I was having a dream that turned into a Nightmare, maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me something or has a message. I woke up and wrote all of this down just now.
*Not sure if relevant or not but I woke around 2:30ish am and was asleep since only midnight.
How to read my formating: I insert - to pause from the story then *( to inject what I thought at the time or relevant knowledge I feel is needed to better interpret the story, should be pretty obvious which is which, if confused please ask I would be glad to clarify. I then close the thought or relevant knowledge with) *and then add another - to resume the story where it was left off.
There was this object a book or something maybe a revolver or a gun of some sort that was killing anyone who picked it up or touched it, then at the same moment would lift the victim up a foot or two off their feet and suspend them into the air, then the victim would be healed backwards to infinity or out of sight while grasping this object in their right hand.
It started in out in what seemed to be an elevator where the object was a Mangum revolver - *(this was the one time during everything in the dream that the object after killing the person on the elevator with me, then the victim being dragged away as described above, the object remained) * - afterwards this revolver laid on the floor of the elevator, now I do not recall picking it up, but after witnessing this I ran out of the elevator to the left and threw the gun away from me as I was running, yet I do not know how it got into my hands. -
*(Maybe it was chasing me and I threw it away) *
- Anyways upon discarding the gun while running down the hallway after exiting the elevator I noticed a man standing behind a wooden podium like a host does at a restaurant, this man was wearing red and white. He was to my left and saw me throw the weapon on the ground. In that moment I saw him stiffen and straighten up where he stood, his face had a look which at first glance seemed to me like he had witnessed this before and watched me with his eyes without physically moving his head or anything only his eyes followed me. - *(I think there was a window behind him) * - anyways he watched me run past, his expression now apprehensive as I ran by. I excited to a doorway on my right.
*there was more after and before this next part but it seemed to escape me right now.
Now I was in the lunchroom of my high school which I haven't been to since graduation in 2008, Gibbs High School in Saint Petersburg, FL. At first I was sitting next to Raj - *(the Indian character from the show "The Big Bang Theory") * - he was using a laptop at the lunch table with his Earbuds in from the computer. A few moments later I was looking through his eyes at the computer screen while I ignored random people passing behind saying cruel taunts and rude verbal jests, on the computer screen were his parents he was skyping them! (video chat) telling them about his day.
Then all of a sudden I was in a forest that had this abandoned car and the object was back except this time it was a book, and this time it turned out anyone who picked it up not only died and was dragged off as described earlier deep into the woods but the became what seemed like a zombie or apparition and carried the book to the books next victim as if the book possessed them for its own intentions. I witnessed this happen to a few more victims of the book, then I heard myself - *(my physical self who was asleep here) * - moaning not in a pleasurable way but more of a sound or ghostly howl that you may imagine a ghost makes, very hollow and chilling to the bone. I heard this in my dream and suddenly was terrified, for my life terrified. I then woke up but when I woke I was still moaning and loud - *(best way to describe is OOOooooooooooooooooooooooo....) * - until I fully came to (5-15+ seconds). I was frozen as if petrified for a moment then I ran to the other room and grabbed my sage, and upon heading to enter my room I felt my hair stand up on the back of my neck and arms and felt a presence, I proceeded to smudge myself then the room and told the bad spirits I felt to leave and that they were not welcome and can harbor here no longer!
By the way after smudging I felt better and clearer but I also wanted to note that I still felt a presence until I turned on the living room light to write all this down in my dream journal, but the presence didn't feel hostile it actually felt quite comforting and have me a sense of security, I did call upon Archangel Michael during my smudge and asked him to shield and protect me from any bad spirits and energy. But I have never had this sense before nor have I physically felt comforted by such a presence.
**Notes about recent events I feels may have some significance to this dream:
*Before bed I was standing in the bathroom staring in the mirror at the place on my forehead where I believe and feel my third eye is, with only the soft light of a candle nearby. I was practicing unfocusing my eyes to see my aura which I recently got a small glimpse of and this was my third time getting a glimpse. I saw a blue-white hue starting to glow and outline my head and shoulders. Now before I got to that point and was unfocusing my eyes my face changed for a moment into an old man and sort of a beastial looking. That has never happened before and I let my vision continue to unfocus without thinking much about it. Also I would like to note when I let my vision unfocus and started swaying back and forth slowly my body seemed to flicker in slow parts rather than smoothly go back and forth as it would usually in the mirror, It looked as if my body was trailing and then would skip from one part of the sway to the next even though I knew I was keeping a constant flow back and forth, I never experienced that before.
*I received a book from a friend last night titled "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield which I haven't started yet to read other than the description on the back cover.
*I am going to be learning primitive and earth skills off grid from a mentor who is family who has been living off grid for 25 years or so in the woods. I will be going early to mid April in a few weeks, I have known for a month or so after being offered this opportunity.
*I went on a journey of about 100 miles Southeast of where I currently am, longboarding and walking. I returned last Sunday March 9 at 3am and left Tuesday March 4.
*I have been going through a bunch of changed internally and spiritually, I have been learning the tools and applications offered by Jim Self @ MasteringAlchemy.com. The 8 part free tools for the shift and beyond, I just finished the seventh session yesterday early evening March 13, and have been practicing and applying these tools and applications every chance I can and can personally vouch that they work for me and have helped me so much from questions I have had and never could find answers to to managing my energy and grounding myself in who I am.
I hope you guys can help brainstorm and find out the message here or if it is one of those I must find out any help is appreciated as new perspectives outside my own cam help me widen my view on this more so than i already have to enable me to figure this out. I am grateful for any wisdom and knowledge especially regarding some of the things I experienced that I mentioned such as when I was ttying to see my aura, the presences, etc. The knowledge is all new to me and anything helps. Thanks to everyone in advance!
Peace, Love, & Light!
Crystopher StarShine
your scattered feeling is quite common "at first", and when we go within and foster our own Inner Authority (as we alone are our highest authority) you won't be confused and reaching out so much to others outside of yourself... being in nature is helping you help yourself in this sense, and connecting to Gaia as directly as you will be in the woods will bring you insight like never before, yay! can't wait to get updated upon your return....
btw - st petersburg & her close beaches are one of my fave places to visits :)
Thank you so much for your wisdom! ^_^
Greetings, hope all is well.
I just signed up to this site. Wow, thats pretty bold of one to share their dreams with just anybody. Or who knows what body.
Its nobodys business. In our dimension some of the same things can have very different menaings to different people. This often happens to the same person as well. Do you think the same as when you were younger or after you experienced a new thing. Hay Mann you going to go live with " The Legend Mick Dodge" ? Did you see the Chariot of a Ascention. Now thats a Merkaba. Good luck on your quest if your in northern ca say hi.
Meditation, yoga, exercise, eat healthy and have a goal.