By GLR Denize
(Part 1) http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/raising-vibrations
8.Change your environment: Where you work or spend your time is very important fact when it comes to keeping your vibrations high. If people around you keep you upset & pessimistic, Leave the situation or the place...or just apply the no responsing rule...simply ignore them.
9.Play music, sing a song or dance. Music is scientifically proven that lifts our vibrations. When we hear a music, our body & mind vibrate on a higher level, but be very picky with the lyrics, choose fun lyrics...if you choose music to make you cry, that would trigger your pain body and would keep you stock in the lower vibrations and create more of the same.
10.Learn to let go winning ego games: Ego likes to be right and it needs something to be against to. It could only trick you to lower your vibrations so it could feed itself to contradict and create problems...Catch yourself and let it go. Mind will loose its power when you become the observer. Just being there and catching your own reactions will make you realize the vibrational shift.
11.Play like a lil kid.: Mind develops and starts programming the paradigms of whats surround it when we are about 6-7 years old. But Soul is actually at the 4 years old level of learning and exploring. So remember being 4 years old again. Focus on the fun & discovery of Life. Embrace your each moment with cruosity to expand and play with it.
12.Stop. And dare to change your “must do” lists. Be flexible with your plans and how you see life. Restriction will just bring more limitation and keeps us into the box. Be able to say yes, more often and let it go with the flow.
13.Stop wishing. Universe will always send you what you send out. So if you wish, hope or say you believe something will happen....it will stay that way...you'd be waiting because you are still wishing. Change your vocabulary...from I wish to...I AM doing it, it's happening...it's coming...this will raise your vibration and it will help manifest your desire.
14.Acceptance: Accept everything the way it is...if anybody or anything is irritating you, just because you have the same in you that reflects back from the other person...Look every difficulty like your noble lessons..each person or situation to grow from...remember your only responsibility is your own reactions...not theirs.
15.Stop filling your minds with cruel images, crazy violent movies & drama constantly. The energies are so high right now, because of the solar flares we are at a level we could manifest anything we think about. So all the stuff you watch on the news, violent movies for the love of the adrenaline is just a waste of energy...you will attract what your mind's prominent images & thoughts are....If you keep watching news and believe that the world is going mad...you will stay in that frequency and wonder why you can't create heaven on Earth...
16.Fall in Love with everything...Love everything, practise unconditional love...Thinking about our beloveds or anything that brings you happiness are amazing ways to raise our vibrations.
17.Practise being the last one to say things or do things...Evolve your ego to go higher with your vibrations...Practise being an invisible...catch yourself where you want to do so much and insisting. Finding nuetrality is an amazing way to raise our vibrations.
18. Cry. Crying is amazing way to release the emotions & toxics from our system. Crying and laughing are amazing ways to raise our vibrations...Let go and enjoy every tears. Release what is not serving and fill it with Light.
To be continued....