- Freedom Project: Don Vitalino says "Do not make offers to the Pope"
- POOF for June 24, 2012: The Merging of the East and the West
- ~Gaia Portal~ Seed the Intention… Harvest Comes Quickly…
- UFO Armada June 3 2012
- Compassionate Earth Manifesto: “Earth has never abandoned us; it is we who have left. There is a whole world of beings who will welcome us if we come back.”
- Drake Update After Radio Show About UN Agenda 21 – 24 June 2012
- Captain’s Log: Star Date 112907.0541 There are no SeatBelts
- Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/24/12 ‘It is our Ships in Your Skies’
- Cathy Lindsey ~ Cardinal Square June 24, 2012 (Thanks Bill)
- Fran Zepeda ~ Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ You are Well on Your Way on Your Path to Ascension ~ June 24, 2012
- The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~24~12 In the No matter what, The Light Has Won~
- Tropical Storm Debbie Pounding Gulf Coast.
- ORBs and RODs, Infrared daytime activity, June/23/2012
- Becoming A Source Of Light ~ ORIN through Sanaya ~ Part I
- Love your Selves. – Paul the Venetian through Ron Head
- Montague Keen – 24 June 2012
- The Ego Abhors a Vacuum_Themes from "A Course in Miracles"
- ~Freedom Project 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal expected to issue Indictments in 9/11 events around Labor Day 2012
- For the record Lightworkers are human souls.
- The Divine Plan for Life is Spiritual Evolution, SPIRITUAL ESSAY Steve Beckow
- ~ GVR ~ Drake's Vital Weekend Update ~ Sunday
- Freedom Project: BDebt contagion risks rising in Argentina: residents withdrew $522 million dollars from bank accounts last week
- Laura Tyco: Laura’s Dreamtime Experience and Work with the Athabatanian Team from Andromeada
- Volcano / Earthquake Watch June 26-30, 2012
- Galactic Free Press Update~6~21~12 The Surrender~removal of powers that were is Imminent
- Lucas – A Lot Of False Flags And Deceptions To Draw Away The Attention From The UN 21 Agenda New World Order Government Finalizing
- Enlightened Beings ~ How to Let Go Of Overwhelm and Deeply Relax!
- ~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06-24-2012 ~Mother Earth=Heart is processing the Solstice energies~
- Somewhere Over The Rainbow
- Kauilapele: Poofness 6-24-12…”The Merging of the East and the West…”
- Heavenletter #4231 The Cure
- More on how we might creatively consider what may or may not be happening . . .
- 6~24~12! Drake's Sunday Update~ Get ready for Green Light not announced yet
- Our promise is that very soon you will have the knowing of this. ~ Michael through Ron Head
- Oracle Report ~ Monday, June 25, 2012
- Whirling Rainbow Light
- American Kabuki ~ Shares His View on Drake and Others ~
- ~Freedom Project~ Max Keiser~ Banks are dead~
- “Something” Is Hiding Inside These Storm Clouds
- ~James Gilliand ECETI Update~ The Cosmic Roller Coaster
- Freedom Project: TNA @ Rio+20: Lord Monckton Breaks Down the Rio Conference
- ~The Light Shines Bright~ M.N. Hopkins
- The Blending Of Our Human And Galactic Selves; A Dreamtime Lesson. By, AuroRa Le. June 25, 2012
- Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ You Are Well on Your Way on Your Path To Ascension
- Heart Chamber Meditation from Cosmic Awareness
- Release your love into the world
- SaLuSa ~ 6~25~2012 ~ We are Gathering Around the Earth Allies Many Actions are to Take Place
- Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 25 June 2012
- Space Weather Update~ Out of the Blue~ Fast Growing Sunspot
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Believe Believe in yourself
- Lisa Gawlas: Your Vibration is the Ticket into the Apple (pure wisdom) Tree of Life!
- 2MIN News June 25, 2012: The Coronal Hole Approaches
- Cobra Update~ 6~25 Uranus square Pluto ~ Archons~minions Activity~Goddess will Get Peace
- Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ It Has Become Impossible For The Cabal To Hide The Truth; They Are Being Defeated – 25 June 2012
- A Message from The Earth Allies~Real Love is Simply This...~
- Dr. Greer's "Sirius" Documentary Update 6/22
- Krishnamurti: To Be Human
- I am a light worker ~ Part 1
- OPS! Did I say missile? Meant plane!
- Dr. Joshua David Stone: The Three Levels of Being Grounded
- Egyptian Pyramids « AngelicView
Greetings Love Beings, Cobra and Ben seem to Be On the Same Page as All of US about our cabal minions, Time is UP. All Events are going to Happen and its Only a Matter Of Moments when the dam completly breaks wide Open. These Incomig Energies are assisting us in this. Indeed the Coddess Energies on the Planet are Saying Peace Please! This is what the Goddess will Recieve Inevitably. We will Have More About this In Our NExt Update. Love The Earth Allies
Freedom Project: Don Vitalino says "Do not make offers to the Pope"
No global Priest: 'Do mot make offers to the Pope'
June 24 2012
Don Vitaliano said during his church speech 'Offers to the Pope would only increase the IOR (Vatican Bank) pokets, and we've seen that not to clean things happen in there.
He asked instead his believer to collect the money for those in need in their comunity. "At least we know where the money goes and who's really helped with it."
Finally, he said that the Pope was sure a true Spirit into a dark storm, though after being suspended as a priest for more than four years what he did today was enough even for him! Especially as he stated that the Pope, to truly know what's going on in his churches, should not listen to Cardinals but instead to simple priests workin in those high emergency areas, where a real picture could be given intead of one given by those that surround him only for personal profit.
Success leaves footprints in the sand you can follow. If you can't follow the footprints, you must be on the wrong beach!
By Ravenessence
POOF for June 24, 2012: The Merging of the East and the West
POOF for June 24, 2012: The Merging of the East and the West
June 24, 2012 | RMN
So, for years now, many quiet prayers have gone Heaven ward, looking for a miracle from God, in some cases not so quiet. ‘Hello, anybody hear me out there?????’ Maybe you didn’t understand, you were the miracle, you were looking for. Minds had to be ready to deal with the full implementation of true freedom on this planet. You had to start denying that all power was in the folks who’ve been jacking with everything since babylon. A courage had to rise up within you that said NO and further, Hell No! You will be stewards of the wealth of the nations. By the power invested in you, you will heal this planet, clean the water and the skies of pollution, feed and nurse the elderly and care for the children. It’s not hard, it never was, it just took resources and a different mindset.
~Gaia Portal~ Seed the Intention… Harvest Comes Quickly…
Seed the Intention… Harvest Comes Quickly…
Seeds sown with care from Higher Ground, Higher Mind plus Heart, bring forth rapid harvest. Energetics and energetic structures support only that which harmonizes with Higher Planetary Visions.
Full Galactic support for such is now assured.
Portending doomsdayers have written their own end. Not the end of “the world”. Rather, the end of their own place in it.
Compassionate Earth Manifesto: “Earth has never abandoned us; it is we who have left. There is a whole world of beings who will welcome us if we come back.”
Compassionate Earth Manifesto: “Earth has never abandoned us; it is we who have left. There is a whole world of beings who will welcome us if we come back.”
Shodo Spring: “The only reason catastrophe is inevitable is because we prioritize industrial civilization over survival.”
My Zen priest and permaculturist friend, Shodo Spring, and I have been talking, for years now, about both our mad, mad, resource-draining, power-hungry, pollution-spewing civilization, and the solutions advanced by permaculture and the Transition movement.
Early last week, I got a call from Shodo, who has since moved from Bloomington to Minnesota, to live near her children. She wanted me to look at a Manifesto she had drawn up. I did. Wow! Told her to go for it, that I would put it up on the exopermaculture site, and that it deserves to go viral.
Drake Update After Radio Show About UN Agenda 21 – 24 June 2012
Drake Update After Radio Show About UN Agenda 21 – 24 June 2012
Drake wants you to have available these links he has spoken about and mailed me to put them on the net.
Therefore I post them here:
Link PDF UN Agenda 21: link to original final document UN 21 Agenda
Link to article examiner.com about agreement Nations on Agenda 21 link to article examiner.com about agreement on Agenda 21
Joan Moretti Link : link to sd2012.org via Joan Moretti
Captain’s Log: Star Date 112907.0541 There are no SeatBelts
Captain’s Log: Star Date 112907.0541 THE GREAT “A.I.”
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/24/12 ‘It is our Ships in Your Skies’
We will be home soon enough. The time for our departure is not now and that is the important thing to recognize, as it is always most important to keep what is now before you on your plate and not anything else as this is how things get done. We still have much work to do and it is important that those of you who will be in charge of these projects keep what is important and what is the task at hand in the forefront of your waking consciousness. This is not the time for daydreaming about what it will be like in the days ahead, as this thought processing is not conducive to the thoughts and the actions that are vital to the successful completion of the task before you today.
What is important is what presents itself to you in the now moment, nothing else is important as nothing else is real. It is not your past that is real and it is not your future that is real, it is only what presents itself in the now that is real. Do you understand this? Do you understand you cannot go back and you cannot go forward, you can only exist within the now moment, and the now moment calls for your absolute attention to get the jobs done that will see to a successful reunion with us, your teammates who's efforts we see as very necessary to assist you complete the tasks that will allow for as smooth a transition as is possible for you up ahead.
Cathy Lindsey ~ Cardinal Square June 24, 2012 (Thanks Bill)
Cathy Lindsey ~ Cardinal Square June 24, 2012 (Thanks Bill)
via Bill Ballard | Astro Eyes | June 24 2012
Fran Zepeda ~ Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ You are Well on Your Way on Your Path to Ascension ~ June 24, 2012
Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ You Are Well on Your Way on Your Path To Ascension ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ June 24, 2012
Mira of the Pleiadian High Council:
Greetings, all you esteemed Lightworkers. I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, on assignment with the Earth Council. I bring you good news. All of the years of waiting are coming to a resounding end. You have entered a new phase. Ascension is upon you. It is palpable and it is imminent, if you so choose.
My dear friends, there is much to rejoice about. The stage has been set and all teams have the go-ahead as planned. All that awaits a full press forward to victory, all that remains is a coming together of all components of the Light in a majority of the population, which is reaching the tipping point. With that is required a further rounding up and neutralization of the dark Ones, which you are successful in bringing to fruition with your prayers and broadcasting of the Light and Love you have built to a crescendo within and around you.
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~24~12 In the No matter what, The Light Has Won~
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~24~12
Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ In the No matter what, The Light Has Won~
Photo Taken at the Solstice at 7:09pm Eastern By Rain
Greetings Love Beings, We have Been In Intense Energies for the Last 4 days and these will continuing Arriving in Waves until the entire Planet is Awakened. These Waves are for clearing out the old, and bringing in the Higher Energies. Many may be feeling disoriented as they let go of the old, To Fully Step Into the New Reality. No doubt about this now, Everyone is in for a ride. There is no where to go back to and there are no seatbelts.
Becoming A Source Of Light ~ ORIN through Sanaya ~ Part I
ORIN Through Sanaya Roman
You are the healers, teachers, and leaders. You are here to bring through new information, ideas, healing tools, and love to whatever areas you choose to work in. You will be working in many fields, for the new consciousness needs to be built in every area of society. As you grow spiritually and awaken your inner, you will be become a source of light and awakening for others.
You, as your Higher Self, existed in higher dimensions of light before you choose to be born, To live on this planet, your higher self first created a spritual body, and this became the model that set up your chakras, meridians, and energy systems. Then your higher self drew to your spritual body your mental, emotional, and physical energy bodies.
Love your Selves. – Paul the Venetian through Ron Head
Love your Selves. – Paul the Venetian through Ron Head
June 24, 2012 by Oracles and Healers
I am Paul the Venetian, Chohan of the third ray, the pink light. We have not spoken in a while, but my energy and love are with you always.
Please convey to all who are striving on your world at this time my eternal support and gratitude for their efforts. The chohans are all here now and we are involving ourselves in sending ever more intense light into your density. You may sometimes see this as rainbow light, multicolored sparkling rays of light. You may also feel the tingling as it reaches the DNA in your bodies’ cells.
Montague Keen – 24 June 2012
Montague Keen – 24 June 2012
It was great for John [John Mack] and I to be able to give you so much information this week. It is important that you understand better what is going on. John was able to explain why so much emphasis is being put on the London Olympics, so as to ensure that you do not notice what the Cabal is doing elsewhere. They are not of your planet, this is why they can run rings around you. Humans have been dumbed down so that they can be kept under control. You, naturally have standards; they do not. The Cabal cannot exist on your planet as it is, beyond 2012, so it’s all or nothing for them. They will do whatever it takes to hang on. There is nano-technology that can stop them in their tracks. Nothing on your planet would be effective against them. You are actually at war on several levels.
~Freedom Project 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal expected to issue Indictments in 9/11 events around Labor Day 2012
9/11 Vancouver Tribunal expected to issue Indictments in 9/11 events around Labor Day 2012
Exopolitics, n.d.
VANCOUVER, B.C. – The 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal is a citizen’s tribunal of conscience that was duly constituted by the 9/11 Vancouver Hearings June 15-17, 2012 in Vancouver, B.C.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, one of the Judges on the Tribunal states, “As a duly constituted citizen’s tribunal of conscience for the events of September 11, 2001, the 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal has jurisdiction under natural law and justice; declarations of natural law, such as the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights; international humanitarian law such as the Geneva Conventions; and national laws such as national, state and provincial criminal [statutes] prohibiting murder and conspiracy, for any jurisdiction whose citizens died in the World Trade Center on 9/11.
For the record Lightworkers are human souls.
As many of you are aware by now, Hollywood has been sprinkling the truth about this matrix called real-ity since before the “Wizard of Oz”. The irony lies in the fact that we’ve been made to believe the messages delivered in Hollywood’s “SciFi” genre is fantasy vs the “Leave It to Beaver” hologram that most people believe in.
What’s really intriguing is now that we’re in the “quickening” reality as becomes ever more polarized, the middle ground is disappearing. Now we have the people waking from the delusion of the false reality, those who are still slumbering away and then another group that appears to be waking on the negative end of the energetic spectrum.
In addition, it’s become very clear there’s a new level of awakening unfolding as thousands of people are waking up to the next level of awakening ~ remembering their life mission here as visiting souls from other planetary systems, other dimensions and even other universes. At some point in the last 70-80 years, the Spirit consciousness we know as Gaia sent out a call for help. The negative energy on Earth was becoming unbearable, especially after industry began draining her blood for oil to fuel the world wars, then countless atomic explosions and the bloodlust that kept building in the hearts of mankind for thousands of years.
The Divine Plan for Life is Spiritual Evolution, SPIRITUAL ESSAY Steve Beckow
The Divine Plan for Life is Spiritual Evolution, SPIRITUAL ESSAY Steve Beckow
As they awaken to the special nature of these times, I think that many people will ask what the point of life is. There will be so much occurring and what occurs will be of such consequence that some will ask us to start at the beginning.
And where is that beginning? That beginning is the Divine Plan for life. And that Plan can be summarized in two words: spiritual evolution. We move from God to God in quest of conscious awareness of our identity as God. We do that so that God may meet God in a moment of our enlightenment.
Let’s focus in on the messages of SaLuSa to hear his consistent explanation of the Divine Plan for life.
~ GVR ~ Drake's Vital Weekend Update ~ Sunday
Here is Drakes Interview, when we were about to post this, our site went down for 2 hours. We are Now back Up. There is an Hour Left, but you can start from the Beginning if you are not listening Yet. All our Love, The Earth Allies
Freedom Project: BDebt contagion risks rising in Argentina: residents withdrew $522 million dollars from bank accounts last week
Laura Tyco: Laura’s Dreamtime Experience and Work with the Athabatanian Team from Andromeada
Laura Tyco: Laura’s Dreamtime Experience and Work with the Athabatanian Team from Andromeada – 24 June 2012
Posted by Wes Annac
Ok, I made contact during meditation before sleep at 2:30 am this morning.
by Owen K Waters
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ He speaks about the 4th dimension. In Truth Humanity is Jumping from the 3rd to the 5th, and skipping the 4th. So we feel he is speaking about the 5th and not the 4th. Love The Earth Allies
Humanity is about to ascend into a more subtle physical form. This will be a gradual change, not a sudden transformation. The start of the new Mayan time cycles on December 21, 2012 will be a pivotal time when consciousness will shift to a new reality. However, this 2012 event is more likely to be viewed as a pivotal time after the fact, and not immediately.
When the astrologically-significant Harmonic Convergence occurred in August 1987, many people expected the world to transform and world peace to dawn on that very day. Human inertia, however, preempts such a sudden change. It takes time for new thought to filter into the reality of world consciousness, and even more time for events to unfold as a result of this change.
Lucas – A Lot Of False Flags And Deceptions To Draw Away The Attention From The UN 21 Agenda New World Order Government Finalizing
Lucas – A Lot Of False Flags And Deceptions To Draw Away The Attention From The UN 21 Agenda New World Order Government Finalizing – 24 June 2012
The news travels in some certain ways not fast as people are distracted seeing the bigger picture and things happening now. There are now on some levels actions taken or plans instated as a last effort from the global dark cabal families to bring a New World Order to our world at whatever cost.
The plan was a long time to get Iran as a trigger to pull a World War III but that was blocked, then Syria came along and a new plan via the NATO was thought of as a trigger to get a war going. Israel was also a possible trigger to pull a war over. The trigger this time is the Turkish military jet shot down by Syria. This, what was normally not called an action of war, and was resolved easily diplomatic or otherwise behind the screens is now called an act of war. The NATO is coming together to discuss this and maybe this will be a request for help from Turkey that has to be answered by the members with help.
Enlightened Beings ~ How to Let Go Of Overwhelm and Deeply Relax!
Enlightened Beings ~ How to Let Go Of Overwhelm and Deeply Relax!
Posted on June 24, 2012 by Gillian
Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher | June 24 2012
Have you become a bit over-stimulated and overwhelmed by the complicated fast-paced systems we are all operating within? As you may realize, we are living in very exciting times that can sometimes feel like a bit too much. The world and its consciousness are changing faster than ever before and sometimes our minds have trouble navigating these changes. You have a choice. You don’t have to let chaotic feelings of overwhelm rule your existence. You can learn how to let go, relax, and remain receptive to what life has to offer you. You can choose to refocus your energies on creating a more relaxed and enjoyable way of living that deeply nourishes your body, mind, and soul. You can only reap all of the rich and fulfilling rewards life has to offer you when you live life from a relaxed, centered, and peaceful place.
“Stillness is the greatest achievement one can have in life.” ~Papaji
~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06-24-2012 ~Mother Earth=Heart is processing the Solstice energies~
~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06-24-2012 ~Mother Earth=Heart is processing the Solstice energies~
Greetings Loved Beings,
After the Solstice Mother Earth=Heart seems to be resting a little bit. She has to process all the New Energies as we do too. Though there has been some severe weather and some EQs not as much as in the past weeks. England seems to be the most affected by water: rain, floods, wind... I guess there’s quite a bit to clean up there! We all send All our Love to help you speed up the Process!
Keep Love in your Heart.
Volcanos keep helping release pressure and so do EQs, where even some interesting ones have caused no damage!
Thank You Mother Earth=Heart! We send You all our Love.
Thank You for BEingLove.
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
I just finished the meditation on Sunday In my time zone. At the end, I saw a beautiful rainbow sweeping from right to left. Iz started singing Over the Rainbow. As he did, he reached his hand across the sky and pulled back a curtain from left to right. Behind the curtain was everything I had ever dreamed of, rainbows and unicorns and dolphins and fairies and fountains and flowers...the colors were more beautiful than anything I could ever imagine! Iz smiled as the tears ran down my face. I asked him if he found his family when he died. He said yes. And he had slimmed down, but for today he made himself real fat so I would know it was him, he said, gently laughing. I told him his music had given me hope in dark times, and I thanked him. He said his music was a gift calling everyone home. He slimmed back down a little right there in front of me, 'so I can walk'. And I took it all in, the wonder of the world without fear, the world which is to come, is here already. I am filled with great peace and joy. Namaste.
Kauilapele: Poofness 6-24-12…”The Merging of the East and the West…”
Poofness 6-24-12…”The Merging of the East and the West…”
Poof reminds us that this whole process has required “Forests worth of paper work”. The main thing about that is there also had to be “Forests worth of white hats” working on this. Remember, as I understand, this is all being taken care of within the legalities of our times.
I believe my favorite quote here was this, “A miracle is no more than letting nature go with it’s own flow, understanding that thoughts are things. Uncluttering the mind of crappy thoughts, as a lady said one time…”
Wasn’t there a blog post somewhere having to do with “De-crapification“? Perhaps some did not understand this was an inside job, as well as an “outside” one.
Heavenletter #4231 The Cure
Heavenletter #4231 The Cure, June 25, 2012
God said:
All external fighting and discordance are within you. It is always yourself you are fighting with. You have been your own opponent. No matter what the apparent cause of the disagreement, you fight with yourself. This may not be obvious because someone that you perceive as across from you seems to have offended you or argued with you. Nevertheless, it is truly something within yourself you argue with.
More on how we might creatively consider what may or may not be happening . . .
More on how we might creatively consider what may or may not be happening . . .
Ann Kreilkamp
I seem to be spending quite a bit of time, these days, on how to entertain an idea without attaching to it. This expansion of awareness becomes especially valuable when we encounter competing, conflicting ideas, such as the one pitting David Icke against Drake and Co.
Meanwhile, there’s the essential mystery of synchronicity that, by the way, makes mincemeat of any of our theories about how it works.
6~24~12! Drake's Sunday Update~ Get ready for Green Light not announced yet
Preparing for the Mass Arrests
Our promise is that very soon you will have the knowing of this. ~ Michael through Ron Head
Our promise is that very soon you will have the knowing of this. ~ Michael through Ron Head
June 25, 2012
Today it is well for us to speak about peace. Of course we are not speaking about a cessation of hostilities in the world, although that will soon be your experience, as well. The peace we wish to discuss is the end of hostilities within your mind and body.
Your soul has been wanting this for all of your life here on Earth. Perhaps not all really, it is likely that learned behavior is responsible for a great deal of the problem, although much of it is brought forward from your previous experiences, as well as the influences of others which you have, knowingly or not, assumed were yours.
Those of you who are sensitive to the feelings and emotions of those around you, and that includes almost everyone who will read our words, also, in most cases, are still learning to separate those emotions from your own.
Oracle Report ~ Monday, June 25, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Crescent Moon Phase
If you have been following the Oracle Report for a while, you will remember that last winter we practiced the skill of taking ourselves out of the swirl of the world, going inside ourselves, and taking the stance of the observer. Wise owls became proficient at going inside the hollow of a tree and peering out. This skill is required today. The mass collective (the matrix) is strong today and anyone who goes up against it will not fare well. This is not the day for individualism in any form, such as arguing your cause, insisting that you be considered, or the like. Guard against recklessness and be careful to consider the consequences of your actions today. You want to pull yourself back as much as possible, especially with work. Just take yourself out of the nonsense and keep to yourself.
Whirling Rainbow Light
I have been working with the information from the book “Maka Wicahpi Wicohan- Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator,” by Chief Golden Light Eagle. In this work there is a meditation to visualize whirling rainbow light that has all the medicine light force energy needed from the First Creator. Visualize this rainbow light swirling out of every heart you can see, visualize etc. I put this meditation into practice e every chance I can consciously remember. Here are some ways that are opening up my days and experience to new beauty.
American Kabuki ~ Shares His View on Drake and Others ~
American Kabuki ~ Is Drake a Canard?
Is Drake a Canard?
Commentary by Laura Tyco : I have to say that I fully agree with the statement that the closer to the truth, the more attacked one gets by the Dark Forces.
~Freedom Project~ Max Keiser~ Banks are dead~
Moody's has slashed the ratings of fifteen of the biggest banks in Europe and the U.S. in the latest slap in the face to the ailing financial sector. Those hit include Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank - financial powerhouses domestically and internationally. The move could make it more expensive for the banks to attract funds. It's also feared the downgrades could trigger fresh market panic, and a new exodus to gold. For more analysis RT talks to RT's financial guru Max Keiser, who joins us from the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg..
Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: http://twitter.com/maxkeiser
Watch all Keiser Report shows here:
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL768A33676917AE90 (E1-E200)
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3F29DDAA1BABFCF (E201-current)
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“Something” Is Hiding Inside These Storm Clouds
“Something” Is Hiding Inside These Storm Clouds – MessageToEagle.com
Posted on June 23, 2012 by Laura Tyco
“Something” Is Hiding Inside These Storm Clouds21 June, 2012
MessageToEagle.com – During a light storm we expect to see flashes in the sky and evil-looking clouds.
What we certainly do not expect to see are objects hiding inside these clouds.
When you look at these videos and images, it appears as if there is a solid object in the middle of the clouds…
~James Gilliand ECETI Update~ The Cosmic Roller Coaster
James Gilliand
ECETI | June 22 2012
Due to the alignment with Galactic Plane, Solar Cycle 24 and a grand cycle we are undergoing incredible changes. Social, Economic and Physical changes are exponentially increasing yet we were warned about these times.
The Sun is going ballistic, the chemtrails are the worst I have ever seen. Relationships are coming to loggerheads some dissolving, some transforming. The economy is about to experience the derivative bubble collapse; which will make the last crashes look like hiccups. People are waking up on a grand scale and tyranny is pulling out all the stops in their futile attempts to stay in control. Those who are not matching the new frequencies are having a real hard time maintaining their comfort zones.
~The Light Shines Bright~ M.N. Hopkins
~The Light Shines Bright~ M.N. Hopkins
This Little Light of Mine ~ Sung by Addison Road
The Blending Of Our Human And Galactic Selves; A Dreamtime Lesson. By, AuroRa Le. June 25, 2012
The Blending Of Our Human And Galactic Selves; A Dreamtime Lesson. By, AuroRa Le. June 25, 2012.
Dreamtime. Somewhere in the USA.
ORIN Through Sanaya Roman
You are the healers, teachers, and leaders. You are here to bring through new information, ideas, healing tools, and love to whatever areas you choose to work in. You will be working in many fields, for the new consciousness needs to be built in every area of society. As you grow spiritually and awaken your inner, you will be become a source of light and awakening for others.
You, as your Higher Self, existed in higher dimensions of light before you choose to be born, To live on this planet, your higher self first created a spritual body, and this became the model that set up your chakras, meridians, and energy systems. Then your higher self drew to your spritual body your mental, emotional, and physical energy bodies.
Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ You Are Well on Your Way on Your Path To Ascension
Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ You Are Well on Your Way on Your Path To Ascension ~ Through Fran Zepeda ~ June 24, 2012
Mira of the Pleiadian High Council:
Greetings, all you esteemed Lightworkers. I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, on assignment with the Earth Council. I bring you good news. All of the years of waiting are coming to a resounding end. You have entered a new phase. Ascension is upon you. It is palpable and it is imminent, if you so choose.
My dear friends, there is much to rejoice about. The stage has been set and all teams have the go-ahead as planned. All that awaits a full press forward to victory, all that remains is a coming together of all components of the Light in a majority of the population, which is reaching the tipping point. With that is required a further rounding up and neutralization of the dark Ones, which you are successful in bringing to fruition with your prayers and broadcasting of the Light and Love you have built to a crescendo within and around you.
Release your love into the world
Release your love into the world
Posted on June 25, 2012The roller coaster of life continues to climb and fall and speed dangerously fast around sharp curves and we are all trying to hold on tightly lest we should fly out of the coaster and wing off into the great blue yonder. A quick cruise around the internet reveals many websites and blog sites trying to awaken people, some by channeling, some with supposed insider whistle blowers etc. I urge everyone to not get too caught up in them as we can plainly see numerous dates of mass arrests and changes come and go with nothing to show for it. People get their hopes up only to have them dashed when nothing materializes. It is time for all light workers to finally accept the fact that nobody is going to save us, it is we who must save ourselves and it is critical we all raise our own frequencies and help everyone around us as well raise theirs as well. How do we raise our frequency and raise our consciousness? By thinking and living from our hearts through love. This battle we are undergoing is a fight for our freedom, yes, but that can only come about if our frequency of love outshines their dark frequency of evil.
SaLuSa ~ 6~25~2012 ~ We are Gathering Around the Earth Allies Many Actions are to Take Place
SaLuSa ~ 6~25~2012 ~ We are Gathering Around the Earth Allies, Many Actions are to Take Place
The numbers of people open to the idea of major changes are growing, and it is a sign that many more are becoming sensitive to the new energies that abound upon Earth. Some feel fear of change whilst others sense that behind it is the intent to move your civilization out of the morass that threatens to bring the world down. It is therefore a unique time for those with knowledge of what the changes are leading to, and an opportunity to let it be known that all ends well. At present matters are reaching a point of no return and we and our allies wait for the signal to go into action. All is prepared and although the dark Ones are aware that their time is up, the suddenness and extent of our arrests will still surprise them. Naturally there will be confusion amongst the public, but at the earliest possible moment they will be informed. When the media opens up to the truth the different sources will soon want to be part of the news about the changes.
Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 25 June 2012
Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 25 June 2012
Posted on June 25, 2012 by lucas2012infos
The numbers of people open to the idea of major changes are growing, and it is a sign that many more are becoming sensitive to the new energies that abound upon Earth. Some feel fear of change whilst others sense that behind it is the intent to move your civilization out of the morass that threatens to bring the world down. It is therefore a unique time for those with knowledge of what the changes are leading to, and an opportunity to let it be known that all ends well. At present matters are reaching a point of no return and we and our allies wait for the signal to go into action. All is prepared and although the dark Ones are aware that their time is up, the suddenness and extent of our arrests will still surprise them. Naturally there will be confusion amongst the public, but at the earliest possible moment they will be informed. When the media opens up to the truth the different sources will soon want to be part of the news about the changes.
Space Weather Update~ Out of the Blue~ Fast Growing Sunspot
FAST-GROWING SUNSPOT: Breaking the temporary monotony of a blank sun, a new sunspot is growing rapidly in near the southeastern limb of the solar disk. Readers with solar telescopes, this is your chance to observe sunspot genesis.
THE BUSY-NESS OVER YOUR HEAD: Earth orbit is crowded with nearly a thousand operating satellites and tens of thousands of spent rocket engines, splinters from satellite collisions, and other space debris. Space is a busy place. This picture taken by expert satellite watcher Marco Langbroek frames some of the madding crowd over Leiden, the Netherlands:
"This single image of a 10x14 degree-wide part of the geostationary belt was taken near midnight of June 18-19 and shows 30 satellites," says Langbroek. "Each black box contains one or more (mostly) geostationary satellites plus a few rocket bodies: 23 commercial geostationary satellites, one classified military geostationary satellite (Milstar 5), and 6 spent rocket boosters."
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Believe Believe in yourself
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Believe Believe in yourself
You can accomplish anything if your put your mind to it and believe in yourself. The key is in keeping your thoughts positive and focused and know that everyone has times when a little doubt sneaks in now and again. It is these times when your truly know if what you are doing is your truth and passion. If it is not really what you want, trust in yourself to choose again. It is far more important to follow what lies in your heart. If it is what you really want, then quickly transform your thoughts into ones that assist in helping you work towards your dreams and desires.
Lisa Gawlas: Your Vibration is the Ticket into the Apple (pure wisdom) Tree of Life!
I do believe spirit keeps an ever-growing note-book of every thing we do, experience and glean even thru meditation. We humans are apt to forget these tremendous moments in time due to the upcoming thousands of other moments in time along the way. Spirit doesn’t!!
Yesterday, as I was able to take an early morning bath, seems my team took back to my bathtub journeys that occurred in 2004.
Both of these remembrances that I am going to share, I could not have conceived of the fullness of their meaning… or they’re happening down a timeline called Now!
Cobra Update~ 6~25 Uranus square Pluto ~ Archons~minions Activity~Goddess will Get Peace
Cobra Update~Monday, June 25, 2012
Uranus square Pluto ~ Archons~minions Activity
Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ It Has Become Impossible For The Cabal To Hide The Truth; They Are Being Defeated – 25 June 2012
Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ It Has Become Impossible For The Cabal To Hide The Truth; They Are Being Defeated – 25 June 2012
Last week the cabal controlled media in the West tried to pretend the Rio summit was a failure even though $513 billion was pledged by 100 nations to fight poverty and environmental destruction. It was a cabal failure because $513 billion that, in the past, would have been handed over to the rich by the poor is instead being given by middle income countries to the poorest countries. This is undeniable proof the international boycott of the war-mongering, mass murdering leaders of the United States and many European countries is intensifying. The cabalists are trying to pass the pain on to their own slave people and this is why there is a “financial crisis” in the West.
The cornered cabalists are threatening, yet again, to start WW3, this time in Syria, but they know they will all be hunted down and killed if they seriously try to carry out their plan to murder 5 billion people. They have only one choice, and that is to appear in front of a truth and reconciliation committee and ask for forgiveness.
There are no deadlines being given because you cannot give a deadline to a dying monster, you just have to wait for nature to take its course.
A Message from The Earth Allies~Real Love is Simply This...~
A Message from The Earth Allies~Real Love is Simply This...~
Real Love Simply is this…..LOVE IS REAL because it is WHOLE…Peace is Real because it is balance…GOD IS REAL because HE~SHE is Eternal…What is not Eternal,Whole, and Balanced is not REAL…It does not exist…and has no consequence at all…Our task is to Reveal what is REAL…As we do this , we Reveal the nature of what isn't…It is that simple..
Spirituality is not an escape….its function is to lead to THE TRUTH…You see even an Ego can use spirituality for its own purposes…just as anything else…Fear is nothing more than a self imposed block to the Experience of Love…In illusion Humanity chose to see themselves contrary to Who They Truly were..NOW THIS IS ALL CHANGING~
..IN TRUTH HUMANITY IS THE EXPERIENCE OF Love, LIGHT, BRILLIANCE AND TRUTH…fear [ the shadow and cave humanity has been hiding in] is an attempt to block the vision of themselves…to not see themselves as they truly are[stepping outside of the cave they will] …
Dr. Greer's "Sirius" Documentary Update 6/22
Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer and Paola Harris
Krishnamurti: To Be Human
Krishnamurti: To Be Human
Fifth Talk in Poona, 1958
I should think one of our great problems must be to know what is freedom, and the need to understand this problem must be fairly immense and continuous since there is so much propaganda from so many specialists, so many and various forms of outward and inward compulsion, and all the chaotic, contradictory persuasions, influences, and impressions. I am sure we must have asked ourselves the question: What is freedom? As you and I know, everywhere in the world authoritarianism is spreading, not only at the political, social, and economic levels, but also at the so-called spiritual level.
I am a light worker ~ Part 1
It has taken weeks and today I finally figured out what has been gnawing at my heart. Like many of you I’ve been caught up in watching news and messages from on and off world, predictions and promises laced with accusations and assurances. None of us know the precise timing or events because all of us are creating them with our thoughts and beliefs. Somehow we’ve morphed into light waiters rather than light workers.
We are not here to wait for the light. We are here to work for the light. If there is some commonality in each message we devour it is this “We will not do this for you. We stand ready to assist.”
So what are we waiting for? Maybe it was the most recent influx of light and energy, but I am fairly bursting to share my thoughts this morning. I am beginning a series this week; “I am a light worker”. There is much to say.
We have been waiting for someone to save us. They know this and have been saying, “Yes! We’ll help you as you save yourselves.” So, what does it mean to work for the light?
Our planet has been owned and run by the dark. We now know this and learn each day about how deep the corruption and control goes. First, we must act as if this planet is ours. It is.
The Cabal introduced the concept of ownership. Consequently, we’ve hoarded money, stuff, land and love. We’ve lived in fear and fed them with our labor and our loyalty. In truth, what we need do is take ownership of the one thing that matters in this critical time. We need to take responsibility for this world, this planet as if we run it.
Dr. Joshua David Stone: The Three Levels of Being Grounded
Dr. Joshua David Stone: The Three Levels of Being Grounded
Written by Dr Joshua David Stone
In this book I speak a great deal about the importance of being physically grounded and learning to embody God on Earth. The importance of this is obviously beyond question. What I would like to share in this chapter is that there is another kind of grounding which most lightworkers and people are not aware of which is called being “psychologically grounded.” A great many lightworkers may not only be floating out of their physical bodies, do not have enough energy in their lower chakras and physical body itself, and are not fulfilling their Spiritual mission, purpose, contract and personal blueprint on the Earthly plane, but they are also not grounded psychologically.