Mother God via Gaia-s-Voice

Gaia-s-Voice's picture


       Mother God Eloah via Gaia-s-Voice


I Am Mother God Eloah, it is the Great Central Sun that is my Body Temple.

In truth my Compliment Elohae and I have many Temples within our body.

Each one is a focus to one of the Rays and their Qualities. Millions of Billions of individual as well as entity and hive Soul Beings spend ‘time’ within my body’s.

I will speak for your beloved Earth.  She is what you would call one of my great grandchildren: Called by us Tetlacordia:  A grandchild of Dear Alpha & Omega.

For you see, all Father Mother Gods choose a title or ‘name.’ Even Your beloved

planet Earth has or is known by different titles or names.

I and my beloved Elohae are truly a Father-Mother God, as you would be

awestruck at the sight of our most dimmed down appearance.


Your daily life on Tetlacordia will resume with many of your dim souls, that you

call the dark ones after your summer or winter solstice of December 2012.

Your dark brothers and sisters will be somewhere between scared and shocked. Though they will not be powerless and they will still make choices within freewill.

Ego show-running will NOT be over as many of you gentle readers who love

Gaia and Pelleur, have Decreed.

We all know of how you feel around this. I, in my great grand Mother Feeling Consciousness Am acutely aware of your deep beliefs and commitments.

I sooth you with the knowledge that the dark ones that we are assisting are

the Light and they are You.

An enormous infusion of Light Substance from one of our children

(a Central Sun) who will not be named here though some do call it out, will

inject all electrons, nucleus’ and space in between before your year is up.

It will not be what many think or are praying for in intensity. That will come

around 888 days later, perhaps.

You must know that the catapult has been let go of. It is just that we have

lengthened or raised the trajectory.

The Goal is a Victory of Love so all inclusive that, Mother God Tetlacordia, your beloved planet is completely happy in her Feeling Body, which is her Heart.

I leave you to contemplate what Height and what depth Love has long ago,

already, gone for you.  Now is the time and Moment for a little bit more for

those who still may chose the Light, Now.

I AM your Mother God and my name is Eloah. I wish you to call my name and

ask or wish me to fill you with my Feeling of Cosmic Love.   



Thank You Mother God

Yojman's picture

Beloved Eloah, your words do sooth me. I have been wondering how the finishing of the process would unfold or take place. I know that so many of our population could not stand a full infusion of Fith Dimensional Light. And i deeply know that they are me....

If you speak again could you bring in some more specifics on how i and others here might more directly assist the awakening and protection of the ones lagging but will come up?

Thank you for this rare encounter Mother God Eloah.