Update ~The Light Is Exploding on Planet Earth Part 2

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Published on Sep 25, 2013

Greetings Love Beings, The Light is Exploding On Planet Earth. Everyone Who is Awake, Aware and Feels whats unfolding, have One Common WORD NOW, INTENSE! As a result, The old is crumbling much more quickly and even more so through our Incoming Equinox Event, Day Of International and Global Peace, and Global Gatherings and Meditations. We Have Shared the Incredible is indeed Unfolding as More Light Energy Enters this Realm in the coming days and beyond!

Quoted from Orbel Divine...."The Autumn Equinox falls on September 22. There are powerful energies arriving on this day. Laarkmaa, a group of interstellar beings described it as intense..."

Quoted from Karen Doonan....."The physical birth of the GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND is almost upon you beloved ones, this will see your dreams become your waking reality and this will see the shackles placed around the heart space dissolve and be replaced with the GOLDEN SHINING LIGHT OF LOVE in TRUTH. ALL now gather for this momentous occasion and many are now both able to see and hear their universal families in TRUTH. Communication will now expand and deepen as the energies now heighten. Work WITH the moon energies beloved ones, for the heightening frequencies are flowing rapidly to CLEANSE your very BEing. LET GO and TRUST in the process for at all times this process is overseen by your SOUL...." End of Quote


Quoted from Bill Ballard "On September 22, we are finally coming up on the end of that 9 month gestation period as we are birthing Mother Earth and the collective of Humanity since the December 21, 2012 Shift of the Ages. The Fall Equinox completes that cycle. What a wild ride this has been!....So many of us are hearing messages that the Avatar Energies are coming through to Earth during this Fall Equinox of 2013 for those of us who have been really working on Self. I am hearing similar messages across the board from various persons. I do welcome it so."


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