~ Preparing for Igniting Energies Released~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, Since we began January We shared it would be a Huge Energetic Month for Incredible Movement. In fact, currently we are preparing for Huge Energetic Igniting Energies throughout this Weekend. Anticipate Lots of waves of Energies if you are sensitive to this. Breathe, Stay Centered! We Are Smack in the Middle of some amazing things unfolding now. You can Join the Earth Allies All day today for Family Fun Day In the 5d Room, All At this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

We are Currently behind for Our Monthly Funding Goal Which Keeps the GFP FLowing In 24 Hour Service. If You have not made a Donation this Month, Thank You for Your Love and Support for this Very Divine Mission. You can Share at this  Link: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/donate

Total Received 658.77$

Goal 4000$

Quoted from Today's Earth Ally Message" The Divine Plan is very exacting. Minor adjustments are due to those ignoring what is occurring, however, Mother Earth is Ready for her Changes, and has requested all illusion or 3d lower vibrations transform or vacate her Planet. The Changes are Inevitable, and are Happening with or without Humanity being aware.
As  Result much shifting and changing is underway, in a BIG WAY. The Moment has Come to Set Yourselves Free!

This incoming energy is unstoppable and we are Now Igniting The Heart To Heart Connections to Begin the New Story In Creation, the return of the True Garden of Eden and Welcoming those Ready Home Into Heaven on Earth and Eternity. This will be unfolding throughout 2014! Dreams Of Love Do Come true!"


Table of Contents

Molly McChord~Incoming! It's Not You, It's the Sun~




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~What is Unfolding in these Current Energies? ~ EVOLUTION UNFOLDING


 Liberation of the Soul"Setting Your Soul On Fire"

Love from the “Galactic Federation of Light”, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven, From Galactic Central, We are Your Family of Light , Also The “First Contact” Ground Crew Medical Team here to Assist Humanity out Of the darkness. With Mother and Father God, Your Parents of Creation, with you Here in the Manifest Physical Realm with Humanity, taking everyone [ thats all of you] with US back into the Light. We Love you Unconditionally.



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Emily Doyle ~ Gratitude’s Vibration


Wake Up World  January 9 2014

What are you most grateful for? Who are you most grateful for? What experiences do you cherish with all your heart?

The power of gratitude is in align with the power of love, and love is the highest vibration there is. To practice gratitude is to practice love.


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Oracle Report ~ Friday, January 10, 2014


Oracle Report  First Quarter Moon in Taurus: take action, step out, expression, growth Ruling Mahavidya: Kali


The story continues (see Archives)


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Soaring With Spirit~ January 10, 2014 ~ Group Meditation




Join Us In Love and Unity

Today we will be having a Group Unity/ Healing meditation


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The Divine Qualities of a New Paradigm ~ Part 2/3



Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

Continued from Part 1

By individually accepting the responsibility to express the basic and simple divine qualities, we’ll lighten the collective vibration and make it much easier for others to start being and creating change too.


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Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Is This a Never-Ending Waiting Game?



butterfly_in_handAngelic Guides: Is This a Never-Ending Waiting Game?, channeled through Taryn Crimi, January 9, 2014 at http://angelicguides.wordpress.com | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of manifestation. As we have repeatedly expressed, this year is a pivotal year. It will be a year that many will look back at and see that it was the completion of one cycle and the dawning of a new one. How you experience this will of course be entirely up to you.


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Judith Dagley ~ Creating Happiness Requires ACTION


JudithDagley.com - Posted on 9 January, 2014



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~Space Weather Update~ Growing Quiet?


GROWING QUIET? Giant sunspot AR1944 has not unleashed a significant flare in more than 48 hours. The growing quiet could be the calm between storms. AR1944 has an unstable 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class flares. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


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~ Join the Earth Allies this Morning For A Live Music Coffee Party~


Greetings Love Beings, We will have an X Class Solar flare Energy Hitting the Planet Today! To Prepare for these Intense Energies we are Hosting a Coffee Party On the Higher Grid, 5d Room, Beginning at 7:00am till 10am Pacific Live At this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

  Come Join us As We Light Up The Planet In Love This Morning!


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~ Morning Gratitude Prayer~ Its Time

Video Link



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The Mysterious Innate ~Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll



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Living New Earth: Sound Creates Our Reality




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Manifestation Portal Jan 14~ 18 ~Time to take Action ~ Andromeda Council




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~Gaia Portal Update~ “Sense of Floating” may be used to describe the New Gaia Energetics


10 Jan

gaia_energy1Refined vibrations are now apparent to many of Gaia inhabitants.

Clarification of Gaia energetics during the prior so-named “annual” period has permitted Higher Cosmics to align with such.*


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The manuscript of survival ~ part 384 The Grand Event is Still Right Around the Corner



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Ice Balls forming along Lake Michigan near Glen Arbor

Video Link


Published on Jan 8, 2014


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Wes Annac ~ The Divine Qualities of a New Paradigm – Part 1/3




Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm


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Laura Bruno – Pity Or Respect? – 10 January 2014




More Fukushima article fall-out, but thank you, “Nine,” for opening this line of discussion:


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Dana Mrkich ~ 2 Updates ~ 10 January 2014




Dana Colour Pic New


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Blossom Goodchild ~ Video Channeling ~ January 09, 2014

Video Link


Published on Jan 9, 2014

This narration is from Blossom Goodchild's January 09, 2014 channeling with the Federation of Light.


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SaLuSa ~ January 10, 2014




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S0 News January 10, 2014: C(lie)mate, Spaceweather

Video Link


Published on Jan 10, 2014


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Exploring Your Multiple Selves ~ A QHHT Recording By Suzanne Spooner & Ron Head

Video Link


Published on Jan 8, 2014


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~The Effect Of Solar Flares On Our Pineal Gland~


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ Tomorrow we are anticipating a Direct Hit from Our Recent X Class Flares, Love The Earth Allies

 by PlutonianPriestess


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A Joke A Metaphor A Message for those with ears to hear and eyes to see


The Lord Will Save Me

It rained for days and days and there was a terrific flood. The water rose so high that one man was forced to climb on top of his roof and sat in the rain. As the waters came up higher a man in a rowboat came up to the house and told him to get in. "No thank you, the Lord will save me!" he said, and the man in the rowboat rowed away. 


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January 9, 2014, and X-class CME: A Record of This Day in My Life



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~ Djwhal Khul ~ Privacy Illusions


Terri Newlon  January 9 2014

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We’re going to be seeing some interesting things here this year which I’ve dubbed “The Year of Revelations and Transparency.”

So what I want to talk about right now is privacy. You’re going to be seeing a shift in privacy or privacy issues and for the most part, of course, privacy is an illusion to a great degree.


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The Voynich Manuscript – Terence Mckenna


Terence Talks About the Mysterious Voynich Manuscript, Rudolf II of Bohemia, The Winter King and Queen, John Dee, Edward Kelly, Roger Bacon, and its possible ties to alchemy and the Rosicrucian Enlightenment.


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Bangladesh: Farmers say No to Genetically Modified Vegetables



Plans to introduce a controversial GM variety of brinjal (aubergine / eggplant) in Bangladesh are opposed by 100 civil society organisations around the world.  As Mae Wan Ho reports, the issue is arousing powerful passions …

Bt-Brinjal will have negligible benefit but would present an enormous hazard to human health. It would be profound disservice to Bangladesh if Bt-Brinjal were allowed to enter her food supply.



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~ Love Holds All the Cards On the Planet~






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Volcanic activity worldwide 9 Jan 2014: Sakurajima, Santa María / Santiaguito, Pacaya, Fuego, Popoc...


VolcanoDiscovery.Com  Jan 9, 2014

Facts about Arenal Volcano « Central america voyage


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~ Space Weather Update~ THE CME HAS ARRIVED


Commentary from the Press~ As a Result of this Hitting the Planet you may have increased Heart Rates, Nervousness, Anxiety, Anxious or Vertigo! Love The Earth Allies

THE CME HAS ARRIVED: As expected, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 9th (around 20:00 UTC or 3 p.m. EST). Although the initial impact was weaker than expected, geomagnetic storms could still develop as Earth passes through the CME's wake. NOAA forecasters are sticking by their prediction of a G3-class event on Jan. 9-10, which means high-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


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Michael Forrester ~ Scientists Confirm There Is A Second, Secret DNA Code That Controls Genes


Wake Up World  January 7 2014

The fascinating and recent discovery of a new, second DNA code further lends credence to what metaphysical scientists have been saying for millennia — the body speaks two different languages.


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Weekly LightBlast ~Jamye Price ~ All Together


Weekly LightBlast  January 9 2014


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What's In Store For You In 2014?


Numerology can help us to know what would be best to focus on to ensure the most success in our lives and to ensure our utmost soul growth. By using Numerology, we can get an idea of what to focus on during each of the months in 2014.


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Relationships Are Not a Solo Act, They Are a Shared Responsibility




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The Heart (Hazrat Inayat Khan)


If there is anything that can tune a man to a higher pitch or to a lower pitch, that can loosen the strings of his soul or tune them to the right note - it can only be done by the tuning of the heart. The one who has not reached his heart cannot reach God, and the one who has not reached the heart of his fellow men has not reached him. People may become friends, they may become acquaintances, relations, they may become connected through industry, political friendship, partnership in business or any collaboration, and yet they may be separated. Nearness in space does not bring the nearness of real friendship. There is only one way of coming near to one another and that is by way of the heart.

Spirituality is the tuning of the heart; one can obtain it neither by study, nor by piety.


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Choice, and your Veil


Only in recent weeks, I am now able to make some contact with higher divine beings.Last night in Meditation I received a contact from a higher presence. At the end, I was told to "Share" the mediation details with you. I was made aware it will apply to others, hence my sharing:


On closing my eyes for meditation, the energy was so strong, I I couldn't go into working with my Chakras. No way. I knew there was strong pressence. I asked if they wanted to show me anything, the answer was No. Not knowing what to do, I went into my heart centre and drew forth my divine spark that I go to in meditation. This came, and I then had a strange scene played out in front of me that I didn't enjoy.


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~Cultivating Compassion~


Pink Rose

–by Paul Gilbert, syndicated from Greater Good, Jan 08, 2014


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~Does it Seem Your Memory is Failing You?~



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I have been going through the ascension process for over a year now and it's been dizzying, terrifying, breathtaking and overall insane. I have spent this time opening up to my gifts, giving in to who I am and what I am trying to do. But I'm so scared. I am on that final strip, the dive into surrender. The problems I have always faced are inside me. I have horrible confidence issues. I want to become that divine instrument, be a co-creator, travel to speak with the Galactic Council and be who I am destined to be.


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Tune in for a nice Live Show Today on ET-First Contact Radio~Latest Galactic News


 Host Maarten Horst With the Latest   Galactic News

Live today at 1pm Pacific at these Links:


Station 1





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Channeling from Archangel Metatron, Guides and Angels: On the Illusion of Time


Channeling from Archangel Metatron: On the Illusion of Time

Guidance ---

Love is the only reality. Love of Self and all Others is the key to re-entering the only reality.


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~Sandra Walter: What is Ascension?~


By Sandra Walter, Creative Evolution, www.sandrawalter.com

source: http://www.sandrawalter.com/what-is-ascension/

Ascension is a conscious choice to engage in Evolution.

The Bright Sun, Blue Sky, Clouds


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~A Glimpse at the Gifts 2014 Will Bring ~


January 2014

Happy New Year my Beautiful Friend,


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