Progress. Evolution. Change.
No matter what you call it, it’s something we all struggle with.
Why is that?
We acknowledge that being stagnant prevents us from getting anywhere, yet we refuse to take the steps (consciously or unconsciously) to do anything about it. We can blame our fear of discomfort, our fear of being our true selves, or simply the failure to take personal responsibility, but it’s more than that.
We know that if we repeat the same actions, we get the same results. But our problem isn’t in our actions, it’s in our approach. We focus on what we’re giving up rather than what we’re getting.
So what do you do?
Stop focusing on the behavior you’re avoiding! For example, if you’re trying to abstain from alcohol, biting your nails, or yelling at your spouse, the solution is the same: focus on what you’re adding in, not what you’re taking out.