly has been given plenty of warning over many centuries through the ancient ones leaving their messages for this time.   We are experiencing the gift of compassion for others and the strength to overcome the physical and mental problems that have filled our world as the Shift proceeds through its ordered time.   Central Arizona has been very dry and the seasonal monsoon is mostly dripping instead of pouring the life-giving water to our forests and deserts.  Still, we are very thankful to be where we are here.


Construction is starting to pick up a little in Payson, but jobs are still very scarce.  Husband and I are doing pretty good for our age.  Our daughter and her husband live with us, and that is such a blessing.  We all need to count the blessings we have through sharing our knowledge and abilities with others.  Make August a special time.  Thank you for your love and the messages – they mean a lot to me.



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New Earth Meditation -- Ascension Lessons -- The Prime Directive (Ashtar's Job) -- Game Over, Soul Contracts, New Missions!


New Earth Meditation -- Ascension Lessons -- The Prime Directive (Ashtar's Job) -- Game Over, Soul Contracts, New Missions!




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New York police violated protesters’ rights: Report


Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:12AM GMT

New York Police Department officers arrest an Occupy Wall Street protester in New York on May 1, 2012.

New York Police Department officers arrest an Occupy Wall Street protester in New York on May 1, 2012.

A new report says police officers of New York Police Department violated the rights of Occupy Wall Street protesters by using excessive force and unjustified arrests.

The Global Justice Clinic at New York University's School of Law and the Walter Leitner International Human Rights Clinic at Fordham Law School reported some 130 incidents of alleged abuse on Wednesday.

To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.


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Olympic opening ceremony has UFO sighting; Danny Boyle impressing aliens?


July 30, 2012

By: Jodi Jill

Danny Boyle may have had issues with NBC airing the entire Olympic ceremony, but there were sightings of a UFO watching the ceremony overhead. On Monday a new video was released and reports from the Mail indicate there was a UFO near the Olympic Stadium outside during the Olympic opening ceremony. While some question the idea of aliens, anyone who saw Danny Boyle’s delightful welcoming of the Olympics to London know that it was out of this world so it could be possible.

To read the rest of this story, visit examiner.


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Washington farm is the latest site of mysterious crop circles



Washington farm is the latest site of mysterious crop circles

‘We had aliens attack us … you know, I guess,’ farmer Greg Geib says with a laugh.


TUESDAY, JULY 31, 2012


What caused the massive crop circles on a field at Greg Geib’s Washington state wheat farm?


What caused the massive crop circles on a field at Greg Geib’s Washington state wheat farm?

“We had aliens attack us … you know, I guess,” he told KHQ-TV.

Greg’s wife Cindy thinks “it would be kind of cool if it really were aliens,” but doesn’t seem to think it’s likely.

The elaborate designs were pressed into the Geibs’ fields near Wilbur, Wash., last week. Whoever – or whatever – made them strikes area fields every year or two, according to local farmers.

“I guess this year it was our turn,” Cindy Geib said.

Though some people believe that crop circles are the work of visiting extraterrestrials, the phenomenon began in the 1970s when admitted hoaxers Doug Bower and Dave Chorley started carving the elaborate designs into British farmers’ fields.



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Blinking lights or UFO? You make the call


by Ryan Naquin
Posted: 07.22.2012 at 7:02 PM

For years, people have said there's other forms of life in the world, and recently strange lights and unknown objects in our area have some questioning that very thing.

After Joe Kiernan's story aired on NewsChannel 15, where he claimed he saw lights flashing in the sky, several people contacted the newsroom saying they saw the same thing.

To read the rest of this story, visit Carolina Live.




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Blinking lights or UFO? You make the call


Published on Jul 22, 2012 by WPDENewsChannel15

For years, people have said there's other forms of life in the world, and recently strange lights and unknown objects in the sky have many in our area questioning that very thing.


Source: YouTube.com


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Fluoride: The Hard to Swallow Truth Documentary


Uploaded by CEvolutionTV on May 1, 2011


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Divided Dolphin Societies Merge For First Time



Divided Dolphin Societies Merge 'For First Time'


Matt Bardo
BBC Nature
Mon, 30 Jul 2012 


© Ina Ansmann
Two become one: the unification of these two socially distinct groups of bottlenose dolphin demonstrates the intelligence and social adaptability of the species.

A unique social division among a population of bottlenose dolphins in Australia's Moreton Bay has ended. 

The dolphins lived as two distinct groups that rarely interacted, one of which foraged on trawler bycatch. 
But scientists think that a ban on fishing boats from key areas has brought the two groups together. 
They believe these socially flexible mammals have united to hunt for new food sources. 
The findings are published in the journal Animal Behaviour
The Moreton Bay dolphins were thought to be the only recorded example of a single population that consisted of groups not associating with each other. 
The split was dubbed "the parting of the pods". 
But since the study that discovered the rift, trawlers have been banned from designated areas of the bay leading to a 50% reduction in the fishing effort. 
A key area of the bay to the south, where the social split was first observed by a previous study, has been protected. 
The changes gave scientists a unique opportunity to observe the adaptability of dolphin society. 
The "trawler" dolphins from Moreton Bay had previously fed on the bycatch from boats while the "non-trawlers" found other sources of food. 


© Ina Ansmann
The "trawler" dolphins of Moreton Bay benefited from the bycatch thrown back from fishing boats.

"There's never been really any experiments looking at social structure... where you can compare what it was like before and what it is like now," said Dr Ina Ansmann, a marine vertebrate ecologist at the University of Queensland and the study's lead author. 

Analysing how the population interacted before and after trawling meant the team could assess how the dolphins' social network had changed. 
"The dolphins had basically re-arranged their whole social system after trawling disappeared so they're now actually interacting again," Dr Ansmann told BBC Nature. 

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"Curiousity" to reach Mars soon


This message was sent to me by a friend. It was accompanied by a video (which I don't know how to paste here) in which the footage of NASA's "Curiousity" craft to Mars looked very much like off-world craft.... are our scientists being taught how to build these things?


"Curiosity Before Mars: Seven Minutes of Terror (I prefer "seven minutes of uncertainty" or "seven minutes of waiting"

Image Credit: JPL, NASA
Explanation: Next week at this time, there may be an amazing new robotic explorer on Mars. Or there may be a new pile of junk. It all likely depends on many things going correctly in the minutes after the Mars Science Laboratory mission arrives at Mars and attempts to deploy the Curiosity rover from orbit. Arguably the most sophisticated landing yet attempted on the red planet, consecutive precision events will involve a heat shield, a parachute, several rocket maneuvers, and the automatic operation of an unusual device called a Sky Crane. These "Seven Minutes of Terror" -- depicted in the above dramatic video -- will begin on Sunday, August 6 at about 5:24 am Universal time, which occurs on Saturday night, August 5 for western North Americans. If successful, the car-sized Curiosity rover will rest on the surface of Mars, soon to begin exploring Gale Crater to better determine the habitability of this seemingly barren world to life -- past, present, and future. Although multiple media outlets may cover this event, one way to watch these landing events unfold is on the NASA channel live on the web."



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2012: Worldwide UFO Wave! Moscow. JULY 28th, 2012.


Published on Jul 28, 2012 by UltraUfoChannel

Filmed over Moscow on July 28th, 2012.

Source: YouTube.com.



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Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 1, 2012



Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 1, 2012
SaLuSa, August 1, 2012

Your response to the recent positive messages about the Olympics has been wonderful. A wave of great expectation has swept around the Earth, and lifted people up. Such energies carry such power that they empower the object of your vision to bring about its manifestation. This is how by focusing on the same outcome you can influence what takes place. Naturally some form of Disclosure must come about very soon, so as to allow us to do our work openly and in partnership with you. Of course we could carry on as before and carry out our mission quietly and behind the scenes, but our physical presence is needed to assure people of our true intentions.

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Mahalas Astrology – Dorene Carrel – Guest Article – Astrology Report For August



Mahalas Astrology – Dorene Carrel – Guest Article – Astrology Report For August – 31 July 2012

Posted on August 1, 2012 by lucas2012infos 

Guest article by Dorene Carrel

August is highlighted by a Blue Moon, along with Mercury turning direct and later entering its own sign of Virgo.  August begins and ends with two full moons, which are important points of reassessment that indicate how far we have come and where we still need to go.  Creative and emotional energies are very strong this month. We are still under the July New Moon in Cancer, which brings issues connected with security, home and family.


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Pyramids of Light ~ A Message from Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran and the Ascended Masters





Pyramids of Light – A Message from Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran and the Ascended Masters


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Quantitative easing crushes UK pound



Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:3PM GMT

The British pound has slumped more than a cent against both the euro and the United States dollar after the Bank of England (BoE) decided to print more notes to counter deflation.
The BoE’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decided to inject an extra £50bn into the British economy. However, two members of the MPC believed that the British economy needed a much bigger boost than the £50bn injection confirmed.

To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.


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'Saudi monarchy unable to curb uprising'


Published on Jul 29, 2012 by PressTVGlobalNews

Saudi anti-regime protesters have held fresh demonstrations across Riyadh as well as the holy city of Mecca to protest against the arrest of political prisoners.
Interview with Kamel Wazni, political analyst
Follow our Facebook on: https://www.facebook.com/presstvchannel
Follow our Twitter on: http://twitter.com/presstv

Source: YouTube.com


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Zombies attack Westboro Baptist Church


Published: 31 July, 2012, 01:41

Protesters in Washington State have found a way to fight hate speech: a demonstration outside of a military base led by the Westboro Baptist Church on Friday was upstaged by around 300 counter protesters, all clad as zombies.

Hundreds of protesters donned ripped clothing and gory make-up to resemble the walking dead during a Friday demonstration meant to show-up a rally being held by the Westboro Baptist Church in Seattle, Washington.

To read the rest of this story, visit RT.com.


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Royal Bank of Scotland faces huge fine


Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:56PM GMT

Chief of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) Stephen Hester has warned that the bank’s reputation is to be hit again as it faces a huge fine from the Libor scandal, which consumed Barclays.

The recent computer meltdown at the RBS prevented around 13m customers from accessing their accounts for up to a month, but the problem appeared to have been distracted by the fine on Barclays that came to £290m.

To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.


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Oracle Report ~ August 1, 2012



August 1, 2012


Full Moon Phase - Moon in Aquarius

Today's Full Moon brings relief from the last four weeks, which I've labeled the Turning Point, as most of you know.  The shift is over now.  Many people have emailed me about what this time brought them and it has ranged from things that are "good" to things that appear "bad" on the surface: new jobs, new insights, new outlooks/frames of mind, new endeavors to new heartbreaks, new long nights of the soul, new pain.  But everything had a purpose.  Something needed to be revealed to each of us.  If the shift has been a struggle for you (which it has for most) and you experienced a loss, it is now time to begin letting go of that situation.  It's time to recognize that the problem has been solved.  If the shift was more joyous for you, enjoy the feeling of refreshment.  It's time for us to quietly reflect and adjust to the changes,  Take in all that the Full Moon is illuminating for you.


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Bankers found to have rigged Libor rate could face jail



By Harry Wilson, Banking Correspondent

7:15PM BST 30 Jul 2012

Bankers found to have rigged Libor could face jail after the Serious Fraud Office said it will look to bring criminal charges against those who attempted to manipulate Libor, a key global borrowing rate.

Lifers, a Channel 4 documentary, visits convicted killers facing a lifetime behind bars at Gartree Prison in Leicestershire, home to Europe's largest population of life-sentenced prisoners.

Bankers found guilty of Libor rigging could face a prison sentence of up to 10 years Photo: Channel 4


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Giant UFO Vailixi Emerging from The Sun, July 27, 2012.mp4


Published on Jul 27, 2012 by EriGIA007

Vailixi Géant OVNI émergents du Soleil, 27 Juillet, 2012
For more exclusive information on UFOs,
visit: http://erigia.blogspot.be/2012/07/vailixi-geant-ovni-emergents-du-soleil.html

Source: YouTube.com.


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Key Senate Staffer on Military Issues Got Big Payout From Lockheed Martin



by Justin Elliott
July 26, 2012, 5 p.m.

Ann Elise Sauer

Ann Elise Sauer

Lockheed Martin has big business in Washington, with Defense Department contracts representing [1] more than half of the company's $46.5 billion in net sales last year. And now, Lockheed has a former top lobbyist in a key position on Capitol Hill overseeing the company.

Former Lockheed vice president Ann Elise Sauer was hired by Sen. John McCain in February as the top Republican staffer on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

To read the rest of this story, visit ProPublica.


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Germany: Is strongest European economy heading south?


Published: 31 July, 2012, 16:56

German unemployment rose for a fourth straight month in July as crisis-hit businesses delayed hiring. It’s a reminder the country, which many in the Eurozone are looking to for help, may have to set its sights on its own economic problems.

The number of people out of work rose a seasonally adjusted 7,000 to 2.89 million, the Federal Labor Agency in Nuremberg said on Tuesday. The adjusted jobless rate held at 6.8%. The current rate is still low compared with 8.2% in the US, 10.1% in France and Italy and a euro-area average of 11.1%. However it isn’t showing a turn around with German unemployment sustaining an almost uninterrupted decline for more than two and a half years. Germany’s jobless rate was 5.6% in May, according to the latest harmonized OECD figures.

To read the rest of this story, visit RT.


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Protests Against Election Fraud in Mexico Become Artistic



Tania Lara
July 28, 2012

Protests Against Election Fraud in Mexico Become Artistic

A group of fashion designers, writers, and visual artists meet almost every week in Mexico City to create posters, costumes, and performances. Once they figure out a “visual concept,” their art creations walk alongside thousands of protesters against the winning presidential candidate, Enrique Peña Nieto, of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).


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US 'extreme drought' zones triple in size


GFP Note: Extreme weather events are generally seen as physical signs of Mother Earth's ascension process.

By Andrew Gully | AFP – Fri, Jul 27, 2012

Almost two thirds of the continental US are now suffering drought conditions
A field of dead corn sits next to an ethanol plant July 25, in Palestine, Illinois. The drought in America's breadbasket is intensifying at an unprecedented rate, experts warned, driving concern food prices could soar if crops in the world's key producer are decimated. (AFP Photo/Scott Olson)


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Vaccine bombshell: Baby monkeys given standard doses of popular vaccines develop autism symptoms


Sunday, May 06, 2012
by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer


(NaturalNews) If vaccines play absolutely no role in the development of childhood autism, a claim made by many medical authorities today, then why are some of the most popular vaccines commonly administered to children demonstrably causing autism in animal primates? This is the question many people are now asking after a recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Pittsburgh (UP) in Pennsylvania revealed that many of the infant monkeys given standard doses of childhood vaccines as part of the new research developed autism symptoms.


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UFO Spotted Over London Olympic Opening Ceremony (VIDEO)


The Huffington Post UK
Posted: 30/07/2012 13:34 Updated: 30/07/2012 13:52

Want proof that Danny Boyle and the gang put on the greatest show in the galaxy for the London 2012 Opening Ceremony? Well, even mysterious beings from other planets showed up to catch a glimpse. Possibly.

Yes, it seems a UFO appeared over the Olympic Park in London just as the firework display erupted into full force, reports Examiner.com.

To read the rest of this story, visit Huff Post United Kingdom.


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Israel, US faking intelligence to attack Iran: Ex-CIA analyst


Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:2PM GMT

In 2003, the US invaded Iraq under the pretext that former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. (File photo)

In 2003, the US invaded Iraq under the pretext that former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. (File photo)

A former CIA analyst says the United States and Israel seek to come up with a pretext for attacking Iran by fabricating intelligence, a ploy similar to the one adopted by the United States for justifying the war on Iraq a decade ago.

“As we saw 10 years ago with respect to Iraq, if one intends to whip up support for war, one needs to find a casus belli - however thin a pretext it might be,” Ray McGovern wrote in an article.

To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.


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kauilapele Sheldan Nidle The Time is Almost Upon You for a Number of Wonderful Events to Manifest Before You



Sheldan Nidle 7-31-12…”The Time is Almost Upon You for a Number of Wonderful Events to Manifest Before You”

Posted on 2012/07/31 


  • Your transitioning world is moving from the old dark reality that is familiar to you, to a new one filled with Light, Love, and prosperity.
  • The Ascended Masters have acted globally… to move your realm into Light… exerting pressure upon the cabal… demonstrating its habitual, arrogant modus operandi. These revelations are providing the grist for their eventual prosecution.
  • Some nations, like Iceland, have already begun the legal process of disassembling the power structure built up decades ago by this cabal. Many other nations will soon follow suit.
  • Panic continues to mount within the ranks of the dark and we expect several key arrests to follow soon.
  • No longer will the cabal be permitted to use its old bag of tricks to get its way or to save its hide. We are stopping even the cabal’s most desperate plots from manifesting…
  • The time is almost upon you for a number of wonderful events to manifest before you.


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2MIN News August 1, 2012


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In the Shadow of Wounded Knee


By Alexandra Fuller

Photograph by Aaron Huey
Published: August 2012


After 150 years of broken promises, the Oglala Lakota people of the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota are nurturing their tribal customs, language, and beliefs. A rare, intimate portrait shows their resilience in the face of hardship.


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Judy Satori – The Sound Of Light – Full Moon August 2012 – The Stargate Of Aldebaran – Recalibration To 72 Dimensions Of Reality




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NASA to Broadcast Mars Rover Landing From NYC's Times Square Sunday Night


by SPACE.com Staff

Date: 31 July 2012 Time: 04:00 PM ET

Curiosity Rover LandsThis illustration depicts the moment immediately after the Curiosity rover touches down on the Red Planet. CREDIT: NASA

NEW YORK — NASA's biggest Mars rover landing yet is about to hit Broadway.

New Yorkers hoping to see the Aug. 5/6 landing of NASA's huge Mars rover Curiosity alongside like-minded space fans can head to Times Square here on Sunday night (Aug. 5) to catch the rover's touchdown on the Red Planet live on a giant LED television screen.

To read the rest of this story, visit Space.com.


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Angry punter demands winnings for Olympics Opening Ceremony UFO bet



Gareth Rogers

Jul 31 2012

William Hill

Kevin Coakley demands his winnings from William Hill

An angry punter refused payment on a wild 1000/1 bet on a UFO flying over the Olympics Opening Ceremony is demanding answers.

Kevin Coakley is still waiting for his £1,000 winnings after placing the £1 wager on Friday and claims there is video evidence of a UFO above the Olympic Stadium taken from news reports of London 2012’s big opening night.


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SophiaLove - The Carrot on the Stick





It’s okay to love yourself.  In fact, it’s more than okay, it’s necessary.  We are coming to the end of duality and the contrasts are everywhere, trying to get our attention.  The sharpest ones have to do with your worst fear.  Your worst fear is so intensely personal; you may never have put voice to it.  Yet today, if you think for a moment, there it is.

It is asking for your attention, wanting to be examined, waiting for release.  You don’t need it anymore, and the part of you that is ready to move on knows that.  Where we are going, there is nothing to fear.  We are heading towards agape, a place without conditions.

Our deepest fear is that somehow we aren’t good enough; that there is an unmet condition.  If only we could meet it, we’d be fine.  We are chasing after that carrot on the stick – so close, yet ever out of reach.  This condition is not something you need, it is something made up, a part of this third dimension you’ve decided to hang on to.  Let it go.

Maybe it’s a body or a bank account, a status or a role – if only you had it, you’d be perfect.  Perhaps its forgiveness, a big eraser that will wipe out all the terrible things you’ve done, thought about, or still think about doing.  Without these, you’d be worthy.

We’ve arrived here, suitcase in hand, all of our baggage intact.  It’s time to check it at the gate and move on.  It will be safe amongst the baggage of the rest of us, stored away in the room of judgment.  One day, not too far from now, you’ll remember you left it there.  It will be like that one box that never gets unpacked after a move – you’ll find you didn’t need it after all.

You see, there is nothing you need that you don’t already have.  You are perfect where you stand.  Source energy, from which you spring, is delighted with everything you are and do.  Each “mistake” and every “fault” only adds to the variety of life.  This is why you came.

Let it go.  You are so much lighter without this baggage.  Be what it is you are – your beauty comes from there, from that deep place where love is sleeping, safe within truth.  Let her out, he wants to play.


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26,000 lose power in Cayman Islands




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Visionkeeper: Where there is a will there is a way



Where there is a will there is a way

Posted on August 1, 2012 


If one follows the alternative news and hears all about what the dark ones are up to these days, it almost gets overwhelming where you feel like why bother, how the heck can we fight against this insanity, but we must! They may have the guns and evil military warfare machines designed to maim, stun, or kill us if we should decide to fight back, but we have the light and the frequency they are unable to capture and become a part of. Light and love are our only weapons, yet we stand an excellent chance of overcoming this darkness with them. Stay off their frequency and stay safe. We can do this and we will do this with hard work and determination. It is obvious that they are desperately trying to keep the fear factor humming in the air and the frequency lowered in the masses by all of their activities. Not for me say I, what say you? They may be humming the fear frequency, but we are singing loudly the love frequency and we must continue to raise the volume until it shatters their eardrums.


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Aisha North: The manuscript of survival – part 176



The manuscript of survival – part 176


 •August 1, 2012 • 


As the days go by and everything seems to be oh so slowly turning on its head, so much of what you take for granted has to be let go of, like grains of sand running through your fingers. This process will be a very thorough one, but for most of you, it also seems to be an almost unbearably slow one. But remember, you are actually changing completely, literally from the inside out, and as you still have to inhabit this physical body in order to accomplish what you came here to do, this body also needs time in order to complete this process. So, lest you should literally fall into pieces, you need to be kept at the right timing for this metamorphosis, and even if your patience and mayhaps temper is running short by now, understand that this is in fact going incredibly fast, and the pace could not be speeded up more than it has already.


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Spain's Catalonia halts payments for social services



Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:10PM GMT

Government employees demonstrate against the Spanish government

Government employees demonstrate against the Spanish government's austerity measures, in the center of Madrid. (file photo)
Spain's most indebted region, Catalonia cannot afford to make its grant payments to social institutions such as hospitals and homes for the elderly for the month of July, the Catalan government say.

"It is due to a problem of liquidity," a spokeswoman for the Catalan regional government's economy ministry said on Tuesday.

To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.


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Melchizedek ~ Disclosure and Ascension, 2 important events... Which one is the most important for YOU? ~ 01/08/2012




Melchizedek ~ Disclosure and Ascension, 2 important events... Which one is the most important for YOU? ~ 01/08/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont.




My Beloved Ones,


Greetings, I Am Melchizedek and I am most pleased to welcome you today. I am on my way to a very important meeting on behalf of all humanity which will bring huge changes on a worldwide scale. As you have been informed recently through numerous channelings, Disclosure is approaching and we know full well what is to be done now. Because of our close cooperation with our Galactic Brothers, who are your Brothers also, we of the Spiritual Hierarchy are presently actively involved in the finalization of this enormous project to bring it to fruition on your Earth.


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~Join US~ Council~ Internet Love Party~ We are Lighting This Planet In Love


Greetings Love Beings!!!



Join US at 10:30am Pacific for A Family of Love Council and Love Party!

We are Gonna Light this Planet Up In a Big WAY! Thank You For Participating!!!




Welcome to Today! Love Is Pouring Into this Planet, and NO ONE Can Stop this Energy! Love Is ALIVE and Love IS REAL! Today and from Now On Forward, Everyday is Love's DAY On Planet Earth=Heart!




The Lights have been turned ON ,the once darkened stage now is all Lite up and all the Masters are Being revealed on Planet Earth=heart. The last "dramas"  are being played out that were required within the "Divine Plan" to expose the Truth with Grace and Forgiveness.



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Dearly Beloveds, I come today to speak of the importance of having faith and belief and letting go of hope and doubt. Yes dear ones, I said let go of hope. While residing in the third dimension one may have had hope, but moving into 4D and 5D there is no doubt, no fear, and only Love. I see many Lightworkers still using words such as possibly and hopefully. It may not be known to many but these words are only a sugar coating of fear. If One has hope then they do not believe 110% in themselves to manifest their own reality. Remember beloveds we are most powerful Beings when we live from the heart and have no doubts. Do not downplay your gifts, yout gifts to hear things telepathically, your gifts to see into the higher dimensions, your gift of knowing. All is possible nothing is impossible. Believe in yourself and have faith. The divine blueprint is well underway, Archangel Michael, and We, his Legions will not stop until the Divine Blueprint has been completed. So fear no more the dark and walk forward with your head held high and illuminate the darkness. For Archangel Michael's Legion numbers in the 100 of millions and there are already a number of us on Earth who were born here or have came in as walk ins. So, live by the light and love yourself unconditionally until it overflows, allowing you to love all others unconditionally. I Am Yesu and I send my Love and Light to all of you. Namaste.

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Melchizedek ~~ Disclosure and Ascension, 2 important events... Which one is the most important for YOU? ~~ 01/08/2012 Channeled


My Beloved Ones,
Greetings, I Am Melchizedek and I am most pleased to welcome you today. I am on my way to a very important meeting on behalf of all humanity which will bring huge changes on a worldwide scale. As you have been informed recently through numerous channelings, Disclosure is approaching and we know full well what is to be done now. Because of our close cooperation with our Galactic Brothers, who are your Brothers also, we of the Spiritual Hierarchy are presently actively involved in the finalization of this enormous project to bring it to fruition on your Earth.
As Disclosure is so imminent you will at last begin to experience the enormous changes that this project will bring about on your world. This will be a “biggie” so don’t be frightened; this event will turn your world and your worldviews upside down in a manner of speaking. You will get to know the real Truth and you will observe the old regime collapsing in on itself as you have withdrawn your faith in it. That old regime has run its course and is making way for the new and enlightened paradigm of your New World. We move upwards to Ascension and the project of Disclosure is intrinsically a part of it. The Disclosure part of Ascension will establish a lot of changes and will elevate the degree of humanity’s consciousness level. Ascension is, as I have already stipulated, very imminent and can not be overlooked ; no matter what happens, all will proceed as Divinely Decreed.

Melchizedek ~~ Disclosure and Ascension, 2 important events... Which one is the most important for YOU? ~~ 01/08/2012 Channeled


My Beloved Ones,
Greetings, I Am Melchizedek and I am most pleased to welcome you today. I am on my way to a very important meeting on behalf of all humanity which will bring huge changes on a worldwide scale. As you have been informed recently through numerous channelings, Disclosure is approaching and we know full well what is to be done now. Because of our close cooperation with our Galactic Brothers, who are your Brothers also, we of the Spiritual Hierarchy are presently actively involved in the finalization of this enormous project to bring it to fruition on your Earth.
As Disclosure is so imminent you will at last begin to experience the enormous changes that this project will bring about on your world. This will be a “biggie” so don’t be frightened; this event will turn your world and your worldviews upside down in a manner of speaking. You will get to know the real Truth and you will observe the old regime collapsing in on itself as you have withdrawn your faith in it. That old regime has run its course and is making way for the new and enlightened paradigm of your New World. We move upwards to Ascension and the project of Disclosure is intrinsically a part of it. The Disclosure part of Ascension will establish a lot of changes and will elevate the degree of humanity’s consciousness level. Ascension is, as I have already stipulated, very imminent and can not be overlooked ; no matter what happens, all will proceed as Divinely Decreed.

~ Love Is a Flower and You are The Seed~


We Love You

The Earth Allies


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The Exit Window~My Experience With Group Consciousness. By, AuroRa Le.



The Exit Window~My Experience With Group Consciousness. By, AuroRa Le. August 1, 2012.

Posted on


July 30, 2012

by theangeldiaries



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~Space Weather Update~ Subsiding Sunspot~


STRANGE BUT TRUE: CURIOSITY'S SKY CRANE: How do you deposit a massive SUV-sized nuclear-powered rover to the surface of an alien planet without making an SUV-sized crater? NASA's solution for Curiosity will be attempted for the first time on August 5/6 when they gently lower the rover to the red sands of Mars using a Sky Crane. [full story]


EARLY PERSEID METEORS: Earth is entering a broad stream of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Meteoroids in the outskirts of the stream are now hitting Earth's atmosphere, producing as many as 10-15 meteors per hour according to worldwide counts from the International Meteor Organization. NASA's network of all-sky meteor cameras captured 17 Perseid fireballs on the nights of July 28th through 30th. Here are their orbits:


The position of Earth is denoted by the red starburst; all of the meteoroid orbits intersect at that point. The purple line traces the orbit of the parent Comet Swift-Tuttle. Fortunately, the comet itself does not intersect Earth.



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'Olympic UFO' bears striking resemblance to a blimp



By Natalie Wolchover

updated 7/31/2012 2:20:35 PM ET

And Goodyear's "Spot the Blimp" website seems to bear that out, most agree


A UFO spotted in footage of the Olympics opening ceremony on NBC.


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Tiptoe to Oneness


There is this wonderful moment during infancy of gradual awareness of truth.  Infants are completely internal.  Needs are recognized and satisfied and sleep ensues; such is the life of a newborn.  When they begin to notice there is something else, it is beautiful.  Their eyes open a bit longer; they engage the life that is around them, they wiggle things.


An astounding moment happens when they wiggle out of their blanket and see their toes for the first time.  Completely mesmerized, they cannot get enough.  They will shake off those blankets whenever they can just to get another peek.  As their feet move, so does the rest of them, including their hands.  One day the two collide – contact. 


I do not remember my own first contact, yet I can imagine the astonishment; two places experiencing sensation in the same instant.  Thus begins the exploration – “How far do I go?”, “What other parts of me exist?”, “What can all these parts do?”


We are like babies who’ve discovered their feet.  Oh, we’ve seen feet and watched them with fascination for eons; but now we’ve had first contact.  We have discovered these feet are not somebody else’s – they are ours; under our control.


Our anger and force creates violent and abrasive movement.  Our tenderness and gentility looks like a fluid dance.  These feet will move in whatever way we intend.  They can stomp or they can pirouette. 


It’s a shock when you realize you’re connected to something so foreign and far away and strange looking.  It’s a new thought and maybe you weren’t ready yet for these ideas of unity.  Perhaps you were content just watching these goofy appendages, seemingly doing their own random things.  Once day you’ll tire of just watching – you’ll want to see what these babies can do!



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US military developing insect surveillance drones



Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:58PM GMT

File photo shows an insect-sized spy drone.

File photo shows an insect-sized spy drone.
Reports indicate the US military has poured huge sums of money into surveillance drone miniaturization and is developing micro aircraft which now come in a swarm of bug-sized flying spies.

According to various internet sources, a team of researchers at the Johns Hopkins University in conjunction with the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Arlington, Virginia, is helping develop what they are calling a micro aerial vehicle (MAV) that will undertake various espionage tasks.

To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.ir.


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