Overcoming Trauma

BBoverco's picture

     My name is BBoverco.  I hope to encourage and inspire people who are trying to overcome some challenge in their lives.          In December of 1989 I was driving home for the Christmas break of my first year in college.  I fell asleep (something I would not recommend), went across the median to the highway, and was hit by a car traveling the other way.  I sustained a closed head injury (a.k.a. traumatic brain injury) because my head was shaken around so violently in the accident.

     Then, I lay in a coma for 14 weeks.  By the grace of God I woke up in late March 1990.  I stayed in Baylor Hospital for awhile, and, sometime in the spring of 1990,  was transferred to Baylor Rehab., where I began an extensive rehabilitation program.  And, believe you me, when I write extensive, that is exactly what I mean.  I had 2 sessions a day with a physical therapist, 2 with an occupational therapist (to reteach me to do everyday things like eating), 1 with a speech therapist, and 1 with a neuropsychologist.  I left Baylor Rehab. in August 1990.  Then, I lived at my parents' house and went to outpatient therapy           until the end of 1990.       

     During the fall of 1990 I started back to college at a local community college by taking 1 class.  I went to therapy in the mornings and class in the afternoons.  I added 1 class each semester, then I took 4 classes in the fall of 1991.  I felt ready to return to my first college and take 3 classes, so in the spring of 1992, that is exactly what I did.  I majored in Economics, in part, because I always wanted to be an attorney and I thought that major would be a good springboard.  I went to school year-round hoping to catch some law school's attention with the brevity of my time spent in college, all things considered.  I received a B.A. in Economics in December 1994 and went to law school for two years. 

     Today, I run a website called "Overcoming Challenges".  The subtitle to the site is "Don't Ever Give Up!!!".  The site has many articles that deal with various challenges in life.  Within each article users can find links to other websites, forums, and chat rooms that deal with the specific challenge of that article.  To access my website please go to the address bar and enter www.keepyourchinup.net. 

     My prayer is that this site can help some people.  As I write from personal experience, optimism goes a long way when confronting the beast known as head injury.  Being able to laugh during some of life's darkest hours can really help ease some of the burden.  As I look back at everything, one reality comes to mind.  The Good Lord knows what He is doing.  I may not.  I SURELY do NOT understand why He does what He does, but He knows AND understands.  That's really all that matters, isn't it?


To anyone trying to overcome any challenge in life, no matter how great nor how small, good luck and God Bless!!!                     




