- Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael & the Company of Heaven ~ Be Your Divine Truth ~ July 21, 2012
- Love / Hate Relationships
- Global Elite Caught Hiding 21 Trillion Dollars
- Wanderer Of The Skies – 21 July 2012
- Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/21/12 ‘How to Communicate with Us’
- I am going to be a father YEHAAAAAAAAA YE HAAAAAAAAAA
- Update from Cobra - The Red Pill
- Heavenletter #4258 The Bread Cast Upon the Waters , July 22, 2012
- 2MIN News July 22, 2012: Minor Spaceweather - Noticeable Effects
- UFO 'Degree' On Alien Life Forms Is Among Free Courses Offered By Edinburgh University
- Love is now the dominating influence enveloping the planet
- What if...
- Awakening was preordained the moment you entered the illusion
- Morsi orders release of some 600 inmates
- Nearby Earth Sized Planet Possibly Discovered | NASA Spitzer Space Telescope HD Video
- Experience+Awareness=Consciousness by Neal D Walsh
- Here is is again
- Be the Change you want to see in the World
- Seismic Activity along West Coast of NA: Landslides, Spreading Oceanic Rifts and Subduction Zones
- Unidentified Sun Anomaly - June 28, 2012
- Awesome 'Tsunami' Shelf Cloud Over Richmond, VA - July 15
- Astonishing pictures of the young gorillas who worked together to dismantle the poachers' trap that killed their friends
- You are God - How you manifest and create your own universe (Commentary / Review)
- disclosure and ET(s)
- SOUTH AFRICA: The Sheriff of the Court has just served the four major banks, and the Reserve Bank, with a summons from the New Economic Rights Alliance
- New Planet Found: Molten "Mars" Is "Right Around the Corner"
- Ancient Mayan 'night sun' temple found in Guatemala
- "Dramatic" New Maya Temple Found, Covered With Giant Faces
- Melchizedek ~~ light, Light, LIGHT ~~ 21/07/2012 by Méline Lafont.
- Aisha North The manuscript of survival – part 171
- AA Gabriel through Jennifer Farley
- Lisa Galwas: e Are In The Birth Canal of Life AND We Are The Ones Giving Birth!
- Volcano / Earthquake Watch July 24-28, 2012
- Indian in the machine - 12-12-12 Crystal Activation With Laser Crystal
- NOW MORE THAN EVER - WE'VE Already won!!
- ~Space Weather Update~ Around the Bend?
- Dancing the Spirit Back into Parched Rivers
- UFO file release Summer 2012
- UFO Files: Declassified U.K. Documents Released, Reveal Tony Blair Was Briefed On UFO Sightings
- 23 Ingenious Uses For White Vinegar
- Bank of England Head Denies Wrongdoing in LIBOR Scandal
- 'Invisible' minister Lord Green who ran HSBC dodges questions over money laundering scandal
- July 23 - 29, Doreen's Weekly Oracle
- European Union Opinion: Expensive bailout will be of little help for Spain
- BREAKING: Sun phi Spiral Creates Plasma Vortex
- UK economy risks permanent damage: IMF
- What The Banks Don’t Want You To Know… Australian Money Is Not Legal Tender Currency Of The Commonwealth
- Bill Ballard – Update – About Our Focus On Chaging A False Attack At The Olympics
- The Veil of Deception is Lifting Around Us
- Focus more on your own transformation of self and less on the mayhem surrounding you. Michael through Ron Head
- DC sighting
- Revealed: The Capitalist Network that Runs the World
- Cahokia: An Ancient American Metropolis with Cosmic and Galactic Ties ~ Part 3
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Metatron
- Vasana Erupts~ Steve Beckow
- Hilarion's Weekly Message ~ July 22~29, 2012
- Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Be Your Divine Truth ~ July 21, 2012
- Heaviest rain in 6 decades kills 10 in Beijing
Greetings Love Beings, We Recieved a Telepathic Message from Our Craft Yesterday in which they shared the Opening of the Lions Gate has Occurred. What this Means is the Heaven Codes for the New Earth Have Been Released. This is Exponantially Speed every thing up even More then it already is! We will have more to share about this in our next update. We Love You! Love Mother and Father God and The EArth Allies. PS, We had a Very Succeesful Love Party Yesterday where we did announce this News! Everybody Just Jump IN, and Love will Carry You!
As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
On July 22, we enter the sign of Leo and the Sphinx Stargate, as we all stand at the entrance to a new understanding of Light, Life and Love. On that day rise early from your sleep and walk out to meet the Goddess Isis in the form of the Star SIRIUS as she rises before the Sun of the Sun. Within her loins of light live three Stars. Two are known and one comes forth in all of her glory. Last year 'Sirius C' announced her energy. She is the Seat of the healing Female Soul, living and future, the Sun of Hope. She comes forth energetically not seen by the sky eyes, but felt by the heart. Announcing to all within this solar system her presence and her presents.
Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael & the Company of Heaven ~ Be Your Divine Truth ~ July 21, 2012
Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Be Your Divine Truth ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 21, 2012
AA Michael and the Company of Heaven:
Hello beloveds. We come before you today to speak of Truth again. It is a highly used topic in your World. Everyone is searching for the Truth.
The Truth we refer to here is, and you guessed it, the Truth of the Heart. Many are experiencing changes, and so the truth feels like it is illusive, at best. Do not despair. You are going deeper into your Heart and shedding the vestiges of what truth felt like to you before, and coming up with what you know is the Truth.
You may not always trust it, dear Ones, because so much is changing. So this is why we speak to you today about it. So many changes are occurring in your Light Bodies, as we speak, and so you wonder sometimes if you really know yourselves or know what is real.
Global Elite Caught Hiding 21 Trillion Dollars
£13tn: hoard hidden from taxman by global elite
• Study estimates staggering size of offshore economy
• Private banks help wealthiest to move cash into havens
guardian.co.uk,Saturday 21 July 2012 16.00 EDT
A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network.
James Henry, former chief economist at consultancy McKinsey and an expert on tax havens, has compiled the most detailed estimates yet of the size of the offshore economy in a new report, The Price of Offshore Revisited, released exclusively to the Observer.
Full story (guardian.co.uk)...
Wanderer Of The Skies – 21 July 2012
Wanderer Of The Skies – 21 July 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/21/12 ‘How to Communicate with Us’
Do your best to navigate over small bumps in the road that may appear and you will always emerge stronger and wiser for the experience. What has transpired over the last few days with our communication with our channel is nothing but a small and temporary obstacle that we have successfully cleared from our path, and it is nothing to be alarmed about or to carry long-lasting concern for. These minor distractions may appear from time to time as our mission is a greatly vast endeavor and there are many players and participants, allies and foes and those neutral parties as well, and we will persevere to rise to any challenge that presents itself and we will succeed in our mission together with you, as nothing can stop us now.
We would like to discuss with you ways to better communicate with us, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light. We do see that there are those of you who wish to begin or to improve your communications with us, and we say to you there are methods that you can use to better open up the lines of communication. We would recommend to you to choose a particular time of day or night when you wish to communicate with those assigned to your team or even your guides who may be members of our organization. To do this, simply begin your meditations, or however it is you wish to begin communicating with us, at the same time of day or night so those on the other end of the line with you will know when to ‘pick up the phone’, as it were, and listen for you as you listen for them. This is how it better works for both of us.
I am going to be a father YEHAAAAAAAAA YE HAAAAAAAAAA
according to higher self; she (yes she) had fairy life (lives) and never been to earth life.
also she is from the same soul family with me.
i think these answers are showing clearly what kind of change is coming on earth and on us. definately the good sign of the heavens/
have anybody read any article about ascention in pregnancy? if nyone can offer more info-knowledge about this subject i will be glad.
oh god i am going to be a father (most prob march 2013
oh GOD!!!!
thank you thank you thank you
i wanted to share with the galactic free press family. ;)
Update from Cobra - The Red Pill
Portal 2012
The Intelligence Hub
for the Victory of Light in 2012
July 22, 2012
The Red Pill
So you have a choice. You can take the blue pill, forget about this and go on with your daily life. By clicking on the links you take the red pill. Be aware that what you read here will shatter your world view quite dramatically and you will need some time to digest this. But after you do, you will become a pillar of strength for people in this world because every human being will have to deal with this intel sooner or later at least to an extent. Please understand that I can take no responsibility for those who read this information and their psychological reactions to this.
Heavenletter #4258 The Bread Cast Upon the Waters , July 22, 2012
Heavenletter #4258 The Bread Cast Upon the Waters , July 22, 2012
God said:
Your hand is on My shoulder, and so you follow Me, and so I lead, and so you and all the constituents of world creation follow. We could also say that I take you by the hand. You don't feel My hand grasping yours, gently grasping yours, and yet We accompany one another, and, so, all of humanity, regardless of time and place, are linked together as One.
Of course, all are connected regardless of time and place. A single cry in Mozambique is heard across the English Channel. A single cry in any land is heard at the top of a mountain in Alaska or anywhere, everywhere. Whenever the cry is issued, there is an echo, an echo, an echo. A cry rises, and laughter rises, and the reverberating sounds reach the sun and the moon and the stars. All is heard. There is nothing that is not heard. The sound may not be consciously heard, yet the sound crescendos and somewhere in the subtlety of your being, the sound vibrates and is picked up and enters into the cells of your erstwhile body.
UFO 'Degree' On Alien Life Forms Is Among Free Courses Offered By Edinburgh University
Huffington Post UK
By Felicity Morse
Posted: 18/07/2012 14:46
Updated: 18/07/2012 14:46
Edinburgh university is offering the chance to study UFOs for free.
Edinburgh university is the first in the UK to offer a selection of free online courses, including one that teaches students about UFOs and the search for extraterrestrial life.
The Scottish institution is to join the Coursera consortium, a US-based organisation set up to provide free higher education taster sessions online.
Among the five week courses open to anyone, is the curious-sounding "Introduction to Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life" tutored by Professor Charles Cockell, the academic who led Project Boreas, which planned and designed a research station for the Martian North Pole.
To read the rest of this article, visit HuffingtonPost.co.uk
Love is now the dominating influence enveloping the planet
As you all know, your awakening is divinely guaranteed. So when your issues come up for you to address and release, bringing with them a variety of unsettling feelings and emotions, just observe them and let them pass. Engaging with them by thinking about them and wondering what they mean is unhelpful, because it holds them in your mind and intensifies the feelings, thus making it more difficult for you to release them. You may feel sad, angry, depressed, anxious, guilty, hurt, betrayed, exploited – the selection is endless and none of it is enjoyable – but if you engage and attempt to justify or understand those feelings, it just takes a lot longer for them to clear. Many of you will feel very tired or exhausted while this is going on, so take time out and sleep, and much of the necessary release can occur while you do so.
What if...
Published on Jul 19, 2012 by naturegoddesseyeam
Follow me on my Facebook page called EYE AM (all capital letters) as I share my journey from how I went through life like a caterpillar... struggling through life, struggling to keep up with my to-do-list, struggling to see the purpose of my existence. Follow me as I share my experience of being part of a system, a religious system for 28 years and how I took a leap of faith the day I left the church as a Priests wife to find my own truth, my own path, my own voice... and how I have discovered my wings and found my freedom, my bliss, my love, my own song...
The beautiful piece of music is from Mother Medicine, she is awesome!!
Awakening was preordained the moment you entered the illusion
The energy pressures are building up strongly as you, the Light-bearers and holders, intensify your efforts and more determinedly focus on your divine task of assisting in bringing humanity forward to the point at which it will awaken. And many of you are finding that task extremely tiring, if not exhausting. Know that you are greatly honored for what you are doing, that your rewards upon completion of this immense task will be astounding, and that you will be quite amazed when you discover once more the wonder of who you truly are.
Morsi orders release of some 600 inmates
Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:59AM GMT
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has ordered the release of 572 people detained by the Army since last year’s revolution.
Nearby Earth Sized Planet Possibly Discovered | NASA Spitzer Space Telescope HD Video
Published on Jul 18, 2012 by CoconutScienceLab
Visit my website at http://www.junglejoel.com - astronomers using the Spitzer Space Telescope have detected what may be a planet two-thirds the size of Earth. The exoplanet candidate, called UCF-1.01, is located only 33 light-years away, orbiting the star GJ 436. It is possibly the nearest world to our solar system that is smaller than our home planet. Please rate and comment, thanks!
Credit: NASA/JPL - CalTech
Experience+Awareness=Consciousness by Neal D Walsh
by GLR Neal Donald Walsh
"Ana Maria Martinez-Perez: I have a tremendous faith and love for the universe/God. However, every night, before I go to sleep, I visualize my life the way I desire it to be. Yet, things stay the same. What am I doing wrong? Why, if I'm applying the universal law of creating my life, I'm not seeing the desired results? Love. Ana"
Here is is again
Here it is again, my very own very first blog. I don't have a lot of information like many of you. If anyone reads this, I thank you wholeheartedly.
I had a weird dream this morning... in the morning I don't want to leave the sleep state... but as I was waking up and putting myself back to sleep, I had this dream that this woman (someone I don't really like) took me to expensive stores and at first the people in the stores would look at me with disgust, and then she would say, "Don't worry, I have brought this woman for a make-over and will help her choose her clothes..." And then they were friendly and they brought out all these beautiful but very expensive clothes, and she had me try them on and then she would say things like "See how nice you look in this one" or "No, not that one, it's not a good color for you..." and I would try to discreetly ask the price and she would say "Hush! Don't talk about that here!" and they just kept bringing out more and more clothes for me to try on and it was fun in a way but I was very tired and kept saying "Do we have to do this? Can we go home now?" and the woman kept saying "Don't you want him to think you are pretty? You have to wear nice clothes or he will reject you again..."
I think it reflects my insecurity, and perhaps also my needing to forgive the woman who appeared in the dream trying to change me. It was as if she was reaching out in the only way she knew how to try to help me, and I was so surprised that she would do that. I have to send her love and light now!!!
Blessings, Astreia
Be the Change you want to see in the World
Credits for creating this video belong fully to
You Tuber AkyasEasu
I mirrored it from
Thank you dear friend for the good work!
in love and oneness
Astonishing pictures of the young gorillas who worked together to dismantle the poachers' trap that killed their friends
By Mark Prigg
PUBLISHED: 10:42 EST, 19 July 2012
UPDATED: 14:05 EST, 19 July 2012
The astonishing moment when two young mountain gorillas were spotted working together to find and destroy traps in their Rwandan forest home.
Just days after a poacher's snare had killed one of their own, two young mountain gorillas have been spotted working together to take apart poachers traps.
Staff at the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund were stunned when they spotted the plucky young duo, called Dukore and Rwema, destroying a trap in their forest home.
You are God - How you manifest and create your own universe (Commentary / Review)
What or who is God? The answer lies within yourself. YOU create and manifest the reality you perceive as external around you, and you are responsible for what is happening in your universe.
Every thought, emotion, fear, lust and so on that you have will in turn affect the Universe - The Universe is Mental, and it was created and still is being created by the "Word" - the Thought / Mind. Everything exists within The All - God - You.
disclosure and ET(s)
With all of this ET visiting about to occur, after going thru my documents folders Ive noticed a few points, some of which are covered. I will try and link the PDF file in here somehow.
Basically, it goes over the hows and details about how or how not disclosure will or may happen and the ramifications thereof.
(The despising of secret governments, how we all look alike to most ET races...)
I would not blame you ZRs for what happened any more than I blame the Humans in the Secret Governments. This tit-for-tat, though... WE ARE BETTER than this. ALL OF US.
TEACH these HUMANS something they can learn. Yet I still see this sometimes on Facebook in our own groups...
ET IS listening folks... Might not be Draco or Zeta Reticulan, might not be Terran from Tau CETI, but ET is listening. We need to start acting like 5D beings. My apologies to those caught up in the Dreamland disaster of recent years. These scared humans dont know how to react sometimes.
There is to note also that some ETs may have tried to make contact last year and are making point about this arcaic computer technology.I will say this on that matter:
These Humans seek confirmation to the communication and imagery we see in our minds, to know that it is not our own imagination. The only way we know how is to verify with others of like minds, to use our methods of communication, digital and otherwise. To some I can see why this is seen as NON-SACRED or why it is seen as such. ASCII is understood by some of you, and unfortunate as it may be, it is primitive form of communication. Telepathy would be better, but find me a good telepath these days, and I will find you a hundred fakes.
SOUTH AFRICA: The Sheriff of the Court has just served the four major banks, and the Reserve Bank, with a summons from the New Economic Rights Alliance
SOUTH AFRICA: The Sheriff of the Court has just served the four major banks, and the Reserve Bank, with a summons from the New Economic Rights Alliance: Case number 27478/12….YEPEEE….
New Planet Found: Molten "Mars" Is "Right Around the Corner"
Dave Mosher
Published July 19, 2012
Discovery takes scientists by surprise.
Magma may cover UCF-1.01, which orbits scorchingly close to its star, as shown in an artist's concept.
Illustration courtesy R. Hurt, SSC/Caltech/NASA
In a surprise find, astronomers have discovered a planet possibly covered with oceans of magma "right around the corner."
"Dramatic" New Maya Temple Found, Covered With Giant Faces
Ker Than
for National Geographic News
Published July 20, 2012
Archaeological "gold mine" illuminates connection between king and sun god.
The Maya sun god as shark-man—one of his several guises on a newfound monument in Guatemala.
Photograph courtesy Edwin Román, Brown University
Some 1,600 years ago, the Temple of the Night Sun was a blood-red beacon visible for miles and adorned with giant masks of the Maya sun god as a shark, blood drinker, and jaguar.
Melchizedek ~~ light, Light, LIGHT ~~ 21/07/2012 by Méline Lafont.
Melchizedek ~~ light, Light, LIGHT ~~ 21/07/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont.
Aisha North The manuscript of survival – part 171
The manuscript of survival – part 171
•July 22, 2012 •
The topic today will be more on the one we have touched upon earlier, namely the subject of time. As we have already stated, the day is coming soon when your concept of time will be torn asunder once and for all, and although this will be a liberation in more ways than one, it will also be a day of reckoning. Let us explain.
AA Gabriel through Jennifer Farley
AA Gabriel through Jennifer Farley
July 21, 2012
Those that crave power/wealth know nothing else. They do not see what is coming and cannot fathom the loss of that power.
But, come it will for it is destined. And those that hold power will be left powerless in ways they never knew existed.
They will be left feeling like a child lost in the forest. And nothing will come to their bidding.
Scrambling and grabbing at every last straw, it will disappear and they will be left holding nothing but the smoke of fallen empires and greeded dreams of what once was.
And only then, they will realize that it was all for naught.
Lisa Galwas: e Are In The Birth Canal of Life AND We Are The Ones Giving Birth!
There is one very big lesson I have learned so clearly living this life of spiritual awareness and remembrance, Ascension: death and rebirth, is not a one time event at all. It is a continuing series of events that I have a feeling will last the entirety of this incarnation.
The second thing that goes hand in hand with the ascension process, the dark night of the soul always comes straight along with it. (If you are not familiar with what the“dark night of the soul” is, just click here. This is bar far the very best discription of the dark night I have ever read out there.) Here is an excerpt from that site about the dark night:
The dark night occurs after considerable advancement toward higher consciousness. Indeed, the dark night usually occurs like an initiation before one of these special seekers is admitted into regular relationship with higher consciousness. The dark night also occurs to those who do not seek relationship but immersion or unity in the higher consciousness. While the term dark night of the soul is used broadly, its general meaning — in the field of higher consciousness — is a lengthy and profound absence of light and hope. In the dark night you feel profoundly alone.
In the beginning of this process, the dark night seems to last forever and is very much like having a vice grip in hell and a memory of the spiritual path that got you to that point. The good news about this whole dark night/ascension process is as you master each vibratory level that the dark night is there for, the time within the dark night becomes less and less, and the dark is not really dark any longer… because now you know what it is there for. You know why all of your spiritual resources seemed to fall away…. again. Instead of landing in the dark night, it is more like late afternoon (smile.)
I landed here a couple hours after my last reading on Friday. it felt like this super tight fitting energy just squeezed itself onto me, moving me deeper and deeper within myself. Moving thru physicality was a challenge. Everything seemed to just irritate me… especially talking.
I had a friend unexpectedly show up Friday evening and my communication was more like a dog barking her out the door than anything that was kind and loving…. at all. My ego was in full protection mode and I never even realized it until late yesterday.
Indian in the machine - 12-12-12 Crystal Activation With Laser Crystal
12/12/12: The date by which all of humanity is transformed in an instant into a crystalline-based (instead of carbon-based) reality? Sounds like those Atlantian crystals are getting revved up.
Indian in the machine
AA METATRON: The true Ascension is the 12-12-12. «
NOW MORE THAN EVER - WE'VE Already won!!
please listen to me people . . . I know you're all busy and preoccupied - but WE CAN do this . . . . it's not too complicated and therefore encompasses all . . . see You on the Astral and My love to each and everyone of you for being there and being you, shine in special ones!!
~Space Weather Update~ Around the Bend?
A TASTE OF SOLAR MAX: Forecasters say solar maximum is still a year away. Earlier this month sky watchers got a taste of things to come when a powerful flare sparked Northern Lights over the United States as far south as Arkansas, Colorado and California. [full story] [video]
AROUND THE BEND? The Earth-facing side of the sun is mostly blank and quiet. This could change in the days ahead as a new sunspot emerges over the sun's southeastern limb. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory can see the active region's magnetic canopy, which is towering over the limb in advance of the sunspot itself:
The core of the active region should show itself no later than Tuesday. Meanwhile, solar activity is low. NOAA forecasters estimate a mere 1% chance of M- or X-class solar flares. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
Dancing the Spirit Back into Parched Rivers
Published on Jun 7, 2012 by NationalGeographic
After a decade-long drought, Aboriginal elders travel the length of Australia's Murray-Darling Basin performing the Ringbalin — a pilgrimage designed to "dance" the spirit back into the land and heal the rivers. And it appears to work.
UFO file release Summer 2012
Published on Jul 12, 2012 by NationalArchives08
Highlights from the ninth release of file from the Ministry of Defence
From Dr. Eldon Taylor's NY Times Best-selling book, "Choices and Illusions."
UFO Files: Declassified U.K. Documents Released, Reveal Tony Blair Was Briefed On UFO Sightings
Lee Speigel
Posted: 07/17/2012 8:15 am
When the U.K. released declassified UFO documents a few days ago, the 25 files of nearly 7,000 pages included how:
23 Ingenious Uses For White Vinegar
23 Ingenious Uses For White Vinegar
By Allison Ford - divinecaroline.com
About 10,000 years ago, ancient people discovered a product that would change lives forever. Wine had been around for a while, but after some was allowed to oxidize, vinegar was born. It became an immediate hit. The Babylonians used vinegar as a preservative, as did Ancient Greeks and Romans. Some peoples, including the Chinese, believed that vinegar was a tonic that would give them strength and vitality, as well as bestow healing properties. Legend has it that Hannibal only succeeded in crossing the Alps because his armies heated mountain boulders and doused them with vinegar, causing the rocks to crumble and clear the path.
Bank of England Head Denies Wrongdoing in LIBOR Scandal
Published on Jul 17, 2012 by theTrumpetNetwork
'Invisible' minister Lord Green who ran HSBC dodges questions over money laundering scandal
Belfast Telegraph
By Andrew Grice and James Moore
Friday, 20 July 2012
Britain's Trade Minister, Lord Green, is under mounting pressure to reveal what he knew about the money laundering scandal at HSBC when he was the bank's chief executive and chairman.
Lord Green was branded "the invisible man" yesterday as the bank was also implicated in the interest rate fixing scandal which has rocked the City of London. Labour said Lord Green should make an urgent statement in the House of Lords after evidence emerged in a US Senate inquiry that he was told in 2005 about the money laundering affair.
July 23 - 29, Doreen's Weekly Oracle
Major positive changes in your career are the theme of this week. You're asked to think "outside the box" about your career, and mid-week shows you leaving unhealthful situations and unhealthy lifestyles or addictions. The angels reassure you that you and your family are safe and protected as you experience these changes.
European Union Opinion: Expensive bailout will be of little help for Spain
Deutsche Welle
July 20, 2012
Author: Bernd Riegert / ai
Editor: Shant Shahrigian
Spain's banks are to receive 100 billion euros from the EU. DW's Bernd Riegert warns that this will be another step toward joint liability - even though Berlin insists that it isn't.
The Spanish state was no longer able to help the country's ailing banks. To be sure, Madrid long tried to cover up the fact. But with the eurozone group's recent decision to finally bail out Spanish banks, Spain is now fully dependent on the rescue fund set up by solvent euro countries.
No flowery rhetoric can cloak the fact. Indeed, Spain's own banking rescue fund will be the first recipient of EU money. If the money is not paid back, Spain itself will be liable for the banks, whose wrong-headed speculations racked up so much debt in recent years.
To read the rest of this story, visit Deutsche Welle
What The Banks Don’t Want You To Know… Australian Money Is Not Legal Tender Currency Of The Commonwealth
What The Banks Don’t Want You To Know… “Australian Money” Is Not Legal Tender Currency “Of The Commonwealth” – 22 July 2012
There have been no laws enacted since 4th December 1972 by “The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia”, i.e. the Legislature as constituted under the “Crown” of the United Kingdom under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act from 1st January 1901, inter alia with the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) [63 & 64 Vict.] [Ch. 12].
Bill Ballard – Update – About Our Focus On Chaging A False Attack At The Olympics
Bill Ballard – Update – About Our Focus On Chaging A False Attack At The Olympics – 22 July 2012
Many of us KNOW that the Illuminati; the Dark Cabal is attempting a False Flag Event during the London Olympics. The most probable day would be the 11th year, 11th month, to the day from the 9/11/2001 World Trade Center event. That day would be August 11th, 2012. I don’t need to go into the messages that many are getting farther than that. But too many of us are getting the same messages.
AS our individual thought creates that which we experience in our own lives as our reality…
THAT IS PRESENT TENSE ALWAYS!!! Live in the present! And ALL TIME IS NOW… The event can never occur in our reality… BE ABSOLUTE!
The Veil of Deception is Lifting Around Us
The Veil of Deception is Lifting Around Us
from whathowhy.info
The dark and evil veil (veil anagram is evil) that has been in control of our planet and humanity for billions of years now, since the fall from grace from Lemuria to Atlantis and to present times is in the process of being lifted. This hidden veil, this unknown truth, collective amnesia and “control” of silence (silence anagram is listen) is beginning to melt away in 2012 as our consciousness begins to raise, as all the man-made and manipulation-driven old systems of religion, politics, financial, education, health and resources are collapsing and falling apart as the common public begin to awaken and seek the truth around the systems that have kept them asleep and under control for many years.
The darkness has kept us in a deep slumber, of spiritual amnesia and under the control of many of the evil Illuminati, Cabal or New World Order (the 13 families that rule the world), however, this darkness is being overcome by the divine light that has been becoming more pervasive in peoples’ consciousness as they seek to make the world a better place, more liveable, with equality and unity being two underlying themes that make the world go around and thrive.
Focus more on your own transformation of self and less on the mayhem surrounding you. Michael through Ron Head
Focus more on your own transformation of self and less on the mayhem surrounding you. Michael through Ron Head
July 22, 2012 Portuguese
You are rapidly approaching the time known as The Lion’s Gate. Once again the energy flowing to and through you is about to be raised to another level. By now, those who follow these messages know that we will advise you to open yourselves fully to whatever this brings to each of you.
Because you are becoming accustomed to these stair step-like increases, you are assimilating them with more ease. This will be a large change, but it should not cause you undue discomfort. The increases are necessary in order to prepare you for what lies ahead. We can say, however, that you who have chosen to make this journey awake and aware are handling it very well indeed. Were we to advise anything further at this time, it would be for you to focus more on your own transformation of self and less on the mayhem surrounding you.
DC sighting
Some of you may have mised it:
about 8-10 hours ago a FLOCK of Golden to WHITISH looking crafts appeared voer the DC metro area. The image is a bit Golden, as lighting does at night, so I cant tell the exact color, but still...
with the events in COLORADO..
the conflict in DC over gun control...
the recent weather reports(I hear CHINA is getting nailed pretty hard with rain..)...
Right Smack over DC..
Maybe I was right after all to send via radio...they seem friendly enough..More light and love and awe for the ships tonight..maybe we can come to a meeting here soon or agreement in Washington to have PEACE..
It would be nice to meet our friends, to those who have had encounters physically, I envy you.
Image is on my FB wall of the sighting.
Revealed: The Capitalist Network that Runs the World
Revealed: The Capitalist Network that Runs the World
The 1318 transnational corporations that form the core of the economy. Superconnected companies are red, very connected companies are yellow. The size of the dot represents revenue (Image: PLoS One)
“”In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network,” says Glattfelder. Most were financial institutions. The top 20 included Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group.”
New Scientist | Originally pub. 10/2011
Cahokia: An Ancient American Metropolis with Cosmic and Galactic Ties ~ Part 3
Cahokia: An Ancient American Metropolis with Cosmic and Galactic Ties ~ Part 3
Posted by Wes Annac
Continued from Part 2
It is clear that the Cahokians were very advanced in nearly every avenue of their society and with the constructing of the grand mounds and the possible contact with benevolent, Loving and helpful Galactic humans it should seem plausible that this civilization would have lasted for a very long time, and yet they did not. We will get into the reasons for this soon enough.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Metatron
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Metatron
Allow me to awaken within you the memories of why you chose this journey, or perhaps why you chose to go through a particularly trying time that you have yet to understand. It is all written down in the akash. The akash is your book of life and it contains all of your past, present and future yous. It contains contracts and understanding and who you truly are when you are not in physicality. It is filled with love. Within each of you is the memory of this place. Before you enter. Take the time to balance and center yourself in love. Allow me to be your guide.
Vasana Erupts~ Steve Beckow
Vasana Erupts~ Steve Beckow
Written by Steve Beckow
Yesterday I described how I was confronting thorny decisions of weight, which were reminding me of years spent as a refugee adjudicator. And I added that what I was feeling “isn’t a vasana and so it doesn’t yield to processing.” (1)
Within two hours of writing this I was crying my eyes out on a city street.
My experience is not more important than yours. That’s not why I describe what happened. I describe it so that we can all have some sense of what might be occurring for us at this time when all that is not of love is coming up to be cleared.
Hilarion's Weekly Message ~ July 22~29, 2012
Hilarion's Weekly Message
July 22~29, 2012
Beloved Ones,
Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Be Your Divine Truth ~ July 21, 2012
Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:
Hello beloveds. We come before you today to speak of Truth again. It is a highly used topic in your World. Everyone is searching for the Truth.
Heaviest rain in 6 decades kills 10 in Beijing
BEIJING,July 22, 2012

APA man uses a signboard to signal motorists driving through a flooded street following heavy rain in Beijing on Saturday.
Photo: AP
The heaviest rain in 61 years in the Chinese capital Beijing has left 10 people dead as of 2 a.m. Sunday, according to a report by the China Network Television (CNTV), a national web-based TV broadcaster owned by the state-owned China Central Television.
To read the rest of this story, visit The Hindu