'The Tide Has Turned': NSA Protesters Back to the Streets for #1984Day, Rallies expected across US

Silver's picture

Commondreams.org, By: Jacob Chamberlain, 08/04/2013

Thousands of people are expected to rally in cities across the U.S. on Sunday in protest of the National Security Agency's recently exposed dragnet surveillance programs, in what organizers from the group Restore the Fourth are calling 1984 Day.

Protesters in San Francisco, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Washington, St. Louis, Raleigh, Austin, and other cities have scheduled marches, rallies, and other events to "draw attention to the NSA’s unconstitutional surveillance programs," in the name of protecting the principles of the U.S. constitution's fourth amendment.



For more on this story visit www.commondreams.org




Another Republican backed ploy.

wcummin3's picture

If what the NSA is doing is keeping you and me safe, and has judicial oversight, what exactly makes it unconstitutional. How can we track whether or not there have actually been terrorists plots averted using the tactics that they employ. The rallies are not aimed at the NSA per se, but at the current administration, which by the way, has very little say-so on how the NSA conducts its surveillance. It would be better served if the sign made the proper connection to the real power behind the NSA actions, Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, a Rebublican nominated appointee.