What You Believe Creates Your Illusion

will's picture

This message may ruffle some feathers since I'm going to directly address a very popular new age belief, and I'm not planning on being very nice to it. The kind of people who don't want their beliefs to be challenged are the kind of people who cling to fragile and weak belief systems. These are the people who need to challenge their beliefs the most if they want to grow and evolve. Beware of getting too comfortable while walking the path, if that's the case you've probably stopped walking. Everything you believe needs to really be looked at, not just unconsciously accepted.

First, I'll talk about in what sense the belief that "your beliefs create your reality" is true. For most people, there's no clear difference between their personal illusion and the larger reality. As far as they can tell, their personal illusion is reality. That's all that they can see, so their beliefs, which do shape their personal illusion, appear to affect all of "reality". So long as you equate "your reality" with "your separate illusion", then yes, your beliefs create "your reality". Personally, it seems a bit insane to me to not make any distinction between reality and illusion, which is the denial of reality. I wouldn't pretend those terms are interchangeable, those two are as different as different can be.

When I'm talking about reality, I'm talking about God and Love, I'm talking about the much bigger Universe that goes far beyond the tiny human world. There is no reality separate from God, yet your beliefs can create the illusion that you're separate from God. This reveals the illusionary nature of the mind and its beliefs. Reality doesn't need any beliefs to be witnessed, it's easiest to see when the mind is silent and the Being Is Present.

There's no "my reality" or "your reality", you don't own reality. I wouldn't even say you own your beliefs, as it's probably more accurate to say that they own you. The whole idea of ownership is a dualistic illusion. You only appear to have your "own reality" because your mind filters out and rejects what doesn't conform to its beliefs. Reality is something we all share together.

The "your beliefs create your reality" belief is quite easy to accept for most people because that's how they already operate. Most people's whole "reality" (separate illusion), is already made up of their beliefs. They believe what they believe is real, and the only useful thing that comes from the "your beliefs create your reality" belief is some realization of what they're doing. The danger is that they believe their separate illusion really is "reality" and they just continue to play in illusion instead of looking further.

The mind wants to be right, it needs to be right. In it's quest to always be right, it created the belief that whatever the mind believes is "reality". This means that no matter what the mind believes, it's always "true", the mind always gets to be "right". When put in this context, doesn't the insanity of "your beliefs create your reality" become quite clear? It's the way murderers, rapists, thieves, warmongers, and racists, all the people you may call "evil", already operate. They believe they're justified in doing what they do, which is why they do it. They believe what they believe is the "reality".

If you want to retard your own growth, if you want to believe you know it all, if you want to arrogantly believe you're never wrong, then "your beliefs create your reality" is for you. It's an amazing tool for creating an impenetrable shield of ignorance around your beliefs. If, however, you want to see beyond your limited beliefs, I don't recommend believing it at all.

Note that I'm being very careful to not rigidly define reality here, I only equated Reality to God and Love. If I did give reality a static definition, people would just turn that into another belief. The Truth of God is something you need to realize for yourself, it's not something somebody else can teach you. It must be realized Within, not looked for without.


The Galactic Free Press
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I can digg it

Wolf Hongo's picture

I've run into this issue a bunch of times. Mostly People have a hard time grasping the amount of responsibility and self control it would take for the "Beliefs Make Your Reality" mindset.
A lot of times it becomes a weapon or tool of how can I have an edge on things......

I feel it is the opposite, for me at least.
The reality, is shared. It is what exists for us all to experience, it is the all. The "God" that I feel you refer to.
My reality is not separate from anyone elses in fact without everyone elses presence my reality may very well not exist at all.
In this reality, perspective of the surroundings, how we make sense of things determines what is going on arround us.
So much of what people perceive is biased and many times not even their own doing. The world has many other perspective made tools to suggest what in our reality matters or is worth considering to be real.
The worst thing we can do to ourselves is think we have any clue at all about what our reality is.
Constants and definites can be quite inhibiting of growth and this has been the major flaw of many religions. The inability to adapt and learn.
We are not here to dictate the flow of the world around us. Just to find where we best flow with it.
And in what direction is most loving.

If this is in contrast to your post, then perhaps I was confused. Though I'm basically reiterating what you wrote in my own words.
Stolen from your writing.

-Zac Keith

If I understand you correctly, I agree with one exception

Rebecca's picture

I don't believe every soul in existence can come to the realization of this full reality in one step. In some cases, some illusions, such as a religious belief, can serve as a stepping stone to the greater reality you speak of. When this happens, constructive illusions are part of the process and ultimately serve the greater truth. We must use discernment and not interrupt another soul's path on their individual journey. Not all illusions are constructive, of course. Coming to Godwithin need not be a long, arduous process, but that is not our call.

If I understand you correctly, that is.

I agree that it doesn't

will's picture

I agree that it doesn't happen in one step, as far as I know it's never happened to anyone that way. It is usually a gradual process, moving towards less restrictive belief systems until they're not needed at all.

I figured as much.

Rebecca's picture

I wasn't sure if you meant that because Truth/Reality isn't necessarily what you perceive in the grand scheme of things, but an actual reality that exists whether you perceive it or not, no other earthly truth/perception can be true. I think it's possible for an earthly truth to confirm the greater one.

That a reality exists whether you perceive or not is exactly the foundation of religion, which is often limited in its gaze. It also is the foundation of science, as it turns out.

Science, in my opinion, is another stepping stone to it. There's been much discussion lately about these subjects, religion and science, as if they are mutually exclusive. It's the hot debate of the moment.

We say we are BEING so what

ComicAl's picture

We say we are BEING so what reality is in BEING? Our being just IS. There is not any real definition is there? So what is felt BEING relayed here is saying just that. Truthfully One see's reality as our common current conscious definition defines it, needs to be referred to as EXPERIENCE, no? We ALL share ONE experience. That my experience is 'different' than the next is of no matter. If we Share experience we have the greatest vantage point. We have "more eyes" on what's going on! The fact we take the experience sooooooooooo serious we say it is REAL. Soooooooo real that the experience becomes "reality" .... Real lit, real it. But WE are it. It's something this one is constantly putting out into the experience.... We are not static. We are fluid like water. To "prove" this just choose to experience the same thing 10 times, each time with a better "attitude" or ALTITUDE. When one becomes more balanced at holding that "position" in eye ... Even if! Even if! ... the people in the experience become more erratic and unpredictable you find your "reality" does not suffer ... Because it's not "really it" The experience is IT. It is us. 

It's been said by the East for centuries. Even Bruce Lee talked about in a form of physical reality. Growth is NOT about "gain" ... It is about letting go of the things we are not to refine further into what we are. It is what Jesus taught. It is what we have been told since the beginning. Truthfully we aren't creating anything. We simply are energy in form that are completely unique in how we experience things, but completely dependent upon each other to REFORM the ONE Experience we all share. It is belief itself that causes disbelief! We will be drawn to the pictures by FEELING instead of sight. Until then ... Why not experience everything each individual Heart desires so when the mass Heart awakens one has much EXPERIENCE to "add" to the reformation of the ONE combined Experience?

May this resonate in Love and unity it attempts to promote! Promote BEING is our experience! For Loving BEING or BEING Loving is ALL THAT IS.

Absolute Love