~ More Intense Light Incoming its the End for the minions!~

Lia's picture

Link to Today's Newsletter: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/more-intense-light-incoming-its-end-minions

Greetings Love Beings, Surprise Today We entered another Wave of Intense Light energy! WOOHOO! We May Feel this in a Many different ways depending on how much of the programming or belief systems you have let go of and are in the Present Moment of Now! You Could Feel waves of Intense Joy and Euphoria Like Feelings or you could be experiencing more releasing and death of the ego as nothing from the old can enter the new . What We can Say for sure its the end of the road for the minions! Light Trumps their darkness!

Here is a Quote from Today's Update " Greetings Love Beings,Love takes center stage as we prepare for 2014 The Year of Loves Miracles. The Complete dissolving of the cabal minions is at hand. Beginning Today the 24th through the 26th of December, another Influx Of Intense Light Love Energy is Arriving. These Energies are like Fireworks for Your Soul, this event is Being Assisted by All Of Creation including the The Millions of Starships and 24 Flagships, We have Cloaked in Earth's Atmosphere.

Quoted from Earth Ally Michelle : Wow I am really feeling from all directions yet in all this crazy energy I feel the beauty and calm of love fully present..I am blown away and feel an explosive tingle through the head and the gentle extraction of last remnants being whack out so it is so real and true..SO Brilliant and sooo HUGE WOWness explosions like fourth of July in only gold streams of joy! "

As a result of  Our Recent Successful Portal Openings, Activations, Comet Ison's Gifts, The Galactic Center energies, Eclipses, This entire Universe and The Sun, more are awakening at an accelerated pace and igniting more of the Original DNA and Blueprint of Humanity! This is Another Huge Victory for the Light and great movement.

  Join The Earth Allies Live Today For Several Events and Celebrations All Day In the 5d Room, Happy Christmas Eve! See You There Live at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

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