- This Had Me Totally Fired Up......
- Indoor Winter Herb Growing
- The Last Full Moon of 2012 Lets Stand Together Strong!!!!
- MUFON CASE# 44804: Christmas Day UFOs in Chester County, PA
- ~ Space Weather Update~ Slight Chance of Flares, Unique Van Gogh Clouds Appear
- Latest Earthquake Activity - December 28, 2012
- Climate change can cause volcanic eruptions
- Lisa Jackson Resigns: EPA Administrator Stepping Down
- Former President George H.W. Bush remains in intensive care
- Heart Song December 28th 2012
- Retired Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf dies at 78
- Volcanic activity world-wide 27-28 December 2012
- After December 21st, Whats Next?
- A huge cloud of the double helix of DNA over Moscow December 24, 2012
- Inspiring!
- What I experienced on and around 12/21/12
- When do we choose to leave the past..
- The Moon Hippie Mystic~ Finding the Keys
- Steps to Assist In Self Doubt
- Sophia Love – Time To Say Goodbye – 27 December 2012
- We Declare Peace on Earth! New Video.
- Et First Contact Radio at 1pm Pacific~ Interviewing Daz a Practicing Druid!~
- What Really Happened On December 21st and What is Next?
- The Dove~and a Ceremony~ kauilapele
- Doesn’t the sun shine brighter and more beautiful than ever?
- Blue StarShip/UFO Report, December 27, 2012
- Kryon: The Timing Of Creation – The Lemurian Awakening
- Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel – January 2013 – Manifesting With Higher Dimensional Energy – 28 December 2012
- U.S. Drought: Third Highest Severe to Extreme Percentage on Record
- 12-28-12 Bill Ballard ~ Remain Focused on YOUR Ascension Expansion
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Revive
- SaLuSa, December 28, 2012
- Flood-hit areas face further rain
- Méline Lafont: My experiences around the Alignment of 21/12/2012
- Friday, December 28, 2012 The Oracle Report
- Peter The Pheasant Won't Go Home, Chases Truck (VIDEO)
- James Gilliland ~ Days To Come, As Seen By The Ultradimensionals ~Brilliant
- The manuscript of survival – part 244
- 3MIN News December 28, 2012: Collapsing Atmosphere
- UFO And Unexplained Phenomena Top 10 Stories Of 2012
- Alabama Confirms First Christmas Storm Death
- Danger Arrives Along with Fresh Snowpack
- Turkish officials say 2 Syrian air force generals have defected
- Euclid Blows through East; Arkansas Still Dark
- The Morning Blessing 12/28/12
- Even in Desolation, You Reveal Your Significance in This Universe
- 2. Faith…Visionkeeper
- Jersey Shore Grapples With Floods After Powerful Winter Storm
- Pray For Her
- Pass the Light ON to others
- Steve Rother A Lesson In Time #2 ~ Dimensions of Multidimensionality
- Steve and Barbra Rother~ Brilliant Broadcast! The Positive Dream
- Henry Seltzer ~ A Poignant An Tranformative Full Moon ~
- A Kinder, Gentler World. My Experiences With Life After 12-21. By, Bella Capozzi.
- Uniting our Physical and Energetic Selves Activates Fifth-Dimensional Timelines
- Cosmic Weather ~ Full Moon Report, 12.28.12: New Identities and Rear View Mirrors
- REAL Reason For Mars Expedition??
- Mooji - Arunachala Satsang - We Are One; We Are The Same! - (2 Videos) - 28 December 2012
- Blossom Goodchild ~ Beyond 2012 ~ 28 December 2012 We chose To Trust Ourselves
Greetings Love Beings, Trust Yourselves In choosing Love and Truth! We Love You, Love The Earth Allies
This Had Me Totally Fired Up......
Listen up everyone. Here is something we can do for the children of the world, specifically the children of India, who are suffering because of lax child labor laws. Some of these children are sold as slaves to work in factories and beaten if they don't produce. This must stop! Here is the info on it. Please sign the petition and let these parlamentary people know what you think.
Indoor Winter Herb Growing
I AM wanting to do something that I have never done, so, I AM going to start a herb garden, and would like to share the information on how to care for a winter herb garden.
5 Tips For Indoor Winter Herb Growing
Yup, it’s officially winter out there. But you still want to grow your culinary herbs, darn it! Don’t fret, you can easily bring your outdoor herbs indoors for the nippy months. We’ve got five simple tips for growing those herbs indoors throughout the winter season.
1) Play Mother Nature with your indoor weather conditions. Healthy plants thrive best with lots of light, so make sure your herbs are exposed to 6 hours of natural light or 14 hours of artificial light. And keep them somewhere where the temperature stays mildly cool to warm — think Seattle. Sixty degrees at night to 70 degrees during the day is ideal for your budding herbs.
2) Location, location, location! House your herbs in the kitchen or bathroom, where they are most likely to stay slightly warm and humid naturally.
3) Love that soil. Keep the soil of your herbs moist, but don’t over water — and never let your plant sit in standing water. The roots will rot! Grow all herbs in a clay pot with holes for drainage. And start with an organic fertilizer for ultra eco-love — or better yet, create your own compost.
ART: “The Living Etheric Plant” found on http://rileybrad.wordpress.com/2012/07/
“The Angel Kingdom rejoices in their flora strewn prayers uplifted in holy psalms to heaven and the human STAR FORM.....Each plant carries a Virtue and an Individuality and a familiar Elemental Spirit. Literally Star virtues...”
The Last Full Moon of 2012 Lets Stand Together Strong!!!!
Risa D’Angeles Columns - Astrology
Friday, sometime after midnight, is the last full moon of 2012. It’s the Capricorn solar festival. This full moon of Initiation concludes both the Festival week of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) and the long- awaited year of 2012.
A full moon occurring during or at the close of the Festival Week (Group Impact) provides the NGWS with a greater potency of Light (revelations), opportunities to aid and assist humanity for the next seven years. In turn, the cosmic events of this last week will accelerate the intelligence, love and evolution of humanity. Light (from stars, suns, planets, Earth, etc.) contains information which translates into intelligence and love within humanity.
MUFON CASE# 44804: Christmas Day UFOs in Chester County, PA
Published on Dec 27, 2012
Case number 44804
submitted on 2012-12-26
occured on 2012-12-25.
Christmas Day UFOs in Chester County, PA Chester Springs
"Christmas Day, 2012. We took the kids out to ride their new Power Wheel and I noticed a black spot in the sky that wasnt doing much of anything - just hovering. I pointed it out to my husband and my mother and we couldnt figure out what it could be. After about a 1/2 hour, we went back inside. Every few minutes, wed peek outside to see if it was still there - and it was. Then our power randomly went out for a minute max - no storms, no wind, nothing else going on to cause a power outage. Then as we were looking out the window checking on the black object again, my mom noticed flashing lights in the sky below. We immediately went out onto the deck and began filming. The lights appeared to be flashing randomly (or perhaps the object was spinning?) and it was mostly horizontal. However, there were times where the lights tilted and then went into a vertical pattern. The lights were hovering right behind some low lying clouds. Eventually, more clouds came in and we lost sight of both images. Since then, the weather has deteriorated and we have not seen anything else.
The black object caught my eye - since we have large birds and planes flying overhead all the time, but this didnt do anything...for 2 hours. But when we saw the lights - my heart was racing and we couldnt believe what we were seeing."
~ Space Weather Update~ Slight Chance of Flares, Unique Van Gogh Clouds Appear
SLIM CHANCE OF FLARES: Sunspot AR1635 is crackling with low-level C-class solar flares. There is a slim chance of stronger flares: NOAA forecasters put the odds of an M-class eruption on Dec. 27th at 5%. Overall, solar activity is very low and is likely to remain so for the rest of the week. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.
VAN GOGH CLOUDS: On Christmas morning, Gene Hart of Jonesport, Maine, woke up early to enjoy the sunrise before opening presents. What he saw may have been the best gift of all. "There was a cloud formation showing a remarkable series of wave shapes," says Hart. "They were backlit by the rising sun over Moosabec Reach." He snapped this picture of the harbor using a 14-megapixel digital camera:
"I also took some 28x zoom images of the wave structure," says Hart. The close-ups are a must-see.
Happy Full Moon everyone! It is the 'Wolf Moon' in Cancer. I don't know about you, but I am still running a TON of cosmic current through my body. Lots of emotional sensitivity, let us be gentle with ourselves and with one another. If you you happen to feel like an 'armchair' voyage to the Lost Cities of RA, here you go....
Latest Earthquake Activity - December 28, 2012
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.Map of the quake in KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.December 28
Lisa Jackson Resigns: EPA Administrator Stepping Down
Huffington Post - 12/27/12, Keving Freking/AP
WASHINGTON (AP) — EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, the Obama administration's chief environmental watchdog, is stepping down after nearly four years marked by high-profile brawls over global warming pollution, the Keystone XL oil pipeline, new controls on coal-fired plants and several other hot-button issues that affect the nation's economy and people's health.
Jackson constantly found herself caught between administration pledges to solve thorny environmental problems and steady resistance from Republicans and industrial groups who complained that the agency's rules destroyed jobs and made it harder for American companies to compete internationally.
To read the rest of this story, visit Huffington Post.com.
Former President George H.W. Bush remains in intensive care
Reuters.com - 12/27/12
(Reuters) - Former President George H.W. Bush remained in the intensive care unit of a Houston hospital on Thursday, according to a hospital spokesman.
Bush, 88, a Republican who during his one term in office led a coalition that ejected Iraqi forces from Kuwait in 1991, was admitted to Methodist Hospital November 23 for bronchitis. He was transferred to intensive care on Sunday after setbacks including a persistent fever, family spokesman Jim McGrath has said.
To read the rest of this story, visit Reuters.com.
Heart Song December 28th 2012
The Heart Song for November 28th 2012 is
Not Giving Up by Yolanda Adams
Retired Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf dies at 78
Los Angeles Times - Kim Murphy, 12/28/12
Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf is shown in Saudi Arabia days before the start of Operation Desert Storm in 1991 Schwarzkopf died Dec. 27 at age 78. (Bob Daugherty, Associated Press / January 11, 1991)
Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, who presided over the swift and devastating 1991 military assault on Iraq that transformed the Middle East and reminded America what it was like to win a war, died Thursday of complications from pneumonia. He was 78.
Volcanic activity world-wide 27-28 December 2012
Source: Volcano Discovery - 12/28/12, By T
Lokon Volcano, October 2012
After December 21st, Whats Next?
The Galactic Free Press Update:
A New Adventure and Journey has Begun!Greetings Love Beings, The New Earth and Unity Consciousness Has Been Born and A New Adventure and Journey Has Begun for those Who are Embracing Our Current Energies. These came as a Gift During the Galactic Alignment. A New Book Has Begun and this Is a True Love Story About US ALL. These Energies Came to US Direclty from the Center of the Universe. These Energies are the New Energies which are Making a permanent Home on Planet Earth=Heart. This Planet is Moving Into 5D Frequencies and this is Unstoppable.
More:The Galactic Free Press Update: A New Adventure and Journey has Begun!
A huge cloud of the double helix of DNA over Moscow December 24, 2012
Published on Dec 27, 2012
ENGLISH: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2575-dna-cloud.html
РУССКИЙ: http://hainanwel.com/ru/unusual-world/2575-dna-cloud.html
A very artistic reminder about our connection with nature and all living forms co-existing as one spiritual family. We all are children of the Earth. We are One.
What I experienced on and around 12/21/12
My story begins on December 17, 2012 but by no means end there. I attended a meditation given by a dear friend the evening of the 17th. My intention for the meditation was to release whatever else needed to be released so that I would be ready for the new energies that would be arriving on the 21st. During the meditation I felt the connection between the left and right brain occur. I could feel the electrical impulses of both sides of the brain and the movement of energy back and forth. A brillant white light entered my head through the crown chakra and penetrated my entire body. The next sensation was bursts of light like a fountain on the 4th of July came streaming out of my head. I was not certain what happened but it was a wonderful experience. I knew though that I would ascend, I was certain of it now.
My next experience was the sensation of feeling like I was a tube of toothpaste that was nearly empty being squeezed to remove the little bit left. It was a little uncomfortable for a while but did pass.
I understood that the 21st was a very important day and I had released any attachments or expectations of what could or would happen that day and decided to enjoy the process of the new energies.
When do we choose to leave the past..
When do we simply let the past go..
Unless you return .. yourself... see your life, Karma..etc.
where you may change this..
All the posting and pulling up the past ... does nothing but feed the ego.
The Moon Hippie Mystic~ Finding the Keys
The Solstice and the Christmas holiday has come and gone and I will be honest in saying that this “time” was a wee bit difficult, for me. The fact that it was “difficult” threw me for a bit of a loop and I began to wonder what, if anything, I was doing “wrong”. I wanted to feel Light, Love, Peace, and Happiness and instead I began to feel sorrow which began to feel like a great loneliness finally culminating in an indescribable “emptiness”. I felt the very familiar feeling of abandonment, especially after reading the wonderful stories some of you shared about your “ascension”. There was much going on over these days, for me, and I couldn’t quite make sense of what was happening and why. However, as with all things in this process I was able to figure it out and learn the lesson that was intended so that I could find the 3 things I believe are Key to the process…Love, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. Here’s what happened to me, how I began to doubt the “journey”, and how I found my way to a higher place once again…
Steps to Assist In Self Doubt
Published on Dec 20, 2012
easy process to help you de-stress through christmas
Thank You to Purple Ann
Sophia Love – Time To Say Goodbye – 27 December 2012
Thank you Lucas 2012 Infos
Moving now into this heralded “golden age”, we come to this – full realization. Without separation there is only love. Any division takes place within, as it is there creation is birthed. The spark of desire drives it all.
Collectively we awaken and begin to see past one or the other, to all. We are One, there is no other. The sharp division of days, ideas, people and their truth is everything but.
A moment in time is indefinable, except by emotion. There is no clock to signify it has begun or ended; no calendar to prepare for its emergence. A moment simply happens. It is unrecognized until it is reflected upon.We hold now the possibility of reflection and self-determination. It is within us. We’ve moved through this pivotal date, 12/21/12; it’s time to say goodbye. We can all agree on at least that – it is over. Anticipation, prediction, preparation or inquiry is no longer necessary, whew!
We Declare Peace on Earth! New Video.
We Declare Peace on Earth!
Please enjoy and share our latest video.
Source: YouTube.comThank you All for standing up in LOVE and LIGHT!
Thank you, Tao, for bringing us these
wonderful Declarations of Peace!
WE LOVE YOU!Please send in your Declaration of World Peace today. You can send a video clip, an audio clip, or a written statement. Contact us if you have questions. The address is:
sendphotoforvideo@gmail.comIn case you missed any of our Peace Vids, here they are!
Et First Contact Radio at 1pm Pacific~ Interviewing Daz a Practicing Druid!~
Daz, one of the last 3 practicing Druids in the world with ancient knowledge and a gifted channeler and dowser will be on my show today via: http://www.bbsradio.com/bbs_talk_radio_station1.php
Tune a few minutes before: 1 PM Pacific time, 4 PM Eastern Time, 9 PM GMT, 22:00 Central European Time. For other time-zones google a timezoneconvertor.
Love and Light, Happy to be of service. Maarten Horst, Host of ET-First Contact Radio
What Really Happened On December 21st and What is Next?
The Galactic Alignment Accomplishment!~Spirit Consciousness has Awakened on Planet Earth=Heart and Therefore, Love is Everywhere, Within and Everywhere, this includes Humanity. This has occurred with Awareness or without it, either way its a done deal!
~ An Important Message from The Earth Allies~ What has Happened? and What is Next?
Related Video:
Birth of a New Way on Planet earth Final YouTube sharing
The Dove~and a Ceremony~ kauilapele
This bird often comes to eat with me (a local dove… it is NOT a pigeon and it does not SPEAK ‘Pidgin’). I bring walnuts (the favorite of the doves) and break them up to feed them. And now they are eating off my finger, most of the time. When I am in the midst of doing this, it is all that matters. At that moment. In that moment.
I often speak with them, and tell them how sweet they are and how much I appreciate them. Many of them have differently formed feet (club feet). And this particular dove has a thread of some kind that’s wrapped around both legs. Yet he/she still walks, and flies, and eats walnuts. One day I’ll figure out how to clip off that thread that’s restricting its movement.
Today I felt I HAD to come down here to Java. I had a release ceremony that I felt MUST be done today. Water from Anahola Bay (Kauai), where an important part of the 9-9-12 mission was perform, was released into the ocean in the vortex here at Kailua Bay.
Doesn’t the sun shine brighter and more beautiful than ever?
Lady Maria through Isabel Henn December 27, 2012
Blue StarShip/UFO Report, December 27, 2012
1967 - Zagreb, Yugoslavia. This picture has been taken on November 23 by Farcich Zoran, near Zagreb.
Ironically, the two "orbs" are very similar to what is being filmed around the world the last two or three years, especially in California.
Source: UFO casebook
Kryon: The Timing Of Creation – The Lemurian Awakening
The Heakers Journal Posted by Admin December 27, 2012
HJ: Kryon brings us an interesting message that will surely reawaken deeply hidden memories in many who experienced past lifetimes in Lemuria. If you get the chills while reading this channeling, it is because you are resonating with the material and consciously remembering aspects of your soul-self that have long since been buried in the Akashic record and subconscious mind. Such is the nature of remembering, or rather reconnecting to who you once were and in fact, still are!
Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel – January 2013 – Manifesting With Higher Dimensional Energy – 28 December 2012
Thanks to Lucas
Greetings Beloved Ones,
We are Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray, the Ray of Violet
Light and the Violet Flame, and we come to you in Love and Light.You have now entered a new phase of higher dimensional Light. This Light has a much higher frequency, and you have achieved a level of progression to work with this higher dimensional Light. This Light carries qualities and attributes that allow for much more rapid manifestation than has previously been available. Because of your diligent work, you understand the gifts and responsibilities that come with working with this new Light.
U.S. Drought: Third Highest Severe to Extreme Percentage on Record
Weather.com - 12/27/12, Chris Dolce
Extreme and exceptional drought, the worst categories on the U.S. Drought Monitor, are on the rise again.
The graphic above from meteorologist Matt Sitkowski at the The Weather Channel shows this with the peak occurring back in August followed by a decline in the fall and now a rising percentage as we close out the year. When just examining the worst category "exceptional drought", the United States will end the year with its highest percentage in this category so far in 2012.
To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
12-28-12 Bill Ballard ~ Remain Focused on YOUR Ascension Expansion
Things are so mellow right now as so many persons have shifted into their higher ascension frequencies along with Mother Earth. Well, the excitement of the intensity leading to the end of 2012 seems to have waned, although we truly have only just begun the shift. Do you miss the excitement of what we did in 2011 or 2012? HA! Well now it is time to focus on personal ascension, raising our frequencies to the highest we can as that affects all else. Persons are telling me that this HolyDay Season with their families has been so wonderful and like no other, but are wondering about they family members personal ascension... Focus on YOURS as that shifts all other... What you do for yourself spiritually you are doing for all else, see? LOVE
SaLuSa, December 28, 2012
Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, December 28, 2012
It does not matter how many predictions are made because as given they are all possibilities, dependent on the extent of your creative powers as to whether they materialize. So we are telling you that what you experienced was what you created, but for those of you expecting more evidence of Ascension it was disappointing. We understand your feelings, but the process of the awakening Ascension energies has not stopped and will proceed even more quickly than previously. The upliftment of energies in your Solar System, took place through the alignment of your Sun and the great Central Sun of the Galaxy, and as many souls experienced some evidence of it, as did not.
Flood-hit areas face further rain
BBC News - 12/28/12
Flood-hit areas have been warned they face renewed problems from storms, as further rain is forecast across the UK.
There are 77 flood warnings and 177 flood alerts in England and Wales, and six alerts and one warning in Scotland.
The main rail line in the South West of England, which was closed between Exeter St Davids and Tiverton due to
To read the rest of this story, visit BBC.co.UK.
Méline Lafont: My experiences around the Alignment of 21/12/2012
pleiadedolphininfos Méline Lafont op 1:59 PM Friday, December 28, 2012
Ok, after my retreat of 6 days I feel ready to share my experiences and feelings that went through me during that time. I must say that 20 - 21 and 22 December were extremely weird for me and gave me a downer. The weather was very dark and drizzly, the world and people around me were anything but cheerful and sunny. I saw much unkindness and sour people walking around and I have seen everything except for color and no shift has been seen yet nor felt. It felt like I was disconnected in those three days and that the beautiful spectacle was staying out. I was so disappointed and had placed expectations ahead of where I knew in advanced not to do so and just had to let go! Yet sometimes takes that "human" over and it is tempting, even for me.
Friday, December 28, 2012 The Oracle Report
The Oracle Report Friday December 28, 2012
12/20/2012 Audio Update
Full Moon Phase - Moon in Cancer
The Moon is shining particularly bright this phase, so make sure you go outside and catch a glimpse if skies are clear where you are. This photo was taken Christmas night from Brazil and posted on spaceweather today. It shows the conjunction of Jupiter and the Moon. Over the Full Moon phase, we are going to leap forward in some way with our personal development. Wisdom will be gained. You will want to pay close attention to what you hear and what you see. Signs and synchronicities are going to aid this process. There really is only one goal in our personal development: to align ourselves with the planet Sophia and to fully express our individuality in service of her creative vision. The leap will come within this context.
Peter The Pheasant Won't Go Home, Chases Truck (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post Posted: 12/27/2012 12:20 pm EST | Updated: 12/27/2012 12:20 pm EST
This man doesn't seem to understand that Peter the Pheasant is his wing man, and you NEVER leave your wing man.
James Gilliland ~ Days To Come, As Seen By The Ultradimensionals ~Brilliant
It has come to my attention repeatedly that many officials in the agencies really do not know about the spiritually and technologically advanced off-world civilizations. They do know of the regenerate low level ETs and have struck deals with them in the past ,but there is a great void concerning the hands off, prime directive highly evolved off worlders. What ever deals were made in the past are now null and void. Those who have interfered in the evolution or awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth are going to be dealt with. They have been given an eviction notice; which is now being enforced by pro-earth forces. Universal Law is now the prime directive. It is the Law of One some call unity consciousness. The forces of tyranny and unbridled greed at the expense of humanity and the Earth will come to an end. It is surfacing now for all to see, the players have been identified human and non-human. The noninterference program has come to an end and the spiritually and technologically advanced races have now joined forces in a program beyond the ability of most scientists to comprehend. Quantum physics has the best grasp of what is unfolding along with some of the most ancient teachings.
The manuscript of survival – part 244
Aisha North December 28, 2012
This time, the ending of a year and the beginning of a new one will be fraught with many emotions. After all, not many of you have had the chance, or even the wish, to even consider the fact that after the fabled year of 2012 there comes another one marked as 2013. For some, the very fact that everything, including your calendar, will seem to continue as if nothing has happened at all will be a source for great disappointment. But for others, the anticipation for what this new year has in store will be great indeed. For now, you will indeed enter unchartered territory. For never before have mankind been standing before an era like this, where you enter a new year equipped with an arsenal of energies like you do today.
UFO And Unexplained Phenomena Top 10 Stories Of 2012
Huffington Post - 12/28/12, Lee Speigel
The world didn't end in 2012, nor did our fascination with UFOs.
Did a UFO hover over the summer Olympic games? Can we believe an ex-CIA agent who claimed that extraterrestrials caused the 1947 Roswell incident? Will DNA tests prove the existence of Bigfoot?
To read the rest of this story, visit Huffington Post.
Alabama Confirms First Christmas Storm Death
Weather.com - 12/27/12, AP
The front wall of the parish hall at Trinity Episcopal Church on Dauphin Street in Mobile, Ala. was torn off by a tornado on Christmas Day, Tuesday, Dec. 25, 2012 in Mobile, Ala. The tornado hit midtown Mobile causing extensive damage to the church as well as Murphy High School. (AP Photo/AL.com, Bill Starling)
GREENVILLE, Ala. -- The state has confirmed the first death in Alabama linked to the severe weather outbreak on Christmas.
Emergency management officials say an 81-year-old man was injured when a tree fell on his home in Georgiana on Tuesday night.
To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
Danger Arrives Along with Fresh Snowpack
Weather.com - 12/27/12, Tony Bizjak/Sacramento Bee
Avalanche (archive photo)
The pleasures of prime ski season in the Sierra have arrived with a dark side -- the peril of avalanches. Tahoe area officials are warning skiers and back-country recreationists of "considerable" avalanche danger this week after three incidents caused several injuries and killed two people -- including a ski patrol member doing avalanche control work.
Sierra Avalanche Center officials say heavy snowfall in recent days, along with fluctuating temperatures and wind, have left the Sierra snowpack unstable.
To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
Turkish officials say 2 Syrian air force generals have defected
The Washington Post - 12/28/12, AP
ANKARA, Turkey — Officials at Turkey’s Foreign Ministry say two Syrian air force generals have defected and crossed the border.
The defection comes as rebels besiege the military air base of Mannagh near the Turkish border.
To read the rest of this story, visit
The Washington Post.
Euclid Blows through East; Arkansas Still Dark
Weather.com - 12/28/12
Luna, a black Lab mix, frolics in fresh snow in East Derry, New Hampshire, Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012. The southern N.H. area received about eight inches of snow from the winter storm. (Associated Press)
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — As a the muted ends of a powerful winter storm that has killed more than a dozen people plodded through the Northeast, many in Arkansas were seeking warmth and shelter against the cold prospect of life without electricity into the new year.
A Christmas Day blizzard dumped more than 15 inches of snow on the state, causing massive damage to power lines that have affected more than 200,000 customers.
To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
The Morning Blessing 12/28/12
As the universe closes down the old year with a bang of energy that serves to remind you and I that we are all being called into a point of Light that is excited about us being there let me add my wishes too for a new year that opens and expands you into more options and possibilities. The last twelve months have been about restructuring, reordering, and reorganizing - from the most subtle internal electromagnetic levels to the bigger external commitments of change in physical time and space.
2013 is your year to wear your Light and Soul well. To become the master of your fate by making choices that move you into a space of freedom. To be thankful for all that is you and all that is about you, for you are the creator of your universe.
Even in Desolation, You Reveal Your Significance in This Universe
Heavenletter #4417 Published on: December 28, 2012
God said:When I accept you and accept you as My own, My own beautiful blossoming Own, you are Mine, and what is Mine is not to be shaken by what transpires in the world. You are not to be dejected by it nor rejected by it.
By everything you know, something occurred that is not right, not kind, not uplifting. It is not right, and it is not necessary for someone to demean you. Nor is it necessary for you to become unhappy because of someone else's view. When you were a child, you reacted as a child. When you were a child, there may have been someone who didn't want to play with you, and you were crushed. How could it be that someone didn't want to play with you?
Jersey Shore Grapples With Floods After Powerful Winter Storm
NBC New York - 12/28/12, By Storm Team 4 and Brian Thompson
A powerful winter storm blew through the region overnight, thrashing the tri-state area with a combination of intense thunderstorms, whipping winds, sleet and snow that complicated the trek to work Thursday morning and sent Sandy-wrecked Jersey shore neighborhoods scrambling to prevent further flood damage.
Forecasters are also eyeing another storm that could deliver light or moderate bands of snow to the area Saturday afternoon and evening. Most of the tri-state can expect 2 to 4 inches, with possibly higher amounts in Suffolk County and coastal areas.
To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit nbcnewyork.com.
Pray For Her
It's hard for me to write this post, I NEVER assumed that I would be.
I AM grateful for all the energy that I recieve from this sight. I cannot express how important this place is to me enough.
My roommate has a neighbor who, for no reason in the world other than percieved imagineary conflict, she can't stand me. She would offer me things and I said no thank you. Invited me to her house, and again, I said no thank you. She is not the type of person that I prefer to deal with, loves to fight, argue; not my thang anymore. You dont have to go to trouble it will come to you.
My roommate told her that when she uses the phone, people call her back and its aggrevating her. Immediately, she began to sling negative energy at me thru insults, ASSUMING it was some type of seed I planted. I ignored that behavior, for I AM a woman and those types of things, I ignore. I went in the kitchen to drink me some water. Standing at the table, not even thinking or paying this person any attention, she once again hurled a insult at me, when I did not respond, she walked up to me and pushed me. Now, I must admit, my personal space is mines and I hate it to be invaded. She is a alcholic, that's not a good excuse to me for her behavior. Naturally, the 3d Nageetah responded. I pushed her twice as hard as she pushed me. She then tried to hit me in the head with the phone, which did not work out well for her. hehehee Anyway, when I realized what was at stake for ME, pity for her set in. I assured her that as far as I AM concerned, we have no problem to be contending about, and whatever she was feeling was not my fault.
Pass the Light ON to others
The Tree of Living Lights
Joann S. Bakula
December, 2012
Group meditation at the full moon in Capricorn for the month of January, is early this year: Friday, Dec 28, 2012, (full moon is at 10:22am UT), with many meetings in the West being held Thursday, Dec 27. This year holds special opportunity for meditators, being the seven-year festival week (Dec. 21-28) of the New Group of World Servers, in honor of all who serve the world on every plane from material to the intuitive energy field--the Higgs field of enlightened Mind, if you will--from which seeds emerge as engagement evolves.
Steve Rother A Lesson In Time #2 ~ Dimensions of Multidimensionality
Saturday, 15 December, 2012 (posted 28 December, 2012)
Elrah steps in . . .:Oh, there you are!
Henry Seltzer ~ A Poignant An Tranformative Full Moon ~
With Friday’s Full Moon we reach an important stage in this pivotal end-of-year period. This is an especially significant moment in time, one week after the 2012 Day and just a few days before the New Year, Monday the 31st at midnight, and featuring the perfection of the Saturn-Pluto sextile that has come along in this Winter 2012 time frame to add its weight to the on-going cycle of Uranus and Pluto. Massive transformation is the theme, as current events continue to call to our attention, and as our own instincts also reveal when we take the opportunity to tune in – as Grateful Dead lyricist Robert Hunter puts it, to “close our eyes to see.” And the individual and societal mandate for change that we so poignantly feel actually represents our own best interest. We must, in the final analysis, allow to drop away whichever of our dysfunctional behaviors that we can identify as no longer serving our real needs.
A Kinder, Gentler World. My Experiences With Life After 12-21. By, Bella Capozzi.
❤ December 28, 2012.
Posted on
~ Here we are. It’s December 28th, and we’re sitting on the cusp of a brand new year. December 21st has come and gone, as has another Christmas. I must admit that this has been a pretty eventful week! So many of you have been sharing your accounts of what transpired for you on the 21st, and I’ve so enjoyed reading all of them. I’m amazed at the diversity and the variety of experiences and interpretations of what went down. Like many others, I’ve been taking a couple of weeks to just rest, regenerate, enjoy the Holidays and get a feel for what the next phase of my mission here on Earth is going to be.
Uniting our Physical and Energetic Selves Activates Fifth-Dimensional Timelines
We are in an amazing time filled with new potentials that offer each person the possibility to experience their highest visions and gift the world with amazing new ideas, innovations, works of art and discoveries.
The key to living along timelines where our highest and best exists is to unite our physical and energetic selves. As we become one within ourselves, we're able to unite with the gifts and talents we have cultivated throughout the history of our soul. Cultivating inner oneness allows us to do all this and more.
The greatest challenges we face are those that arise from a state of inner separation. This is what happens when we choose to see ourselves solely as a physical being. When we limit our experience to only that which we can observe with our physical senses, we cut ourselves off from a great amount of the assistance we would otherwise receive from our energetic self. It is through the union of our physical and energetic selves that we're able to access fifth-dimensional timelines aligned with our highest visions and dreams.
Unifying the Physical and the Energetic Bodies
Cosmic Weather ~ Full Moon Report, 12.28.12: New Identities and Rear View Mirrors
a message from Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer
Wednesday, 26 December, 2012 (posted 28 December, 2012)
Hello friends. Well here we have it, the last Full Moon of 2012 and it promises to be a powerful one! Looking into the aspects and energies of this moon, it feels quite appropriate for what has been the life-changing journey of 2012. The last moon phase of the year is the Big Winter Moon in December, also called Long Night’s Moon, or the Cold Moon.
REAL Reason For Mars Expedition??
Gold Discovered In Massive Amounts On MarsSunday, December 23, 2012 10:55
Mooji - Arunachala Satsang - We Are One; We Are The Same! - (2 Videos) - 28 December 2012
JourneyToAscension2012 December 28, 2012
Reblogged from Lucas 2012 Infos:
Source You Tube
Blossom Goodchild ~ Beyond 2012 ~ 28 December 2012 We chose To Trust Ourselves
Blossom Goodchild ~ Beyond 2012 ~ 28 December 2012
Here we are then! So … how was it for you? Each account of course shall be different from another’s … yet in a way … that is the beauty of it.
At first on the 21st I could find no beauty to be honest. There I was waiting … as always.
For me … I had hoped the best scenario would be this incredible Light coming in that we would visibly see and as White Cloud and The Federation had said … we would drop to our knees in awe.
I need to firmly state here and make this VERY CLEAR … White Cloud and The Federation at no time gave the date of 21st Dec for something to take place. It was ME … in my assuming that tried to put two and two together and come up with zilch!