- Captain's Log: Star Date 112707.0450 Humanity is Awakening~
- ~Surrender to the Flow of Life~
- Wake UP
- Justice and the Structure of Grace
- Hurricane Sandy pounds Jamaica, then aims at Cuba – could morph into winter storm for U.S. northeast
- Hawaii’s big Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes may share underground magma chamber
- Galactic Sources Empower Newly Fired Grid
- Message from All Higher Self's~Destiny Up Ahead~ ~Heaven is Within~
- A Guide to Deceased Loved Ones 101
- As multi-dimensional beings, we can help thousands simultaneously without lessening our help in that – Archangel Gabrielle throu
- Mysteries of the Heart
- Alien artifacts was discovered underneath crop circles!
- 10-24-12 Bill Ballard ~ Watching the Syncs of Law of Attraction & Magnetics ~ Cooleo
- 2012: What Is Ascension?
- Debate Fact Check: How Obama, Romney Statements Hold Up In Final Showdown
- End Game Sneaking Up?
- AA Michael: Listen to the Music
- Ian and Brendan Declare Peace on Earth
- The Irish Sue the Banks
- Latest Earthquake Activity - October 24, 2012
- Selacia – Empowerment Begins Inside Your Body – Your Body Knows
- Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Being One – 25 October 2012
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Do your best Always be the best you can be
- Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 4 - Life as Movie and Myth
- Cosmic Awareness: A Powerful 12-12-12 Meditation for Ascension
- SaLuSa~ Global Love Day: Envision Peace on Earth
- Visionkeeper – We must be the shelter from the storm
- ~Space Weather Update~ MAGNETIC FROTH
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report - 17 October-23 October 2012
- How Unusual Is Sandy's Potential Path?
- Ascension and The Dinner Table
- Round-Up of Recent Starship/UFO Articles - October 25, 2012
- Heavenletter #4353 Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty, October 25, 2012
- 2MIN News October 25, 2012
- Signs from the Universe Are All Over: The Collapse Is Already Happening and It’s Happening~Slowly!
- Scorpio New Moon 2012 November 13 2012 Total Eclipse
- Everything, every time, everyone
- ~ Daily Gratitude Prayer~
- Doreen Virtue ~ The Veil Is So Thin That It’s Essentially Gone
- Sound Frequencies, Changing Molecules and the Releasing of Fear hidden within Trust.
- The Real Acting Presence on Earth Now
- Police, witnesses spotted ‘UFO’ strange lights over Illinois ~
- James Gilliland ~ Contact Has Begun, October 23rd 2012
Greetings Love Beings, WOW information of revealing truths is rolling out fast now and will continue!!!! There is no stopping the Truth from revealing NOW! Love The Earth Allies
Captain's Log: Star Date 112707.0450 Humanity is Awakening~
Yesterday was a singular day, one for the history books. I wrote The Trinity early in the morning, couldn't do anything but let it flow. Then, I moved on to other things, got busy, but I was distracted. Something was coming, and I knew it. I hung with it. And then I wrote Home.
I had a weird experience once I had all the “send” buttons required to get the word out, and I want to tell you about it.
Months ago I had a very vivid dream. I feel gypped because I do not carry dreams from the sleep state much anymore. I have massive awakenings, and my body always flushes excruciatingly upon waking, but pictures, sounds, feelings, plans, no, they evaporate before my eyelids tremble open.
So, when I do wake up with a full-on dream, I savor it, remain still, relive it over and over until it fades, and this one in the spring, was it?, it knocked my socks off. I knew it to be prophesy for me, but I had no idea what it meant until yesterday afternoon.
When I pushed “send,” the weirdest stillness came over me.
~Surrender to the Flow of Life~
~By Love Reporter Carrie Hart~
Today would be an excellent day to gracefully surrender to the flow of life, accepting things as they are in this moment and moving into the next moment from that place of peace.
To surrender does not mean that you no longer care about your life. It is not apathy. It is acceptance that fighting the current will only exhaust you. It is acceptance that the best way to move in a certain direction is to use the power of the river, sensing how things are and just gently dipping down an arm as a tiller, so that you might catch the fork of the river that appeals to you.
Justice and the Structure of Grace
Justice and the Structure of Grace
The Goddess of Liberty
speaks Her Heart and Mind
for our contemplation.
Divine Justice affirms that
Life created in Innocence
by Nancy B. Detweiler
Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
2012 marks the year everything we term familiar will change. So far, we have approached the 2012 Elections as if they are simply a repeat of years gone by. We hear the same themes blasting forth as the broken record spins ad infinitum: jobs, economy, national security, terrorists, war, peace, oil, coal, military, healthcare.
But guess what … In 2012, none of this matters!
Gaia, the magnificent being on which we have lived is now ascending to 5th dimension. Those of us residing on her surface have a choice. Do we want to ascend with Gaia or do we want to continue with life as we know it?
Unlike any previous election year, we are having to make two extremely important decisions that appear to be two separate choices, but are they?
I must finish my thought. I have been in a wonderful place all day, into the night, contemplating, holding, exploring, loving such a great light, loosely translated in the way the snow is falling, the woody smell of coffee hanging like a cloud in this little home, the way my nightgown now hangs off my body.
I've been a shuffling magician today, an American gandhi, a bestower of blessing and hope. Everything has felt so golden today, so singularly beautiful, so mysterious. So deep runs my river now. So calm lies the body of my true love. So serene do the objects glow within my field.
I awoke today with the thoughts with which I wish to put myself to sleep.
This morning I was told, understood, breathed into and breathed from an understanding which came once the body flush had passed. I saw me as a big being, a tall being, living on the upper floors of a very large home. I realized that the me who works as a nurse, who struggles to find peace with her family, who stumbles and falls and is in debt and can't seem to keep her house tidy, she has taken refuge with the bigger me for many months. She has let things go, caught up in ecstasy and understanding, remaining, for all these months so deeply awake.
Hurricane Sandy pounds Jamaica, then aims at Cuba – could morph into winter storm for U.S. northeast
Source: The Extinction Protocol - 10/25/12
Hawaii’s big Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes may share underground magma chamber
Source: The Extinction Protocol - 10/25/12
October 25, 2012 – HAWAII – The past decade of eruptions of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano may have acted as a pressure-relief valve for neighboring Mauna Loa, according to a new model suggesting two of the planet’s biggest volcanoes connect deep underground. Scientists know each of the two Hawaiian volcanoes has its own plumbing —separate, shallow magma chambers.
Such chambers are the source of Kilauea’s rising lava lake, which is threatening to spill over. But 50 miles (80 kilometers) down, in a part of the Earth’s mantle layer called the asthenosphere, Mauna Loa and Kilauea are dynamically coupled, said Helge Gonnermann, a professor at Rice University in Houston, who is the lead author of a new study showing the link. “It’s like groundwater in an aquifer or oil in an oil reservoir,” Gonnermann told OurAmazingPlanet. “We know that there is melt that extends beneath both volcanoes.
The birds, they sang
at break of day.
Start again,
I heard them say.
Don't dwell on what has
passed away,
or what has yet to be.
Oh, the wars,
they will be fought again.
The holy dove,
she will be caught again,
and bought and sold
and bought again;
The dove is never free.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
Galactic Sources Empower Newly Fired Grid
Galactic Sources Empower Newly Fired Grid
Galactic sources empower the newly fired grid points with Higher Light Intention which enables facile elimination of darkness from all corners of Gaia.
As grids are empowered Galactically, intergalactic connection with Gaia is enabled, and acceleration of Ascension occurs.
Major Enlightenment of humanity may occur in this now moment.
Message from All Higher Self's~Destiny Up Ahead~ ~Heaven is Within~
coming in.... as the New Stage of creation.... A Garden of Eden Now all may play....and re~member each as Divinity and Magical Celestial
The Truth of Real Love will burst forth this treasury...this Love gift for all of Humanity.... Eternity becomes the new Name of the
game and death will no longer exist as it now is in the duality....Heaven is a state of HEART in which you see...pleasure and
perfection inside of ones being...True freedom and Living Life spiritually. ..
A Guide to Deceased Loved Ones 101
I just lost a close friend yesterday. Here is a message from him to you--
This is an open letter to the family, to the survivors, to the widow, from me:
Your loved one appeared to me. Just now. With a request: get this message across to my wife.
That is what I do--I share information across different frequencies to permit people to get 'one last chance with' and 'one last message' from those they loved while they were alive on earth.
Do your thing. Tell her I am okay. Tell her NOW.
I picked up the phone, and thought against it. I know what to say, what the message is, but the discernment as to what is the right time and place for a message to be taken in? That is the art behind mediumship.
What I 'pick up' is that this husband had 'nine lives', and the soul contract was up. He died a month to the day after her birthday (very important for the men, these 'dates') and after their twentieth anniversary (they were supposed to be on a vacation at this time to celebrate). He fulfilled his obligation to the extent that it was permitted within their 'soul contracts'.
The love for her is the same. And I sense a 'protectiveness' and 'willingness to guide her' through the changes that are ahead, but blurry, in the future. In the next six months. Global-scale changes that are going to affect all of us.
If you are a survivor, and have lost a loved one, take comfort in the following information:
As multi-dimensional beings, we can help thousands simultaneously without lessening our help in that – Archangel Gabrielle throu
Once again I would like to speak to you through this channel. Time seems to fly for you, this impression is correct. There are only a few weeks left in this year, a few weeks in which you can still prepare yourselves for the big event at the end of this age.
Those of you who are awake for quite some time already have done a great job and can now calmly look into the future. This is all but not to be discouraging for those who are only now awakening or recently awakened. There is still plenty of “time” available for you and those who have long been “awake” have prepared the way for you. They have groped and probed, stretched their antennae, and prepared the way for you. They know how to release karma without having to relive it again, and they also know what is important and unimportant. We do not lovingly call them “Wayshower” or “Trailblazer” for nothing. You can confidently turn to them to learn what is needed for Ascension.
I will still like to repeat for you. The 3 magic words are: “unconditional love”, “do not judge” and “forgiveness”. As a fourth is to be added “karma resolution”.
Alien artifacts was discovered underneath crop circles!
Alien artifacts was discovered underneath crop circles!
This is really an amazing case, when it comes to Crop Circles. They have been popping up all over the planet for quite some time now, the first Crop circle to be officially recognized by the media was in 1980, at the Westbury White Horse in Whiltshire, United Kingdom. However there have been photographs of a Quintuplet in 1978, and of course the famous “UFO Nests” in Australia in the late sixties. A more recent crop circle has got researches baffled, upon closer inspection they have found artifacts buried within the crop circle; the crop circle in question was discovered early morning by joggers on the 23rdof July 1991. this is the largest and most complicated German pictogram. It covered an area of 5,000m2 (6,000 sq yards) and consisted of seven symbols and thirteen circles – with a cross within the circle in the middle, suggesting the ancient sun symbol.
Upon closer inspection of the crop circle one of the researchers Hesemann found 3 plates buried in the design: a bronze, silver and one gold plate. “Plate 1 (silver color) consisted mainly of quite pure silver with an additional ingredient accounting for less than 0.1%. The weight of the plate was 4.98kg (11lbs). Plate 2 (bronze color) consisted of a copper-tin alloy (of which the tin content amounted to 10%-15%), nickel and traces of iron amounting to less than 0.1%”. Amazingly this meant that the silver plate consisted of 99.9% pure silver, that’s purer than sterling-silver!. Furthermore, a spectrographic analysis of both plates proved that they had not been made from a cast but from some kind of conglomerate of silver nuggets and natural copper and tin pieces of the type found in Germany’s Harz forest, not far from Grasdorf. They had been produced, either by heating up to a degree that partially melted the metals or in a low gravity environment. We are left with the question why would a hoaxer would go to such expensive lengths, in terms of cost and effort, to simply pull the wool over the eyes of the press and a few crop circle enthusiasts?”
10-24-12 Bill Ballard ~ Watching the Syncs of Law of Attraction & Magnetics ~ Cooleo
Pubblicato in data 24/ott/2012 da pearls2u
It is so very interesting to watch the syncs that occur with the Law of Attraction & Magnetics. It is becoming more and more prevelant as so many of us live life through the energies of our hearts. The syncs abound from that point on. WE each are affecting the whole of the multiverse as we go through our personal ascension process. Since we are all that is, and connected to all that is, we cannot help but to do that. Here is an attempt trying to describe that I am witnessing occur. LOVE!
2012: What Is Ascension?
Do you remember back in 1998 a movie called "The Truman Show"? It's about a person who discovers his entire life is a TV reality show. If you haven't seen this movie, I recommend it because it has a certain similarity to your life also. Similar to Truman, your life here can be compared to a stage production or movie where you get to decide what part you want to play. The only difference is that you are not being watched by other people on this planet as is true for Truman, you are being watched by highly evolved beings (ET's) in the higher dimensions.
In our own movie or stage production we get to decide what roles we would like to play and what we would like to experience in those roles. The truth is, we are not any of those characters, we are multi-dimensional beings who have come here to learn from the different experiences we give ourselves. The problem is, we've forgotten who we really are. We think the characters we are playing are real. But to forget is not necessarily a bad thing. The Veil of Forgetfulness we passed through when we arrived on this planet, does serve us. It allows us to recreate ourselves anew without having any previous ideas about who we really are. Get it?
Debate Fact Check: How Obama, Romney Statements Hold Up In Final Showdown
GFP Note: To read a transcript of the debate and watch the entire debate or clips, visit Politico.com.
Huff Post - Calvin Woodward, 10/22/12
WASHINGTON — Voters didn't always get the straight goods when President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney made their case for foreign policy and national security leadership Monday night before their last super-sized audience of the campaign. A few of their detours into domestic issues were problematic too.
Romney flubbed Middle East geography. Obama got Romney's record as Massachusetts governor wrong.
To read the rest of this story, visit HuffingtonPost.com.
End Game Sneaking Up?
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
End Game Sneaking Up?
There is quiet out there and it seems to come in waves. First dead silence then a barrage of information coming so fast it's hard to keep up.
My opinion, we are at the end game. As with anything that occurs, even in our personal lives, there is a build up before the big day or big bang. If you plan a trip there is not much to do at first, then as time closes in, you realize there is much you need to do, then all of a sudden WHAM it's right on top of you and there seems to be a ton of things to complete. This is what I see happening RIGHT NOW!
Have you paid attention? Do you realize all the tidbits of news in mainstream media (msm) alluding to the fiscal cliff, currency revaluations, more bankers commiting suicide, more arrests, more exposure, the list goes on and on. It's out there and in our faces and not simply concealed within the internet world that so many of us have relied on for truth.
AA Michael: Listen to the Music
Listen to the Music
Greetings! My Beautiful Beings of Light.
Your very own songs are playing in your Spiritual Hearts, are you listening?
My Beloveds your guidance is all around you. Your Guardian Angels are standing right behind you in each moment. Ask them for a physical sign to help you recognize very clearly their presence in your life. My Beloveds when you ask, you need to be open to allow however that communication will manifest itself. Don’t put expectations or limitations on how that communication will look or be perceived, just know without a shadow of a doubt that your Angels will be communicating with you. They need your permission.
Many times My Beautiful Beings of Grace, one puts qualifications and human expectations upon Etheric Essences or Etheric events and the two really are so far removed from the other it is simply silly.
Tune into your Spiritual Heart, My Divine Beings of Love, and listen for your very own song that is constantly playing there just for you.
The School of the New Consciousness for the Ascension
Dear Lightworker, Mother Earth is ascending into the new dimension more and more and every human being is able to take part in the changes that are included in this process.
The Kryonschool is one path to awaken to your full potential, to who you really are.
I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
I am speaking through the medium and while she is writing down my words I am raising each single letter with my energy in order to meet you in your soul. You will feel this energy. At no time has an angel ever written something personally, he has always used a medium and I have chosen a medium who will pass my messages to you precisely.
Ian and Brendan Declare Peace on Earth
Thank you, Ian and Brendon, for standing up!
Source: YouTube.com
Source: YouTube.com
Please send in your Declaration of World Peace today! Email it to
When we get enough clips, we can make some amazing videos!
The Irish Sue the Banks
The Irish Sue the Banks
Please share.
During the last 2 years we, real ordinary people, have watched our country come to its knees due to a gamble of the banks, the sell out of OUR resources by our politicians and lies and ommitions about our place in the world crises. The sense of hopelessness has brought hundreds to a very dark place and with no hope they believe in sight many have taken their lives!
Latest Earthquake Activity - October 24, 2012
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Map of the quake in Costa Rica
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
October 25
Published on Oct 25, 2012 by paradoxman316
Here at the Center last night, we watched the movie: Finding Joe. It was a film based on the work of Joseph Campbell, famed mythologist. He was the author of Hero with a Thousand Faces and was featured on the Public Broadcasting Network talking about the hero's journey. As usual, discussion followed. I continue pondering the theme this morning. Just what does it mean to follow your bliss, as Joseph Campbell called it? One thing it is not! It is not marching to the beat of another drummer, or following in blind faith to the precepts laid down by a religion, a political party or any other outside influence. It is finding the unique beat of your own drum, listening to your Higher Self that calls you on the journey of your life, the ultimate journey that makes you the hero: finding your Divine and Human Self.
Selacia – Empowerment Begins Inside Your Body – Your Body Knows
Selacia – Empowerment Begins Inside Your Body – Your Body Knows – 25 October 2012
How many times have you had a hunch about something, then discounted it and continued on with your choice? Everyone has done this, of course, mainly because conventional norms do not place intuition in its proper place of high regard.
Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Being One – 25 October 2012
Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Being One – 25 October 2012
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Do your best Always be the best you can be
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Do your best
Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 4 - Life as Movie and Myth
Sometimes it’s hard to make a change in our lives. It requires such stamina, a wealth of desire. Is it any wonder many give up before they start? The aching inside drives us forward, to a hopefully better place, where we can be relieved of our dissatisfaction.
So where do we go on this quest? Do we cross the mighty ocean? Scale the tallest mountain? Or simply take stock of ourselves and issue another edict. “I will not live like I did before”, “I will change the script of my life”, “I will scale what is mine to scale, and I will go it alone if I have to”.
There is no need to go it alone. The Great Creator is always there with a helping hand. He is right behind you, giving a little push. Saying things like, “You can do more if you want”, “There is much you have to offer”, “You’re just getting started”. A gentle prodding it will be, because He’s sensitive that way. Pushing too hard elicits resistance. That’s not the way to go. Gentle prodding, with generous doses of encouragement, will take you further.
Cosmic Awareness: A Powerful 12-12-12 Meditation for Ascension
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness
Very good, that is good. I have one more question to ask. With regard to 12-12-12, are there any particular steps or meditations that the members could do on that particular day?
SaLuSa~ Global Love Day: Envision Peace on Earth
Message by Multidimensional Ocean,25 Oct 2012
Dear ones, we come once again to you with a message of peace and love. We have a special request today. Please ground yourself first, make the connection to your body, to your natural breath, and go into your sacred place that you call heart.
The network of love called heart is linked to the remaining of your body through connections of nerves and nodes. Your entire body is an expression of love and purity of loving vibrations.
Go within, take stock of your inner state and extend your awareness to encompass your surroundings, include also the ground you sit on, feel the connection with Gaia and with her own heart, feel the connection with the above, with your Higher Self, with Source and with the Ascended Masters.
Visionkeeper – We must be the shelter from the storm
We must be the shelter from the storm
As things speed up in the universe and both the planet and all of her inhabitants try to adjust their frequencies to fit in, often there will be times of chaos, as those still anchored in fear react. These times are most challenging indeed and they demand our attention in order for us to remain in the flow. Unfortunately there are many people still attached to the fear mode and it can often create a sense of everything being out of control and yes, some of it is. We have been in training for some time now learning to be still and calm and centered in our hearts in order to maintain the life we desire. We have also been in this training so we can be of service when all hell breaks loose should that happen. It is a given that the economy is soon to implode as well it should, unfortunately when this happens many people will panic and a possible tsunami of fear may follow. The fear that bubbles to the surface has its roots deeply embedded in a lack of being able to see first the need for what is occurring and more importantly not understanding that everything will be alright when the system goes down. If you are unaware that other options are available it leaves you clinging to the old in panic.
~Space Weather Update~ MAGNETIC FROTH
CHANCE OF FLARES: NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% chance of M-class solar flares and a 10% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. The most likely source of any eruption is big sunspot AR1598. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.
MAGNETIC FROTH: Sunspot AR1598 has quieted down since unleashing an X1-class solar flare on Oct. 23rd. It might be the calm before the storm. The sunspot is still large and apparently potent, as shown in this image captured by amateur astronomer Sergio Castillo of Inglewood,California:
Castillo used a telescope capped with a "Calcium K" filter tuned to the light of ionized calcium atoms in the sun's lower atmosphere. Calcium K filters highlight the bright magnetic froth that sometimes forms around a sunspot's dark core. AR1598 is very frothy indeed.
Magnetic froth does not necessarily herald an explosion, but it does guarantee a photogenic sunspot. Scan the gallery for the latest images:
Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report - 17 October-23 October 2012
Source: Global Volcanism Program - 10/23/12
17 October-23 October 2012
New Activity/Unrest: | Alaid, Kuril Islands (Russia) | Kliuchevskoi, Central Kamchatka (Russia) | Raung, Eastern Java (Indonesia)
Alaid Volcano
ALAID Kuril Islands (Russia) 50.858°N, 155.55°E; summit elev. 2339 m
How Unusual Is Sandy's Potential Path?
Weather.com - Jon Erdman and Nick Wiltgen, 10/24/12
Sandy Computer Model Tracks
Typical Late-Season Track: "Recurve"
Plotted above are the latest computer model forecast plots for Sandy.
Typically by late October, tropical cyclones forming in the central or western Atlantic Ocean have a good chance of "recurving", or being caught up in the polar jet stream, and turning away from the U.S. mainland. Those forming in the western Caribbean have a better chance of hitting the U.S. in late October, particularly Florida, as we saw 7 years ago with Hurricane Wilma.
Ascension and The Dinner Table
'I am a meat eater!' my son boldly exclaimed at the table, hefting a spoon full of taco meat into his mouth with gusto.
I nodded as I put the wasabi on my sushi and lifted it to my mouth. I felt peace. Why? This was the first time I made something for him that I did not partake in myself. I couldn't. I didn't want his favorite, taco meat.
The desire not to eat meat is part of the Ascension Process. For the past six months, I have been experiencing it. But out of simple economics of feeding the family, I have had to 'keep the peace' so to speak, and make what 'everybody wants'. When it would come time to go out to dinner, it would be impossible to agree where to go. I want mexican! one would say. And my stomach would churn at the thought of yet another bean and cheese burrito, with all the fat and all the salt and nothing fresh. Let's go to Souplantation! I would counter back. Sometimes it would work, and sometimes it wouldn't.
Remember you are family first, and everyone's 'Ascension Symptoms' might be at a different 'rate' or 'degree' at the moment
honor your family by making the healthiest choices--grass-fed lean beef, organic free-range chicken, 'happy eggs' that are from hens who are not caged. Add vegetables! Last night was guacamole with onion, garlic, and tomato made fresh by me.
Trust that everyone is on the right path for them
Round-Up of Recent Starship/UFO Articles - October 25, 2012
UFO outline: Just above the chimney is the strange shape Calum Sherwood saw in the sky in Salterbeck, Cumbria, an area which UFO investigator Sharon Larkin says is a hotspot for supernatural activity
What on earth WAS this? Man photographs 'UFO' floating in the clouds moments before ten dead birds appear in garden
UFO Hovers For Hours Above Family Home In Scotland (VIDEO)
UFO Sightings Pose Danger to Aviation
Heavenletter #4353 Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty, October 25, 2012
Heavenletter #4353 Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty, October 25, 2012
God said:
You are on the verge of a blast of golden light on Earth. The whole configuration of life on Earth is about to take on new light. You will shake with delight. You will be overcome with wondrousness. You will roll over laughing in joy. Joy is almost upon you. It is yours, and it is for you. This joy will straighten your spine. It will unearth tremendous energy from you. A new day is right before you. A new you is right before you. Not really a new you. More like a latent you rising to the surface. The depths of you are rising up like a huge Tsunami wave. The sun of your heart is going to burst forth into the sunshine of your soul. Your heart is going to leap across the horizon. Heaven will be more clear to you. The Kingdom of Heaven will be upon you. You will leave off whatever has kept you back from this bright sunshine because the sunshine has been of you and for you all this time.
This healing video is from my heart to you!
It is based on Sacred Sounds, Imagery and Words.
Sacred Geometry, such as the Flower of Life and the Sri Yantra, used in most of the images, are building blocks of Divine Creation and heal the Spirit.
Signs from the Universe Are All Over: The Collapse Is Already Happening and It’s Happening~Slowly!
Commentary from the Press~ We do feel cobra is working for the Light upon our direct experience with him.These are Jeans thoughts and James Gilliand as Well they are expressing, below and most quite accurate! We are in connection with Geoffrey West whom We Love and Respect. Love The Earth Allies
~thoughts from ~Jean
Please let me explain.
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Transformation is in the stars but not before an impending collapse of our global system of government, money, education and religion.
There are several upcoming and current astrological alignments which will bring a new age of consciousness to humanity, but not before collapsing what is already in place.
If you are one of those people who completely disregard astrology, then please keep in mind that astrology shows us how the cycles of time always repeat themselves while specific alignments always bring about specific changes. For example, Pluto is in Capricorn until 2023. The last time this rare alignment occurred was in 1776, the year of the American Revolution. Look around. What’s going on? REVOLUTION in many countries.
Scorpio New Moon 2012 November 13 2012 Total Eclipse
Manifest as the energies of this eclipse will stir you to your core
Everything, every time, everyone
Everything, every time, everyone...
Everything you take for granted is a blessing.
Everything you fear is a friend in disguise.
Everything you want is a part of you.
Everything you hate, you hate about yourself.
Everything you own does not define you.
Everything you feel is the only truth there is to know.
Everything you wish for is already on its way to you.
Everything you think creates your life.
Everything you seek for you will find.
Everything you resist will stick around.
Everything you let go of stays if it's supposed to.
Everything you need is right where you are.
Every time you bless another, you bless yourself.
Every time you blame another, you lose your power.
Every time you think you can, you can.
Every time you fall you must get up and try again.
Every time you cry you're one tear closer to joy.
Every time you ask for forgiveness,
all you have to do is to forgive yourself.
~ Daily Gratitude Prayer~
Good Morning Love~ Thank You for The Miracles Today, Thank You for The Joy, Thank You for The Magical Synchronostic Events, Thank You for My Every thought, spoken words and actions serving Love and The Greater Good of All In All Moments.
I Surrender and Trust Love In Every Moment and I am a Full Participant in my Life in Service to Love and Unity!
Doreen Virtue ~ The Veil Is So Thin That It’s Essentially Gone
Doreen Virtue | October 25 2012 | Thanks, Minty
Today’s date is 10-25 (or 25-10), which in Angel Numbers means, “Have faith that the changes you’re making, or are guided to make, are healthful and positive.”
The world is different than we’ve ever experienced. The veil is so thin that it’s essentially gone, and we can see the truth clear-eyed: We’re now aware of the “man behind the curtain” in terms of the low-frequency money-changers who only care about acquiring more money and power and who seem hell-bound to drive us all into a wasteland of chemicals, sterile plant seeds, limited human rights, and an authoritarian one-world government and currency.
And we’re also more aware than ever of our Source energy, the divine love and light, and – in spiritual truth – the only power that actually exists in any dimension. We’re aware of these other dimensions, which are inhabited by benevolent non-humans who care about us and our planet.
Sound Frequencies, Changing Molecules and the Releasing of Fear hidden within Trust.
Boy, strange night in sleepyville last night. I know I fell asleep before 8pm and just woke up (just after 6am) and I had the same dream experience all thru the night. There was a new high frequency being emitted from the earth. From my point of view (within the dream experience) the earth herself was surrounded by deep space and she was a planet… there was no other lifeforms that I could see, not even myself really. I know I was consciousness in deep space witnessing this event, yet, I also was something on earth absorbing this event. Sound frequencies or waves coming out of the earth. I created a super simple image of this using paint:
The Real Acting Presence on Earth Now
Dear cells of the body of Universal I AM on Earth,
as we continue unabated in assimilating
all other cells whose attention still goes
to certain fears or greed, or worry:
it is the Harmony of your Total True Being
and Its Seat of True Power
Police, witnesses spotted ‘UFO’ strange lights over Illinois ~
According to the Monroe County Independent Hecker resident spotted a unidentified flying object northeast of Hecker, IL on Tuesday just after 7pm. County police patrolled the area near Paderborn. Officers say the object remained stationary and twinkled with red, green, blue and orange light.
The Monroe County Independent reported on its Facebook page that the witness saw the light hovering just over the horizon. They said the light would shift colors (red, green, blue and orange) and appeared to be stationary.