~ We will Be In the Field of the Full Moon Energies for the Next 48 Hours

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings:


Decreed by Heaven~ We are Smack in the middle of the Transformations. The domino's are falling. The Mirror of Love Mirroring Love on Planet Earth has Been activated per this Full Moon. This will be a Process continually unfolding.This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.  ENJOY! Love The Earth Allies PS You Can Join us ON the Grid Today Beginning at 11am Pacific At this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart

Conversations with God Movie Playing Right Now On the Grid



If Anyone would Like to See The Movie About Neale Donald Walsh, Conversations with God. You can Join us at this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart

Started at 6:45pm Pacific

Love The Earth Allies


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~ An Important Message from The Earth Allies~Humanity's Return to Love Mirroring Love



Tonights Full Moon Energies and a Gratitude Prayer For Humanity's Awakening Into All Love IS On Planet Earth=Heart


~Humanity's Return to Love Mirroring Love~ Look inside and Your Will See. Your Greatest Gift You Will Receive~ Jump Into the Oneness Energy and You Will Discover Your Real Family there, As We have Always Been and We Are HERE~


Dancing with the stars by crystalin


~Awaken and Be Free~

~The God In Me, See's The God In You~




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Infinite Waters – I Lost My Job… What Should I Do? – 25 February 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on February 25, 2013

Uploaded on 24 February 2013 by Kemetprince1 Everyday is A New Start!
Feel Alive by Ralph Smart. The New Book Now Available Below:
My Website: http://infinitewaters.net


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Words of a Pleiadian Starseed: Jesse Loya


I think of it many times, every morning, every night.
I see it in every projection, thinking I came down to this planet, not only me but many, many others like me, from out there, from the Star Forces of Light.
WE came down here to Wake Up the Humans who have been Shut down to Sleep and trapped on this Planet.
We came down here to unplug them from the Reptilian Matrix that is up visible in the sky, the Fucking Moon!!! You see it now, that’s the Truth, is visible and they don’t see it.
Humans have been manipulated to think that they are the only ones in the universe, manipulated to walk and repeat everything every single day, the Matrix mode.
We incarnated on this planet for a mission, to help Humans see their reality, to help them get unplugged from the enemies Systems.
We came down here to Help them decode their multidimensional reality, not the Moon Net’s reality.
An Electromagnetic Net that we the Pleiadians can’t defeat or destroy but only the Humans can from the inside, and that way is Waking them Up.
Wake them up so they can move on to the Next Dimension and be free. Wake them up so they can move on and be free out of the Reptile control.
The Native Americans do remember their Lyrae ancestors who came here refugees of the Lyrae/Draco war; the Native Americans do remember their ancestors from the Stars. The rest were genetically changed, and enslaved.
But we are Here to wake them up, To Set them free!! WE are unarmed but We are trained, to Rescue them.
We are not alone; the Humans are not alone…. There are Galactic Armies and Forces of Light supporting this Homework and we got to get it done.
We are done, we defeat the Retiles and their Illuminati Earth governments, We will save them All!!!
Remember, the Galaxy is being affected by Earth, Earth is in crisis, is in sadness and death.

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Jon Waldrup ~ The Full Moon Of February 2013 ~ 25 February 2013


JonWaldrup“The very best expression of Pisces is to be in exile from the Divine while still opening one’s soul to search and longing.”    Ellias Lonsdale

This Full Moon is one of the pivotal points in the astrology of this year. What we are needing to do, what is being asked, the theme of our times you might say… is that we cease to sense ourselves as separate from each other or the Earth. We need to learn what it means for us as individuals to be human and we need to learn to see that same basic humanity in all the people of the world. Because what we will see then is that every one of us came here to experience and express “exile from the divine.” Only then will we embrace ourselves and each other with a recognition that the Earth herself is the expression of the Divine we have been seeking all along.

Many people are walking around claiming to know the Divine. I hear it all the time. And it’s always about these guides or entities or something outside of the person talking. And I just say, “Cool” you know? And look for Vesta on the midheaven or something like that.


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Laura Bruno ~ Mercury Retrograde 2013 ~ 25 February 2013



laura brunoMercury Retrograde, Full Moon in Virgo … as Doreen Virtue notes:



“INTENSITY is the theme for this week, including intense feelings. The cards [in her weekly oracle card reading] show you making huge changes because of your intense feelings which are pushing you to leave unhealthy situations or behaviors. You start on a positive new path this week, as it is the right time to do so.”

For more on the first Mercury Retrograde of 2013, you might also appreciate my friend, Master Astrologer Electra Jung‘s take on this Mercury Retrograde in Pisces. Intense, intense, intense! Stay grounded, folks!

For some Merc Rx tips from previous times, you might like to read this article as a refresher.


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Residents angry as Assumption sinkhole continues collapsing


WWLTV.com - 2/25/13, Katie Moore


BAYOU CORNE, La. -- The Assumption Parish sinkhole is a lot like a living, breathing thing. More than 200 days after it mysteriously started swallowing up the swamp, hundreds of residents are still under a mandatory evacuation order.



Geophysicists say the cavern that caused the sinkhole at the surface is still collapsing, leaving Bayou Corne residents wondering if there will ever be an end in sight.

To watch the other video and read the rest of this story, visit WWLTV.com.




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Latest Earthquake Activity - February 26, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 5.7 quake in Eastern Honshu Japan

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

February 26




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Cleveland's fish kill is not pollution related




The Ohio Department of Natural Resources has confirmed that a fish kill on the Cuyahoga River last weekend resulted from natural causes.Thousands of dead fish were found Sunday floating in the river in the Flats area near downtown Cleveland. ODNR official Jessie Janosik did the investigation. He says the species of fish involved led to the conclusion.

“It was all gizzard shad.  When the temperature fluctuates a lot, this fish can’t handle it and they die. What happened here is that the temperature has changed a lot lately and that caused the kill.”

To listen to the clip and read the rest of this story, visit WKSU.org.


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More warnings on Cyclone Rusty


The Australian - 2/27/13, AAP


TROPICAL Cyclone Rusty is squatting over the Pilbara, bringing extremely heavy rainfall and very dangerous winds to a vast swathe of the West Australian coast.

The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a cyclone warning for coastal areas from Bidyadanga to Mardie including Port Hedland, Karratha and Dampier, and adjacent inland areas of the Pilbara, including Marble Bar, Nullagine and Millstream.

To read the rest of this story, visit The Australian.


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Flash Flood - Africa - Mozambique


Source: Gibiru.com - 2/25/13, Written by RSOE EDIS


EDIS Number: FF-20130225-38314-MOZ
Date / time: 25/02/2013 14:12:11 [UTC]
Event: Flash Flood
Area: Africa
Country: Mozambique
State/County: Southern Regions
Location: [Mainly in Gaza Province]
Number of Affected: 238000 person(s)
Number of Evacuated: 186000 person(s)
Damage level: Large


Torrential rains continue to cause flooding in large areas of Mozambique affecting 238,000 people and of those 186,000 have been forced to flee their homes for safety. Both the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers have burst their banks and humanitarian agencies are working in clusters to provide assistance and shelter to the homeless.



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3MIN News February 26, 2013




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Feb 26, 2013


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It's Time To Submit YOUR Clip! I Know That Our Galactic Family Is Here!




I know that our Galactic Family is here!
How about you?




We want you to share The Truth!
It's simple.
Just create a short clip like the one above

and then email it to



If you can't make a video clip, you can submit an audio clip or a written statement. You can include photos if you like.



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The Heart Song for February 26th 2013


The Heart Song for February 26th 2013 is
The Moon Song by Paul Simon
If you want to write a song about the moon
Walk along the craters of the afternoon
When the shadows are deep
And the light is alien
And gravity leaps like a knife off the pavement
And you want to write a song about the moon
You want to write a spiritual tune
Then nah nah nah
Song about about the moon
If you want to write a song about the heart
Think about the moon before you start
Because the heart will howl
Like a dog in the moonlight
And the heart can explode
Like a pistol on a june night
So if you want to write a song about the heart
And it's ever-longing for a counterpart
Write a song about the moon
The laughing boy
He laughed so hard
He fell down from his place
The laughing girl
She laughed so hard
The tears rolled down her face
Hey songwriter
If you want to write a song about
A face
Think about a photograph
That you really can't remember
But you can't erase
Wash your hands in dreams and lightning
Cut off your hair
And whatever is frightening
If you want to write a song
About a face
If you want to write a song about
The human race
Write a song about the moon
If you want to write a song about the moon
You want to write a spiritual tune
Then do it


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TheOne-DreamDreamer ~ So We’Ve Been Invaded By Some “Outside” Forces


jjIt was “them” that came here to invade our eden.

And of course God knew nothing about it! The One Universal Consciousness of all that is, got surprised. Got a “oh shit!” moment.

it was “them” responsible for the fall. So evil that God could do nothing but sit there and watch as It was taken down into oblivion of it Self.

And it is “them” humanity is now focusing to fight against, probably there’s a lack of wars on earth to focus on. As of course governments and banksters are all part of “that” specie. They’re not humans, it’s “them”. It’s all because of something “out there” we fight. We… we have nothing to do with it. “That” came and got us.

“They” put fluoride in our waters to prevent us from remembering. So why did things happen before the fluoride was introduced? As One consciousness where many fight agains them selves, what better way than to give “them” the task to prevent us to remember. So if we forget… it’s “their” fault. Once again “we” come out clear and as poor guys to save.


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Conversations with God


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~ Whats Happening On Planet Earth=Heart?~ Join us Live



Greetings Love Beings, Welcome To The Full Moon IN Virgo and The Grid is ALL Lit UP!

Join us Live Beginning at 10:30am Pacific at this Link:


Join us today as we Discuss Whats Happening With OPPT, The Real Story, The Current Energies, Everyones Missions and Contracts and So MUCH MORE!

The Beginning Has Begun Everyone! As Decreed By Heaven We are Moving Into a Smooth Transition into The New Earth=Heart. There are No Seatbelts. If You are Clear and Remember You are Love Complelty! ENJOY These Incoming Energies! Yeehaw Love is Here!

Welcome~ Welkom Home Into The Kingdom of Heaven On Earth=Heart






JOIN US In Your Mission!


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2-25-13 Bill Ballard ~ The Pope ~ Queen of England Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.


Published on Feb 25, 2013


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Walking The Tightrope of Equilibrium ~ Full Moon February 2013



How do we understand what constitutes a peaceful state of mind? Some of the definitions would be mental freedom, tranquility, comfort, or happiness. Do you have these faculties within you on a daily basis? And how do you acquire the ability to find balance within your life?

These are the questions that can be very important for us to ponder as we move into the Full Moon energies of February 25th, 2013 which is in the sign of Virgo with Pisces at 8:26 PM GMT or 3:26 PM US Eastern. Virgo represents that ability to ground energies of our day-to-day functions focusing on the need for order in our lives while Pisces is more fluid accessing our spiritual believes to become manifest physically. The energies we will be receiving represent “illumination” of what is inside of us, how we are interacting within the world, which part of it represents our spiritual nature, and which part is from the accessibility of sustaining life in our third dimensional world.


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James Gilliland says: STUPID US?


james_gilliland1STUPID US?
It is impossible to intelligently argue with this letter.


Let’s look at what we have learned from this election:

Twenty-one of 22 incumbent senators were re-elected, and 353 of 373 incumbent members of the House were re-elected. The American people have re-elected 94 percent of the incumbents who were running for re-election to an institution that has an approval rating of about 9 percent. This indicates, as an electorate, we are a nation of idiots. We’re now stuck with the useless, dysfunctional government that we deserve.

You can’t fix stupid…


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The Great American Taxpayer Robbery


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Reshel and the Galactic Council of Light via Pat Crosby: A Grand Remixing is Underway ~ Hold On ~ It WILL Get Better!


lightgrid by Pat Crosby

Q: Why is everything so unsettled right now? Why can’t we seem to make any plans that stick? It seems everything is constantly moving around. What’s up?

A: Beloveds,

Since the turning of the ages has gone through its cycle, in the event that you call the 2012 finale, there are huge new energy waves impacting your planet ~ and, of course, you and all living on it.

These  waves  are coming not only from sources beyond your planet and galactic sources, but also from forces that have awakened within your planet ~ from within and under the earth’s crust and down below the surface of the earth ~ down in the area  sometimes called the place of the hollow earth.

This is the place where there are other civilizations ~ other civilizations not known in 3rd dimensional realities.

These civilizations below the earths’ surface are also going through their own shifting process.

Those of you on the surface of the earth are going through all of your adjustments to the new energies (we think you’ve noticed!) ~ and Mother Earth herself is going through all of these adjustments to the new energies.


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We Are ALL On A Mission - What is Your Divine Role?




We are ALL on a mission. We all came here to help Mother Earth and Humanity ascend and become a Blue Star Nation. If you are living on Planet Earth right now, then yes, this means YOU! YOU agreed to be part of this mission.



If you're beaming LIGHT and being LOVE IN ACTION then YAY! You're a part of the solution to the ego problem on this planet. However, that's just the beginning. What else you got? What is YOUR Divine Role? What is YOUR Mission? Only you can answer that question. It will start to unfold naturally but now is the time to take charge of your progress and step into your Divine Role.


We are all here to play notes in a universal symphony. The symphony is not over until you hit your note. Together, we make a joyful, glorious sound celebrated throughout Creation!




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9 Tantric Practices to find GOD through sex NOW!


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The Transformation of Self-limiting Thought Forms and Beliefs ~ A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon




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February's Sun / Awakening As Predicted


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The Beginning~ Love From The Galactic Free Press


 Produced by Earth Allies and Twin Flames Petra and Lejo


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Ice boulder photos on Lake Michigan go viral


Posted by; WZZM 13 ONLINE

GOOD HARBOR, Mich. (WZZM) - She's lived near the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore for nearly seven years but a Northern Michigan woman says she's never seen anything like this.

Leda Olmstead came across dozens of ice boulders during her daily walk Thursday afternoon. The giant formations were scattered across a 100 foot section of the beach and were too heavy for her to pick up.


To read the rest of this story and see video link, please visit  



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The Magic of a Divine Reunion


Ascension pioneers-2/24/2013,






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Mahala ~ Planet Alert March 2013




Mahala’s Astrology | February 25 2013

Welcome to the new Earth. We just went through a magnetic pole shift in a very subtle way. Were you aware of what was going on? I began to wonder when there were so many earthquakes in the first part of February. Starting on February 1 there was a 6.8 quake in Chile and then on February 6 there was an 8 point quake in the Santa Cruz Islands in the South Pacific. The Earth kept quaking and by February 20 there had been 21 quakes that were between 6+ and 7 magnitude. That is a lot of shaking.

On February 10, 2013 I woke up so dizzy I could hardly walk. I wondered to myself what was going on and I received the information that the Earth was shifting. I think this is when the Earth started moving into the magnetic shift. The New Year of the water snake started on February 10th. The snake represents our Kundalini energy. Maybe the Earth’s Kudalini started to rise at that time and will continue to rise as Mother Earth ascends.

On February 14th the magnetic South Pole pushed down the North Pole and opened a hole in our magnetosphere. The North Pole represents male energy and the South Pole represents female energy. The fact that this happened means that female energy now wants to be dominant, which is of course the love energy within us.


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Major Queensland centres brace for more flooding woes as rain system moves north


News.com.au - 2/27/13

Gympie flooding

The Mary Valley on the outskirts of Gympie is flooded. Gympie residents are bracing for the fourth flood of the year with the Mary River expected to peak. Source: Getty Images

HEARTBROKEN residents and business owners in Gympie last night were bracing for their fifth flood in two years, as the Mary River broke its banks after 200mm of rain belted the town in just 24 hours.

The weather system that has saturated the southeast continues to move north, with weather bureau forecasters warning residents in Rockhampton, Gladstone, Bundaberg, Gympie, Biloela, Kingaroy, Hervey Bay, Fraser Island, and the Sunshine Coast and adjacent hinterland that downpours of more than 200mm are possible.

To read the rest of this story, visit News.com.au.


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Britain set for week of Arctic misery


Express - 2/26/13, Nathan Rao

BRITAIN faces another week of freezing Arctic misery as one of the fiercest winters for half a century years continues to bite.

This-winter-is-shaping-up-to-be-one-of-the-longest-and-coldest-for-50-yearsThis winter is shaping up to be one of the longest and coldest for 50 years with more snow, sleet and ice on the way.

Forecasters say it could be the middle of next week before any let up to the biting Siberian winds and frosty mornings.

To read the rest of this story, visit Express.co.uk.


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The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: Building Unity, Motivating the Public and the Original Intentions of Some Religions


360 small


The lightening vibrations you are beginning to find within yourselves are signaling the way for true and real change to be brought forth on the surface of your increasingly-evolving planet. You are rising up from the realms of the third and fourth dimensions to the fifth, and from the fifth dimension your evolution onward will see you learn so very much about the multidimensional nature of existence upon this world.

What we mean is that upon accessing and traversing the unlimited perspectives the higher dimensions have to offer, many of you will see that you have indeed already traversed many of the higher realms you are looking toward from the third and fourth dimensions.

You are truly multidimensional beings, and we wish for you to know this. You have a perspective that is much stronger than the majority of souls on your world would know or accept, and you are able to tap into and feel a flow of energies that is so strong, that your ability as Gods and Creator entities who can work with any given higher dimensional energy simply cannot be expressed enough.


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Denise Le Fay ~ Transitions ~The “Nine Months” Period


960x720 Paradigm ShiftI created this graphic above in a feeble attempt to visually represent what’s been going on before the 12-21-12 Expiration Date and Paradigm Shift Point, and where we are today within the “Nine Months” period of the Ascension Process. This graphic is meant to be read from the bottom up.

Also, I want everyone to know that the two colored images in my graphic were the closest images I could find that showed multiple lines — which are intended by me to represent multiple worlds and realities existing within multiple timelines — all compressing and converging into one single line. The bottom image represents before the 12-21-12 Expiration Date and Paradigm Shift Point; the top image represents the same process unfolding for “Nine Months” after the Paradigm Shift Point and before the single line separates into multiple lines again representing the start of the Separation of Worlds and Timelines at the end of the nine months… Fall Equinox 9-22-13. I would have preferred that the two colored images did NOT have those + signs in them, but they were the closest images I could find so please understand that the + signs are NOT representative of anything I was trying to convey, but came from the artist who created those two images.


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Visionkeeper - Old Habits Die Hard…


One World Rising Posted on February 26, 2013



The cat in today’s picture tells the whole story. We get used to doing things a certain way and we dare not venture out beyond the comfortable. Here the cat has a wide open door yet he still insists upon using the cat door. It’s all he is used to and so he uses it again despite the fact the door is open. If we take a close look, I would imagine we could probably see many old habits we are still holding on to despite the fact we are now free to do whatever we desire with our lives. There is much comfort in doing things the old way, but do we evolve forward if we remain locked into the familiar? No. We may feel safe in this familiar world, but if we are not taking risks, experiencing the unknown, or allowing ourselves to see our world through different eyes, we are not expanding our consciousness. Remaining safe is not living your life fully.


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Irma Kaye ~ Pisces, Lent & Karmic Ripening. In Others Words: “If You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going.


 “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

If you’re going through hell, keep going. – Winston Churchill

Hello friends. Well it’s that time again; Lent and Sun in Pisces. It’s generally not my favorite time of year. I have Saturn in Pisces in my natal chart, and historically I’ve gone through some rather tough times during March. Looking at Pisces energy itself, it rules the astrological 12th house which is related to places of confinement such has jails, asylums and hospitals, and also to karma and the subconscious. It has also been referred to as the “garbage bin” of the wheel or psychic/psychological dumping ground, thought that isn’t an entirely fair assessment, as it is a rather complex realm. It is also the house of cosmic consciousness, dreams, awakening and transformation.


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The manuscript of survival ~ part 274


Aisha North


For quite some time now, you have felt how the surge of energy has increased, and with it, things have started to manifest. For some of you, these manifestations seem to limit themselves to some physical outbursts of irritation, and mayhaps some rather intense emotional ones as well. But for others, things have started to seep out in the open, and even if some of these signals may seem feeble at best, they are in fact only forerunners for what is to come. And on the best of days, you will all feel this deep certainty within as you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that this world that you inhabit has already changed beyond recognition. Not on the thin film of illusion that still covers it, but deep within the core. And deep within the core is where the truth is, as the rest is only a projection, a film still running to make you all think that it is business as usual.


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Daily Messages of Wisdom and Inspiration Sunsrise and Victory~


Greetings Dear Ones! It is I, Lord Emanuel who comes to greet you this day. Isn't it wonderful Dears Ones that every day upon your planet is born again, re-newed? The sun always rises, it never fails. Every day is a brand new day when you get the chance to start again, pick yourself up, or carry in the same way. Take a moment with me now Dear Ones, to receive that truth. Breathe in deeply the knowing that you are safe. That every perceived mistake, every word or thought, deed or action done in anger, every perceived bad feeling can be left behind and as the sun rises on a brand new day you have the opportunity to do something different.
See the sunrise for what it is my Dear Ones, a brand new day. A whole day in which to forget yesterday and do things differently or if you are completely fulfilled and satisfied, a whole new day to do more of the same! How many of you are in the latter category? How many of you would not change a single thing about your life and live today as you did yesterday? Take another moment to ponder this one Dear Ones. Are you completely happy with your life? Do you have all the fulfilling and wonderful relationships with your parents, your husband or wife, your children? Do you jump out of bed in the morning eager to get started on your day, eager to get to work? Does your job fill you with fire and passion? Are you showered with Love by your friends and neighbours?

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Winter Storm Rocky: State-by-State Impact


weather.com-2/26/2013, Associated Press



Winter Storm Rocky is marching east toward Chicago, Milwaukee and Indiana. At least three deaths are being blamed on the storm, which brought deep snow to Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma Texas and  Missouri. Miles of roads were closed in the Central Plains, and thousands of people have no power Tuesday morning. There is a severe side to Rocky. It's bringing heavy rain and a tornado threat to the Southeast.

Here's a state-by-state breakdown on the impacts of Winter Storm Rocky.



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Weekly Energy Updates ~ February 25th to March 3rd, 2013


       by Kathy Roseborough

Hi Everyone !

Yeah !! This week we have been waiting for….it wasn’t that bad waiting was it? We are in a full moon week plus we are completing the bridge I was telling you about that needed to be built from December 21st, 2012 to this week. Two months of struggle for many people and far too many challenges are now under your belt and behind you for this 2013 year start. Let’s recap this…you had to undergo a major shift of human consciousness with the solstice of 2012..then you stepped into the 2013 year saying to yourself, “Now what?” All the uproar is now settling…so what am I supposed to do now?


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Purpose


Angel Wisdom Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Everything has a purpose


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Metamorphosis ~ All is in a State of Flux ~A Message from the Angels,



26 Feb 2013, by Tazjima


Gunsight Peak


We are the Angelic Legions of the Divine Mother.

We greet you this day when spring is beginning to show its first signs of arriving to the Northern Hemisphere. As the leaves of the first bulbs break through the cold and damp soil of winter gardens, so you are undergoing a metamorphosis, changing from one form to another. Your world follows suit, as change becomes a constant companion, sometimes dogging your heels as you move through your day. Nothing will remain as it once was – all is in a state of flux.

We are the angels who do the bidding of the Divine Mother. We work closely with the archangels and personal guides of those who are acting as wayshowers and lightworkers on planet Earth at this time. We wish to speak to you of many things, first and foremost the various changes that your bodies and minds are undergoing.


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Heavenletter #4477 God Sense


Heaven Letters Published on: February 26, 2013

God said:

You are vaster than the Universe. The Universe is included within you. Everything is included within you. I am included within you! How vast can you be? And what can you possibly be lacking?

You have perpetrated a hoax on yourself! You try to make yourself a Mighty Mouse! You who are far mightier than a giant would like to dance around as Mighty Mouse. If that isn’t a hoax you’ve perpetrated on yourself, what is?

Deep within you is all the power of the Universe, all the power of Heaven, and all the power assigned to Me, God.


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Re~Post: Music of the Spheres


Kirsten Dunst in "Music of the Spheres"

"Music of the Spheres" is an episode of The Outer Limits. It first aired on 9 May 1997, during the third season. When you watch this, you will see a young Kirsten Dunst and Joshua Jackson. Howard Hessemen, Dr. Johnny Fever from WKRP in Cincinnati, has a co-starring role.

This episode is about young people being affected by "music" that comes from Sirius. It's fun to watch because, in many ways, the story is similar to what humanity is going through right now.

As I was looking for this video, I learned that the phrase, "Music of the Spheres" has many meanings and is commonly used amongst those in the Spiritual Community. If you look up this phrase online, you will find many websites that refer to it in some way.


Here is part of the entry from Wikipedia:


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Comet PanSTARRS warms up for celestial double feature's first show


NBC News - Alan Boyle, Updated 2/25/13

Ignacio Diaz Bobillo / Pampaskies.com

Comet PanSTARRS glows with a fanlike tail in this picture from Argentine astrophotographer Ignacio Diaz Bobillo.

The first of two comets expected to make a splash this year is already putting on a good show for Southern Hemisphere skywatchers — and by the time it makes its appearance in northern skies, Comet PanSTARRS should be visible to the naked eye.


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Re~Post: USAF Colonel Admits Debunking UFO Sightings (Video)


gather.com - by Tom Rose, July 20, 2012

A retired USAF intelligence officer admits using any means at his disposal to debunk all UFO sightings reported during his long career, even unexplained sightings.

The officer, Lt. Colonel Dick French, says he is stepping forward now because he's no longer afraid of negative repercussions and because he believes the story will come out anyway.

According to French, the rules against advocating for the possibility of extraterrestrial visits have lessened and too many people now believe in the possibility that life exists elsewhere in the universe and that visitors may have already appeared over the skies of Earth.


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Whiteout conditions, howling winds 75 mph, 3 ft snow drifts: north Texas paralyzed by ‘historic blizzard’




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Trial Set to Open in BP Oil Spill


The Weather Channel Michael Kunzelman Published: Feb 25, 2013, 8:51 PM EST  Associated Press


Grand Isle State Park, La.

Grand Isle State Park, La.

Oil washed up on the beach at Grand Isle State Park, Louisiana, June 5, 2010. (Matthews D. White/Getty Images)


NEW ORLEANS  -- Nearly three years after a deadly rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico triggered the nation's worst offshore oil spill, a federal judge in New Orleans is set to preside over a high-stakes trial for the raft of litigation spawned by the disaster.


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This is indeed~ the unstoppable force of which we have spoken so very often~ Ron Head






We return today to the subject of channeling.


You should be noticing several things about the messages you are reading at this time.  The first is that the messages contained therein are becoming clearer and clearer.  You should also be seeing that there is a distinct difference between those that uplift your spirit and those that leave you confused or dejected.  We hope you are giving no attention at all to any that bring forth fear.


Next you will be more and more surprised at the response you feel within.  This is a direct result of both the love energy which is bringing about changes within yourselves and the allowance you are giving yourselves to change toward versions of yourselves which you perceive as more desirable.  You do know, after all, that you have put on a party face that you intended to disguise your true identity for this last act of the play.  The time approaches for you to cast off the masks and take your bows.  We are sure a standing ovation will be in order at that time.



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Step-by-Step Guide to a Night at a N(ice) Hotel


The Weather Channel Lauren Mack Published: Feb 22, 2013, 5:31 PM EST


Staying at an ice hotel is cool — literally and figuratively.


The Daily Meal spent a night at Hôtel de Glace, a Québec ice hotel constructed anew each winter with 20,000 blocks of ice. This year the Hôtel de Glace is open until March 24.

Though ski vacations remain a popular winter retreat, vacations revolving around ice are increasing in popularity thanks to ice festivals popping up around the world, like the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival (哈尔滨国际冰雪节) and the Québec Winter Carnival, and ingenuity that has made it possible to build ice hotels anew each season.


To read the rest of this story visit The Weather Channel


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The Morning Blessing 02.26.13





- Reverend Angela



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Hawaii Island summits hit by blast of wintery weather




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The manuscript of survival – part 274


aisha north February 26, 2013

For quite some time now, you have felt how the surge of energy has increased, and with it, things have started to manifest. For some of you, these manifestations seem to limit themselves to some physical outbursts of irritation, and mayhaps some rather intense emotional ones as well. But for others, things have started to seep out in the open, and even if some of these signals may seem feeble at best, they are in fact only forerunners for what is to come. And on the best of days, you will all feel this deep certainty within as you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that this world that you inhabit has already changed beyond recognition. Not on the thin film of illusion that still covers it, but deep within the core. And deep within the core is where the truth is, as the rest is only a projection, a film still running to make you all think that it is business as usual.


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Re-Hearter! Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon. ALL are Welcome!


Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.






heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain



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Amarillo, Texas hit by 2nd Biggest 24-hour Snowstorm on Record


wunderground.com-2/25/13, Christopher C. Burt


Blizzard conditions raged in and around Amarillo, Texas this morning (February 25) depositing 19.0” of snow with drifts of 4-6’. Photo by Michael Schumacher, The Amarillo Globe News.


Wichita is forecast to pick up 8-10” additional accumulation through Monday night. Should this verify, it will make for February being the single snowiest month in Wichita records (which go back to 1888). Wichita’s snowiest month on record was 20.5” that fell during February 1913. So far this month the 14.2” from last week’s storm has comprised their monthly total, so an additional 6.4” needs to fall today and Tuesday to break the monthly record. Wichita’s greatest single snowstorm on record brought 15.0” on January 17-18, 1962. Its 24-hour record (which still stands) is 13.5” on March 15-16, 1970. During last week’s storm the peak snowfall amount reported in Kansas was 22” at Russell. This was well short of the Kansas state record for a single snowstorm of 37.0” set at Olathe on March 23-24, 1912. The state 24-hour snowfall record is 30.0” at Pratt on March 28, 2009.


For the rest of the story click this link.


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The dolphin Collective about the recent happenings ~channeled by Méline Lafont


pleiadedolphininfos Tuesday, February 26, 2013

(Note from Méline, I am aware that this message feels slightly different than their previous messages and therefore this have made ​​me worried about how this could be. It was made ​​clear to me that this is a "wake up call" message and usually  these have a slightly harder tone, with the intention to help people awaken. I still feel  the loving energies of them, but it is clear that it has become too much for them too)


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Suzanne Carvell~Kingdom of Light


Thank You to kp40



This morning as I was awakening I heard the Kingdom of Heaven is here and this I feel with all my soul as my Twin Flame is very close now. We have been sending powerful love and light outward around above and below flooding Dearest Gaia and all of Humanity in Heavens Light which we also join with others sending their love and light outwards.

Our love and light binds us together as One. It is nearly time to step into my divine place within the new energies as it is for many Light Keepers who began many many years ago in Lemuria.  Many Ancient writings and Maps are due to make their way to Humanity in an open History of where we came from, our journey’s, not just on Earth but other Planets within the Great Cosmos of life.


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Doubling, Tripling, Quadrupling Last Winter's Snow


weather.com-2/25/13, Chris Dolce


Topeka, Kan.


A spun out jeep sits in the middle of I-70 while cars pass by, Feb. 21, 2013, in Topeka, Kan. (AP Photo/The Topeka Capital Journal, Chris Neal)


Last winter produced pitiful amounts of snow for many cities across the country. As a result, a low bar has been set for snow totals this winter season to exceed what we saw in the winter of 2011-2012. In fact, some places from the Northeast to the Midwest and Rockies have now doubled, tripled or quadrupled last winter's snow total.

We begin with the most recent additions to the list thanks to Winter Storm Q


For the entire story and storm pictures click this link.



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How Reiki Changes my Life


I pulled a card today. (It was the Knight of Cups, in case you're interested, this same card was pulled on 2/2. There is a reading for that day.) I couldn't connect to get anything written for it. I was guided to write this instead. 

This is my "reiki story." It changes my life each and every day, always in an unexpected way.


My Reiki journey started while we were searching for honeymoon spots. As soon as we came across the page for Tree Spirit, my (then soon to be) husband and I knew that was the one. Advertised as a “’old island’ style beach cottage”, it boasted no TV, no phone, no clocks. You came there to be there. Perfect! Not to mention it was treated energetically with Reiki, crystals and other ineffable resources. At the time, I had no idea what any of that meant, which is kind of funny to think about now. I did a quick internet search about Reiki, but I only came back with a very, very basic concept of what Reiki is.



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THE HEART IS A SACRED SYMBOL As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


pleiadedolphininfos Tuesday, February 26, 2013


As the vibration of the heart beats throughout the month of February we are asked to look at our heart and see its true value.  There are so many flavors of love, as true love is a many faceted thing. Love is a living energy and once love has touched you, you are forever changed.  Love is movement and seeks to fly on the wind like a seed of hope seeking fertile land.  Love is constantly evolving shifting changing, never staying the same for more than a fortnight, but leaving an eternal impression that will influence a lifetime. The saying ‘that love beckons and begets love’ is true. For only when there is love in your heart can you reach out and embrace other flavors of love. Some flavors of love are only there once never to be tasted again, sup upon them with a deep and thirsty heart.



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~ An Important Message from The Earth Allies~Humanity's Return to Love Mirroring Love


Repost for this morning


Tonights Full Moon Energies and a Gratitude Prayer For Humanity's Awakening Into All Love IS On Planet Earth=Heart


~Humanity's Return to Love Mirroring Love~ Look inside and Your Will See. Your Greatest Gift You Will Receive~ Jump Into the Oneness Energy and You Will Discover Your Real Family there, As We have Always Been and We Are HERE~


Dancing with the stars by crystalin


~Awaken and Be Free~

~The God In Me, See's The God In You~




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The Oracle Report Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The Oracle Report

Full Moon Phase - Moon in Virgo

The keyword for today is transcend.  We are going to sail over any difficulties that come up today.  Be aware that we may not understand everything that is going on (some elements of situations may be hidden) so we do not want to make drastic moves if possible.  Being evasive is not necessarily a bad thing today.  Transcending means consciously going above and beyond the situation.  It means we prevail over the emotional soup that is in play.  To do this we have to be fully contained and firmly anchored with the planet.  There are pitfalls along the way where dirty laundry is being aired, so we will need to remember to fly over and by-pass all of that.  This day is best approached with faith in the unfoldment of Sophia's vision and a sense of adventure that comes from our participation in it.  It's a day to enjoy the ride by not getting too invested in what is going on around us.



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