Family Album

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Prixy Pixie

jeffreytcarl's picture

through the ethers of now I show myself . The viel is thinning for those with eyes to see 

Interesting Photo I took of a free mason's prized possession

cfulce's picture

I was on my way to Afghanistan and on New Year's Eve, I ran into a guy in a bar that claimed to be a 32nd degree Mason. He was very drunk and I saw a symbol on his jacket and I asked him about the masons and he immediately went on the defensive and called me a conspiracy theorist. I proceeded to inform him of the facts of the history that I know of the masons and he was very impressed and subsequently allowed me to see this knife. When he wasn't looking I snapped a picture of it with my phone.

I was in Franklin Indiana, which claims to be the "Home of the Free Masons" as advertised on their water tower and the many many symbols around town. 

Interesting photo I took of a Free Mason's prized possession

cfulce's picture

I was on my way to Afghanistan and on New Year's Eve, I ran into a guy in a bar that claimed to be a 32nd degree Mason. He was very drunk and I saw a symbol on his jacket and I asked him about the masons and he immediately went on the defensive and called me a conspiracy theorist. I proceeded to inform him of the facts of the history that I know of the masons and he was very impressed and subsequently allowed me to see this knife. When he wasn't looking I snapped a picture of it with my phone.

I was in Franklin Indiana, which claims to be the "Home of the Free Masons" as advertised on their water tower and the many many symbols around town.

I thought you would find this interesting.

releasing letting it go

jeffreytcarl's picture

As I find myself digging deeper into my astraul desires I release in loving gratitude and build new connections to go further within

Flowing in

jeffreytcarl's picture

in this space of the pink spiral the the living vine takes us deeper in to the feminie ray as we release and go further in


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