Between my phone being terrible at everything, and my constantly forgetting my log in password I've been unable to
One: catch up on postings
Two: To respond to them as I would like to.
While I am in a state of remembering and connected to a reliable source.... Not that source, I mean an internet connection, I'd like to make a note on how much better, and less inactivity based this site has become.
While it's no less hope oriented I feel the new "management" really gets that after the change comes from within, being a being that is being present in the world we wish to live in requires of us a realistic approach to what it would really be like to live in that shift.
If you are truly stepping into your higher self then are you not be bringing more responsibilities onto your pallet?
I don't say this to dissuade anyone from furthering attainment of a higher state In fact, when we do take on the new responsibilites of self control and a more active roll in the revolution it makes us more optimistic as the changes we cause are that much more recognizable and empowering.
Its great to hear how someone is going to save us all and that the world is going to be saved by a highly evolved species of humanoids, I don't doubt the legitimacy of these claims, however these saviors are given names like Ashtar and titles like Arch Angel...
With built in proxies that allow them to promise change but not to act in a way that would initiate them.
The savior is You. The title is human.
Again this is not to dissuade anyone from pursuing growth towards their own heaven on earth.
Stepping into your power isn't a sudden granting of Wizard tier mystical qualities, it's more like stepping into the power of Freedom and this comes when we shed our old fears that ultimately lead to hopeful inactivity.
Grant yourself the freedom
to finally BE and recognize the world of Love abundant.
You're not here to go somewhere else... What on Earth would be the point of that?
This is your planet, your realm. Take pride in it. Take pride in the stupid mistakes you've made. Don't leave them behind, you seek a hero and a savior but a hero does not simply run away from their problems when a new option arises. That is the path of inaction. This is not suggest we dwell on the bad or give up on improvement. Contrary to that it means you have to be the most active role in this Revolution.
What ever it means to you, Do it.
Stop waiting for someone else to.
They do not exist. Only You know what heaven means to you.
But You have no adversaries, only other perspectives whose visions may differ. Ultimately. Heaven is a place where all are compassionate and understanding of one anothers differences. This means as you pursue and do what you need to to spread your Nirvana you take into consideration that you are incapable of giving someone else Their Nirvana.
If you came to me and suddenly gave me all of eternity, I would owe my eternity to you. That's mighty disempowering.
While yes, we all owe each other eternity, we can only obtain recognition of individual infinity By Our Selves. Your sovereign state of being isn't given to you. That negates the very idea of being sovereign. Freedom is yours already. The shift is now and always has been. Choose to be present in a body that is interacting with the physical world to make it what your Spirit recognizes as a closer step to Heaven on Earth. You're mighty and infinitely powerful, do not discredit yourself by making something outside of you your Saving Grace.
I tend to rant and run on like crazy... I'm gonna go ahead and not proof read this.
Much Love.
-Zac Keith
I had made a bunch of typos and strange wordings.... so I lied about not proof reading it. But hey... whatever.
Wooow! I love this post. Gotta share!
:-) :-)
Love NaGeeTah