
Cherie's picture


It is amazing how many different places are talking about heart centered consiousness. I was watching a video today about how schools, media, establishment have not instituted the new peer review science that has proven Darwin was wrong based on DNA recovered from the times that we were to have evolved. Science found there was NO way that could have happened. In addition, science has found numreous civilizations dating at least 11,000 years ago but still teaches we are only 5,000 years old. That realization was stunning as we are depriving our children of basic information. In addition, these institions are not teaching quantum physics about how our heart intelligence is much stronger in an electro-magnetic way. It shows how 9-11 affected sensors on the moon, etc.


Anyway, from that I found the Iniative for Heart Math and the Global Coherence Initiative that is promoting heart healing and peace. Interestingly for me I had visited one of their sites but just recalled called the global care room which I had visited before. My point is it seems like all communities are at the same HEART place but I have to wonder if or how we are all working together. The Galactic Press incorporates most of the various Metaphysical sites(THANKS as it is tiring to have so many places to go to) but wouldn't it be great to coordinate with other big players like the Institute for Heart Math and The Venus Project?


I am sure there are many more but if we could co-ordinate our efforts for meditations or events on certain days or dates it would seem to intensify all our efforts. I imagine there are big players behind the scenes but I don't know them. I am meditating daily and joining in any group meditation I know about but I would love to see US all come together as a global community. Any ideas on how to make something like that happen or has it already happened and I am just catching up? I have been walking in a daze for a while so anything is possible. Namaste



Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ Yes, We are Now Meeting Every Wednesday and Saturday Via The Internet at this Link! Today we Begin at 1;30pm Pacific Everyone On The Planet is Welcome To Experience the Oneness Energy


my comment

Guest's picture

this is proof for all of us to see that "WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO BIG TIME" about everything! everything that has been fed (information wise) to us has been manipulated to someone's agenda. that someone is definitely NOT our friend. we our living in a bubble that has been created to run our lives from day one. all in the name of control and greed. you can bet that MOST of the misery in our lives like early death of loved ones,exorbitant fuel and food prices and losing one's job can all be attributed to that agenda. what i am trying to do is awaken a few more people so that the collective conscious attracts more truth and light.  thanks bobby

Dear Guest,

astreia's picture

Helping others to awaken is a worthy goal indeed. But please don't upset yourself. LOVE WINS. I find that very comforting.

Blessings, Astreia

Dear Guest-This is just a

Cherie's picture

Dear Guest-This is just a small thing that has only fairly recently been with held but it will shortly be accounted for when the veils are lifted which can't be much longer. I guess as showing my age a little as when I went to school it would have been unthinkable not to teach new science that had been peer reviewed and was agreed upon thinking based of proof. Thus was the power of the PTW! That is almost over but we need to all think about how we are going to help ourselves and others to deal with revelations like this. Finding forgiveness in our HEARTS is the key to reaching as many people as we can. Many in the system have been frightened, threatened or just worn down and many don't even recognize that something has changed. Once the veils are lifted the education system will change as well as everything else and we will all have great joy in our lives every day. I had to overcome this same feeling of betrayal and the more I send LOVE the more blissful all is.

I was simply thinking that the new science and metaphysical people are now on the same page. In fact, many here may be the healers in the New Earth. I was not thinking of integration but perhaps cooperation or acknowledgement of each others efforts as this is a big validation for what we have known and to be backed by science is good for both as we have the practical evidence? I just wonder if they are aware of MotherFatherGod and that really the same message is being sent. I wasn't suggesting there be integration as there are too many sites but I am guessing there is a single organization that might be interested in practioners of their science.

I FEEL things are getting very close-just an opinion, but today I meditated in the Park and could barely walk afterwards as it Felt like I was in a cloud of joy. Look to the air, sky and all can see the changes. People are noticing. I have casually asked about the clouds and even when parents haven't notices their children have said something to them about the changes and how beautiful things are getting.  Namaste

It just might work

astreia's picture


I think you may have a good idea there. I say "may" because I also do not know how easy it would be to connect. One person would have difficulty following all those sites, and we would need to follow them a little while to make sure we mesh well. one possibility might be for several people here to each monitor sites that appeal to them for awhile and then report back. We could have people who feel drawn to a partiular site report back here as to what they are "really" about. That way if we decided to draw together, we would know who we were drawing together with and have some ideas of appropriate ways to do so. I personally don't want all sites just glommed together, and I think that would be difficult as so many still make distinctions and as we still are being "watched" by many faces. Just a few visits here and there, and then our "emissaries", always acting as individuals, could propose this to groups they are following and - it could happen.

I love the idea of teaching quantum physics to children. But would the educational administration agree? Educational policy is very difficult to influence right now. We have a lot of opportunities now that will bear fruits "soon" and so it seems to me that the sooner we start making connections with like-minded souls the better. I am only suggesting that we have some networking procedure. But I could be totally wrong. Maybe we just each go where our heart leads us and it all works out just fine!!!

