~ Pleidian Alignement Begins Today~ New Earth Energies Arrive In Grander Ways

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, Today we begin a Unique Alignment which coincides with May's Eclipse Energies and Alignment! We are arriving at completion of energies which has been occuring for the past 6 Months. New Earth Eneergies have arrived. Its ALL New NOW.Being Present and Staying In the Moment is Key NOW. Love The Earth Allies

10 Reasons That You Are Fully Awake



Article from The Idealist -- "Isn't it obvious that there is a significant global awakening happening? Just as the Mayans predicted so many years ago, the apocalypse would become apparent in 2012. But many misinterpret the apocalypse to be the end of the world, when in fact it actually means an “un-covering, a revelation of something hidden.” 

As many continue to argue the accuracy of the Mayan calendar, it can no longer be argued that a great many people are finally becoming aware of what has been hidden from them for so long. Of course this awakening is not an overnight process. It takes time to peel away the many layers of lies to get to the core of the ultimate truths. It would be beyond pretentious for us to claim to know all of the secrets of the universe. We don't. 

Everyday we are humbled by what we don’t yet know. However, it is becoming clearer by the day what isn't true. And by that measure alone, it is possible to determine if you’re one of the people beginning to wake up.


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Oh, no, I saw the Dalai Lama in my meditation last night. And I KNOW that he is not my twin flame so I guess what I see means nothing.

Today I began deleting my old blogs, except for those with many comments and those with poetry. I plan to copy the poetry down, since it came spontaneously out of my memory and I still like it. The others, I will read the comments and then delete them.

I can see that I have grown and learned much, but apparently not enough yet.

Love, Astreia


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Higher self channeling: Being a light worker


You work hard trying to identify your old emotions, your old patterns, your old ego programed self, each time an event occur in your life it triggers other emotions and old attitudes, it takes you off balance…you are trying to live these emotions, to acknowledge them, transmute them…sometimes you don’t feel that you succeeded….and you feel yourself struggling to go back to your peace and calm state, to go back to your power to your higher frequency and vibration and sometimes you just want to stop everything and go back to source to escape the heaviness of the 3 dimension….. you think that you will escape these feelings and achieve peace by joining source….there is one thing that you need to understand once and for all. Source is in you, around you and within you. You agreed before you reincarnate that you will do what ever it takes to help in this lifetime, to be there, present to each and every emotion you experience and to live them, recognize them and release them, let them flow and go. You agreed that no matter how the task is difficult, you will continue because you know that without you nothing can be accomplished. Sometimes the emotions are so strong and hurting….

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Whoops! Study Accidentally Finds Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Far Worse


2012thebigpicture November 15, 2012


A team of researchers looking into why cancer cells are so resilient accidentally stumbled upon a far more important discovery. While conducting their research, the team discovered that chemotherapy actually heavily damages healthy cells and subsequently triggers them to release a protein that sustains and fuels tumor growth. Beyond that, it even makes the tumor highly resistant to future treatment.

Reporting their findings in the journal Nature Medicine, the scientists report that the findings were ‘completely unexpected’. Finding evidence of significant DNA damage when examining the effects of chemotherapy on tissue derived from men with prostate cancer, the writings are a big slap in the face to mainstream medical organizations who have been pushing chemotherapy as the only option to cancer patients for years.


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Ben Fulford Update Nov 15th ~ Cabalists Struggle in Vain; Global Awakening Will Not be Stopped


Benjamin Fulford, oil on canvas by Tiiu Rebane


November 15, 2011

Despite seeming bad news on several fronts last week, insiders assure us that plans for a new financial system are going ahead on all fronts. Instead of perpetual war and genocide on behalf of an inbred elite, the people of the planet are choosing to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and push for a new life-centered scientific and technical revolution.

Major assistance emerged as a 59-nation group claiming to represent the Red Dragon Society or Maiona, offered its support to the new system. The Red Dragon is headed by Admiral Heemi Hau, Paramount Chief of the NGAPUHI in New Zealand and links 59 countries plus 2700 tribes mostly in the South Pacific Region. They back their words with treaties with the British Empire going back to the 1700’s as well as older treaties going back to 804 CE [CE = "Common Era"].

This is yet another step in the unstoppable global awakening that will forever take control of the planet out of the hands of the gangsters who have been terrifying us for so long.


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A Layman’s Guide to Using Colloidal Silver


A Layman’s Guide to Using Colloidal Silver




By Ben Taylor



For those of you who are looking for an article packed with scientific jargon and molecular theory, "this ain’t it." This small body of information is intended to be nothing more or less than my own experience and my observations of the experience of others in the effective and ineffective use of colloidal silver. Silver producers claim their products are “silver bullets” and the opposing view claims that it is nothing but quackery and in essence nothing more than “silver busts”.

By far the most frequent questions we receive here at Utopia Silver concerning silver are, “Does silver really work?” and “How much silver must I use for it to be effective?” The first question is a moot point in any real world science; silver kills one-celled organisms (germs), period. Any opinion to the contrary is where the real quackery lies. It simply deserves no debate and that is where the carcass of silver being junk science or a ‘bust’ should remain. That opinion is simply the domain of those trying their damnedest to discredit silver in order to protect their own unsafe and more often than not ineffective ‘drugs’. All I can say to those greedy propagandists is, go ahead and ‘bust’ your head against the wall of truth and we’ll see where ‘scientific truth’ really lies.



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'What Is Wrong with Me?': Deepak Chopra on How to Overcome Negativity


Huffington Post Posted: 10/15/2012 1:18 pm EDT Updated: 11/14/2012 8:27 am EST

09527d7140df2586fb643e674a850ba41_85.jpg image

Deepak Chopra, co-founder of the Chopra Foundation and the author of God: A Story of Revelation, shows us how to bring lasting joy back into our lives.

Every day unwanted thoughts enter our minds: "What's wrong with me?" "I keep doing this to myself," "I'm stupid," "I'm all alone," "I never get a break" and "How will I ever get out of this?" Our minds are vulnerable to negative thoughts, causing us doubt, worry, anxiety -- and frequently, it's the same negative thoughts that return over and over.


To read the rest of the story view Huffington Post


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Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea



Green tea is a natural remedy and it is beneficial for pain and other medical problems. The history of green tea can be traced down since ages. People used to have green tea during the ancient times; it is still as valuable and good as in ancient times. Numerous wonders are hidden in this herbal drink.

During my research I found out many benefits of green tea which are completely different from black tea.

Image Source: Arabiaweddings


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The Universal Flow


a message from Sarah-Jane Grace


As we continue to awaken and stir, there is a powerful air of inspiration stirring deeply within that is calling each of us to step consciously into the Universal Flow in order to become Whole. Part of this process involves letting go of the resistance (something we all have on some level, for that is part of being human), and this takes courage, vision and strength, for it involves facing our Truth and facing our souls and letting go of the storylines and beliefs that have moulded, shaped and defined our lives.

Life experiences often create storylines and belief patterns, for this is our way of understanding the experience and making sense of what happened. Yet, all too often, such storylines can stifle and contain our true essence as we try to protect ourselves and avoid feeling that way again. Of course, not all storylines are negative in essence, but even positive ones can end up stifling, for they can dance and sway taking us away from being centred and feeling Whole; we can get lost in the dance and lose sight of the bigger picture and the journey home (to Self).


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Since the 11/11 everything has been a whirlwind of joy, discovery and a new profound sense of  Gratitude. This site has helped guide me and almost always someone has just posted some incredible insight that had just hit me or hit me soon after. Having that level of support has been wonderful and I AM wants to thank everyone here. About the only thing I haven't read today has been about accommodating this new expanding version of I AM although it does seem it will adjust pretty quick. I AM almost posted Why Wonder Woman is Bigger than Life-LOL. Today was one of those moments when suddenly the joy was so high I felt my skin would no longer hold the bliss within. A few long breaths helped ease the strain but I AM understands why we are 8 ft tall. It is hard to imagine putting all this in one fragile body. It has been a week of expansion, revelations, psychic messaging, knowing, bliss, new friends and more. Today, I AM so grateful to one and all here and for every experience that is happening along our road.



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As of This Week, 3rd Dimension Beings Aren't in Control


Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s 11/11/12 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: You create everything – including the 11/11 energy burst. You’ve even created the definitions and dates of your astrological signs. Now that you’re becoming more sophisticated, so are your astrological markers and all other phases of your life.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: ”You Can’t Fear AND Love Yourself”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.

Dear Ones,


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DECEMBER 21, 2012


December 21, 2012, is the day my son arrives to visit. He plans to be here till New Year's day, and then to go spend time with his friends from the college he graduated from.

Wow! If we ascend on December 21, who will he be visiting? Well, probably I will still be here to visit with him but I will be very different than he remembers me as being. I already am.

If I can persuade him, I will try to bring him online so you can see him. He is the one who taught me unconditional love, and I am the one who taught it to him.

I'd absolutely love it if a spacecraft might come to my patio while he is here...then I'd like to see how he maintains his ultra-rational views....

I recently realized that these messages we send actually get put on google!!! So I will be taking this message down soon.

Love, Astreia


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Heavenletter #4375 Multi-level World Called Earth



Multi-level World Called Earth

Heavenletter #4375 Published on: November 16, 2012


The word always is also a word signaling time. Never, also.Seldom. Once in a while. Occasionally. So many words and expressions that detail time. Language is rife with words for time that delegate it, define it, make it so. Time is a bugaboo. It is a distracter of that which really cannot be interrupted, and that is Our – if I may use the word – time together. And I will use another time word as I say:

There is never a time that We as One are not. Delineating time words such as past, present, future came into being. Notice the past tense, came into being. The tenses no longer have to stay. They can leave. There are languages that do not use verb tenses. The point is that because something was does not mean it has to be now.


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The Morning Blessing 11.16.12




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The REAL Yin Yang Twins


Excerts from YIN AND YANG at chineseculture.about.com



No disrespect to the musical group The Yin Yang Twins, I love thier music and comedy, however, there are some O-G's ( for you'll folks who don't know what a 

O-G is, its a older wiser person who is worth the attention is one interpetation; like Dr.Moe hehehee) who are and were THE YIN YANG TWINS.


In Chinese culture (The Ancient Egyptians were African and Chinese mixture, that is, the O-G's). YIN and YANG represent the two opposite principles of nature.  YIN characterizes the feminine or negative nature of things and YANG stands for masculine or positive side.  Yin and Yang are in pairs, such as the moon and the sun, female and male, dark and bright, cold and hot, ppassive and active, ect. But yin and yang are not static or two seperated things.  The nature of YINYANG  lies in interchange and interplay of the two components.  The alternation of day and night is such an example.


Here is a summary of the characteristics of YINYANG.  Yin and Yang are opposite in nature, but, they are part of nature, THEY RELY ON EACH OTHER, AND THEY CANNOT EXSIST WITHOUT EACH OTHER.  The balance of Yin and Yang is important. If Yin is stronger, yang is weaker, and vise versa.  Yin and Yang can interchange under certain conditions so they usually not yin and yang alone.  In other words, Yin can contain certain part of yang and yang can have some component of yin.  It is believed that YINYANG exsists in everything. 


Love Nageeta








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The Sun and Atomic Frequencies


Household observations related to solar activity. Also includes neck pain, vision, slow internet, light bulbs blowing, cell phone and computer malfunction etc.


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GFP Family Map and We have hit over 3 million views Yeehaw Way To Go Humanity



GFP Family Map

  • Site Counter: 3,008,033



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ABOUT CHEMTRAILS: dear light family, i would like to share with you a very good news from japan. i am in japan now. this morning sky was bright blue. then an airplane appeared on the sky. it was spilling its poisons with the chemtrail. i began praying and calling the help of air elementals and higher beings.. but than i just realized that they were already there at work. the blue sky was literally eating the chemtrail. it looked like an invisible giant blue creature was running after the trail and the airplane. the chem trail was may be half kilometer long and it was thick behind the airplane and it was disappearing continiously. Watching this gave me a lot of joy. the light is so strong.. looks like no any poison can attach there in the air. i pray for all poisons and darkness to turn into light. PEACE & LOVE to you all


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Lackland Air Force Base Sex Scandal Report Cites 'Abuse Of Power' Amid Petraeus, Allen Probe


By Molly O'Toole, Huffington Post, Posted: 11/14/2012 10:07 pm EST Updated: 11/15/2012 8:26 am EST

Lackland Scandal

A U.S. military shaken by the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus and the investigation of its top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen, announced Wednesday that one of the largest sex scandals in its history has widened, enveloping at least eight commanders and nearly 50 possible victims.

The Air Force released its report on the scandal at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, where members of the Air Force go through basic training. Investigations of at least 25 military training instructors have led to charges against 11, and have resulted in five convictions, from rape to inappropriate relationships with recruits. Two commanding officers have been removed, and Air Force Gen. Edward A. Rice Jr., commander of Air Education and Training Command, said at a press conference Wednesday that six more have received "disciplinary action."



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Ron Paul’s Farewell to Congress: “The Answers Are To Be Found In More Liberty



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DEEPLY AWAKE – THE LOST We are, each one of us, lost. Each of us disconnected, willingly and joyfully, we came here and donned the veil. We convinced ourselves that the veil making everything we touch, sense, taste, see was wrapped around us in a permanently maddening way, and that the only way to find any peace was to venture without, amid the folds of that veil, and out there find peace, find some salvation out there. In a smile. In a home. In a pet. In work. In child rearing. In study. At church. At the office. At the bar. At the farmacy. Anywhere. The veil is out there, and good is out there too, So it went. We took it on, this veil. I think, though, that as the veil has lifted, as the curtains come tumbling down in my life now, I see myself primly lifting my bent fingers to my head, and there is my burka. Buttoned to it is my veil. My hands, knowing a truth I do not posses, nimbly unbutton this veil from my headscarf. Long ago, I, myself, put this veil on my head. I walked for five decades cursing the darkness and hating those who pressed up too hard against this veil, smothering me, unaware of the horror my face was expressing, knowing only their own blindness, their own darkness. I was given gifts this morning, and while unwrapping them, up my mother's face came. My mom. My impenetrable wall. My greatest koan. The one whose role it was to soften the blows life was to deal me, constantly in the corner, frowning in a detached way, looking out the window, smoking and wishing she was anywhere else. I remember little kindness from her. I remember judgment. I remember never being good enough, tame enough, happy enough, girlie enough, never enough. No one and nothing gave her peace, although she tried it all. Such exquisite love I had for her, never expressed, always rebuffed. I saw her pain every single day, the pain she punished me for recognizing, the pain to which she could not admit, only submit.

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Summon Your Aliveness – Being Fully Present



Summon Your Aliveness – Being Fully Present – 15November2012



Being Fully Present

by Madisyn Taylor


When we live fully in the moment there is an aliveness that comes easily.

When we are fully present, we offer our whole selves to whatever it is that we are doing. Our attention, our integrity, and our energy are all focused in the moment and on the task at hand. This is a powerful experience, and when we are in this state, we feel completely alive and invigorated. This kind of aliveness comes easily when we are absorbed in work or play that we love, but it is available to us in every moment, and we can learn to summon it regardless of what we are doing. Even tasks or jobs we don’t enjoy can become infused with the light of being present. The more present we are, the more meaningful our entire lives become.

Next time you find yourself fully engaged in the moment, whether you are making art, trying to solve an interesting puzzle, or talking to your best friend, you may want to take a moment to notice how you feel. You may observe that you are not thinking about what you need to do next, your body feels like it’s pleasantly humming, or your brain feels tingly. As you enjoy the feeling of being located entirely in the present moment, you can inform yourself that you may try to recall this feeling later. You might try this while driving home or getting ready for bed, allowing yourself to be just as engaged in that experience as you were in the earlier one.

The more we draw ourselves into the present moment, the more we honor the gift of our lives, and the more we honor the people around us. When we are fully present, we give and receive aliveness in equal measure. For today, try to be fully present in your daily activities and watch a new reality open for you.


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Good News: Veterans and Sandy


Source: Exopermaculture, 11/15/12

Veterans volunteer for Sandy relief effort in the Rockaways. Credit CBS 2

I’ve long sensed that what we humans need more than anything else is to feel useful. No matter how old or crippled or impoverished, when we feel ourselves to be of service to others, the world opens. Abundance flows from the opened heart like flowers.

November 14, 2012



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UFO over Mexico, Ciudad, Tijuna related to Solar Eclipse and Mayan Prophecy?



UFO over Mexico, Ciudad, Tijuna related to Solar Eclipse and Mayan Prophecy? – Nov 13, 2012


UFO Mexico 150x150 UFO over Mexico, Ciudad, Tijuna related to Solar Eclipse and Mayan Prophecy? – Nov 13, 2012


A bright UFO was recorded over Mexico, Ciudad Tijuna on November 13, 2012, amazingly, this day there was a total solar eclipse.

Mexico is known for its many UFO sighting, especially the many sighting in the area of the volcano, Mount Popocatepetl.

It reminds us the total solar eclipse occurred on July 11, 1991.

In 755 AD, Mayan Priests prophesied that the total solar eclipse of July 11, 1991 would herald two life altering events for humankind – Cosmic Awareness and Earth Changes. Shortly after 1:00 PM, on July 11, 1991, the prophecy seemingly began to unfold.


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UFOs - Rational Explanation Wanted - CNN Raw Footage from the TV [Serious Responses only Please]



Pubblicato in data 15/nov/2012 da Suspicious0bservers

All this footage is of CNN at the beginning of the 11:00am EST news hour with Ashley Banfield.

Serious responses only please, this is CNN footage not some chum faking lens flares and post editing.

...I get one freakin day off and they drop this on me.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Peace



Be at peace

Find that place within yourself where you are loving, kind, balanced and accepting, for that is how you find your peace. Sometimes you can't change the things around you, you can only release your resistance to it and that is how you find your peace. When you give up the resistance, it allows you to be in the flow and that frees up your energy to help you find your peace.

To create peace on your world, you must find peace within yourself and then act as guided to change your world for the benefit of all. Let your inner wisdom and inner self help to guide you and light your way. When you come from this space, you offer the world a fresh new perspective from which to see.

Find within you the energy of balance, truth and trust and you are in harmony with your world, you will find peace in your heart, your mind, your body and your soul.

Affirmation:"I am at peace. I can always choose to be at peace with myself, my life and my world."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels


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Patricia Diane Cota-Robles ~ What Is The Violet Flame and How Can It Help You? ~ 15November2012



Have you heard about the Violet Flame? This is a frequency of energy, vibration, and consciousness that is flowing into the mental and emotional strata of Earth through the all-encompassing Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God. This Gift of Sacred Fire is flowing in, through, and around every particle of Life on Earth and it has the amazing ability to transmute into Light the negativity that is being pushed to the surface in our individual lives and in the lives of people who are suffering all over the world.


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Three M-flares and eleven C-flares shook the Earth's magnetic field!


Thanks to Bill Ballard and
Andromeda Melchizedek Created on 13 November 2012

Dear Fellow travelers on Mother Earth

what we here in the last 24 hours since 20 yesterday evening were witness to this day against 20 clock has everything put in the shade, there was to see in the last few months and these antics of the sun were by Joe Boehe in his outlook been in terms of solar activity also told so ahead. LINK: # 285 "The sun Dates for November 2012"

and in the passage: "As I said, the sun is behaving in November is very chaotic and bombard the Earth with energy. There are no set days. That has turned out. "

On the right picture, this is very good to see! LINK:



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Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ First Things First ~ 15 November 2012



There is an order to chaos that reveals itself.  Chaos is merely a space of change that is available to subtle manipulation.  It is a dissonance that is still harmonizing and synchronizing.  They are two distinct characteristics though not the only characteristics of creation.  Harmony is the agreement of space: you uniquely occupy space within a collective.  Synchronicity is the agreement of time: space yields to shape within the guidelines of time.  Time’s linear nature and time’s pace is a response to your ability to create within chaos, or to harmonize and synchronize within chaos.


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Wes Annac – Unparalleled Joy – 15 November 2012



Wes Annac – Unparalleled Joy – 15 November 2012

Photo: “Keep my head in the clouds and my feet on the ground

More and more lately, I’ve wanted to express and gift the Light that I’m feeling within in any way I possibly can. Half of the time I write, I won’t even know what I’m going to write about as I start up and simply allow the writing to go where it will, because I don’t write to shell-out words and sentences; I write to express how I’m feeling in any given moment of writing and when I feel the want to spread the Light I’m feeling within, writing is a great tool and is utilized appreciatively!


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Robert Perala- Interviews David Icke on "The Truth of Vibration" Part 4


http://www.robertperala.com/ Robert Perala Interviews David Icke on, "The Truth Vibration" Part 4


thanks Lydia


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History of Ireland - Q's


hello all,


I just finished reading the latest channeling from Montague Keen, and in it he discusses the Irish and their history. I've read bits and pieces about the Irish before, and how important of a role they play, however I'm not entirely sure what that role is.


Does anyone have any articles/sites they could suggest where I can find out more about this. I am curious as my grandmother's maiden name is an Irish one.







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True Prosperity: Becoming an Employee of the Universe


Source: The Healers Journal - 11/15/12

Colin Bondi, Contributing Writer | Waking Times

I love the word prosperity. Prosperity represents a fulfilling life encompassing not only material wealth but happiness and genuine fulfillment. I think of it as a state where abundance is free to flow uninhibited through all areas of one’s life. I think you could say most people long to live in such a state but few people actually do. What is it that obstructs living in a sustained state of true prosperity? True prosperity being grounded in abundance and growth oriented experiences. True prosperity is not achieved by cheating people, doing work that makes you miserable or defining prosperity solely by material wealth. There are plenty of wealthy people who are miserable and I would not call them prosperous because key parts of their lives are unfulfilled if not a source of serious pain. I set out to discover true prosperity for myself nearly 7 years ago and it’s been a painful, wild but enlightening journey.


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Omega-3 fatty acid intake improves your memory – 15November2012


By: PF Louis The Golden Age Daily, November 15, 2012


(NaturalNews) A University of Pittsburgh research team recently published results in the journal PLOSOne regarding omega-3′s ability to improve memory.

A major difference from other memory studies was their subjects were young, 18 to 25, non-smoking men and women from all walks of life with no evidence or background of mental issues or drug use.

The research team checked every way possible to ensure the 13 selected subjects were squeaky clean. Then they were tested for working memory instead of long-term memory before the trial. After the six-month trial of daily omega-3 fatty acids, they were tested for working memory again.

To ensure the daily intake omega-3 was adhered to along with the restriction of no more than two alcoholic drinks daily, the subjects were often physically tested. After the six months, they all showed significant improvement with their working memories.


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TV viewers in sharp decline as more people awaken to the idiocy of television programming


Source: Natural News - 11/15/12, J.D. Heyes



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I don’t know about you, but I sure as heck don’t need anyone to tell me it’s OK to know that the ships flying over my house at night are not air balloons!!!

Who needs ‘permission’?? 

‘Disclosure’ – it’s already happening!!  Do the millions of us around the world who have seen star craft in the sky, who receive direct communications that have touched our hearts and minds – do any of us – at this stage of the game – need confirmation of our experience?

I don’t think so. 


Governments of countries like Mexico, Brazil, China, India, Russia, Canada, England and Wales (among others) have released their so-called secret files on ‘UFOs’. 

We all know there is much more where that came from;  but at least places like India, China, Mexico and Chile are in a more open dialogue with their citizens, and the subject of ‘ETs’ is on the daily news.


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This Just In:


Reported today on the radio that early this afternoon a bright flash of light was witnessed over the city of Toronto.  This is all I've been able to discover so far:




If anyone finds anything else, please post. 


I will be checking up on this amazing UFO 'live map' tracking site I just discovered:






Love, Andromeda




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Suzanne Lie: Comments on the Nature of Reality ~ Or Will the Real Reality Please Step Forward







I am having difficulty aligning my 3D self with my Multidimensional SELF. I know my 3D self is the lowest frequency of my Multidimensional SELF, but it is constantly “falling out of alignment.” The pace and structure of the 3D world is becoming increasingly burdensome and even foreign.

As my Core Self (the one I identify as me) is moving up the dimensional scale, I am finding it more and more difficult to deal with 3D issues. Going to the store, paying bills, running errands takes so much energy.

On the other hand, meditation is not a thing I do, but a state of conscious operation within this ever-changing reality. Many people have left my sphere of awareness. I know they still exist somewhere and sometime, but they are no longer members of my world.


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Winter Rescue, All-Natural Remedy Kit – 15November2012



By Stephanie Barroilhet The Golden Age Daily


Now that winter and the holiday season are almost here you should make sure you have the following remedies on hand to prevent, beat, or reduce the length of cold and flu.  With increased stress levels due to the hectic holiday schedule your immune system may be lowered making you more susceptible to colds and flu.


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Kitten Taken in by Baboon at Israeli Zoo


By Kevin Dolak abc News Nov 8, 2012 4:16pm

ht baboon adopts kitten mi 121108 wblog Kitten Taken in by Baboon at Israeli Zoo

At a petting zoo in Israel, a baboon has adopted a tiny kitten who recently strayed into its cage and then refused to leave.

The baboon now cares for the kitten, rarely letting the feline out of her sight. Footage shot at the zoo shows that the baboon even checks the kitty for fleas, according to The Associated Press.


To view the complete story visit abc News


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These Skyscrapers Are Designed To Make You Happy If You Work In Them


Written by: Hao Ko Fastcoexist

Just because a new building has super-clean and energy-efficient guts doesn’t mean it’s pleasant to work in. Trying to make buildings a pleasant environment for the people inside them makes them more sustainable, too.

For about a decade the words “sustainable” and “skyscraper” have been conjoined in American architecture. And we’ve actually been building them, not just talking about them.

To read the rest of the story visit Fastcoexist


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Oracle Report - Friday, November 16, 2012



Friday, November 16, 2012


Crescent Moon Phase - Moon in Capricorn

Today's energy goes very, very deep.  The Moon in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) will conjunct Pluto (which rules Scorpio) and this will amplify the Saturn in Scorpio energy - which is all about going deeply into ourselves to bring back wisdom.  We will need to take a careful look at things today. All of us would agree that this is one hell of a Mercury retrograde we are under.  It's frustrating and I am struggling to fully express what's happening.  I understand it, but I cannot relate it all.  This is due primarily not to Mercury retrograde, but its part in the energy of the New Moon (the Activation Point).  We are tempted to make rash decisions and act impulsively.  We aren't thinking as clearly as we will by the time Mercury stations direct and the Full Moon phase enters.  Peel away the emotions and also your logical mind.  Neither are reliable today.  Insight is what is needed and this is accomplished when we suspend emotion and thought and just observe.  Insight (inner sight) is the outcome of communication with Sophia.  It's what we gain when we tune in to the natural world and see/hear what she is saying to us.  Step back, watch, and come back into balance.  Insight is a vision quest.  So quest on and stay watchful of what is being shown to you.

Note for astrologers: Sometimes I hold back on writing certain things, even when I know I shouldn't.  Earlier this week, when outlining the story of this New Moon's energy (with the astrological aspects and Sabian symbols), I knew that the ruling powers in Israel would strike.  This was evident by the position of Venus and the energy associated with that degree, but also because Venus and Eris were in opposition within a three degree orb.  All astrologers out there should remember that anytime Venus is located at 21-22 Aries/Libra (the Eris point), the Illuminati will always use that energy to empower their actions.  This needs to be known (brought into the light).  The Eris/Isis/Lilith/Ereshkigal energy is an intense object of love for some groups of the Illuminati, and intense object of hate for others, and both for some.  Regardless, they know the power of the feminine that is contained with it.  All of this, in combination with the other war-like aspects of the New Moon chart, make it a perfect strike empowered with magic.  It's their Activation Point, too.


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~Space Weather Update~ CHANCE OF FLARES, Rare RED AURORAS


CHANCE OF FLARES: NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-class solar flares and a 5% chance of X-flares today. The most likely sources would be sunspots AR1610 and AR1614, which have unstable 'beta-gamma' magnetic fields. Eruptions from AR1614 would likely be Earth-directed. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


RED AURORAS: Auroras are usually green, and sometimes purple, but seldom do sky watchers see much red. The geomagnetic storm of Nov. 13/14 was different. It produced auroras with a distinctly rosy hue. David E. Cartier, Sr. photographed the phenomenon near Marsh Lake, about 40 km east of Whitehorse in Canada's Yukon Territory:


"I was amazed by the deep scarlet color, which was immediately recognizable to the unaided eye," says Cartier. Similar splashes of candy-cane red were spotted over Wisconsin and Michigan.


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Set Me Free—The Secret World...Inside of You!


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~A Dream~The Eagle



-------The Eagle-----

I was sitting in a room in my house, staring outside from the window. Suddenly I saw a staircase stood in my backyard. It was so long from the bottom reaching up into the sky. Near the sky an eagle was sitting on the last step of the ladder.

The eagle was very beautiful and I could not stop myself from falling in love with it at first sight. I madly, passionately wanted to get this eagle.

This desire pushed me to take immediate action on a sudden impulse. Instantly I had the urge to go out and start climbing the ladder, and I did so quickly. I had nothing in my mind but wanting to get this eagle, as it seemed the sole purpose of my life at the time. My eyes were continuously on him as I was impatiently trying to reach him.


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Diving Deep in the Sea of Energy: Active Participation Required!




What an intense day in the field yesterday!  Holy flipping cow batman.  Altho, by first blush, you can saying nothing really exciting was shown in the field today, but I think today’s theme really is “Less is More!!”

I knew we underwent another massive shift while I took that little ole day off (the 14th) because staying centered in a reading was putting a serious strain on my “battery pack.”  These moments only happen as I try to adjust my own vibrational field to the new field.  Talk about a serious gym work out!!




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SophiaLove - The choice



The choice




You come with all your parts in order and with every potential realized.  You only have to awaken to this truth.  There is nothing you cannot experience if that is your wish.  You are Gods.  Creator beings experiencing the results of your thought while forgetting it was you who thought them there in the first place.

You’ve woken up.  With an open heart look beyond what yesterdays dream has shown you, and dream tomorrow.  It has no choice but to be realized in the Now.  This is how it works.  This moment in time has amplified everything.  Use it to your advantage and step into the world you’ve longed to inhabit.


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How old did they say civilization is????












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Cobra Update~ Important Eleventh Gate Activation Update


The time for eleventh gate activation is fast approaching. The response to my call to be a part of this has not yet been as we have hoped. The eleventh gate is the completion point for the duality-based reality and thus a very important planetary activation so I would ask as many people as possible to participate.

The Youtube video for this activation is here:


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Divine Magic Extra magical energy surrounds you now



Friday, November 16, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Divine Magic

Extra magical energy surrounds you now


Expect miracles. When your focus is on all the wonder and joy that comes with creating miracles, you are so much more in the energy of creating. Tap into the energy around you that is freely available to help you create on your plane. Close your eyes for a moment and ask your angels to help you feel the energy of magic, ask for them to help you be surrounded in this energy and that you can use it to help you create your dreams and desires. Remember this energy and infuse all of your tasks with it, regardless what the task is and trust that it is so.
Use positive affirmations to help you create and keep your focus. Carry them with you and whenever you are waiting in line, or have a few minutes to remind yourself of what your intentions are. This helps keep you positive and moving forward. If ever your confidence waivers, ask your angels to help buoy your faith and use your affirmations to transform your thoughts.

Jonas Cain – What Would Happen To The World? – 16 November 2012



Jonas Cain – What Would Happen To The World? – 16 November 2012

Harry Chapin routinely performed charity concerts, giving his money away to rebuild this place or that; feeding the hungry here and the hungry there. But Harry’s social causes at times caused friction among his band members. He donated a third of his paid concerts to charity, often performing alone with his guitar to reduce costs.
After Harry’s death, his wife Sandy said, “Harry was supporting 17 relatives, 14 associations, seven foundations and 82 charities. Harry wasn’t interested in saving money. He always said, ‘Money is for people,’ so he gave it away.” Despite his success as a musician, he left little money and it was difficult to maintain the causes for which he raised more than $3 million in the last six years of his life. The Harry Chapin Foundation was the result, which works to support organizations that have demonstrated their ability to dramatically improve the lives and livelihood of people by helping them to become self-sufficient.. As of September of 2012 the Foundation has distributed over 1.7 million dollars to 413 organizations.


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I am Glad I Found this Site


Submitted by Mandy (unregistered) on Fri, 11/16/2012 - 08:02.

I have predicted many events that would happen for 2012. Prior to Hurricane Sandy I told others that I sensed ET's were going to trigger an event in the Atlantic that would hit the northeastern coast of US.  I also saw a vision of Lady Liberty (the statue) turning into the statue of Christ holding her torch of freedom and wearing her crown (Lady Liberty representing our freedoms as determined by Man and Christ representing freedom gained by following him). My guides kept pointing to the book of Galatians which speaks of why Christ died, to show us how to transcend human law to serve spirit). The main message was that now is the time to understand collective consciousness and manifestation. How we have through collective mindsets unlovingly caused harm to others, ourselves and the earth. Part of the problem is what we 'serve', according to these beings. They are awaiting us to make a "choice" of what we 'serve'. We are asked to examine everything closely, our materialism, what we want and buy and why, the laws we follow, industries and systems we partake in, corporation we buy from as well as the 'fruits' created from our lifestyles and thoughtforms and how this all reflects what we serve (man, governments, things that keep us unfree and children to abusive powers, forced to be dependent on abusive power sources etc).

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Mooji – Giving Birth To Yourself – 16 November 2012


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Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa 16~November~2012 Great Upturn on the Light



 Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~From Our Understanding right now, Sedona will not become the first city of Light. This may have been the original Plan but has been changed due to a high amount of spiritual egos who have landed in this Space. All Our Love The Earth Allies


We notice a great upturn in the amount of Light upon the Earth, and that is to your credit and dedication to have brought so much to it. To some the energies are proving to be too powerful and disorientating. However, as they learn what is actually taking place, they may be able to flow with the energies and experience a higher degree of consciousness. They may otherwise experience feelings of impending change, without being able to determine what is happening. Whatever happens to them be assured that like everyone else, they will take something positive away with them. As we have often stated, every experience is of value to you where your evolution is concerned.




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Bella Capozzi ~ The Pleiadian Archangelic Realm ~ “The Acension Is Not An Exclusive Club


 ~ 16 November 2012


Ascension is happening.  It is happening everywhere you look, everywhere you go.  You have need only to open up your hearts and your eyes to know that this is true.  Be of a mind to see, but see with your true inner vision rather than with the limited perception you have relied upon in the past.  When we say “see”, what we really mean is for you to feelIntuit.  Latch onto that initial first “hit” of information which comes to you and do not let it go.  Hold onto it and mull it over for a time.  Even if at first what you are sensing or hearing seems inapplicable to the current situation in which you find yourself, resist the old, conditioned impulse to disregard your guidance right away. 


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Dolphin Collective ~~ Every heart is tuned differently and will be activated in these times on its own most appropriate energy



 by Méline Lafont on 16/11/2012


November 16, 2012




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Manuscript of Survival update



I’ll be “offline” for a few days


 •November 16, 2012 • 



Dear friends! I just wanted you to know that I will be going away for a few days. I will not be able to post anything (or untangle any comments getting stuck in the spam-filter) until I get back home again. I wish you all a wonderful and creative weekend!

Love and light, Aisha


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The next generation: Vietnamese orphan adopted by U.S. airman made a career in the Navy


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New York Subway Repairs Border ‘on the Edge of Magic’


By MATT FLEGENHEIMER The New York Times Published: November 8, 2012

Inside a sprawling Manhattan command center, a board that detects subway activity by sensor had gone quiet. No trains were running; the Metropolitan Transportation Authority had shut the system down as Hurricane Sandy approached.

Suddenly, the screens inexplicably crackled to life.


To read the rest of the story visit The New York Times



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Latest Earthquake Activity - November 16, 2012


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the quake near the east coast of Honshu, Japan

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


November 16



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Pubblicato in data 16/nov/2012 da paradoxman316

Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, has been using the term: Fiscal Cliff. It is where the worldwide Ponzi scheme run by international bankers will meet its doom. It's going over the cliff. There's no stopping it. It does not mean there will be no more money; it means the system of monetary distribution, as we have known it, has run out of gas. This is a very good thing. Perhaps now we will be able to have honest people with hearts in the right place taking leadership positions and redirecting the economic policies of the planet. That will bring on the New Renaissance I have mentioned previously...and it's not a question of IF, only a matter of when.



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3MIN News November 16, 2012



Pubblicato in data 16/nov/2012 da Suspicious0bservers


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Hero Dog Awards: Host Kristin Chenoweth happily goes to the dogs


By Jacqueline Cutler Zaptoit November 8, 2012 2:00 PM ET


This awards show has the usual -- red carpet, stars and a glamorous Beverly Hills setting. But it's also one of the few where people know who won before it airs, and no one bothers whispering that some honorees are bitches.
Hallmark Channel's American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards, airing Thursday, Nov. 8, were held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel Oct. 6, with Kristin Chenoweth hosting.
To view the rest of the story visit Zap To It


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Inter-Galactic connections with Gaia approaching full empowerment



Inter-Galactic connections with Gaia approaching full empowerment



Inter-Galactic connections with Gaia approaching full empowerment. Hands across the Cosmos embrace Gaia planetary awakening to Galactic family portraits.

Streaming coordinated Higher Dimensional beam of Light emanates from newly activated portals and projects out from current pole locations to all Universal Galactic Contacts.

Empowerment of Gaia-Galactic interface follows the 11-22-12 window of opportunity.

All those required for service have been contacted and relevant missions communicated.


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Volcanic activity world-wide 16 November 2012


Source: Volcano Discovery - 11/16/12, By T

Ruapehu volcano


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Dolphin Collective ~~ Every heart is tuned differently and will be activated in these times on its own most appropriate energy ~~



Dolphin Collective ~~ Every heart is tuned differently and will be activated in these times on its own most appropriate energy ~~ by Méline Lafont on 16/11/2012




Our lovely Ones, how marvellous it is to again have the opportunity to communicate with you in these most wonderful times! Are you also feeling this intense Love? What staggering shifts have come to pass during this eclipse of the sun, shifts of a most unusual nature, wouldn’t you agree? 

Up until now, these past days between the portal of 11:11 and the solar eclipse on 13:11 have been the most important days by far for all of you. Many of you have experienced personal and collective processes, others not yet. However, for those who haven’t felt a thing in those days, we can reassure you by stating that each of you has his/her own time and portal to make the shift. Every heart is tuned differently and will be activated in these times on its own most appropriate energy. So there’s no need to worry, this month grants you an incredible amount of chances and energies to allow you to make the shift “to the bone”, so to speak.


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Leonid meteors peak before dawn Saturday, November 17


Source: EarthSky - 11/16/12


Tonight for November 16, 2012

Moon Phase Courtesy U.S. Naval Observatory

Our featured chart (top of post) shows the radiant point for the Leonid meteor shower, near the star Algieba in the constellation Leo the Lion. The 2012 Leonid meteor shower is expected to present the greatest number of meteors before dawn on Saturday, November 17. So tonight is your best time to watch! What’s more, Sunday, November 18 may offer a decent sprinkling of meteors as well. If you have a dark sky – far from city lights – you might see as many as 10 to 15 meteors per hour.


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Hubble May Have Spotted Most Distant Galaxy Ever


Wired.com - Adam Mann, 11/15/12

Scientists may have glimpsed the most distant galaxy ever seen. The galaxy, known as MACS0647-JD, appeared as a tiny dot behind an enormous galactic cluster that lies between the Big and Little Dipper.

Scientists combined data from the Hubble space telescope with NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope to make the discovery. MACS0647-JD would have existed about 13.3 billion years ago, or roughly 420 million years after the Big Bang. This would place it around 200 million years earlier than previous candidates for most distance object ever spotted.

To read the rest of this story, visit Wired.com.


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Spiritual Metaphysics Defined


Spiritual Metaphysics


by Owen Waters

While physics is the study of physical reality, metaphysics includes that which is beyond the physical, but not necessarily the spiritual. Spiritual metaphysicstakes an entirely different orientation. Spiritual metaphysics sees an ultimate, metaphysical source of all creation as the basis of reality.

This one spiritual source is known by various terms, including The Absolute, Infinite Being, or The All That Is. The term Infinite Being encapsulates the idea of infinite consciousness, beyond which nothing else can exist.


Freedom of the Spirit


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Indonesia’s Mt. Rokatenda spews ash, hundreds evacuated


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 11/16/12

November 16, 2012 – INDONESIA – Mount Rokatenda in Sikka regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), continues to spout volcanic ash. Residents living around the volcano have reportedly been evacuated to the shelter at Hewuli village administrative office in Alok Barat district. The Sikka Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) reports that 196 residents living around Mount Rokatenda had fled to Maumere city. The ash cloud from Mount Rokatenda has affected water kept in tanks on the roofs of houses around the volcano. Residents have collected rain water to offset the impact of an eruption.



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6.0 magnitude earthquake shakes southern Mexico


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 11/16/12

November 16, 2012 – MEXICO – A powerful 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck southern Mexico early Thursday, according to the US Geological Survey. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage from the earthquake, which struck at 3:20 am (0920 GMT) some 31 kilometers (19 miles) east of the town of Altamirano, in the southern Guerrero state.


The epicenter of the earthquake was at a depth of 61 km according to the USGS. The earthquake came a little over a week after a 7.4-magnitude temblor in neighboring Guatemala killed 48 people and injured another 150, making it the country’s most violent earthquake since 1976. Today’s earthquake is the seventh 6.0+ magnitude earthquake to rattle the planet in seven days. –The Nation


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New Zealand volcano on verge of eruption: volcanologists


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 11/16/12


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Heart Song for November 16th 2012


The Heart Song for November 16th 2012 is WAR by Edwin Starr




















































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Timothy Geithner's Handling Of Libor Scandal Draws Criticism From Senators Mark Kirk And Charles Grassley


As seen on Huffington Post By Douwe Miedema Reuters  |  Posted: 11/14/2012 7:15 pm EST Updated: 11/15/2012 8:37 am EST

Timothy Geithner Libor

LONDON, Nov 14 (Reuters) - Two Republican senators said on Wednesday they would block the confirmation of the head of a new U.S. regulatory office because they are unhappy about the way Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has handled the Libor rate-rigging scandal.

Republican Senators Charles Grassley and Mark Kirk said they would hold up a vote to confirm Richard Berner, a former Morgan Stanley economist who was appointed by President Barack Obama late last year to head the Office of Financial Research.


To read the rest of this posting see Huffington Post


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~Atlantis and Lemuria~ And Humanity's Inevitable Awakening~


~Galactic Love Reporter Ashvatha Tree~



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Wayne W. Dyer ~ Live in a Universe That Loves You ~ 16November2012




One of the most important decisions you’ll ever make is choosing the kind of universe you exist in: is it helpful and supportive or hostile and unsupportive? Your answer to this question will make all the difference in terms of how you live your life and what kind of Divine assistance you attract.


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Mindful Synchronicities


            Design Consciousness  




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Lisa Gawlas ~ Divine Deep In The Sea Of Energy: Active Participation Required! ~ 16 November 2012


What an intense day in the field yesterday!  Holy flipping cow batman.  Altho, by first blush, you can saying nothing really exciting was shown in the field today, but I think today’s theme really is “Less is More!!”

I knew we underwent another massive shift while I took that little ole day off (the 14th) because staying centered in a reading was putting a serious strain on my “battery pack.”  These moments only happen as I try to adjust my own vibrational field to the new field.  Talk about a serious gym work out!!

By my 4th reading yesterday, I could hear my antenna crackle and pop as I just started falling part and the need to go to sleep was overwhelming.  I went down for a 4 and a half hour power nap and awoke with a clarity I have never received before.  It was a feeling of having spent my sleep time completely on the other side of the veil and they pushed me back with knowing,  so I had written a lot of this sharing last evening.  I don’t dare take the chance of forgetting any of it while I await for morning!


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The Pleiadian Alignment of November 16~20, 2012. ~ The Seven Sisters Speak.


By GLR~Irma Kaye Sawyer

The Pleiades Star Cluster in the constellation of Taurus. Called “The Seven Sisters,” there are nine stars included in the open star cluster, as they are joined by their parents, Atlas and Pleione. One of the nearest clusters to Earth, it is 440 light years away, give or take. Some millennia ago, an advanced civilization from the Pleiades star cluster introduced their genetics on planet Earth. They observed the evolution of the species, experimenting with ways to further spiritual development. Atlantis, the ancient Egyptian and Greek civilizations were all Pleiadean projects. Their programmed “energy signature” was encoded and imprinted on DNA, the way fingerprints are left behind when you touch something. This energy signature responds to its own origins, like a radio tuned for one station.


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Visionkeeper ~ The Charade ~ 16 November 2012



The art form of mass distraction continues unabated in Washington right now. It is of the utmost importance that we turn off our TV sets and not get swept up in the drama taking place. It is meant for nothing more than to capture your attention and make you desire to want to learn more about the drama rather than thinking about the important things we should be thinking about right now!

I try to envision our administration like the characters in the picture to the left. A bunch of comical fools who haven’t got a clue what life is about. They know what THEIR life is about and what THEY want from it and that is the extent of it. They are a wonderful example for all of us of who and what we do NOT want to be! Our very leaders sadly epitomize everything that is wrong with the world. How ironic. I thought our leaders were people we were meant to look up to and respect. Now they have become tragic examples of what not to be and I surely hope we are being vigilant in explaining to our children why they should not do as they are doing! They are not role models!


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Remind Me Again, Why did I Incarnate to this Sh*thole?



Remind Me Again, Why did I Incarnate to this Sh*thole? | in5d.com                                                                                 by Gregg Prescott, M.S.


Did you ever wonder why you decided to incarnate to these lower vibrations of the third density?

When we were back on the other side with Source, life seemed so easy.  We had the answers to all universal questions and lived in the complete vibration of love.  There was no dissension, hatred, ego, or financial concerns, just love.


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~ merging ~


Brightest Blessings Be to You!


There are so many moments that happen to us that go “unrealized” … and what we have come to realize …there are NO moments that are NOT realized ~ in other words, there are NO Wasted Moments!


What is it we have all learned?  or opened WITHIN Us … that once ~ stored deep in the myriad of the Soul … now Shines so Brightly!


Each and Every Soul here … there … took their OWN Path ~ their OWN Journey of Discovery to arrive Here and Now ~ and What do you KNOW NOW?  I could answer for myself … I could tell you my stories … and YES … some might resonate with you and some of your own tales of “arriving” … albeit, each of us, has a UNIQUEness ~ a CHORD of LIGHT … UNLIKE any other ~ that no matter how “alike” we might travel our Journeys ~ we each have unparalleled differences ~ that have cumulatively arrived at the same POINT of Awareness! 



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