Someone gonna listen to this with me tonight? it starts at 5 tonight.
Lasts 3 days sign up and it'll tell you the schedule. Lasts till 10
Dont forget: TOmorrow begining the amazing 3 days Global Whole Earth Summit: an online think tank about our vision for a resilient world, and how to actualize it. It features an INCREDIBLE host of speakers and artists doing front line work on environmental change. (Including Dr. Vandana Shiva, Susan Weed, Majora Carter, the 13 Grandmothers and so many more)... click here to learn MUCH more, get involved, and check out the tool kit as a long term resource! STARTS TOMORROW!!! It includes hundreds of resources right at our fingertips!!! ) HERe is your LINK. Please share it and let us know what you think!!! Ready, Set, GO!
Tue, 03/11/2014 - 08:17
Something very interesting you will all enjoy...
Your link doesn't work.
OH yea honey sorry it's expired it was just for the 12h-15th. Was the last day to listen for free now you can go to to order the "toolkit" which has all the speakings on it and more information about how you can make a difference in the world.