Would you rather have a reassuring lie or a disturbing truth?
The mind likes to believe it has life figured out, it desires complacency and conformity. It automatically accepts things that support it's illusions. These make the mind feel like it's in control, it feels powerful, it feels right. It can keep building up illusions, and surround itself with people who support them.
The mind wants things predictable, and when something comes along and disturbs this, the mind becomes afraid. The mind doesn't usually like change, these threaten its beliefs and its false sense of peace. People react with rejection, projection, "fight or flight", all of the various defense mechanisms to protect what the mind believes.
People's beliefs ought to be disturbed, to be shaken up, to be challenged and questioned. People need to have fires lit underneath their butts, not to go read some generic spiritual message that tells them what a good job they're doing. That's what the mind wants to hear, how great it is. The mind's baby, the ego, gets a nice boost. These kind of spiritual messages don't really encourage radical transformation, I feel they're more a form of entertainment that anything else.
The mind likes being told that any day now all its problems will be solved. The person gets to make a superficial change in their beliefs and then wait. Just about everyone does this, not just spiritual people. They put their faith in some other person, a new system, or some event that's supposed to come along and fix what's broken. How well has this worked, really? You don't have to wait, your problems can be solved right now, by you. The mind likes it's problems though, they're familiar, and it can come up with excuses for not changing far faster than it comes up with solutions to the problems. The problems reinforce the mind's beliefs.
It may seem like I'm trying to disturb people, but I don't want the human to be disturbed at all. In fact I'd like to see everyone find that place within that cannot be disturbed. It's really just the mind that gets disturbed and you can use this to your advantage. Be very aware of the things that disturb the mind, as these are your opportunities for growth. Be very aware of the mind's reactions and you'll find the chains that bind you.
Poor mind, so abused! It likes to make itself miserable and blame others. It's a disempowering trick called playing the victim role. "Better to rule in hell than serve in Heaven" is the mind's motto. The mind would rather have a small illusion it believes it's in control of that to step into the much larger Reality. Of course, then the mind wouldn't be in control, it would have to let the Being step forward.
Collectively, people still don't want truth, and especially the personal responsibility that comes with it. The truth of what they're doing to themselves and the planet is not a pretty thing. It's very ugly and unpleasant, and the mind often "freaks out" or descends into despair when it becomes aware of this truth. What foolishness! What monumentally stupid thing it is to react to a negative situation with more negativity. It's like trying to put out a fire with gasoline, no wonder people have so many problems! The mind isn't going to solve the problems it created, it has way too much invested in those belief systems, you've got to step beyond the mind altogether.
The Galactic Free Press
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