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   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Scorpio Super Full Pink Moon is happening at 10:32 PM CDT which is perfect for being able to see it in the sky at its peak! It’s energies will be active till we are close to the next New Moon on May 11th.   This is a powerful and emotionally charged Full Moon…as it is opposite the planet Uranus…among other aspects…making things feel a bit uncomfortable at times!  Because of its opposition to Uranus….be aware of unexpected events, sudden and unusual things happening, changes, impulsiveness and rebelliousness along with ingenious ideas.  Being in Scorpio brings about a tremendous potential for transformation!  It is a time for deep releases from your Soul…time to acknowledge what has been kept out of sight and bring that challenge to the surface so it can be released…so it can be healed. This Scorpio Full Moon is also the closest and brightest Super Moon of the 3  Super Moons this season!  It is also known as the Pink Moon… because it happens when many areas of the Earth are full of wild flowering ground phlox which is widespread in the spring and ranges in colors of pink to lavender etc.   This Full Scorpio Moon is also known as the Wesak Moon…or the Moon of the Buddha…a day of great Spiritual opportunity.

GFP Newsletter - 4/24/2021

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You will forget how you lived so long in misery, so long in jealousy, so long in ambitions, all kinds of desires which made you a beggar. You will not believe that this eternal freedom was always available for you, just you had to look into it.


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Daily Message ~ Saturday April 24, 2021

Learning to be ok with not knowing is an integral skill you have been supported in developing over the past year. This is teaching you to settle into the present moment, to focus on your beingness, to get curious about what might be possible and get clear about what your true preferences are, and to embrace the unfoldment. It opens the door for greater discoveries without constraints.

Not knowing encourages you to learn how to work with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the divine combination and it is through utilizing that model profound change will become possible, both personally and collectively. This is yet another example of how you are divinely guided, always, to develop the exact skills you need exactly when you need them, whether you are consciously aware of it or not. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


GFP Newsletter - 4/23/2021

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My work consists in killing you lovingly, because that is the only possibility of bringing you back into a new light, into a new life.

I kill only that which is not yours, but you believe it is you. I kill, in short, your personality, and leave only that which cannot be destroyed: your eternal being.


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You will discover that there is joy in your lives, joy that perhaps you had largely been unaware of.

Humanity’s awakening process continues to flow beautifully forward, exactly as divinely planned, while the MSM (main-stream-media) continues to direct your attention toward events that focus on dangers they claim are severely threatening your human existence.  Dangers that are presented in an unrealistic and threatening fashion to compound your fears so that you will believe in the authoritarian directives and instructions that your governments are issuing, and thus keep on abdicating your sovereign rights as free and divine beings, while accepting and following those directives and instructions.  If you will just do the necessary basic research you will see that those directives and instructions have no scientific basis, and that they are therefore being used solely to control, manipulate, and intimidate you.

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The Universe would like to remind you…

In a world of ‘take’, find your greatest pleasure in giving.  Do not do it to make a point, to garner favor or keep score.  Do it because it is who you are and what you were designed to do. For each moment given, the rewards come back ten-fold…not because there is payment due, because you have a joyous heart free of expectation. ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Friday April 23, 2021

There’s a difference between being stuck and not knowing. If you are in a place in your life where you don’t know how to proceed, something is in the process of taking form for you. Trust. Allow more information to come to you before you take action. Focus on what you can do and what is being energetically supported. And most of all, know your soul is always prioritizing your evolution and expansion. If you have a willingness to move with the flow, it is impossible to ever be stuck. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


GFP Newsletter - 4/22/2021

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It is a very strange world if you understand people: whatever they are saying shows more about them than it shows about the person they are talking about.


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A Positive Space

It may be challenging to think of yourself as perfect, whole and lovely when, in the past, you have experienced the opposite.  That is when The Universe is ready and available to assist. (Smiling) If you change a thought, just one thought…tell your glorious self that you are infinitely capable of moving to a more positive space.  The Universe has faith in you! ~ Creator


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Graceful Change

My dearest, darling child; do not be dismayed at change.  It is only with an open and ever-present heart that change can occur gracefully and easily.  The Universe is always as kind as it can be during these times however, if you choose not to listen, the means may become stronger than you would like.  Rest easy, love, knowing that change…however challenging it may seem in the moment is always in your highest and best. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 4/20/2021

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Nobody looks at himself. People are looking at others, judging others, and these are the real criminals. Without any doubt, I say that these are the sickest people in the world -- those who judge others. In the first place, it is not your business. In the second place, you are interfering into somebody else's space; you are going against his individuality and freedom, and you are without any cause suspecting his truth, his sincerity.


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The Beauty Of You

The beauty of your life and who you are is not determined by outside forces.  It is created by you, for you in any way you choose.  The Universe has always given you free reign to move in your own direction.  If, for some reason, what you have created does not please you, change it!  Free will is an awesome and powerful thing.  You will always be supported and loved along the way. ~ Creator



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