Family Album

Images uploaded from our Family

Volcano at night

Magikalspirit's picture

Aloha to All,


This picture of the  Volcano was taken last July, we were told that it is the brightes that the Volcano has been in 20 years..Quite Awesome



feminine through ifinite

jeffreytcarl's picture

 the feelings of the creative force being activated through the sprere of creative energies moving through the sea of emotional

balancing the 2 chaukra with the 6 chaukra

bringing into balance the feminine force

star energy between dimentions

jeffreytcarl's picture

as we enter this now i see between the dimentions an allow my self to be this conduit of energy flowing 


whitedragon's picture


whitedragon's picture


whitedragon's picture


whitedragon's picture

Diamon grid sacred geometry

Mario's picture

It's quite amazing I usualy never draw, and if I do I never take the time to take my time started with one about 1 or 2 months ago then drew another last week and then this one there getting more simplistical and opened. It's like mesuring conection within one's life unity. When stairing right in the middle It shif's to star and vortex 88's


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