- Ascension Diary ~ Friday 7th/ Saturday 8th/ Sunday 9th and Monday 10th September 201
- ~If they don't Let us Dream We will Not Let Them Sleep!!~
- ~ Energies are High!!! Impromptu Love Party JOIN US~
- Sacred Sex; The Eternal Kiss
- 9/10/2012 -- Strange Sulphur smells coming from Southern California
- Robbie Williams to buy White Rock Island to view UFOs
- Incredible NASA footage of UFOs: 'Join us and live in peace'?
- When Time Is No More
- The Gift of a Card
- Jawhar taluka experiences heavy rains, loud noises and 'tremors'
- When Nature teaches - Love has no boundaries
- SophiaLove – Smile, Love, Repeat
- Heavenletter #4309 Who Walks Across the Stage?, September 11, 2012
- Mr. Keshe answers questions about the sale of energy devices and more
- Letter from the Italian Supreme Court Judge about the 9/11 Inside Job
- ~Brilliant Rehearters~
- UK, France, China Admitted UFO Are Real and Of Extraterrestrial Origin
- Don't Die Trying to Make it—Finding Your Way Home...The Life We Are Meant to Live!
- Weather Modification Trials Australia
- Bad News For The FDA, With Archbishop Jim Humble (MMS News Flash)
- Crys Crystaqueous ~ The Ascension Illusion Unmasked And The Global Consciousness Shift ~
- Accessing the inner planes -- the source of pure communion with the God-Self and the source of manifest Creation
- Welcome to the Fifth Dimension – Shift Happens
- Solar Swoosh!!!
- The Closing of the Paralympics ~ The Womb of Creation
- ~Being Present IN the Moment is SIMPLE~
- ~ The Ascended Masters are Real and We are Here~
- ~Your Family of Light and the Changes Happening~
- ~ An Important Message from The Earth Allies~Life is Becoming Real~
- Gallery New World Stages Opens FIRST CONTACT: UFOs, Aliens and Broadway, 9/7
- Konstantinos: A parable from my Arcturian Family~’Light and Dark’
- The NASA Files
- Active 2012 Hurricane Season Filled with Oddities
- Archaeologists uncover remains of Stortford "henge"
- Earth Allies Message - How deep can you dive in 5d?
- Archangel Indriel. “Strands Of Light Across A Bleak Landscape.” By, Bella Capozzi. September 11, 2012.
- Gaining True, Life Long Immunity To Disease
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Justice Make fair and equitable choices
- Visionkeeper - Headed towards the light
- Earthquake rocks Devon and Cornwall
- SEP 11, Yoj's Daily Ascended and Free
- Inspirational teenager who lost his eyesight five years ago gains top GCSE results at Brumby Engineering College
- Massive Explosion Seen On Jupiter (11th September 2012)
- 2MIN News Sept 11, 2012
- Video of August 31 CME traveling through space
- The manuscript of survival – part 194
- An act of kindness Welland Neighbourhood Project promotes 200 Acts, 200 Hours
- Lucas - Two Towers - Remembering The Secret - 11 September 2012
- UK, France, China Admitted UFOs Are Real and Of Extraterrestrial Origin
- Oracle Report - Tuesday, September 11, 2012
- Incredible NASA footage of UFOs: 'Join us and live in peace'?
- Matthew Ward’s View of the Events of 9/11
- 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - Everything you ever wanted to know about 9/11 in under 5 minutes
- James McConnell: Sanada ~ Millions of Torches to Light the Way
- ~Space Weather Update~ EXPLOSION ON JUPITER:
- Sanat Kumara on An Hour with an Angel – Part 1/2
- 9/11 - Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Full-length
- New 9/11 truth documentary among 'most watched' on PBS this week
- Arianna Huffington Confronted on Censoring Jesse Ventura 9/11 Article
Greetings Love Beings, It has been 11 Years since the Anniversary of a Zero point event for Humanity. When this event occurred, this triggered a Mass Awakening. Although this was a 3d tragic event, this was an event which assisted Many Into Awakenning tp what was happening on the Planet. We will have More about this in our Next Update. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
Ascension Diary ~ Friday 7th/ Saturday 8th/ Sunday 9th and Monday 10th September 201
Wow, I could have sworn I only put my laptop down for a moment - but here we are Tuesday 11th September already and somehow I missed 4 days!
Time is still playing tricks with me - of late it has once again entered a period of speeding up - I get caught up in something, look up and the day is all but gone! It has been a few months since I last noticed this so I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the planetary window from 6th September through to the 12th.
Friday after starting with so much pent up anger subsided to be a rather lovely day... I have taken up "tapping" and really do notice the benefits (when I remember) to tap my way out of my mood. I did this on Friday and immediately noticed a lightening in my emotional field for which I was very grateful.. It is such a blessing to recognise these things - not by putting additional energy into them - but simply recognising - honoring that is where I am at at that present moment in time and then allowing myself to let it go... I have to admit though, sometimes it works, and sometimes, well.. I guess my ego still gets in the way ;-)
~ Energies are High!!! Impromptu Love Party JOIN US~
Greetings Love Beings, Instead of Our Regular Update we are Going to Have a Surprise Love Party for these Current energies and they are pouring IN!!!
We are Beginning Now!!!!
Join US Now Via This Link
Oneness Energy Coming In, in A Powerful Way! Join US and Experience What is Now Unfolding!!!
We have Reports of Everyone Feeling High Amounts of JOY and We are Going to expand on this This Evening. If you are not feeling Joy right Now, Join us and See if You Can Feel US!!
This Love is Free and is For Everyone!!
Right NOW We are Making History!
This is the Divine Plan Unfolding Right NOW On Planet Earth=Heart Right NOW!
Sacred Sex; The Eternal Kiss
Sacred Sex; The Eternal Kiss
Posted by Pleiadian Delegate

Sacred Sex: The Eternal Kiss, The Union.
In Sacred Sex we become One, we merge Body, Heart and Soul in Union. The Eternal Sacred Kiss is the Soul Merging through Sacred Breath, with The Beloved. Your Twin. In the Moment, in the Heart as Union.
Kissing; to touch or caress with the Lips. The lips and breath are Sacred and connect you in the Moment with Your Heart and Your Soul.
The Breath in the Moment is Eternity Experiencing itself. The Kiss merges The Heart and Eternity.
Your Breath is Your Soul.
9/10/2012 -- Strange Sulphur smells coming from Southern California
Remember the GAS BUBBLES discovered by the research student : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1ooc-uN2h0
Remember the BURNING HILLSIDES in the same area: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNATH4hFGTc
It also happens to be the earthquake swarm region from last weeks HUGE EQ swarm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VIzmz9MlYU
Also the spot with the burning rocks that hurt the woman who picked them up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuYQrTxv6Gg
also just so happens to be the spot of the leaking nuclear power plant (san onofre): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fkI1wHDZPs
Also the area that had mystery plumes and fumes appear : which the USGS actually addressed:
not once,
not twice,
Robbie Williams to buy White Rock Island to view UFOs
Examiner - 9/3/12, By: Nannette Richford

Pop singer Robbie Williams is seeking to buy White Rock Island off the coast of California to serve as home base for viewing UFOs, says a report on Business Standard dated Monday, September 3.
According to the report, White Rock Island is currently owned by Hollywood director Michael Caffrey and has been used exclusively for film, including commercial and TV shoots.
Incredible NASA footage of UFOs: 'Join us and live in peace'?
NASA cameras have captured hundreds of unexplained images as well as compelling film footage of UFOs above the Earth. These images of swift moving objects, hovering orbs and even a space battle, are proof of the existence of ET visitors to Earth, claim UFO enthusiasts .
NASA's official stance on the incident, however is that these objects are merely dust floating around in space. The speculation continues to fly regarding these fascinating videos, many of which were captured by the International Space Station and NASA satellites orbiting Earth.
A stunning video, just released by YouTube user StephenHannardADGUK, puts many of these now famous sightings together with an eerie but dramatic soundtrack:
When Time Is No More
When Time Is No More
We are 1/3rd done with Sept, do you realize this? In a way it’s like yesterday that September began, and in another way it's like it happened so long ago that you don't even consider that is just got under way. I am confident that I am not the only one that is finally in this realization of time as we have known it to be, even as gradual as it has been down sizing, is dissipating now more rapidly than we have ever before "felt" it to do.
From our past and the beginning of 'time' we had quad trillions times quad trillions times quad trillions of minutes to experience life on Earth in so many ways, but now we are down to little more than one hundred and thirty thousand minutes before 12/12/12, which is the beginning of the end of ‘time’ as we have known it to be, 12/21/12.
In a day there is 1,440 minutes, In a week, 10,080, in a month,43,200, and we are at this point down to little more than 130,000 minutes for usage. Then comes “ZERO” point, NO TIME.
How are you spending your ‘time?’ Are you glued to ‘the box’ having the mainstream lies continue to infiltrate your subconscious mind? Many if not most shows showing you how to compete with, hate in the kitchen, despise, argue with, judge, condemn, sue one another, Jerry Springer type shows, and a thousand ways to die. Let’s not place the commercials with their ‘buy more drugs and vaccinate that baby, in your face for now. Drama, drama and more of the same.
It is truly later than you think
The Gift of a Card
Source: HelpOthers.org
--posted by isisgen on Sep 9, 2012
I'm eleven years old, and I like to make cards. I usually put a bracelet and drawing in the envelope along with the card, and hand it to someone.
I never hang around for people to say thank you, but sometimes my brother hides to watch their reactions. He tells me about them later.
The other day, I gave an old lady a card. Then I sat down to eat with my family. Well, she came over and gave my whole family a hug and kiss on the cheek! Before they had a chance to say "Hi" back, she sat herself down and made very friendly conversation.
I loved her. :)
Visit HelpOthers.org to read/share stories and kindness tips and more.
Jawhar taluka experiences heavy rains, loud noises and 'tremors'
Hindustan Times - PTI, 9/3/12
Heavy rains washed away a culvert at Takav in Chelavali region of Palghar taluka as people residing near rivers and creeks here shifted to safer locations, the district control room said.
Meanwhile, geological experts visited Jawhar on Monday to study so called 'tremors' in the area and submit their report to the collector directly.
To read the rest of this story, visit hindustantimes.com.
SophiaLove – Smile, Love, Repeat
Sophia Love – Smile, Love, Repeat – 11 September 2012
It is a gorgeous Fall day. The sky is that blue you only see this time of year. The clematis, deep purple and violet, seem to push along the fence as I watch, eagerly getting in one good spurt before their exit.
The sounds are different. The crickets, as ever, provide background but I wonder about that propeller I hear from the sky, perhaps a helicopter. What’s missing are the voices of the children, school has them captive and quiet. The dogs are inside as well today. I hear an occasional muffled bark from behind closed doors. Summer is about over. Birds surround the property, enjoying the almost empty yard, along with the dragonflies.
These are the things I’ll hang on to – crisp Fall days, the sound of birds, vibrant flowers, and brilliant skies. Creation is only amplified as we evolve. The most accurate tool we possess is our emotions. The stronger we feel around a person, place, thing, or event, the speedier is our manifestation. I am blissful; this day will get a repeat.
Heavenletter #4309 Who Walks Across the Stage?, September 11, 2012
Heavenletter #4309 Who Walks Across the Stage?, September 11, 2012
God said:
At the same time as you participate in life, you are also the watcher. Sometimes life seems to be like a train that rushes past you. You just stand there watching what occurs. Then life rushes past you in full view. Whose life is it anyway when you sit on a bench and watch it?
How much of life, that which you call your life, how much of it do you actually decide, you wonder. Is life something you decide or do you merely watch the train? What makes the train hurtle down the tracks. Ah, yes, the train tracks are there. The rails were there before you came on the scene.
Even when you are paddling in a canoe, there seems to be an unseen hand that sweeps you up into an eddy as strong and as determined as the railroad tracks.
You certainly do have say over your life, or do you? How much of your life is your free will? Even when you balk, are you the balker? How self-determining are you?
Mr. Keshe answers questions about the sale of energy devices and more
Sat Aug 11, 2012 2:16 pm
Mr. Keshe, here I found the following:
1 - Financial system will be destroyed by the devices of € 20,000 for 3000 watts

2 - monopolies would be destroyed and their place will come another monopoly, which will pay annual fees of 350 euros

Mr. Keshe, you know that 75% of human beings on this planet live on $2 a day? And you think to improve their lives with instruments of € 20,000? So this is not serious.
I personally suspect that behind your big words lies a great thirst for power and money. Too bad that so many people will be disappointed.
I hope this is just your strategic move, not a destination.
If you are a philanthropist, I wish you success, but if you just play the game ............ watching the sky and his hand give everyone deserves! Exceptions will!
(The translation is automatic, are possible spelling errors)
This is an interesting point which has arisen several times on the forum in different forms in the past.
Let me explain to those who do not know, how we have been operating in different sectors of the Keshe Foundation, and then you will all understand better how the new universal order will work as I and the members of the Keshe Foundation have done in the past years.
Yes, the 3-4KW system will be 5000€ and the 10 KW will be 20,000€ and these prices will stay the same.
Letter from the Italian Supreme Court Judge about the 9/11 Inside Job
Journal of 9/11 Studies Letters, September 2012
Ferdinando Imposimato is the Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and a former Senator who served on the Anti-Mafia Commission in three administrations. He is the author or co-author of seven books on international terrorism, state corruption, and related matters, and a Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy.
The 9/11 attacks were a global state terror operation permitted by the administration of the USA, which had foreknowledge of the operation yet remained intentionally unresponsive in order to make war against Afghanistan and Iraq. To put it briefly, the 9/11 events were an instance of the strategy of tension enacted by political and economic powers in the USA to seek advantages for the oil and arms industries.
Italy too was a victim of the “strategia della tensione” of the CIA, enacted in Italy from the time of the Portella della Ginestra massacre in Sicily in 1947 until 1993.
There is much evidence of this strategy, both circumstantial and scientific.
The reports of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), November 20, 2005, set forth the following conclusions. The airplanes that struck each of the twin towers caused a breach as well as an explosion evidenced by a giant fireball. The remaining jet fuel flowed onto the lower floors, sustaining the fires. The heat from the fires deformed the building structures and both towers collapsed completely from top to bottom. Very little that was of any size remained after these events except steel as well as aluminum fragments and the pulverized dust from the concrete floors.
~Brilliant Rehearters~
Quotes to Lift YOU UP!!!
~The God Manifesto~
~There are no "evil" beings to overthrow, there is but an awakening to the awareness of Love. Do not seek to correct a brother or sister whom you believe to be in error, instead be the Light of Truth. Be a Light to those who have forgotten the truth of their Divine Nature so they too may awaken and experience the utter joy of Heaven on Earth. ~ The God Manifesto - Book II
UK, France, China Admitted UFO Are Real and Of Extraterrestrial Origin
Only Posted this for those of us who do not see Disclosure has been going on for a few years now. Just Keep Spreading the word. And Spreading the LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! oh this was posted Aug 24, 2010
Don't Die Trying to Make it—Finding Your Way Home...The Life We Are Meant to Live!
Pubblicato in data 10/set/2012 da Kemetprince1
Weather Modification Trials Australia
Source: Lucas 2012 Infos - 9/10/12

Cloud seeding trial underway in NSW
Winter has come and gone for another year and with it more data has been gathered in a cutting edge trial that is being carried out in the Australian Alps.
The trial is exploring the possibility of increasing snowfall by utilising a technique called cloud seeding that was first seen more than 50 years ago.
Cloud seeding is the process of introducing a particle into the clouds to help make it rain or snow.
Snowy Hydro, an organisation currently running a cloud seeding trial, monitors weather systems approaching the NSW Alps to identify potential cloud seeding systems.
Bad News For The FDA, With Archbishop Jim Humble (MMS News Flash)
Source: Lucas 2012 Infos - 9/10/12
Uploaded on 20 May 2012 by JimHumbleLive (Lucas : This is already from May but I had not seen this!)
Contribute today and help us stop the FDA:
MMS vs. FDA fundraiser:
Crys Crystaqueous ~ The Ascension Illusion Unmasked And The Global Consciousness Shift ~
Part 5 ~ 10 September 2012
Thank You to Lucas
Upanishadic Lore
“Apart from the ego there is neither death nor birth.This vicious (apparent dream) circle of deaths and rebirths is sustained only by the primary ignorance which is the ego. The ego itself is death, because he (or it) is the negation of the Truth, which is Life.He must not only be dethroned, but must be put to death. For there is no safety so long as he survives. Until this sense is surrendered, Spiritual teaching cannot be understood. (None could possible exist who can commence to understand the World of Spirit! Besides Such World, nothing Is! Such is simply more dream lingo—nothing less nothing more!)
“Deliverance is not in the top of the sky, nor deep inside the earth, nor on the earth; it is just the extinction of the (dream) mind, with all its desires. He that finds the Self—who is concealed in the Heart—shall enjoy profound happiness which is the simultaneous fulfillment of all (Divine) desires.
Accessing the inner planes -- the source of pure communion with the God-Self and the source of manifest Creation
Accessing the inner planes -- the source of pure communion with the God-Self and the source of manifest Creation
tr. by Sean & Sandra, ed. by M.
JKM 08-24-12 Communion with the Inner Planes of Universal Order that Sustains Right Action and Sustainable Manifestation of Oneness
(Judith in Denver)
J: I was awakened with intense ringing, signalling the need for a communication to come through. So I opened my heart to the infinite wisdom, the compassion of Infinite Creator, divine truth.
I open to the inner realms, the archives of the knowledge of the mechanisms of Creation. I tap, now, into the force of Universal Oneness.
We are the guardians of the inner planes, the source of conscious relationship between the realm of manifest Creation and the pure source on the inner planes that supports Universal Order and the cohesion of consciousness and form.
Welcome to the Fifth Dimension – Shift Happens
Changes at The Galactic Free Press to Mirror Changes in Our Reality
We would like to inform you of some changes we are making in our focus here at The Press.
We will be sharing less 3D news because The Matrix is crumbling and, although the mainstream media is currently keeping up a façade of “business as usual,” we don’t want to encourage or be a part of that.
This is especially true of stories about the banking system. We know that the new banking system is in place and that the switchover to the new system is happening gradually and that news of it will be released gradually so that people won’t panic. Again, the mainstream media is carrying on as if nothing has changed but we don’t want to support or encourage that approach. Therefore, we will not be posting any more stories about topics such as the possible collapse of the Eurozone or the devaluation of the dollar. We will post stories about the banking system that are relevant to and honest about what is really happening.
The Closing of the Paralympics ~ The Womb of Creation
Wow - these last few weeks seem to have been moments out of Time - so much happening on the outer levels - each day another race - a record breaking raising of the bar - reflecting the inner levels of resonance that have been growing and integrating throughout the 'Olympic Games' for us all, as we have been passing through a 'cauldron' of transformation since July 27th.
In the UK there has been an unprecedented level of sheer delight, enthusiasm and love for all of the atheletes who have acted as a superb focus of attention, so that our energies might unite, across the Globe, in Joy, to allow for the Earth Star Portal to be deeply anchored.
The 'competing' Nations came together at the start of the Ceremony and we witnessed the pure intent that underlies the true purpose of these Games - as they gathered together, flag by flag - that we might all Unite as one Humanity within the One Heart of Pure Love. And So It Is.
~Being Present IN the Moment is SIMPLE~
~Being Present in the Moment Of Now is Simple, Love Handles the Details. Gratitude is Good, Be Grateful For Everything. All Moments of Eternity are Blessed and Always Grander than the Moment before. Moments of Eternity are Stringed Together, Creating an Ever Expanding Symphony that has with it Unlimited Grandness within Each Note. The Present Moment of Now, Is Always Now, and is All that is In Existence
So does time really exist? No it does not, and there is no time in The Eternity of Heaven, because there is no separation of Energy. The New Earth all That Will Exist, is All of Us Together Uniquely Being As One in Balanced Harmonics. This is Creation and its only Function is Equal Love, Always Reflecting the Equality of Love back into the Highest Possible Experience or Expression For All Beings To Benefit Equally. This is the Moment to Moment of Now which is Eternity.
~We Are Asking to Share our Information With Your Brothers and Sisters. It does not matter if they do not “believe” that We Are Here, it matters that They Understand that Big Changes are Ahead for all Life on Planet Earth=Heart. HERE WE GO!
Love The Earth Allies
~ The Ascended Masters are Real and We are Here~
Beloved Saint Germain~
"The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection ...who have guided the expansion of the Light in humanity on this planet from the beginning are no fragment of anyone's imagination. They are real, visible, tangible, glorious, living, breathing Beings of such Love, Wisdom and Power that the human mind gasps at the immensity of it. They work everywhere in the universe with complete freedom and limitless power to do naturally all that the average individual considers supernatural.
"They are wielders of such power and manipulators of such force as to stagger the imagination of the person in the outer world. They are the Guardians of the race; and as in the world of physical education, various grades of teachers are provided to guide the development of the individual's growth from childhood to maturity and then beyond, preparing him for special work, so do the Ascended Masters of Perfection exist to educate and help the individual, that he too may expand his consciousness beyond ordinary human expression. Thus he develops his superhuman attributes, until like the student graduating from college, the one under the care and instruction of an Ascended Master graduates out of his humanity into the full, continuous expression of his Divinity.
~Your Family of Light and the Changes Happening~
Earth Ally Will Harader
~Your Family of Light and the changes~
Change is upon us. Though change has always been here, it's making itself much more obvious now. The Planet is shifting, the climate is being altered, sea levels rising, ice caps melting, and the entire ecosystem is constantly adjusting itself. Socially, people are fed up with corporate greed and the governments that protect the corporations at the expense of the people. People are hungry for a break from the dysfunctional systems of the past. An African-American man is president of a country that barely treated his race as human just a couple generations ago. Countries are coming clean about their suppression of information regarding UFOs, and it's now to the point that only the willfully ignorant can convince themselves nothing is going on.
~ An Important Message from The Earth Allies~Life is Becoming Real~
Pubblicato in data 10/set/2012 da GalacticCentral
We can see it NOW...A Planet of One...Upon a Land Vast beautiful and Free, building inside of US in perfect harmony...We can taste the sweetness, NOW of the apple as we pluck it off the tree, we accept abundance and Joy as a natural way to be.
...We run through fields of flowers and things without care or worry, manifesting grandness and greatness, we are NOW in our moments of Glory.
to read the full messagehttp://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/important-message-earth-all...
Uploaded by dero7 on Jan 12, 2012
Things Star Seeds Say, find out for yourself:) Namaste
Source: YouTube.com
Gallery New World Stages Opens FIRST CONTACT: UFOs, Aliens and Broadway, 9/7
Talk Art World - BWW News Desk, 9/5/12
Gallery New World Stages, located at 343 West 49th Street, today announced the upcoming opening of FIRST CONTACT: UFOs, Aliens and Broadway. This exhibition of 100 works of cartoon and comic art includes pieces by syndicated cartoonists and contributors to The New Yorker and will be on view from September 7, 2012 through January 6, 2013, with an Opening Reception on Friday, September 21, from 5pm to 8pm.
"I'm gratified to have so many distinguished artists participating in this show, which has been two years in the making," said Bernard Stote, curator of Gallery New World Stages. "I knew I wanted to do an exhibition spotlighting cartoon and comic art, but at first there was no specific theme. As artists began to submit work, I was surprised to see how much of it focused on outer-space aliens and UFOs, with some pieces cleverly including references to Broadway and theatre. That's how FIRST CONTACT: UFOs, Aliens and Broadway was born."
Konstantinos: A parable from my Arcturian Family~’Light and Dark’
Sep 11
Posted by kp40
Our warm greetings to you Dear Ones!
The parable we are transferring to you trough this message is about the story of a 32-year-old woman, Jill. Jill was a lawyer. You will see later why we are saying ‘was’. From a young age, particularly since she was 3 years old, Jill had as an intense characteristic the often laughter. Her family was happy about it, till they realized that she was doing that without looking at them, but at the ceiling!
The NASA Files
Figured i would add this since we are in a NASA theme today :) Love ALL of my Shipmates!!!
Active 2012 Hurricane Season Filled with Oddities
Weather.com - Chris Dolce and Jon Erdman, 9/11/12
Active 2012 Atlantic Hurricane Season
The 2012 Atlantic hurricane season has been a busy one so far. The season-to-date statistics have far outpaced the long-term averages since 1966.
On average, we don't reach the sixth named storm of the season until September 8. In 2012, we've already had more than double this number with a total of thirteen named storms. The number of hurricanes so far this season (seven) already almost equals the average number of hurricanes (eight) in an entire season during the current active era from 1995 to 2011.
To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
Archaeologists uncover remains of Stortford "henge"
Herts and Essex Observer - By Sinead Holland, 9/11/12
Stonehenge in Wiltshire
A HENGE – or Prehistoric monument - may have been unearthed on the outskirts of Bishop’s Stortford.
Archaeologists investigating sites earmarked for thousands of new homes on the town’s ASRs – areas of special restraint – believe they could have found a Neolithic earthwork in the form of a ritual enclosure on the site along the A120 bypass.
To read the rest of this story, visit hertsandessexobserver.
Earth Allies Message - How deep can you dive in 5d?
Earth Allies Message - How deep can you dive in 5d?
We found this post today showing a video of murder, rage, frustration and maybe some other adjectives as it's able to arise emotions like pop corn in a hot pan with butter.
Thus I can assure that there will be some out there finding that what is shown in it is simply a "natural consequence" of a fight for "freedom" and that the soldiers did the right thing, and that those killing are part of a process to bring in freedom, peace and a well being. Some of them will truly believe in this statement, some know it's not true but use it to convince others that their crimes are legal and have a bigger purpose.
Archangel Indriel. “Strands Of Light Across A Bleak Landscape.” By, Bella Capozzi. September 11, 2012.
Archangel Indriel. “Strands Of Light Across A Bleak Landscape.” By, Bella Capozzi. September 11, 2012.
~ Greetings to all, I am Indriel. To the Lightbearers and the Wayshowers, I come to you this day with words of love and encouragement. To the Dear, Sweet Souls just now in the initial stages of their awakening, I tell you to have faith and persevere. The road before you may seem at first to be strange and unfamiliar, yet I assure you that to follow it shall take you Home. Far away from the uncertainty and struggle you face now in the 3rd dimensional world of duality, you shall discover peace.
Gaining True, Life Long Immunity To Disease
Gaining True, Life Long Immunity To Disease
12th September 2012
Guest writer for Wake Up World
“We should be rolling in the dirt, gardening, wrestling with some brambles and skinning animals for supper. These are important immune system builders.”
~ Joel Salatin
A high immunity to disease doesn’t come from a needle, pill or supplement. It doesn’t come from antibacterial soaps and a germ free environment. Actually, considering the poor state of health most people are in these days, it can’t even come from healthy food and medicinal herbs alone any more. The epidemic of allergies, asthma, obesity, gastrointestinal infestations, infections, malabsorption and so much more are all directly related to poor immunity. It all comes down to the body’s own defense systems and how well or poor these function.
Isn’t it ironic that the time when we have no actual control of our health – our early childhood, it’s the very time when life long immunity is built or affected? The first seven years of our lives are crucial. And it actually doesn’t stop there.
So where does true immunity really come from?
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Justice Make fair and equitable choices
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Justice
Make fair and equitable choices
Visionkeeper - Headed towards the light
Headed towards the light…
This picture so adequately expresses where we are at this time. It is dark and many times brutal to be where we are, but just around the bend ahead is the light shining brightly, beckoning us to continue on. As we go along and keep looking for an end in sight we lose track of where we have been! It is time to look behind us and take stock of all we have manifested! The world has gone through much chaos and yet we are still in one glorious piece. Banks have fallen, our money has been stolen, our homes have been taken away, our food has been poisoned as well as our water and air, our rights have been stripped away and yet here we still are and in many cases stronger than we were before! We will not be beaten down, we quietly refuse to do things the dark way. We are aware now, awake to the truth, on guard and ready for action if needed. We most definitely are NOT where we were a year ago!
Earthquake rocks Devon and Cornwall
Tuesday, Sep 11 2012
Dozens of householders were woken during the night after an earthquake measuring 3.6 on the Richter scale rocked parts of Devon and Cornwall, police said today.
People who felt the tremors described their fears as floors and walls shook.
Shaun Mather, who lives in a 150-year-old miner's cottage at Callington, Cornwall, said: "My first impression was it was a nuclear bomb. For a strange reason, I don't know why, that is what I thought."
The quake occurred just before midnight and its epicentre was in the Bristol Channel 25 miles (40kms) west of Bude on the Cornish coast, a spokesman for the British Geological Survey said.
SEP 11, Yoj's Daily Ascended and Free
Gentle reader this is an ongoing share of the thoughts and feelings understood as: most high for all life evolving with Earth.
Inspirational teenager who lost his eyesight five years ago gains top GCSE results at Brumby Engineering College
Thursday, August 30, 2012
An inspirational teenager who lost his eyesight five years ago is now one of the star pupils in his school year after achieving remarkable GCSE results.
Jack Garner, who lost his sight after being diagnosed with a degenerative eye condition in 2007, has left school with high GCSE grades
pleased: Jack Garner with his results
The manuscript of survival – part 194
The manuscript of survival – part 194
•September 11, 2012 •
As of yesterday, the pressure has increased yet again, so do not expect too smooth a sailing in the days ahead. We can hear the groans already, as this time, your physical bodies will have to bear a somewhat heavier burden than before. Do not fret dear ones, this is as always a sign of progress, even if your bodies seem to think otherwise. And yes, we are aware that we have promised you more ups than downs in the times ahead, but this does in fact constitute an ”up”, even if it might throw you off balance for a while. You see, these intense upgradings are no more than an extra push to get you faster to that finishing line, but as all pushes in the back, this too will mayhaps be construed as somewhat forceful and annoying. Be that as it may, we know fully well that the outcome of it will be very, very beneficial for you all, even if the actual insertion will feel anything but.
Let us change subject somewhat, and delve a little bit further into the concept of time. For, as you know too well already, this concept is apt to cause much confusion in the time ahead. Much will seem to be faltering, on the brink of destruction, for suddenly to take a step back again, and vice versa. In other words, the collapse of the timelines will also bring with it much change, but this change will not unfold at a steady pace and in the sequence you would expect in a ”normal” world. In other words, this will in many ways seem to be like a dance, where you take two steps forwards, but suddenly you are propelled back again, and then to one side and then to the other.
An act of kindness Welland Neighbourhood Project promotes 200 Acts, 200 Hours
Lucas - Two Towers - Remembering The Secret - 11 September 2012
A fictional story about Two Towers in the midst of the land of human.
The story begins with the characters of the two towers , one tower called the whore of Babylon and the other called the tower of the darkness. Both had found in their fights of evil their righteous place so they thought. The land of human kind was their place they could feed, plunder and use their resources called slaves for what reason or what use ever. The dark forces had found protection in clothing that shielded them against the light they could not bear.
It was a long time ago when those evil forces came upon earth and started fighting amongst themselves for power and settled for the status quo in finding their own strongholds to defend. They came to satisfy their needs that where abundantly available on earth. The creator of this world had given the species that predominant lived on this earth of heavenly greens, streams, enchanted lands of waving trees, seas and mountains, a lot of edible food in the form of fruits, berries, seeds, nuts, that came from those plants and trees that grew them. Animals, insects where also provided for on this beautiful world created and it was called the land of Gaia and also human land.
UK, France, China Admitted UFOs Are Real and Of Extraterrestrial Origin
By mayo31311 - Posted on 10 September 2012
Only Posted this for those of us who do not see Disclosure has been going on for a few years now. Just Keep Spreading the word. And Spreading the LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! oh this was posted Aug 24, 2010
Oracle Report - Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Cancer/Leo
As mentioned yesterday, today's energy is extremely intense. Because it is September 11th, the day is already imprinted with emotions of the past, but the Black Moon moving into Gemini, Mercury and the Sun conjunct, and something impacting Jupiter bring perpetual motion and restlessness today. Anything goes and anything can happen today and it will come from out of the blue. There is a pervasive and underlying feeling of needing to move on to new ways of thinking and doing things. New ventures undertaken today have a great deal of power to them because the momentum that is in today's energy will "mark" and sustain them indefinitely. This gives you an idea of the scope of what we are working with. It's like a rip current. So when there's a rip current, you swim parallel to and with the current - not against it. The tendency is to fight energy like this because the restlessness of it makes sensitive people very uncomfortable. It "damages our calm" so to speak. Usually we stand outside the energy and witness, but today we are going to immerse ourselves in it and swim with its direction. Resistance to anything that is happening will only create problems. Tomorrow, after this energy moves on, I will discuss what the Black Moon moving into Gemini means.
Incredible NASA footage of UFOs: 'Join us and live in peace'?
All Voices - Michelle Devlin, 9/10/12
Thank you, Madame Butterfly
A newspaper report on NASA UFOs
NASA cameras have captured hundreds of unexplained images as well as compelling film footage of UFOs above the EarthEarth. These images of swift moving objects, hovering orbs and even a space battle, are proof of the existence of ET visitors to Earth, claim UFO enthusiasts .
NASA's official stance on the incident, however is that these objects are merely dust floating around in space. The speculation continues to fly regarding these fascinating videos, many of which were captured by the International Space Station and NASA satellites orbiting Earth.
Matthew Ward’s View of the Events of 9/11
2012 September 11
Matthew Ward has discussed 9/11 on many occasions but nowhere as amply as on June 5, 2004.
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - Everything you ever wanted to know about 9/11 in under 5 minutes
The Corbett Report - 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes
TRANSCRIPT and Watch French, German, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese translations of this video: http://www.corbettreport.com/911-a-conspiracy-theory/
James McConnell: Sanada ~ Millions of Torches to Light the Way
Know dear ones as the coming times approach, all will be turned on its head never again to be as it was. Many have been called and now many are responding as never before. Simply look all around you and the evidence is there for the mass awakening to occur. As of yet you may have little or no idea of the immense changes about to befall your world both within and without.
However, know that all is being prepared to welcome each and everyone that wishes to find themselves in the new golden age. Even though all may seem at times as if there is nothing but chaos, actually all is proceeding according to the plan and in an orderly fashion. It is up to each of you dear ones to recognize what is occurring and use your discernment to determine how you will respond to the seemingly chaotic happenings. When the smoke has cleared and the veil dropped, then you will look around you and marvel at all that has happened and all that went in to bringing your world out of the darkness and fully into the light, never again to lose its brilliance.
The sacred deep waters of the Earth have been points of contact for Star beings. On Friday, Sept 14th through the 15th, just after dark, contact will be made at certain points across the Earth.
~Space Weather Update~ EXPLOSION ON JUPITER:
DOUBLE ASTEROID FLYBY: A pair of big, near-Earth asteroids will fly by the Earth-Moon system on Sept. 14th. 2012 QG42 is a 300-meter space rock that comes from the inner asteroid belt; it will pass 2.8 million km (7.4 lunar distances) from Earth. 2012 QC8 is even bigger, about 1.1 km in diameter, hailing from the vicinity of Jupiter; it will pass about 8.7 million km (22.7 lunar distances) from Earth. Astronomers monitoring the incoming space rocks say they are glowing like 14th to 15th magnitude stars, which makes them good targets for advanced amateur telescopes. Ephemerides: 2012 QG42, 2012 QC8.
EXPLOSION ON JUPITER: Apparently, something hit Jupiter during the early hours of Sept. 10th (11:35 UT), igniting a ferocious fireball in the giant planet's cloudtops. Amateur astronomer Dan Peterson Racine, Wisconsin, saw it first through his Meade 12" LX200 telescope. "It was a bright white flash that lasted only 1.5 - 2 seconds," he reports. Another amateur astronomer, George Hall of Dallas, Texas, was video-recording Jupiter at the time, and he confirmed the fireball with this video screenshot:
Sanat Kumara on An Hour with an Angel – Part 1/2
Sanat Kumara on An Hour with an Angel – Part 1/2 – 9/11: Mayhem, Chaos and Dark Energies
2012 SEPTEMBER 11Posted by Steve BeckowSanat Kumara, Planetary Logos and Keeper of the Universal Law, joined us Sept. 10, 2012 in part to discuss 9/11 and in part to discuss how to bring peace to India and Pakistan. Because today’s articles focus on 9/11 be post the first half of that talk today (9/11) and will publish the second half tomorrow. Many thanks to Ellen for having completed the translation in time for posting on 9/11.
An Hour with an Angel with Sanat Kumara, September 10, 2012
Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenario. I’m Graham Dewyea.
9/11 - Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Full-length
Published on Feb 5, 2012 by lillesvend666
New 9/11 truth documentary among 'most watched' on PBS this week
Digital Journal - Victoria N. Alexander, 9/3/12
"9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out" is getting public attention and casting doubt on the scientific validity of the U.S. government's investigation into the WTC tragedy. PBS is the first major network to air the program.
Just days away from the 11th anniversary of the World Trade Center tragedy and months away from the U.S. presidential election, a game-changing 9/11 documentary is ranking number three among "most watched" documentaries on PBS and number one among "most shared." Available for free online August 18th - September 4th, the documentary could have a significant effect on public opinion. [Update: PBS has extended viewing indefinitely.] Both the Republicans and Democrats, as equally staunch defenders of the official story, stand to be affected if the public's suspicion of government corruption grows deeper.
Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/332051#ixzz26B4VVvhG
Arianna Huffington Confronted on Censoring Jesse Ventura 9/11 Article
Source: WeAreChange.org - Luke Rudkowski, 9/10/12
Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post, gets confronted by WeAreChange about censoring Jesse Ventura’s 9/11 article.