i met this young lady on FaceBook 4000 miles away from me on a prepare for change FB page, we had been commenting on different spiritual and world event articles and heavily agreeing. within a few days she friend requested me and we starting doing the same on her page. within a couple days after that we started messaging personally. she opened up to me her activation 2 and a half years ago and since then she's become a telepath, remote views, visions constantly, very gifted. i was helping her to try to decode some of her visions and past life patterns. she had the intuition and i studied this stuff deeply from a more 3d perspective. well the other day i mentioned if she ever wanted to get in my head, she was welcome to it. the next morning she said let's try telepathy, now i have never tried this, i haven't practiced many disiplines other than meditation and a touch of remote viewing. when we connected she new almost exactly what was in my head and i could feel her. than she wanted to try sending something from the heart along with a music video to listen to as we connected again and all hell broke loose. she said she was getting lightning bolts and it felt like her cone hat (visualization technique) was being sucked off her head but stuck. she could feel something pulling at her forehead. i got very lightheaded, basically high as heck, started swaying. we stopped, both excited as heck, it all felt great. i had to go to work and she went to bed to crash, she was wore out. on my way to work i started thinking about our time together earlier in the day and decided to try to send a little thank you to her while driving, a couple minutes after doing that i suddenly got 3 or 4 jolts like a energy cord ran through my crown chakra down through my heart space, it felt like the cord was quite tense or thick, then tugging at my scalp like someone was trying to pull a stuck hat off my head and then a very blissful feeling overwhelmed me, i thought of her again then broke out laughing hysterically. then some tingly feelings down in my nether regions. it subsided and i got to work without incident, then at work after talking to her about what had taken place, she said she was thinking of me alot and after while it happened again, i got the extreme blissful feeling, so strong i had to close my eyes, kinda grin and bear it. now it has happened a few times, super lightheaded and blissful when i think about her, which is frequent. is this typical reaction to early telepathic communication or is something special happening here. well i KNOW something special is happening here, but is this something to write home to mom about so to speak. thanks everyone, i appreciate the help. tommy
Fri, 10/18/2013 - 20:52
special connection during telepathy
and yes that is the experience, ALl our Love
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
thanks hun, that's what i was afraid of, not because it's not what i want but because she's 4000 miles and a ocean away. but i guess it's a test we'll have to pass if it's meant to be.